Christmas in Notting Hill (2023)

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Christmas in Notting Hill (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Warming up, guys.



You got it.

Follow me.


Good job, everybody.

AFC Newbourne, Paul.

They're lookin'

more organized here.


Oh, he takes it down the

boots with such ease.

It's lovely to watch.

He's got a bit of

trouble coming here.


Look at that footwork!

And it's no problem for Savoy.


Hey, to me, to me.

Over to your teacher!


Patty, you open?

That's a lovely ball.

An excellent first touch,

and it looks like...

Is he gonna go for it?

Guys, over to

you! Take your shot.

Oh, he's

created a real chance here!



And it's a goal!

Absolutely sensational!

Great game, everybody.

Let's go to the mat.

That was incredible.

Incredible soccer.

Hey, Ania, come sit with us.

Let's go.

Okay, everybody, can I let

you in on a little secret?

- Yes.

- Sure.

You have to promise to

listen very carefully.

I talked to Santa.


I know, I know it's a big deal,

and he told me that this

year he's so swamped

that he wants my help getting

some of his gifts to you.

Is that okay?


- Okay then.

- Yeah, cool.

Now, this next part

is very, very important.

You can't open these until

Christmas morning, okay?

Got it, Miss B.


Now, can anybody tell me

what you're most excited

about for Christmas?



Miss B, what about you?

Well, I'm

excited because this year

I'm going all the way

to London, England

to visit my little

sister for Christmas.

Harry Styles lives there.

Yes, he does.

Nice one, Piper.

Oh, everybody,

it's officially Christmas

break Brinker Bears.


Let's go!

- Let's go!

- Come on!

Savoy looks like

he's in a lot of pain there.

Team physio just taking

a look at that knee,

but when people go down like

that with that much pain,

it's rarely good news.


Next time I catch

you watching this,

I'm throwin' it in the Thames.

If I'd been a

split second quicker.

Yeah, they'd have missed you

and collided into

each other, I know.

Look, I promised you

I'd ask you this.

Will you please

consider goin' out

with a girl from our office?

It's too hard to

date when I'm playing.

Especially when I'm recovering.

Right, well, have you given

any more thought to next year?

As your manager I'll need

an answer after Christmas.

Endorsement deals depend on

it for contract renewals.

I don't know what to do, mate.

It's not just me.

What about the fans,

my family, the team?

I can't imagine not playing,

but I also know I

can't play forever.

Word of advice,

from your friend,

you're the only one who can

decide when you're done.

I do want to win the

Champions League with Newbourne,

and I can come back from this.

Well, you're not

25 anymore, mate.

It's not gonna be

as easy this time.

At some point all

this is gonna go away

and you need to be okay.

Your family needs to know

you're gonna be okay.

I get a call from Lynn every

other day asking for updates.

Told my mum to stop doing that.

Look, Jill

and I are taking the kids

to visit the folks

in Birmingham.

I suggest you do the same.

I don't think Jill

would appreciate that.


Enjoy Christmas with

your family for once

and really think about what

you're asking of yourself.

Then you can tell me

your decision, right?

Merry Christmas, mate.

Happy Christmas.


I can't believe

you're finally here!

I can't believe

you live in a flat

and take the tube and say

things like lorry and lift.

Your baby sister is

all grown up.

I can see that.

Is that all you brought?

Well, why over

pack when I can raid

your cool London closet.

Not happening.

It's absolutely happening.

You brought the

peanut butter, right?

Yes Ma'am, two jars.

Good, it tastes

different over here.

We need ours or Mom's

cookies won't be perfect.

What about Mom's stocking?

Dad's bringing it.

We should remind him.

You're reliable but

Dad on the other hand

I will text him right now.

Stocking's on the way.

Perfect. Thank you.

Oh, you'll never guess

what showed up as a memory

on my phone yesterday.



Our dance was incredible.

Yeah, because you forced me

to practice it until

it was perfect.

It was worth it.

I mean, we did win

Best Sibling Dance Duo

at the Christmas

talent show that year.

I'm pretty sure that's only

because mom volunteered

to head the Easter

Egg Hunt Committee

an hour before they

announced the winners.

