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02x28 - The Tale of Fred Snail

Posted: 12/05/23 08:04
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every
Fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see! ♪

♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly, come on
The wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow ♪

♪ Adventure calls ♪

♪ The game is on ♪

-♪ Come on! ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

[Peter] "The Tale of the Fred Snail."

[Peter] Run!

You're running out
of hiding places, you rabbits!

[Lily] Hurry, Benjamin!

[Benjamin panting] Hurrying!
Definitely hurrying!

[evil laugh]

[Benjamin] Rabbits are brave,
rabbits are brave!


I'll get him!

Hey! You big ball of fluff!
You can't catch me!

Ball of fluff, am I? Come back here!

Oh! Peter!


Oof! Tail feathers!

[sighs in relief]

Thanks, Peter.

I know it looked like I was going slow,

but I was just about to go super-fast!

'Cause I could see that,
uh, Lily needed a hug.

-There, there, don't be scared.
-[Peter chuckles]

We'll protect you from that nasty old…

[angry hoot]

[Old Brown] Bothersome bunnies.

-[Lily] Oh, no!

A secret tunnel! Good old Dad!

This way!




Alright, that's enough
excitement for one night.

Can we go home now?



It's only a snail, Benjamin.

It's nothing to be scared of, look.

Just in case pocket, just in case.

Conical shell. Brown and yellow swirls.

It's a Helix Aspersa

otherwise known as the common garden snail

and I know that for a fact!

And he's almost as slow
as you are, Benjamin.

I'm not slow! I'm just not very fast.


Well, it's late and we should get home.

Let's hop to it.

-[Peter] Come on, Benjamin!
-[Lily] Keep up!



[sighs] Phew!



Where did you go?

I didn't mean to scare you. Hello?

Need a ride, huh?

Well, why not?

We slow coaches should
stick together after all.

Let's go!

So here's the best place
to find dandelions.

As long as we're quick and quiet

the three of us should be able
to collect a whole bunch of them!

Where is Benjamin?

Sorry, I'm late.

It takes a while for Fred
to get moving in the morning.

Uh, who's Fred?

Oh, yeah, right.

Peter? Lily? Meet Fred.

He's my new pet!

Your pet?

Oh. That's so sweet.

Oh, I know. He should meet Florence.

I bet they'll be best friends.

Florence? Fred. Fred? Florence.

You two probably have
so much to talk about…

Or maybe not.

Fred's a bit shy around new people.

Aren't you, Fred?

See? He'll be okay
when he gets to know you.


In that case, why doesn't Fred
join us on a dandelion raid!

He'd love to!

That's it, Fred, good boy.

This way, you're doing great… Whoaa!



-[whispers] It's Mr. Tod!
-Oh, no.


Quick in here.

[whispers] But what about Fred?

-Come on.

I do love a country stroll.

The blue sky, the rustle of trees.

Urgh! Ooooh! Snail!

Oof! Ew, you revolting creature,

look what you made me do!


Sometimes I really hate the countryside.


Oh. Fred!

Wow, Peter, did you see what Fred did?

Not really.

He tripped up Mr. Tod!

Fred might be small
and slow, but he's brave.

Aren't you, Fred?

Okay then, dandelions here we come!

Do snails have last names?

I'm thinking Fred Fantastic.
What do you think?

[Peter] Benjamin, Fred! Hurry up!


…three hundred and twenty-one,

three hundred and twenty-two,

three hundred and twenty-three…

Come on.

[Shrew] …three hundred and twenty-four,

three hundred and twenty-five…

[whispering] You see, Fred,
we need to be quiet

because the Shrew's a big meanie

and he doesn't like
to share his dandelions with anyone.

Actually I'm surprised he even
shares them with himself…

Whoaa! Oof!

-Oh, no.


How many times have I told you?

These are my dandelions, Peter Rabbit.
Mine! Mine! Mine!

[sneezes] I'm sure you
could share just a few.

