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01x03 - Bea and Mr. Jones

Posted: 12/04/23 18:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Picked a peck
of pickled peppers.

Well, today on rating rainbow,
we'll look at--


You said
rating reenbow.

I said rating reenbow?

A little slower, ok?

Quiet on the set.

Once more.

Reading rainbow...

Stand by.
Slate, please.

Scene 1, take 45.


Nice big smile.


You know
peter pepper--




I'm sorry.

Just a little

Here we go.
Roll tape.

Quiet on the set.

Stand by.

Scene 1, take 46.

Here we go.


You know
peter pepper picked--

What's that line?

Scene 1, take 48.

Today on reading rainbow--



Audio problem.

Scene 1, take 49.

Can you say rubber baby--



A little
more life.

Scene 1, take 52.

Pepper peter
pikes a pokehead--


Scene 1, take 59.

Today on reading rainbow,

We'll show you
some twing toasters.


I'm sorry.
Listen, maybe--

I ought to find
another job.

Lunch break!


Yeah, sorry.


We're running
behind schedule.

You got to get
those lines.

I got them.

Excuse me.


Please learn
these script

This afternoon?

Here's your liver,


Liver and onions
with ketchup.

Isn't that
what you ordered?

Not exactly.

Sometimes show biz is not
all it's cracked up to be.

They turn us into anything
they dream up,

Like that.

No, no, no.
Sorry, levar.

I need this prop
for tomorrow.

Levar, take a look
at this.

I'm tired.

I think I need
a vacation.

Bea and mr. Jones.


"I've had it
with kindergarten,"

Bea jones said to her father
at breakfast.

"Do you think
I like my job?"

Sounds like this book
is for me.

"I've had it
with kindergarten,"

Bea jones said to her father
at breakfast.

"I've had it with beanbag games
and clothespin games.

"I've had it with sitting
on that dumb rug

"And playing
that dumb colored lollipop game.

I'm ready for a change."

Mr. Jones
put down his coffee.

"Beatrice," he said,
"do you think I like my job?

"I'm tired of
running for the train.

"I'm tired of sitting
at that desk.

I'm tired of laughing
at the boss' jokes."

"Doesn't sound so bad to me,"
said bea.

Mr. Jones looked thoughtfully
at his daughter.

"Beatrice," he said,
"what if we trade places today?"

Bea smiled.

"Actually," she said,

"That makes
perfect sense to me."

And so, after breakfast,

Bea put on
her father's coat and tie.

She looked very important.

Mr. Jones put on his sneakers

And turned cartwheels
for a while.

He felt better immediately.

"Oh ho ho ho."

Bea caught the train
with time to spare.

She slid onto the seat

Next to her father's
best friend, harvey hopkins.

"Morning, harvey,"
she said.

She explained that she was
taking her father's place today.

Harvey said,
"today is going to be dreadful.

"This afternoon
is the deadline

"For the crumbly crackers

We haven't
thought of a thing."

Bea patted harvey's hand

As the train
left the station.

The train reached the city.

Bea and harvey hurried
to the smith building.

They took the elevator
to the 42nd floor

And walked into
smith and smith advertising.

Harvey sent around a memo.

And bea introduced herself
all around.


Meanwhile, mr. Jones
had also arrived safely

At miss seymour's
kindergarten class.

He figured the tallest person
there was miss seymour

And handed her a note.

"Dear miss seymour,

"Please excuse beatrice
from class today.

"She is tired
of being a kindergartner.

"Mr. Jones
is taking her place.

mr. Jones."

miss seymour sputtered,

"I must say
this is rather unusual,

But I do have a note
from the child's father."

She looked over her glasses
at mr. Jones.

"I suppose it is
all right with me."

Well, mr. Jones loved
being in kindergarten.

He was a whiz
at the colored lollipop game.

"Vermilion red,
I believe."

Miss seymour said
he was almost as bright

As jimmy davis,
the class genius.

At snack time,
mr. Jones was chosen

As milk and cookie

He didn't spill a thing.

At recess,
he helped miss seymour

Get jimmy davis down
from a tree.

Miss seymour told mr. Jones
that he was a big help.

Mr. Jones was becoming
the teacher's pet.

"Oh, mr. Jones,"
miss seymour sighed,

"You're wonderful."

Back at smith and smith, bea
was fitting in just fine, too.

First, she gave her secretary
the day off.

Then she sharpened
all her pencils

And drew a nice picture.

She was very busy.

At the board meeting,
bea laughed at the boss' jokes.

She thought
they were great.

"To get to the other side!"
Bea chuckled.

"Ha ha.
That's wonderful."

