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01x09 - Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe

Posted: 12/04/23 18:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

I haven't seen this
in a long time.

Oh, hi.

I'm going on
an overnight camping trip.

I got to get
my gear ready.

We'll need to
eat, sleep, and keep warm.

I've got some food,
sleeping bag, tent,

And this waterproof jacket
to keep me dry if it rains.

We'll need some goodies--

Marshmallows to toast,

Snacks for the trail,

And I want this book,

Perfect for a vacation trip

When you want to read
now and then.

It's called three days
on a river in a red canoe.

It's about
two kids camping.

It has
words and pictures

Made by the girl
in the book.

I first noticed
the red canoe for sale

In a yard
on the way home from school.

My mom, my aunt rosie,
my cousin sam, and I

Put our money together
and bought it.

The people
who sold it to us

Threw in two paddles
and two life jackets.

When we got home
with the canoe,

Aunt rosie and mom
took out their maps.

They found
a three-day trip for us.

Then we went shopping.

Here are sam and I
in the store

In new life jackets.

They cost a lot,

But aunt rosie and mom agreed
we had to have them.

We also bought some packages
of freeze-dried chicken

And some dried apricots.


Here is everything we need
for the trip.

The food is packed tight
in waterproof sacks.

My cat is
on a sleeping bag.

I wanted to take him,
but mom said no.

Next to my shoes
and sam's shoes

Are new pocketknives.

We never even noticed
aunt rosie buying them for us

In the store today.

Here we are on our way
early in the morning.

We drove and drove
and drove

And drove
and drove and drove

And drove and drove
and drove

And drove
and drove and drove

And drove and drove
and drove

And drove
and drove and drove

And drove and drove
and drove.

We drove and drove.

We drove all day.

Now we are
at our first camp.

We start on the river
in the morning.

Sam and I
unloaded the car.

Mom and aunt rosie
put up the tent.

We hurried to get inside
before dark

And the mosquitoes
bit too much.

We lay in our tent,
listening to the river.

When I poked my head out
in the morning,

Everything was wet,
yet it wasn't raining.

We couldn't see our car.

We could hardly see
the river.

We carried our canoe
down to the water anyway.

We've packed all our things
into the canoe.

We'll fix our breakfast

When the sun warms up
the river

And dries up the mist.

Here mom and aunt rosie

Paddle into a part
of the river

Like a hot, green tunnel.

I fell asleep.
I think sam did, too.

It's good
mom and rosie didn't.

Right here they heard
the waterfall.

They had been
listening for it.

It was marked
on their maps.

Here I am
looking over the edge.

Aunt rosie and mom
lower the canoe by ropes

Down over the waterfall.

Sam and I
climb up and down

Until we have carried
all the gear to the bottom.

We're going to camp here.

Here's our shower.

This is our kitchen.

Aunt rosie showed us how to
cook fruit, stew, and dumplings.

This is the sink.

The rocks make all the shelves
and drain boards you need.

We use the sand
as scouring powder.

This looks like
a good place for a campsite.

It's fairly level.
There's plenty of shade.

I'll surprise my friends

By setting up the tent
before they get here.

This shouldn't take
but a minute.

That didn't take
but a minute, did it?

Sometimes it's easier
to go by the book.

I glad
I brought this along!

It has
helpful camping hints.

I might still be wrestling
with this tent

Without the tips
in here.

Here's where
I found my recipe

For fruit stew
made with dried apricots.

That hard work
made me hungry.

I hope my friends
get here soon.

I might eat
all this myself.

Hey, levar,
we're here.

I thought you
would never get here.

We got
a late start.

Your map was great.

I could
have followed
my nose.

That smells

When do we eat?

After you get
your gear stowed.

Look at that tent.

Oh, boy.

This looks
great, levar.

Did you do
this yourself?

Piece of cake.lem.

Ok, everybody, come on.
Chow time.

Some nice
fruit stew here.

Ninon, could you
pass out the silverware?


Some for you,

Take one
off the top.

Don't grab!

Mmm, this is
delicious, levar.

How did you
make it?

The recipe's
in this book.

I could just
eat this stuff
I could make this.

If you do,
invite me.

Hey, listen to this.

After supper,
we build up our fire

And sit beside it.

Just like
we're doing here.

Mom tells us about
animals that like
the nighttime.

We watch sparks
from our fire

Go join the stars.

Hey, great.
Let's tell stories.

Who's first?