Share? I don't know the meaning
of the word! Now shoo! Shoo!


Fred? Are you in there?

What's in the bag, Peter?

It's not much, but I managed to keep

one dandelion for us to nibble on. Tada!


Um, maybe Fred should finish it.

Wow! Fred you got a dandelion!

Who's a clever boy?

Yes you are! You're the best pet ever!



♪ Play, rabbit, play ♪

♪ Let's hop to adventures on the way ♪

♪ Play, rabbit, play ♪

♪ Across the fields
Come on now ♪

♪ What do you say? ♪

♪ The sun is blazing ♪

♪ And life's amazing ♪

♪ And everything is fresh and new ♪

♪ Play, rabbit, play ♪


Peter! Lily!

-What's wrong?

Think of the biggest most
humongous emergency

there ever was and times
it by a bazillion!

What? Old Brown's
chasing Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle?

Mr. McGregor's cat has got Mr. Fisher?

[Peter] Mr. Tod's found the burrow?

No. Fred's run away! [cries]

[both] Oh.

He usually sleeps under my hat

where it's nice and warm,

but then I woke up and he wasn't there

and now I can't find him anywhere.

It's not like he could have gone very far.

Maybe the three of us could look for him?

Of course. We'll find Fred in no time.

Let's hop to it!

Thanks guys.

Come here, Fred!

Fred, where are you?

Fred, come here!

Oh, where could he be?

He doesn't like the dark.

I mean he's never
actually told me that but…

[gasps] Fred! There you are.
Peter, bring the light.

[grunts] Oh, no! I'm never
going to see Fred ever again.


Never say never, Benjamin. We'll find him.


Aw, don't worry Benjamin,
I'm sure Fred will turn up.

Oh. And he'll probably
be a lot closer than you think.

Fred! You sneaky snail.

You've been on my back the whole time?

[all laughing]

[both] Ew!



Looks like it's time to go hunting.

[laughs wickedly]

We're really sorry for getting everyone

worried for no reason, aren't we, Fred?

No problem, Benjamin.

Let's get you and Fred home.

Home sounds good to me!

What do you think, Fred?


Wow, snails sound like owls! Who knew?

Snails! My second favorite
snack after rabbit!

-Oh, no.

[laughs wickedly]

I'll find you.

I can see you!

[Lily] Oh, no.

Peter, Old Brown
must be following the light!

[wicked laughter continues]

You two keep running!

Got you now, Peter Rabbit!

Rabbit on toast,

or scrambled rabbit.

[laughing viciously]


Oh, Peter! We thought we'd lost you.

Nope. But I was losing Old Brown.

Okay, the burrow is
on the other side of the clearing.

But Peter, it's too open.

What if Old Brown sees us?

We can make it if we're fast.

Um. Fast. Yep.

We can do fast. Right, Fred?

It'll be fine. I'll go first! Watch!

Thought you'd lost me
with that glowworm game?

Well now I've got you, reckless rabbit!

[Benjamin] Look out!

You were right! It's way too open.


This is it. We've had it.

A good rabbit never gives up.

If we can't escape fast,
maybe we can escape slow.

[both] Huh?



I don't get it.

I do! We can move slow and steady,

and hide under the bark
to keep us safe, just like…

Just like Fred in his shell!

Exactly. Come on.

Don't be scared, Fred.

Rabbits and snails are brave!

Rabbits and snails are brave!

This way.

[Old Brown] Ha!
Time for my furry midnight feast!


Oof! Tangled Talons!


Oof! My poor beak! [groans in pain]

It's working!

[groans in pain]

Enough! I might as well
throw myself at an oak tree!

-[Peter] Yes!
-[Benjamin] Yay! It worked!

[Lily] We did it!

[all laughing]


We never would have
made it home without you, Fred.

You were right, Benjamin,

he is the best pet ever.

Well, one of the best pets ever!

[all laughing]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