02x01 - Hot-Air Henry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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02x01 - Hot-Air Henry

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

This is great.

I love flying around
in this giant dragonfly,

But I dream of soaring
right above the tree tops

With nothing
between me and thin air.

That's just
what I'm about to do.

We're the latest arrivals
at the palmetto balloon classic

In camden, south carolina.

There are over 40
hot-air balloons here.

Balloonists from
across the country

Have come here to sail
over the countryside together.

These balloons
will pepper the skies

With a fleet
of colored polka dots.

It's an incredible sight
to behold.

Whoa, look at this!

I think
they're expecting us.

Hi, richard.
Hi, jerry.

This is
jerry rainwater

And his
assistant, richard.

Jerry is one of
the most experienced

Hot-air balloonists
in the united states.

Where's the
reading rainbow

Over here.

I'll be right there.

Can you imagine taking off
when you don't even expect it?

Hot-air henry is the story
of a high-flying cat

Who stows away
aboard a hot-air balloon.

Henry wanted to fly.

Everybody in his family
had gone up with the balloon,

But the man
always declared,

"I'm not flying
with that cat!"

Henry grumbled
and his tail switched

As he watched
the people crunch around

On the crusty march snow.

The kid and the woman
held open the balloon's mouth

While the man blew it up
with a fan.

Then the instructor blasted
warm air into the balloon

From the burner
mounted below it.

"Watch your fuel gauge,"
he told the man,

"And stay away from those
power lines on colson hill."

At last the balloon stood fat.

Henry decided to stow away.

He leaped up to the basket.

His claw snagged on the cord
that fired the burner.

There was a roar!

"Grab that cat!"
Yelled the man.

The kid lunged for henry
and slipped.

The burner kept roaring.

Flames heated the air,
and up rose the balloon.

Up rose henry,

Up, up, and away!

Henry crouched on
the leather rim of the basket.

The ground fell away,

And the people
shouted and waved.

Yet the basket didn't feel
as if it were moving,

And henry wasn't afraid.

He was hot-air henry,
the flying cat!

Henry saw the river
winding between white fields.

The kid and the man
looked small as cats.

The balloon drifted,
silent as a cloud,

And henry loved
the glorious bubble

That carried him
across the sky.

But he'd had his flight,
and it was the man's turn.

Time to go down.

Henry tried pulling the cord.

The roar of the burner
scared him,

And the balloon rose higher.

That was not the way
to get down out of the sky.

He couldn't see
his people anymore.

Henry glared up into
the cave of the balloon.

"Come down now!" He yowled.

Then he saw a cord
leading down from the balloon.

When he clawed the cord,

He saw a little hole
open in the balloon cloth.

Air escaped,
and the balloon sank.

Ahead were some willows
dotted with blackbirds.

The basket bounded
over the tops of the trees,

Brushing out birds.

The redwings swarmed
around the basket.

Henry snatched at the birds.


The birds whisked upward,

"You can't touche!"

Henry forgot about landing.

"I can, too!" He yowled.

Standing on the rim,
he pulled the burner cord.

The basket zoomed
after the birds.

Henry chased the blackbirds
up the sky,

But the balloon
overshot the birds,

And they settled back down
in the willows.

The balloon sailed on,

Away from
the man and the kid.

"Go back!" Yowled henry
at the beautiful bubble.

But the balloon went
where the wind took it.

Below, on a road,
was a truck,

And the kid's head
stuck out the window.

The chase truck
was following the balloon.

Henry got over to the ripcord,
spilled air,

And the balloon dropped.

A squadron of geese
came flying straight at him.

"Honk!" Called the geese.
"Honk! Honk!"

The geese rushed
up and down, squawking.

The head goose
sat by the burner cord.

"Sss!" Hissed henry.

"Get out!
You can't perch there."

"I can, too,"
said the head goose.

The balloon kept sinking.

The basket was headed for
some high-strung power lines.

He'd found colson hill.

He had to fire the burner
to lift quickly,

But the goose
guarded the burner cord.