Let's make them scary.

Not too scary.

Once upon a time,
there were four children

Who got lost
in a big, dark woods.

It was nighttime,

And they were
far away from home.


But luckily they had
all their camping stuff

And lots to eat.

But unluckily--
heh heh heh.

Heh heh heh.

Heh heh heh.

Heh heh heh.

Heh heh.

Unluckily there
were wild animals
in the forest.


Lots of wild animals.

And they were
very hungry.

But luckily...

Luckily the four children
met up with a friend

Who promised
to protect them.


That was lucky,
wasn't it?

But unluckily...

Those wild animals
were still very,
very hungry.

But luckily...

the four children

Had extra food
to feed the hungry beasts.

And so they lived
happily ever after.



It's just my dog,


How'd you find me?

Here, girl.
Down, girl.

She always sleeps
with me.

Can she stay?

If she likes
fruit stew.

Why not?

You'll love my tent.

Isn't it about time
to hit the sack?

Oh, come on.

I think it is.

Come on.
Let's go.

Come on, patches.

Good night, everybody.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Let's read some more.


Sam isn't much
of a weather predictor,

But the rain
didn't bother us.

Hardly a drop
came through the tent.

We set out on the river
with all our things

Even though it was
pouring rain.

I'm shaking my paddle
at the sky and yelling.

As we came around
this bend in the river,

The sun came
through the clouds.

A big rainbow
spread across the sky.

The rainbow faded away,

And the fish started
to jump all around us.

We got the fishing lines
into the water.

Sam caught the first fish.

Then I caught one.

Then aunt rosie
caught two in a row.

We spread out our things
to dry on a sandy beach.

What mom and aunt rosie
like to do best

Is to take the canoe
through fast-moving water.

They can follow
all the curves of the current.

In the afternoon,
we canoe without stopping.

Sam and I paddle, too.

I'm like mom
and aunt rosie.

I like
riding the rapids

On a white-water river.

Recently, I went
on a white-water
rafting expedition

On the zambezi river
in africa.

When it tumbles down
over rough, jagged rocks,

The white water
boils and bubbles.

These rapids and the strong,
unpredictable currents

Mean trouble
with a capital t.

Here we are setting out
on the first expedition

Ever to attempt going down

On the zambezi river.

It takes teamwork
and muscle

To paddle a raft
through fierce rapids.

If we lose control,

The current could drag the boat
over the rocks.

I feel safer
wearing my life jacket.

Our guide decides
the next stretch of river

Is just too dangerous.

We have to carry
our boat,

Just like mom
and aunt rosie

Had to carry
their red canoe.

From the water,
we spot animals,

Who also spot us.

A baboon family
laughs at us

As they swing
from branches.

A whooping crane
swoops up in the sky

For an aerial view.

A crocodile comes in
for a closer look.

Hope he doesn't
think we're lunch!

The hot african sun
beats down

As we finish
a short, easy stretch
in calm water.

One look downstream tells me
the worst is just ahead.

I know
it's going to be tough

And try to remember
everything the experts taught.

We plan our route carefully,
then plunge in.

But the river pulls us
sideways into the rapids.

We can't pull back.

The current sucks us
downstream, and...

Man overboard!

A huge wave sweeps me
over the side,

And then, wham!

The raft hits me
in the head.

The advice of experts
and my life jacket

Stand between me
and death.

Waves keep breaking
over my head

As I'm swept downstream.

I struggle to breathe
the way I was taught,

And my friend is fighting

To paddle
his orange kayak upstream

To save me.

Everything was fine
until we hit that hole.

I was leaning out,
trying to catch a wave,

And went off balance.

The left side
of the boat went down

And I fell out.

The scary part
was in these rapids.

I was going down
with my feet first.

It was difficult
to breathe,

So I grabbed a breath
and floated down.

The kayaks were there
to pick me up.

I'd rather stay
in the boat from now on.

I climbed back in,
and the rest of our trip

Was safe and beautiful.

I'll never forget
my plunge into the rapids

Or the spectacular rainbow

Shimmering through the mist
over victoria falls.

That was one of the most
exciting things I've ever done,

Though I wouldn't like
to go overboard again.

But I'm not
the only man overboard.

Watch what happens to sam
during his last day.

We canoe through a town.

We come to
a low stone bridge.

Sam gets excited.

He stands up to wave.

Mom yells, "sit down!"

I reach over
and pull him down.

