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02x19 - The Tale of the Hungry Thieves

Posted: 12/05/23 07:44
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every
Fence and every wall ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly, come on
The wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Adventure calls ♪

♪ The game is on ♪

-♪ Come on! ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

The Tale of the Hungry Thieves.

-[Benjamin] Mm!
-[Peter] Wow. Plum pie!

Mm! Smells good.

I love plum pie. It's one of my favorites.

But I also love blackberry pie,
and apple, and raspberry.

Oh, and I can't forget rhubarb.

And then, of course, blackberry and apple.

Wait, did I say plum?

[both] Girls.

All right, now, children.
You're all welcome to have some.

[all] Hooray!

[rabbits laughing]

It just needs to cool down first.

[all groan]

I'm going to Ginger and Pickles's shop
to fetch some cream.

The pie should be ready to eat
by the time I get back.

Keep an eye on it, would you, Peter?

You can count on me.

Thank you.
And no tasting it till I return.


[Josephine] That means you, Benjamin.

[gasps] How did she know?

That's my mum.
She kind of knows everything.

[all laughing]


Mm. [smacking lips]



I never knew not eating plum pie
could be so hard.

Then why don't I take care of it for you?

-[Samuel cackling]

Hey! Pie thief!

[Lily] Quick! Get him!

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ No time to lose
You'd best be on your way ♪


♪ Off you go ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't afford
To fail today ♪

♪ Proceed with care
Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
At what you're trying to do ♪

♪ So off you go ♪

♪ And you should know ♪

♪ The day's been waiting,
Waiting there for you ♪

Hmm. Gotcha!


[rabbits laugh]

Sorry, Sammy,
but this pie is for rabbits only.

No, no, no!

That was a baking for the taking.

I'd need three of me to get past
those bouncing rabbits.

[distant laughter]

[Samuel] One, two, three!

[startled squeak]

Good morning, my fellow rodents.

Sammy Whiskers, at your service.

Hi, I'm Louisa.
This is Albert and Stanley.

Oh, that's a really nice hat
you're wearing, and I love your scarf.

Yellow is my favorite color.

[both] Girls.

[stomach growling]

Ha! That's my tummy alarm.
It's been growling all day.

We're on the hunt for food.
Come on, Louisa. Stanley.

Oh, you poor things. How about
we all share a sweet plum pie?

-A pie?
-Oh, wow.

Except, it was stolen,

not one minute ago, by thieving rabbits.

Oh, that's terrible!

You need a hug.

Rabbits stole your pie?

Oh, yes. They snuck up behind me,
tickled me until I dropped it,

and snatched the pie away.

Could you help me get it back?
I'll give you a slice.


[stomachs rumbling]

It's a deal.

Let's go!

That greedy Sammy Whiskers will
do anything for a sweet treat.

Well, it's safe now.
That pie's not going anywhere.

Yeah. Unless it grows some legs
and runs away.

[Benjamin gasps]

[Peter and Lily laugh]

I'm not joking. Look!



-Watch out.

Our pie! It's gone!

My pie. About time, too.

Now, scurry along
and let me feast in peace.

Hey, that's not fair. You…You…


Sorry. Takers, keepers.

[rats screaming]

Ha! That's right, run away.
This pie is all mine.

Is that so?


Oh. Why, thank you.

[sniffs] I am rather hungry,
as it happens.

Hey! Give that back, or else.

Careful, Whiskers,

or I might decide to have this pie
with a side order of rat.


[panicked scream]

[Mr. Tod humming]

Found them!

[all squeal]

Hey, not so fast, pie thieves!

Easy, boys. Don't scare them.

Uh, I like your bow tie,
and that hat is so cute.

Oh, and did you make
that pretty lace yourself?

Why, yes. Yes, I did,
and it took forever to get it just so.

Oh, I'm sure it did.

[clears throat]

So, where is our pie, hmm?

It wasn't yours.
It was Sammy Whiskers's pie.

No, it was ours.
That rat came along and stole it.