Best of all,
bea thought of

A wonderful new jingle
for crumbly crackers

And saved the account.

"Gentlemen, listen to this."

♪ Munchie crunchie,
my dear snackers ♪

♪ You will love
our crumbly crackers ♪


"A genius."

That afternoon,
bea was offered a promotion.

When mr. Jones met bea
at the station,

They were both
tired but happy.

"I feel more relaxed

Than I have in 20 years,"
said mr. Jones.

"I love advertising.
What a challenge!" Said bea.

So the next day,

Mr. Jones
went to kindergarten

And bea went
to the office,

And the next day

And the next and the next.

At work, bea was made
president of toy sales.

And at kindergarten,

Mr. Jones continued
to astound

Miss seymour
and his classmates

With his extraordinary

Mr. Jones and bea
had each found

Their proper niche
in the world.

So, remember that big kid

You saw getting in
for half price at the movies

And you just couldn't believe
he was under 12?

You were probably right.

And remember
that very short executive

Who had lunch with your father
last thursday?

Well, perhaps you know
who that was, too.

I saw a tiny executive
the other day.

Maybe it was miss jones.

The right costume always
makes me feel like a new person.

Aha! Yes.

Yes, I'm feeling
better already.

Yes, indeed.

Excuse me there, madam,

Could you please
curb your dog?

I love switching roles
with somebody else,

Just for a little while.

Excuse me, mister.
I'm lost.

Mommy said
if ever I get lost

To ask a policeman.

A policeman?
Of course.

Well, where
do you live?

That's just
around the corner.

You're almost there.

Thank you, mister.

You're welcome.

It's nice
helping people.

But I think I'll be king
for a while.


Here's a crown.

No king is complete
without his royal regal cape.

Ah, yes.

And a scepter.

Hear, hear.

If you could be
anybody else,

Who would you choose?

Speak up. Don't keep
his majesty waiting.

I'd like to be
a millionaire.

A singer
because I like to sing.

I'd like to be
a photographer.

I want to work
in a bank.

A surgical doctor.

I want to be a teacher.

A policeman.

I want to be
a movie actress.

A football player.

An artist
because I love to paint.

An astronaut.

A princess.

A lawyer because
my cousin's a lawyer.

I like her
and her office,

And lawyers make
a lot of money.

When I first dreamed
of acting,

There were certain roles
I wanted to play.

Welcome to transylvania.

I always knew
count dracula was my type,

My blood type.

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Every actor dreams
of playing shakespeare.

One of the most romantic parts
is that of romeo

In romeo and juliet.

But soft, what light
from yonder window breaks?

'Tis the east,
and juliet is the sun.

Sometimes an actor
becomes identified

With the character
he creates.

Such is the case
with basil rathbone

And his portrayal
of sherlock holmes.


Look here, dr. Watson.

Any amateur could deduce

That you did it!

Strike one,
strike two,

Strike three!
You're out of there.

When you daydream,
you can become anything.

It was my dream come true

When I portrayed
ron leflore,

One of my baseball heroes,

In one in a million,
the ron leflore story.

Here's a book
all about daydreaming.

poem by eloise greenfield,

Pictures by tom feelings.


Holding their bodies still
for a time,

Letting the world
turn around them

While their dreams hopscotch,
doubledutch, dance,

Thoughts rollerskate,

Bump into hopes
and wishes.


Thinking up new ways,

Looking toward new days,

Planning new tries,

Asking new whys.

Before long, hands will start
to move again,

Eyes turn outward,

Bodies shift for action,

But for this moment,
they are still.

They are
the daydreamers,

Letting the world dizzy itself
without them.

Scenes passing through
their minds make no sound,

Glide from hiding places,


And return silently.

The children watch
their memories with spirit-eyes,

Seeing more
than they saw before,

Feeling more

Or maybe less
than they felt the time before

Reaching with spirit-hands

To touch the dreams
drawn from their yesterdays.

They will not be the same
after this growing time,

This dreaming.

In their stillness,
they have moved


Toward womanhood

Toward manhood.

This dreaming
has made them new.

Turned his daydreams
into reality.

He worked hard
to get a library

For elsinore, utah.

He's the united states'
youngest librarian

And one of the youngest people
ever to testify

Before a congressional

I'm jason hardman,

And I run
the elsinore library.

an isolated community.

Only 700 people
live here.

Elsinore needed a library,
so I decided to open it.

I'm proud because I've done
something for the community.

This is my computer.

You caught me
cataloguing books.

I have about a ton
of books to catalogue,

And it's quite a task.

I have this computer

Because computers are essential
in the library.

It's a lot easier
than having a card file.