Aunt rosie and mom
brace hard.

This keeps our canoe

And everything in it
from turning over.

But sam
ends up overboard.

He swims to the rope
aunt rosie throws,

And we tow him to shore.

Mom doesn't say much,
but she looks upset.

Aunt rosie looks scared.

Sam changes to dry clothes,
and we canoe on.

Just past
the train bridge,

Aunt rosie asks sam
to stand up

And see what's ahead.

He gets up as though
the canoe were a baby's cradle.

The river is ending
in a lake.

Aunt rosie says
we're coming to the town dam.

Mom points the canoe
to cross the lake.

When we get
to the other side,

Our trip will be over.

Here we are
taking our canoe out.

Aunt rosie showed me
the river on the map.

She says it travels on
through rocky places

With lots of rapids.

Someday, after lots of practice,
we can go there.

Mom says canoeing
back up the river

Against the current

Would be
very, very hard,

Even if we had time.

Way past midnight,
we turn into our own street.

One by one, we stumble
into the house.

As I go to sleep,

It seems like
I can still hear the sound

Of the river
running over the rocks.

Hey, everybody,
stop making faces and smile!


What will you
do with those

Make an album
of our trip

Like the one
in the book.

Instead of drawings,
I'll use snapshots.

There are
lots of ways

To make
your own diary.

Let's watch some kids
who are putting together

An exhibit
of albums they made.

Ok, everybody.

Come on, let's smile.


Juan drew his album
on paper plates

That reminded him
of the pancakes he ate.

Callie made
a big poster of herself.

Josh snapped photos
of his vacation trip.

It was fun
doing the album

Because the pictures
remind you

Of what you did.

Then you write
captions for them.

This caption is saying that
this is the house we stayed in

And the area
down in this section

Is called fish head.

It's fun to decide

What you're going to say
about the picture.

It's also fun deciding
what to do and how to do it.

Josh used real snapshots,

But jeannine dreamed up
her story.

She drew pictures,
then added magazine cutouts.

I once saw a book,
a biography.

They took pictures,
cut them out,

Then drew a body.

It looked interesting,
so I used the same technique.

I cut this bird
out of a magazine

To go with
the picture I drew.

I liked it.

My favorite thing
about the album

Was drawing the pictures.

That was really fun.

Pepperoni pizza,

maps, pancakes--

Once you decide
what goes inside your album,

It's time
to create a cover.

Me and my dad
bought a book about unicorns.

I decided
I'd like to have my album

Be about unicorns.

I used colored paper
for my cover

Because I thought
it would be nice

To have
a bright cover.

The most fun I had

Was thinking how I wanted
to draw the pictures.

You might want
to exhibit your albums,

The way this group did.

This summer, whether
you're going around the world

Or around the corner,

Why don't you plan
to make an album?

Those ashes cold,


It's not that hard
to make an album.

You can use
pictures, words,

Or whatever
tickles your fancy.

Here are some other books
I know you'll enjoy.

But don't take my word.

I'm elizabeth

I'm christine

We just finished
our year of

The brownie
and junior handbook

Is called
worlds to explore.

My favorite chapter was
"the world of the arts."

My favorite chapter was
"the world of people."

They showed that
the dutch girl scouts

Wore silk skirts
and silk blouses

And used handkerchiefs
for their hats.

I thought "the world
of the arts"

Was the best chapter.

It told how to make
different projects.

I liked sculpting
a design out of clay.

For all you boys,

This book
is available

For boy scouts
and cub scouts.

It's also available
in other languages.

"The world of people"
is more interesting.

"The world of the arts"
is more interesting.

Read it and find out
for yourself.

I'm david hong.

I just read
today we are
brother and sister.

This brother
and sister fight

And still care
for each other.

The brother pulls off
the sister's covers.

She hits him
with the pillow.

This book was written
like a poem.

You should read this book

Because even
if you fight,

You could
still care for

Your brother
and sister...

If you have one.

Hi. I'm crystal.

I read this great book
called anno's journey.

This book has no words,
but it's really eat.

It's about anno's journey
through northern europe.

He goes through towns
and villages,

And he sees children
playing games.

He sees a race,
a carnival, and a fair.

I think
it's a neat book

Because you can make up
your own words for it.

I think you'll like
this book, too.

No matter where you go
or what you do,

A good book
always adds to the fun.

Everybody ready?


Even if you never go further
than down the street.

See you next time!
