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02x21 - The Tale of Dr. Bobtail's Adventure

Posted: 12/05/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole
in every fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece
of every radish that we see! ♪

♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly, come on
the wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I
we weren't made for going slow ♪

♪ Adventure calls ♪

♪ The game is on, come on ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

[Peter] The Tale
of Dr. Bobtails Adventure.


I want some hazelnuts.

I'm so hungry.


Where are they?
Are they here? Are they there?

Must find hazelnuts!


-Where are they?
-[Benjamin] Nutkin!

Have you got them? Are they in here?

Hey, I was saving that!

I know, just in case,
pocket, just in case, got it.

Ugh, wrong thing, no.



Hazelnuts, where are you?


You realize we're
going to have to stop him

making such a racket, don't you boys?


On three?

-One… two…


-Hey, what are you doing?

A squirrel needs to eat!


Nutkin. Shh! Look.

Mice. [snores]

A grumpy old owl?

Is that all?

I haven't eaten for…

Three… nine… seventeen…

Thirty-nine minutes!

This is an emergency, my rabbity friends.

If we wake Old Brown
then we'll have a real emergency

and I know that for a fact.

But I'm so hungry

and you said you'd help me
look for hazelnuts on Owl Island,

you gave me your
Super Solemn, Thingy Twitch,

Wotsit Scratch, Rabbit Paw
Watchmacallit and everything!

You mean Nose Twitch,

-Ear Scratch, Rabbit Paw Promise?

He's right, Peter, we did.

And we will help you, Nutkin!

But let's try to do it

-without becoming Owl breakfast, okay?

Any luck?

Nope. Not a single nut anywhere.

[sighs] I'm so hungry!

Life is so unfair! [crying]

Don't worry Nutkin,

we'll keep looking till we find some.

No. It's over.

There isn't so much as a measly
little nutshell left in these woods!


Can you eat thistles?

I'm pretty sure you can eat thistles.

Er, I don't think that's a very good idea.

Why not? Smells good, looks, er, tasty…

Nutkin, don't!

Mmm, kind of… Ow! Spiky, but…


Relax. I am going to be
completely and utterly fine.



Urgh! I'm not fine!

I'm the opposite of fine!
Why didn't you stop me?

Shh! We tried!

Urgh! It feels like a swarm
of angry wasps inside my tummy!


[snoring stops]

This is bad, very bad…

My poor tummy!

Nutkin, I know it hurts,
but please try to be quiet!

But Peter, I've got a tummy ache.


We need to get Nutkin off Owl Island
before he wakes up Old Brown!

I promise we'll come back
for hazelnuts tomorrow.

Right now we need to get you to the boat.

Argh! No! It hurts!

It feels like a spiky spider
taking dancing lessons!

Or a load of jumping frogs.

Or a spiky spider taking dancing lessons!

Uh, you said that already.

Oh, I know, but I like it.

It's so imaginative, don't you think?

-Now where was I?

Oh, right. [clears throat]

Ooh! Poor me! The pain! The pain!

[sleepy muttering] Huh? What?

[Nutkin crying loudly]

[sighing in relief]

-We can't move Nutkin

because he'll make too much noise.

-But we can't stay here either.

-[sighs] What are we going to do?

What we need is a doctor
to cure Nutkin's tummy ache.

Lily, you go get your dad.

Dr Bobtail, of course!

We'll try to keep Nutkin quiet.

Oh! It's like ants
doing cartwheels in my stomach!

And they've got boots on! [wails]

[sleepy muttering]

-Better hurry!

But my dad won't be very happy
when he finds out we were on Owl Island.

Lily Bobtail, I am not happy that

you have been playing
around on Owl Island.

I know, Dad, but we promised Nutkin
we'd help him find some hazelnuts

and we did the Solemn Rabbit
pawshake and everything

and now he's hurt and you're
the only one who can help him and…

[chuckles] Alright, Lily, alright.

And another thing.

Nutkin can be a little, um, emotional.

[laughs] I've never met a patient
I couldn't handle! Lead on!

No Doctor! Stop!
Please stop! Oh, the agony!

I haven't even touched you yet!

-[whispering] I see what you mean.

You can be straight
with me, doctor. Is it serious?

