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02x16 - The Tale of Benjamin's Blunder

Posted: 12/05/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every
Fence and every wall ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly, come on
The wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I, we weren't
Made for going slow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls
The game is on ♪

-♪ Come on! ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Whoo! Let's go! ♪

The Tale of Benjamin's Blunder.

[Lily] Wow!
Look at all those runner beans!

-Finally, they're ready to be picked.
-[Peter] That's right, Lily,

ready to be picked. By us.

Phew. I thought we were just going
to stare at them all day.

So, what's the plan, Peter?

You keep a lookout for Mr. McGregor
and that cat of his,

while Benjamin and I grab
as many beans as we can. Let's hop to it!

Hmm. Okay, Florence, you keep an eye
on Mr. McGregor's cat,

while I watch for Mr. McGregor.

Yell if you see anyone coming.

[both chuckle]

[sniffs] Mmm.

[grunts] I don't think this bean wants
to come with me.

-Careful, Benjamin.
-It's okay. I've got it.


-Whoa! I had it.


-[gasps] Run.


[Benjamin] Peter, the gate!



I'm really sorry
I messed up the raid, Peter.

That's okay. We'll try again.

But this time, you'll be on the lookout
for Mr. McGregor.

-And the cat. Don't forget the cat.

You look out for them,
while Lily and I grab the beans.

Sounds like a plan.

Besides, I'm really good
at watching things.

Look! See? Whoa!

[both laughing]

No Mr. McGregor. No cat.

Whoa! No Mr. McGregor, no cat.

-[loudly] The coast is clear, Peter.

Oh. Oh, right. Sorry.

I'll be more quiet.
You won't hear another sound from me.

Nope, not another peep.

-Shoo, Florence! Argh! Huh?
-[Lily] Benjamin.

Sorry. [sneezes] Whoa!


-Oh, no!

[Benjamin] Argh! Help!

I was trying to be quiet.
I can't say the same for the flowerpots.

-[door opens]

[McGregor] What in the world
is going on out here?

-[Peter] Come on!

[McGregor] Get away from my beans!


Oh! I'm getting too old to do this.


It's okay. This time,
we'll keep it simple.

Wait till their backs are turned,
run in as fast as we can,

grab the runner beans, get out.

It's all about the speed.

-Got it, Benjamin?
-Yep. You can count on me.


-Look at me!

[whispers] Benjamin!

I'm going so fast! It's all about the--
Whoa! Speed.

Uh-oh! Um, hello?

Ah! Ooh!


Oopsie! Um, maybe nobody heard?


-Double oopsie.
-[cat meows]

[McGregor] What is it, cat?


[all yelling]


This way! Come on!

-[McGregor] Argh!



Come on!


-Bean-less yet again!
-I can't believe it!

I'm really sorry
about messing up the last raid.

And the one before that.

And the one before that.

And while I'm at it, all the others
before today that I've messed up.

That's okay. I know you didn't mean to.

So, what's your new plan, anyway?

Digging a tunnel to the runner beans?
I can help!

I'm really good at digging!

Um, well, Benjamin, I was thinking
maybe you could sit the next one out.

Huh? But how are you going
to get the beans without me?

Oh. I get it. You want me to wait here.

It's just that I really want to get
the beans before Mr. McGregor picks them.

And I think that it would be faster
if you stayed behind.

Um, if that's what you want, Peter.

Oh, but don't worry,
we'll bring back enough beans for a feast.

Faster than you can say,
"runner-bean raid!"

Runner-bean raid.


[McGregor humming]

Oh, no, we're too late.
Mr. McGregor is picking all the beans.

Not if I can help it. Come on.

[McGregor humming]

♪ I had a dream I was a bean
Green and thin and long ♪

Huh? Hmm.

[McGregor humming]


♪ I hung on the vine and took my time
And sang my beanie song ♪

[Lily] This is a spectacular plan, Peter!

Sneaking up on Mr. McGregor
while he sings all about beans and stuff,

then, hiding under pots
when he looks around. Amazing!

Yeah, right up to the part where he took
the beans away.

[gasps] Look up there!

They're really high. Maybe we should,
uh, you know, try again next year.

No way! A good rabbit never gives up!




Attempt number 178, failed.

Oh, hello, Son. Everything okay?

It's such a sunny day, I thought
you'd be out with Peter

-and Lily on some adventure.
-Not today.

Why don't you give me a hand, then?

I'm making some modifications
to the apple grabber.

Between you and me,
it's not going all that well.

-You might need this.



Dad, are you okay?

Fine, fine. No harm done.

Why bother trying to fix that thing?
It's not working. Why not give up?

Because if at first you don't succeed,
try, try and try again.

-Oh, look out!

Sounds a lot like what Peter says.
A good rabbit never gives up.

A wise boy, your cousin Peter.

Oh, well, looks like I'll have to head

to Ginger and Pickles's
shop for some parts.

Then I can try again. [chuckles]

I'll see you later, son.

See you later, Dad.

Hmm. A good rabbit never gives up!

Ow, Peter!
Careful where you put your paws!

Just a… little… higher! [gasps]

-Oh! Whoa!

Hmm. Who am I kidding? We'll never reach
those beans. Not when we're--

One rabbit short? Two rabbits are good,
but three rabbits would be better.

[sighs] You know, Benjamin was pretty
upset we left him out of the raid.

My dad had this saying,
sometimes friends deserve second chances,

even if you have to give them
a second chance more than once.

So, what are you saying?

I'm saying Benjamin deserves
another chance.

Come on, let's go get him!

Hey, Benjamin! Benjamin?

-Do you think he went home?
-Come on!

Those beans won't know what hit them.

Benjamin? Mr. Bouncer?

Hello? Benjamin?

-Looks like no-one's home.
-Oh, no!

What if I upset him so much
that he ran away forever?

[gasps] I know where Benjamin is! Look!

[gasps] He's going to get
the runner beans on his own!

Mr. McGregor will catch him for sure!
We have to stop him!

Hmm, that's nice coloring, though.

Uh, wait for me!

Argh. I hope we're not too late!

I can't see Benjamin anywhere!
Just-in-case pocket, just in case.

Oh, no! It's Mr. McGregor!

Well, at least with him around,
Benjamin won't do anything dangerous.

[gasps] I wouldn't be so sure.

Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave.

[McGregor whistling]

-It worked!
-[Peter] Wow! Look at Benjamin!

He's really doing it! Come on, let's help!

-No, Peter, wait!


Look out for the cat.

What's that cat screeching about now?

-Rabbits! Again!

[McGregor] Get out of my garden!

-Or it's in a pie you'll go!

Oh, no, Peter!

♪ Stand your ground
You've got no time to get away ♪

-Oh, oh.

♪ Stand your ground ♪

♪ Come on, think fast
And you can save the day ♪


♪ You can't just run
This game is all or none ♪

♪ You've got to use your wits
To get you through ♪

♪ So stand your ground and look around ♪


Phew! That was close. Is everyone okay?

-I'm fine. You, Benjamin?

He's got me! Oh!


-Here, let me help you with that.


Benjamin, I'm sorry we left you out.

Your plan with the apple grabber
was perfect.

I'm the one who messed it up.

It happens to the best of us.

So no beans for us today, then.

What do you mean, no beans?


-That's amazing, Benjamin!
-Three rabbits are better than two.

We're a great team!
And I know that for a fact.

[all laughing] Yay!

Okay, okay, enough hugging.
Can we please eat these beans?

-I'm starving!
-Let's hop to it!

[all laughing]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