Henry started
toward the goose.

The goose
hunched its wings.

Henry didn't want
to fight the goose

While balancing
like a tightrope walker,

But he had to
fire the burner.

He leaped onto the goose
and clawed at the cord.

The goose nipped his tail
and made him yowl!

But when the burner boomed,
the goose jumped into the air,

And the basket soared
over the power lines.

Henry licked
his throbbing tail

While the geese regrouped
and flew on.

"Honk! Honk! Honk!"

Then henry pulled the ripcord
to bring the basket down.

The kid and the man
jumped out of the truck.

The basket bounced once
over the snow toward them.

The man grabbed the dragline,
then the basket.

Henry drooped
against a post.

The man might be mad at him
for going off with the balloon.

Henry leaned his head
on the man's chest.

He begged pardon for soloing
sooner than the man.

"Wow, some high-flying cat!"
Said the kid,

Punching down
the balloon cloth.

"Meow," said henry,
smoothing the man's chest.

Wise old flying cat!

That henry sure was
some high-flying cat.

What do we do

To get this bird
off the ground?

We walk
the envelope out.

You grab a hold

Of the forward handle
on the right side,

And we'll walk straight
toward the pole over there.

What is
the balloon itself

made out of?

It's made
of a ripstop
nylon material.

If you rip it,
it should stop itself.


How long does it take
to fill the balloon up?

About six
or seven minutes.

How much air
does it take?

This one will have

That's a lot
of hot air!

Inflating a hot-air balloon
takes muscle and concentration.

Powerful fans create
a hurricane of wind

That blows
into the envelope.

At exactly the right second,

The huge burner flame
roars its heat into the balloon,

And it's almost ready to fly.

The balloon
is almost ready.

I can't believe
I'm going to take off

In that laundry basket.

But if hot-air henry
can do it, so can i.

Since the beginning of time,
people have dreamed of flying.

Once in a while,
they had a few ideas

That never quite
got off the ground.

Here I am with a new device
called the ornithopter.

You can
look this device over.

It appears heavy.

It's light.

If birdie doesn't fly
when he makes that jump,

He'll get a cold bath.

Here he goes!

Well, he got the bath.

But is little willard

Not a bit.

Maybe this time
he'll really do it.

He's going to soar
gracefully off the rock,

So he says.

Keep your eye
on the birdie.



Better luck next time, guys.

Those aeronautical oddities

Never quite made it
off the ground,

But it looks like
we're almost ready to fly.

The field
blooms with color

As burners and fans
breathe life into the silk.

Once hot air is inside,

Those balloons
really want to fly.

Hands and faces
strain with effort

To keep the baskets
on the ground.

Last-minute passengers
scramble aboard,

And up and aloft
they fly!

I feel like a bird
or a plane,

Well, like superman.

Maybe someday you'll be
one of the lucky ones

Who will ride
to the stars.

At the national space camp
for aspiring young astronauts

In huntsville, alabama,

Kids have a chance
to see firsthand

What it's like to be
an astronaut in training.

There are
several tasks

That you'll have to
perform in space.

Remember, you don't
weigh anything.

I'll turn
the machine on.

Try to accomplish
some of these tasks.

When she's sitting
inside this machine,

It's like she is
floating in space.

She is trained
on how to move in space,

How to strap her feet down

So that she would be able
to turn a machine,

Which otherwise would be
impossible in space

Because you are weightless.

How long
would it take you
to learn that?

A year,
three years.

How would you
like to feel

What it's like to
walk on the moon?


This is mission control.

Launch sequence beginning.

Mission controllers actually
tell the actual astronauts

Which buttons to push,
when to push them,

And whether or not
to launch or to abort,

When to eat,
when to do special missions.





Clearing the pad.
We have liftoff.

And liftoff,
liftoff of sts-7

And america's
first woman astronaut,

And the shuttle
has cleared the tower.

Everybody ready
for lunch?

How about
a ham sandwich?