Is my fur going to fall out?
Is my head going to fall off?

From what I hear, you have a tummy ache.

Nothing's going to fall off.

-Are you sure?

My tail fell off once you know.

[loudly] Hey! What's this?

Shh! Nutkin.

Actually, that really hurts too.

-Sorry, Nutkin.
-Oh, sorry.

There's no sense in panicking.

This will only take a moment.
Nutkin say, "Ah".

[in sing-song voice] Ah!

Very good. Now, I just need to check
your chest with my stethoscope.

Stethoscope, okay-dokey,
looks harmless enough.

Aw! You're being so brave, Nutkin.

Yes, yes I am.

[shouts] That is cold!

-[blows and shouts]
-Oh, my ears!

Oh! What's that? Who's there?

I thought I heard a squawking squirrel.

[whispers] Everyone,
stay low and keep quiet!


It's okay, I think
my tummy's getting used to it.


Nope! Not getting used to it.

I knew it!

There is a sniveling squirrel
on my island! I'll find you!

I can give Nutkin some medicine
to make his tummy better.

But I need a couple
of minutes to get it ready.

We'll make sure
Old Brown doesn't spot you.

We will?

I mean, we will. Um, Peter, you go first.

Come on.

Lily, wait.

It's alright dad,
Peter knows what he's doing.

Okay, but don't let that owl spot you.

[Nutkin crying]

That was very sweet.

If I wasn't hurting so much right now

I would hug you like you've
never been hugged before.

That's alright. Ahem. Thanks.

[groaning] Oh,
the spiders are at it again!

I can't take it anymore.

Okay, let's get you better then.

Sneaky squirrel.
I know he's around here somewhere.

Phew, he's gone.

-[Old Brown grunts]

Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave.

We need to make Old Brown
think we're way over there.

What do you think Benjamin,
can you hit that tree?

You can depend on the old Benjamin
Bouncer throwing arm. [exclaims]



-Do you think Old Brown heard?

[Old Brown] Bunnies for breakfast!

[all screaming]

♪ You gotta be strong
You gotta be smart ♪

♪ You gotta be quick
You gotta have heart ♪

♪ Rabbits are brave, brave, brave ♪

♪ You gotta be bold to get what you need ♪

♪ You gotta be tough
if you gonna succeed ♪

♪ Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave,
rabbits are brave ♪

♪ Rabbits are brave ♪

♪ Who's gonna stop you now? ♪

♪ Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave,
rabbits are brave ♪

♪ Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave,
rabbits are brave ♪

Is Nutkin better yet, Dr Bobtail?


He would be if someone
would look where they were going!

-[Old Brown] I'll find you.


Thank you Peter. And now…


Good. Let's move!

I don't think I can run that fast,

tummy still a little bit hurty.

-[Old Brown laughs]

Actually, I've never felt better! Argh!

Ha-ha! Four rabbits
and that silly squirrel!

[rabbits shouting]


This is it, it's over.

This is the end.
We're owl breakfast for sure.

It's not over yet.
A good rabbit never gives up.

Fine words, young Peter.

But I fear I'm not
equipped to fight an owl.

I'm a doctor,
all I have is my medical bag!

Maybe that's all we need.

Are we going to hide in the bag?

Because I think that's
a great plan! Squirrels first!

I've got a better idea.

Go ahead and run!

One large rabbit and a squirrel

is more than enough for a fantastic feast!



[all groaning]



Fail teathers! I mean, Tail feath…
Oh, what's the use?

[all cheering]


Very good!

Could it be?

My lovely hazelnuts!

I knew it!

[exclaims with joy]

See, Nutkin, we promised
we'd find some, didn't we?

I just… I don't know where to begin.

There are so many people I want to thank.

[all chuckling]

Now then Lily Bobtail. Home?


[Peter] Let's hop to it.

I must say I was rather impressed

with how you handled
yourselves out there today.

Ah, that was nothing.


Well, if there's one thing
I hope you've learned,

it's that eating the wrong
food can lead to trouble.

And I know that for a fact.

Don't worry, Dad.

I'm sure Nutkin's learned his lesson.

[groaning] Too many hazelnuts.

-[all chuckling]
-[all] Nutkin!

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