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04x08 - Imogene's Antlers

Posted: 12/04/23 19:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Watching a polar bear

Turn water play
into water ballet

Is really fun.

Polar bears are white

Because back home
in the snow,

They need to hide from
the animals they're hunting.

Today we're at
america's first zoo,

The philadelphia zoo.

A zoo is like
an animal fashion show.

Each animal
dresses differently,

And how an animal looks
can say a lot

About where
and how it lives.

Takes these giraffes,
for instance.

They grow to be

Tall enough to see danger
at a distance.

They can also
eat the food

That other animals
can't reach.

Whether it's a shape,
a color, a lump, or a bump,

Every animal has
its own special look.

♪ Not everyone
can wear antlers ♪

♪ And look
as good as you do ♪

♪ Spots are not hot
this season ♪

♪ But they sure
look good on you ♪

♪ Feathers don't tickle
everyone's fancy ♪

♪ But you wear them
so well ♪

♪ And you have to be
somebody special ♪

♪ To look so good
in a shell ♪

♪ You're a fashionable,
fashionable ♪

♪ Animal ♪

♪ A creature of style ♪

♪ You're a fashionable,
fashionable ♪

♪ Animal ♪

♪ You're totally wild ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Your neck might be
as tall as a tree now ♪

♪ Your nose may
hang down to your toes ♪

♪ Everybody
looks different ♪

♪ That's just
the way it goes ♪

♪ Your stripes, your size,
or your green skin ♪

♪ Make you stand out
from everyone else ♪

♪ But that's part of what
makes you so special ♪

♪ And it's how you feel
about yourself ♪

♪ That makes you a fashionable,
fashionable ♪

♪ Animal ♪

♪ You're a creature
of style ♪

♪ You're a fashionable,
fashionable ♪

♪ Animal ♪

♪ You're totally wild ♪♪


Looks like somebody
lost something here.

Did one of you guys
lose one of these?

No, levar.

Hi, linda.

Those are
springbok there.

They're a kind
of antelope.

They have horns,
not antlers.

Linda jennings is the horn
and antler expert

Here at the zoo.

What is the difference
between antlers and horns?

Both antlers and horns
are appendages.

Fingers and arms
are appendages,

Anything that sticks out
from your body.

You can see one
of the biggest differences

By looking at them.

The horn is one piece,
the antler branches out.


Another difference
is that the horn

Stays on the animal
all its life.

The antlers come off
at the end of the year,

And they grow
a new set.

This is attached
into the animal's head.

Does that hurt
when the antlers fall?

Not really.

It's like
losing a tooth.

What are antlers
and horns made of?

They're made of bone,
which is living tissue.

When antlers are growing,

They're covered
with a beautiful skin

And real short, soft fur
that we call velvet.

It feels
just like velvet.

Linda, what are antlers
and horns used for?

The ends are
very sharp

On the horn
and the antler.

They use those
to defend themselves

From their enemies.

They compete for mates
during the breeding season.

How big
do antlers get?

Some antlers get
to be 6 feet wide.

That is huge.

We have a large set
of elk antlers here

If you want
to see them.

Oh, boy!

These guys
are huge!

Heavy, too.

Very heavy.

Can I try these on?


How do I look?

You look terrific.

I wonder what it
would be like

To wear antlers
all the time?

No one knows better

Than the girl
in this book,

Imogene's antlers.

and her parents

Come up with some
very clever ideas

To handle some
interesting appendages.

On thursday,
when imogene woke up,

She found
she had grown...


Getting dressed
was difficult,

And going through
a door now...

[Knock knock knock]

Took some thinking.

Imogene started down
for breakfast.






Got hung up.



Imogene's mother
fainted away.


The doctor poked
and prodded

And scratched his chin.



He could find
nothing wrong.

The school principal
glared at imogene

But had no advice
to offer.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Her brother norman

the encyclopedia

And then announced
that imogene

Had turned into
a rare form of miniature elk.



Imogene's mother
fainted again

And was carried
upstairs to bed.

She's getting heavy.

Imogene went
into the kitchen.

Lucy, the kitchen maid,

Had her sit by the oven
to dry some towels.

"Lovely antlers,"
said lucy.