Sammy stole it?

Why should we believe you?

Because it's the truth.

Peter's mum baked it this morning.

And then we were watching it cool down,

and zing!
Sammy Whiskers ran in and grabbed it.

And we were like, swing!

And we got it back, and then, yeow!
You swiped it.

Hey, that rat promised us a slice of pie
if we helped him, but he tricked us.

We'd never steal from anyone.
We were just so hungry.

[stomach rumbling]

Wow. Mice have tummy alarms, too!

So, which way did that rat go
with our pie?

Sammy Whiskers doesn't
have the pie anymore.

Huh? Then, who does?

[Mr. Tod humming]

[Peter] Mr. Tod!

Well, that's it. Goodbye, pie.

We'll never get it back now.
We might as well go home.

A good rabbit never gives up.

We'll think of something.

[mice squeaking]

Don't worry, rabbits.
We'll get your pie back.

It's okay, Albert.
We'll take it from here.

This is no place for, well,
you know, little mice.

Little mice, eh?
Well, we'll just see about that.

Okay, this is the plan.

Lily, you knock on the door,
and distract Mr. Tod.

Benjamin, you go round the side
and climb through the window.

[knocking at door]


Somebody's taken our plan.

Who's there?

[all exclaim]



-Down here.


Give us back that pie.

Pretty, pretty, please.


No. But now you've got me
thinking about side dishes.

Mm. [smacks lips]

[both squeal]

The pie!


[gasps] Oh, you sneaky mice!
I know a trick when I hear one.

[mice squeal]

Oh, no! Foxes eat mice.
I know that for a fact.

Not if I can help it.

[Mr. Tod chuckling]

Hmm, perhaps a light supper
before the pie.

Mouse casserole.

[all squeal fearfully]

No, you're right, you're right.

Mice can taste awfully mousey.

But some fresh herbs should liven them up.

Hmm. But what goes with mouse?

Sage? Thyme?

What about parsley?
Parsley goes with everything.

Yes, yes. Very true.

What? Peter Rabbit?

So much food right on my doorstep.


Come and get me, Mr. Tod.

Mouse mousse for starters.

Plum pie for dessert.

-And for the main, Peter Parsley Rabbit.
-[Benjamin growls softly]

Come on, Benjamin.

[Mr. Tod growls]

[Peter] You've got to catch me first.

My nose!

I'm going to roll you in breadcrumbs
and eat you for that.

That's it, Peter Rabbit.

You keep him busy while I get
that scrumptious pie back!

-[mice whimpering]
-[Benjamin grunting]

[mice] Thank you.

[Louisa] You're our heroes.

And this is my pie.





The pie!


[Benjamin] You did it! Yeah!

[mice cheer]

Nice one, Lily.

Pie, pie, pie. I want that pie!

-Oh, shush.

[Samuel] Let me out!
I'm allergic to confined spaces…


[all laughing]

Come on. Let's get out of here.

Now I have you.

Don't forget your herbs.

Parsley, sage, and thyme.


Come here.



Oh, where'd he go now?

[Benjamin laughs]

Aha. There you are.

Oh, no.

-[Mr. Tod chuckles]

[sniffs] I smell rabbit.


Come on.

[all laughing]


[Samuel grunting]

Oh, you mice had better be quiet, or I'll…

Who are you calling mice?


No mice, no plum pie, no rabbits.

Nothing to eat…

but a little rat-size snack.


[Mr. Tod growling]

[Samuel screams]

Come back here.

[Benjamin] After all that,
it's still the perfect plum pie.

And not even a crack in the crust.

It's the most beautiful pie ever.

[stomachs rumbling]

[all] Tummy alarm.

[all laughing]

[door opens]

[Josephine] Hello, children.

-Hi, Mrs. Rabbit.
-Hi, Mum.

So, who's ready for some of that plum pie?

-We are!

And I do hope your friends
are staying for a slice.

[mice chuckling]

[Albert] How does she know?

That's Peter's mum.
She kind of knows everything.

[all laughing]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