Wait, is that true?

Yeah, sweetie.

- Hey.

- Hey.

It's good to see you.

On the house.

Happy Christmas.

It's good to see you, young man.

Thanks, Mary. You too.

Boys are no good without you.

- Mary!

- I'm coming.

I'm coming.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

So, uh, thanks for the call.

You've been a bit

elusive lately.

How are things?

How's the, uh, how's the knee?

It's great, actually.

We're starting against

Tottenham next week.

Oh, I wish you were.

Me too. Is your work good then?

You know, investment

banking has its perks.

I rarely get body slammed

and, uh, I can dine

without strangers

takin' my picture.

Must be nice.

Come on, you love your life.

You're literally

living the dream.

Look at you.

You have a job that doesn't

consume everything you do,

a woman you adore,

and if you have a bad

hair day, nobody cares.

Eh, I care.

You don't have to wonder

if people in your

life are genuine,

or if they want

something from you.

Women are only interested in me

because I'm the

captain of Newbourne.

They don't care who I really am.


Uh, I'm just having a day.

Enough of my pity party.

Tell me something

good about you.

Um, okay, but you have to

promise not to tell anybody.

I'm going to propose at,


- That's a big step.

- Yeah.

You ready for that?

Look, I know you're not

exactly around all that often,

but I'm telling you because

I've never been more sure

of anything in my entire life.


My little brother's

getting married.

I don't need your approval,

but I would like your support.

She's a great girl.

If you're confident

now is the right time,

that's all that matters,

and I'm here for you.



I'll get my best man

speech ready, shall I?

It's so cute in here.

It's a little messy but cute.

What's with the sad empty tree?

Oh, I was waiting for you.

Every year for my entire life

we've decorated

the tree together.

It's tradition.

Also, I don't have

any ornaments.


Are you sure

Henry's okay staying

at his parents while I'm here?

Oh, it was his idea.

He said he wanted us to have

our sister bonding time.

Look, my Christmas

Pinterest board.

Wow, you are

really goin' for it.

Yeah, I have to.

It's necessary

for my to-do list,

which I just sent to you

along with our itinerary.

We've been working so

much, I'm a little behind.

Well, a lot behind.

Well, good thing

I'm here to help.

Oh yes, thank you.

You are going to

love the Carters.

You'll meet them at brunch.

I just want everything to go

well and everyone to get along.

Oh, it will. We will.

"Wrapping paper, ribbon, tape."

Wait, what are

Christmas crackers?

Are those like crackers

with Santa's face on them?

I don't actually know, I

was just told to get them.

Henry's mom said there must have

for a traditional

English Christmas.

Then we must get them.


I figure in the

morning we'll head

to the market so you

can see all the shops.

Then we can tag in the list.

Sounds like a plan.

Missed you.

I missed you too.

So beautiful.

I know.

I have news.

Remember how I told

you that I applied

to the University of Indiana?

Well, I finally

heard back from them

and I got into their

Occupational Therapy Program

- with a scholarship.

- Oh, stop it. For real?

Oh, I bet Dad's buzzing.

I'm so proud of you.

Actually, I

haven't told him yet.

Why not?

I thought Indiana was

your first choice.

For my master's programs it is.

I just, I need to make sure

that that's still what I want,

and Dad would be crushed

if he knew that I got

in and I wasn't going.

Well, why wouldn't you go?

Well, a few weeks ago

my principal nominated me

for this other program

called SED Abroad,

and it's kind of a big deal.

She can only nominate

one person a year

and I'm waiting to

hear if I got accepted.

But what about your scholarship?

Well, if I got into SED Abroad,

I would literally be

paid to travel the world

and teach special education.

Isn't that what you do now?

Except for the

traveling the world part.

That does sound really cool,

but we both know you were

going to wind up in Indiana.

You always make the reliable

and responsible choice.

I haven't always

had the choice not to.

Graham Savoy fan, are we?

Yeah, he's like

my favorite player.

Mine, too.

Can you keep a secret?

He's my eldest.

No way.

Oh, way.

I'll tell you what,

you get that jumper

and I'll throw in a Newbourne

Santa hat as a gift.

Are you sure?