The cook, mrs. Perkins,
gave imogene a doughnut,

Then decked her out
with several more

And sent her
into the garden

To feed the birds.

"You'll be lots of fun
to decorate

Come christmas,"
said mrs. Perkins.


Later, imogene
wandered upstairs.


She found the whole family
in mother's bedroom.

"Doughnuts, anyone?"
She asked.

Her mother said,

we have decided

"There's only
one thing to do.

We must hide your antlers
under a hat."

[Dialing telephone]

Norman telephoned
the milliner.

Emergency hat service?

We need help.


Yeah, antlers.

At 3:00,
the milliner arrived.

Rapidly, he sketched
a few designs,

Then set to work.


said the milliner.

"Bravo! Bravissimo!"
Cried his assistants.



Imogene's mother had to be
carried away once more.


After dinner,

Imogene practiced
her piano lesson.

♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪



she folded her music,

Kissed family...


And went to bed.


Imogene sighed,

the long, eventful day.

On friday,

When imogene woke up,

The antlers
had disappeared!

When she came down
to breakfast,

The family was overjoyed
to see her back to normal.



She came
into the room.


Imogene may have
traded her antlers

For a trendy tail
like these fellows',

But here's a fashion
that's never out of style--


When you look at
a herd of zebras,

All those stripes
start to run together.

Predators have
a hard time

Trying to pick out
one zebra to chase.

Those stripes are more
than a flashy outfit,

They're protection.

Dressing up
can be fun.

What would you do
if you could dress

Like your favorite animal?

If I was a pig,
I'd live at the zoo.

[Snort snort]

With a beak,
I'd eat like a bird.

With a beaver's tail,
I'll be a great builder.

I'd hang my clothes
on my antlers.

If I had eagle wings,
I would soar!

If I had cat whiskers,

I'd help my dad
sniff out crimes

Because he's
a policeman.

If I had a shark's fin,
I would scare other fish.

Ha ha ha!

Did you ever hear
the expression,

"You are what you eat"?

These flamingos
are pink

Because they eat
a lot of shrimp.

Shrimp have
a special ingredient

Which turns flamingo feathers
into beautiful pink plumage.

These flamingos
aren't the only ones

Who strut their stuff.

Philadelphia's mummers
are famous

For their sensational music,
dancing, and costumes.

I hear this year

They came up with
some pretty fishy fashions.

Every new year's day,
the quaker city string band

Marches up philadelphia's
broad street,

Competing for the honor

Of being the parade's
best band.

They spend all year

Preparing fabulous
costumes and headpieces

So they'll make
a spectacular sight.

I don't think I've ever
seen anything like this.

I'm with bob shannon,
who's the captain

Of the quaker city
string band.

What is the theme

Running through
these terrific costumes?

Every year we have to
do something different.

This year,

Our theme was show time
in the key of "sea."

So all
these costumes

Are characters
from the sea.


We looked
at the shrimp,

The lobsters,

The seahag,
and also the sardine.

Well, here's
a headdress here.

Sardine hat.

What are some
of the materials

Used in the making
of these?

It's made of satin,
a lot of sequins,

And a lot
of ostrich boa.

There are
silver threads
running through here.

We also have
straw hat.


We have some mylar.

How about
in the other pieces

Of the costume?

We have sequins,
some brocades,

A lot of chiffon.

There seem to be
a lot of layers.

How much do
the costumes weigh?

About 25 to 35 pounds.

Would you like
to try one on?

Do you have one
my size?

That one would fit.

You get an idea

Of how much weight
you're carrying around.

There are
other pieces?

Right. There's
a gigantic headpiece

With ostrich plumes.

So you've got
the costume on,

And you're marching,
and what else?

We play instruments
and dance.

At the same time?


We have harry brown
playing bass fiddle.

The bass fiddle
is a huge instrument.

How can you posibly march
while carrying it?

Let's show him.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, boy! This is
huge and real heavy.

So you just
march along.

For 2 1/2 miles.

♪ Ba dada dat ♪♪

The band takes its music
very seriously.

They practice
until its perfect.

In the parade,

The band members
look like professional dancers,

But only after hours
of rehearsal.

All right.

What are
you guys doing?

our sardine dance.

Is it something
I can learn?

It's easy.
Hop on your left.

Down on the right.

Three quick steps.