I've probably got

At my library.

When I look at all my books,
it's overwhelming.

To have in your living room.

I have all kinds of books.

They range
from children's books

To adult fiction
to paperbacks.

My favorites
are the old ones.

I have one here
by jack london.

It's 1900.
It's real old.

It's quite nice.

And I have little women
by louisa m. Alcott.

It's a quite nice book.
It's from 1863.

It's 3:45.

It's time to open
the library.

Want to come along?

I'll show you around.

I used to pedal
six miles to monroe

To get my books.

Since I started a library
in elsinore,

I only have to pedal two.

About two years ago,
I started bugging the mayor

For a library--
for a room.

The town council
finally gave me a library.

It's in the basement
of the old schoolhouse.

I wasn't going to complain.

And this is my library.

Over here,
I have my fiction.

I have paperbacks
up on the top.

I have fiction here
and paperbacks up here.

Over here, I have fiction
and I have paperbacks.

Right here, I have history
and history.

And I have three sets
of encyclopedias.

And right here,
I have all my religion.

And over here,
I have all my classics--

Tom sawyer, tale of two cities,
and treasure island.

Right here are
my children's books,

And I have
my children's books over here.

When people come here,
I feel real great

Because they're taking advantage
of the library.

At first,
hardly anybody came.

Now I get
about 10 people a week.

It's important for people
to return books they borrowed.

Other people
might want to read them.

I keep track of them.

As the town librarian,

I give a monthly report
to the town council.

In my report,
I tell them my needs

And how my library
is doing.


Hello, jason.
Sit down, please.

Jason was asked to come
at this time in our meeting

And make his monthly report
on the library

And its progress.

My report
is on a new library.

Where I am now
isn't the best.

It is very damp,

And the moisture will
eventually ruin the books.

Plus I have a computer,

And the place is not
very secure.

Anybody can go in and out.

What type of building were you
considering, jason?

What kind of construction?
How large a building?

It has to be pretty big.

When I first went
to the town council,

I was pretty scared.

Now I'm not scared at all

Because I've been facing adults
in my library.

It only takes one book
to start a library.

I started with one book

And then went door to door
collecting more.

If you don't give up
on a dream,

Your dream
will come true.

Sometimes books aren't
on the library shelves

Because somebody
got there first.

If bea and mr. Jones
isn't there,

Here are other books
you might like.

But don't take
my word for it.

I'm yolanda.

I read a great book,

There's a nightmare
in my closet.

It was about a little boy.

That nightmare
lived in his closet.

Before he goes to bed,
he'll close the closet door

And take his g*n
and his army hat to protect him.

One night, the nightmare
came out of the closet.

It was more scared
than the little boy was.

The boy took the nightmare
to bed with him.

He said, "maybe there's another
nightmare in my closet,

But my bed's
too small for three."

This book really helps me,

And if you read it,
you'll feel the same way.

Have you ever been fooled
by the way something looks?

The ugly duckling,
by hans christian andersen,

Is exactly about that.

This fairy tale is
about a duckling who is ugly.

All the animals
make fun of him.

At the end,
he finds out

That he's a beautiful
creature, a swan.

My name is v.j. Cartha.

This book is great
because it teaches you

To never judge something
by its appearance.

In other words, never judge
a book by its cover.

Hello, americans.
This is tom puckett.

It's just baloney
when people say

That men are not
supposed to dance.

Max, by rachel isadora,
proves it!

Max warms up
for baseball games

By going
to dancing class.

He's late for the game,

But when his turn came,
he hit a home run.

He leaped to all the bases.

I think it's terrific
that max learned to dance.

This is a dandy book,

And you can find it
at your library.

If we
get through
this page--

Ok, everybody,
five minutes.

Have you
seen levar?


We need him.

Ron, have you
seen levar?

I thought
was with you.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I was looking for
levar burton.

I never heard
of the guy.

Thank you very much.

You're very welcome.


can be a terrific way

Of taking a vacation
in your mind

Without really
going anywhere.

You can go into the past
or the future.

But I like coming home,
back to reality.

I'm an actor,
not a pirate or a king.

But that's why
I love acting.

I'm happy
if I can convince you

That a character is real.

here you are.

We're ready
to roll.

So am i.
See you next time.

Ok, everybody,
here we go.
Stand by.

Let's have
quiet on the set.

Ok, and roll tape.

Stand by and slate.
Here we go.

Scene 1, take 60.

Ok, action.

It's no secret
that peter piper

Picked a peck
of pickled peppers.

Today on reading rainbow,

We'll show you
some tongue twisters,

Like rubber baby
buggy bumpers.