This is what
the first astronauts

Had to eat
their ham sandwiches in.

You have to
squeeze it out.

How about some

This is what
apollo astronauts ate.

Add cold water.

Soon you have
hot spaghetti.

Everybody here
likes ice cream.

freeze-dried ice cream.

Why don't you
try some?

See what you think.



I bet you can't wait
for dinner.

How about a ride
on the moon buggy?


You can see everything
from up here.

Look at those horses.

I really feel like I'm up here
with the eagles.

This is exactly
the way they see it,

Just above
the tree tops.

Maybe we might
just dip down

Into the tree tops
a little bit.

You can really
do that?


We'll brush
the basket through

And pick some leaves
as we go by.


Here we go.

A present for you.

I've got
a small pine
christmas tree for you.

This is great!

Does the pine
smell fresher

From the top
of the tree?


But balloons, helicopters,
and rocket ships

Aren't the only way to fly.

A good book can send
your imagination soaring.

Here are some books
that you might enjoy.

My name is adam tredle,

And I love learning
about space.

With this book I just read,
I can make my own spaceships.

It's called
easy-to-make spaceships,

By mary and dewey blocksma.

They tell you how to make
your own spaceships.

I made this one
out of three styrofoam cups

And two plastic straws
and colored tape.

This is a great book,

Especially if you like
to make things

With stuff you find
around the house.

And they really fly!

My name is yolanda,

And I love woman-to-woman talks
with my mother,

That's what this book
is all about,

And the title is
just us women.

This is a story
about a little girl

Who goes on a trip
with her aunt

From virginia
to north carolina.

One of the best parts
was when they went shopping

And they got
all the junk they liked.

Finally they got
where they were going,

And everybody said,
"what took you so long?"

They said, "we had
a woman-to-woman talk--

No boys, no men,
just us women."

Hi, everybody.

Do you like
high adventure?

If you do,
you'll like this book.

It's called
the big balloon race.

It's about a girl
named ariel

Who gets caught
in a balloon with her mother.

One of the best parts is when
they fell into a lake

And ariel pulled the balloon
out of the water.

It was neat how they
blew up a hot-air balloon.

I won't tell you who wins
the great balloon race.

Find that 0ut yourself.
It's a great story.

♪ Nothing is holding me ♪

♪ I'm rising easily ♪

♪ Into the open air ♪

♪ Wherever the wind
wants me to be ♪

♪ I'm on top
of the world today ♪

♪ Seeing it all
in a brand-new way ♪

♪ In a balloon in the sky ♪

♪ Soon you may see me
passing by ♪

♪ Look at the world below ♪

♪ Look at the people go ♪

♪ I wonder
if they see me ♪

♪ Maybe I'll wave
and say hello ♪

♪ I'm on top
of the world today ♪

♪ Seeing it all
in a brand-new way ♪

♪ In a balloon in the sky ♪

♪ Soon you may see me
passing by ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ I feel like
I can reach out ♪

♪ And touch
everything I see ♪

♪ High above
a world of wonder ♪

♪ Gliding gently,
flying free ♪

♪ From here
I can see everything ♪

♪ And everything I see
is fine with me ♪

♪ In a balloon in the sky ♪

♪ Soon you may see me
passing by ♪

♪ In a balloon in the sky ♪

♪ Soon you may see me
passing by ♪♪

I'll never look at things
quite the same way

Now that I've seen the world
from up here.

I hope all of you

Get the chance
to fly like this some day.

We'll see you next time.

Today's reading rainbow books

Are hot-air henry
by mary calhoun,

Illustrated by
erick ingraham,

Published by
william morrow & company.

Easy-to-make spaceships
that really fly

By mary blocksma
and dewey blocksma,

Illustrated by
marisabina russo,

Published by prentice-hall.

Just us women,
by jeanette caines,

Illustrated by pat cummings,
published by harper & row.

The big balloon race,
by eleanor coerr,

Illustrated by carolyn croll,
published by harper & row.
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