Hop on the right.

Down, right, left, right.

And hop.


Left, right, left.

Hop, step.

Right, left, right.

That looks
easy enough.

There's one thing
we forgot.

What's that?

Could we have
those props?

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no! Flippers!

From the top.

A 5, 6,

Oh, piece of cake!

And the kicks.

Step, come on,
step, turn, step.

Ha ha ha!

After all the months
of hard work and rehearsal,

The band goes out

To have the time
of their lives

On new year's day.

[Band playing]


This is captain.

Captain's here
with keith russell.

Keith is
an ornithologist,

A person
who studies birds.

What kind of bird
is captain?

Captain is a blue
and gold macaw.

Macaw is part of
the parrot family?

That's correct.

Can you tell us

About captain's
beautiful color?

Each bird has
its own coloration.

This bird recognizes
other birds of its type

By the fact that
they're blue and gold.

Captain has
long tail feathers,

Different size
wing feathers,

And even shorter
chest feathers.

The outer feathers
on a bird

Are called
contour feathers.

They protect a bird
from the cold, the sun,

And other foreign matter.

Contour feathers
are very strong

Because when
a bird flies,

They would break
if they weren't strong.

the contour feathers

Are the down feathers.

They insulate
the bird's body

From the cold.

He's beautiful,

Thanks a lot.

This is oliver,
a great horned owl.

He's here
with anne holmon,

Whose specialty
is birds of prey.

Keith and I
were talking

About how owls can
fly silently.

How is that

They have special feathers
that are tattered.

Tattered. What
does that mean?

It's the difference
between a daytime feather,

That has a hard edge

And a great horned owl's

That's soft
so the air
goes through it.

Why doesn't oliver
have the bright plumage

That captain has?

Oliver hunts at night.

He sleeps
during the daytime,

Therefore, he'll
blend in with the trees

So no other birds
can see him.

Oliver does most of
his activity at night?


I wonder what
all the other animals

Do at night?

[Crickets chirping]

[Animals stirring]

Mfw drr fhj squawk?

I don't think I could read
eight books at a time.

Here are a few books
you'll enjoy.

You don't have to
take my word for it.

How would you like it
if a furry friend

Came to your house?

That's what happens in
when panda came to our house.

The visitor
was a chinese panda.

A little girl finds a large,
friendly panda at her door.

The little girl teaches
english to the panda,

And the panda
teaches the little girl

How to make fried rice
with a wok.

The panda was clever
in the kitchen.

I'm michelle castro.

You should read this book

Because it's fun
and interesting,

And if you go to china,
you'll know what to do.

Do you ever have adventures
on your way to school?

I read a book
called the trek.

It's about two girls
who use their imagination

To make
an ordinary day exciting.

When the little girl
takes her trek,

Which means journey,

She sees animals
in the city.

The garbage bags
turn into rhinoceroses.

The laundry bags seem
to be fish and sharks.

The girl and her friend
pretend they're in a jungle.

they get to school,

Safe and sound.

I'm caroline tepermarlin,

And if you want to see
some fantastic pictures,

Get this book.

It will make you look
at things in a whole new way.

Hi, I'm kareem.

Can you imagine
what it would be like

To be 2 inches tall?

You'll be smaller
than your toothbrush.

That's what
happens to george

In george shrinks.

One day george dreamed
that he shrunk

And woke up
and found it was true.

Even though he was small,
he still had his chores to do.

He had to make a bed
much bigger than him.

Ever try to
brush your teeth

With a toothbrush
twice your size?

The pictures in the book
are the best part.

They're very funny.

This is
a very silly story,

But it did
teach me something--

That you never know
what to expect

When you wake up
in the morning.

What we humans wear

Tells a lot about
who we are and how we feel.

But for animals,

There's a better reason
to look the way they do.

Fashion is a matter
of survival.

But it's still fun to be
like imogene with antlers

Or like me,

Ready to sail
with a whale of a tail.

Ha ha ha!

I'll see you next time.

Today's reading rainbow books

Imogene's antlers
by david small,

Published by
crown publishers, inc.

When panda came to our house
by helen zane jensen,

Published by
dial books for young readers.

The trek by ann jonas,

Published by
greenwillow books.

George shrinks
by willam joyce,

Published by
harper & row.