Oh yes, I'm sure, my dear.

My store, my rules.

That's awesome.

But wait a minute,

how do I know that you

are actually his mum?

Please don't do it. Please.

How's work going by the way?

You museum curator yet?

Not even close.

Well, everything takes time,

and look at what you

have accomplished.

You work at the

Museum of Britain.

It's what you moved to London

for in the first place.

Yeah, no, it's true.

I'm learning so much

and don't get me wrong,

my boss Marnie asks a lot

of me, but in a good way.

She wants me to succeed

and she trusts me too.

Well, don't let

this go to your head,

but I'm very proud of you.



Thanks, Sissy.

This would look better on you.


Oh my god, you're

like my actual hero.

Oh, that's so nice. Thank you.

Let's take a photo.

Here, gimme your phone.

Come on, I'll do it.

All right. Now, big smiles.


Oh, my dear.

Oh, you're going to love it.

Now don't forget,

tag Lynn's Christmas

Shop when you post.


Happy Christmas.

Thank you so, so much.

Merry Christmas.

This is like, the best

day of my life.

If we want any hope of

carrying out our tradition,

we have to get you

some ornaments.


It's my boss.

Hi, Marnie.


Okay, I'll, I'll be

there as soon as I can.

I have to head into work.

I'm sorry.

Aren't you supposed

to be off this week?

Marnie uses that

phrase liberally.

Well, is there anything

I can do to help?

Thank you, but no.

Why don't you go and explore

and I'll meet you back at

the flat in a few hours.

Of course. Go,

I'll see you soon.

It's lovely, isn't it?

It, it reminds me of one

that my mom used to have.

We lost it in a move years ago,

and I never thought I'd

see one like it again.

This artist had a

very unique style.

Only made a handful of them.

It's yours if you like.

Thank you.

I love it.

Sorry, love.

Good luck.

How's the knee?

Getting better every day.

Thanks, everyone. Go Newbourne!

Come and get your t-shirts here,

especially made for Christmas

and it's for his non-profit.

Watch where you're going.

You walked into me.

Oh no!

Forgive me. Let me

buy you another, please.

Unfortunately you can't.

It's just...

It, it was the last one.

Oh gosh, I'm a mess.

Can I at least help

you get cleaned up?

Offer you a towel or something?

I live nearby.

Well, my parents do.

How far away exactly?

Five minute walk.

I swear I don't bite,

and I'm genuinely very

sorry for the spill.


I'm Georgia, by the way.

It's usually this is the part

where you respond

with your name.

That's funny.

What's funny?

You're serious?

What do you, want me to guess?

I'm Graham.

Like the cr*cker.

Like the cr*cker.

So, what brings you

to Notting Hill?

Celebrating Christmas

with my little sister.

We haven't missed one

together since we were kids.

Here we are.


Uh, right this way.

So, what happened to your leg?

Um, my leg?

Well, I noticed you

limping back there.

I, uh, tore my ACL

playing football.

Or as you Americans incorrectly

like to say, soccer.

You play?

Not at the moment.

Well, I tore my ACL playing

soccer back in high school.

You play?

- No, not anymore.

- I miss it, though.

You know, I used to dream

about having a jersey

with my name on it.

Oh, well.

Perhaps you and I

should play some time.

Football, that is.

I wish.

The itinerary my sister

gave me pretty much

has me booked

through the new year.


Also, your knee.


I forgot, I have an appointment.

And I should probably...





Just do it.

We have to leave for

brunch in two minutes!

I'm ready.

Hey, don't be nervous.



- Oh, hey babe.

- Hey.

Georgia, this is

my boyfriend, Henry.

So nice to finally meet you.


Georgia, this is everyone.

Everyone, this is Georgia.

- Hello, Georgia.

- Hi, Georgia.

This is my Mum and Dad,

Lynn and Archie Carter.

Pleased to meet you.


It's my Aunt Sarina

and baby cousin, Ella.

I'm 10!

My apologies.

Sit beside me, Lizzie.

And this is Howard,

the actor of the family.

I love your necklace.

Thank you.

Thank you all for having me.

It's so nice to

finally meet you.

It's our pleasure.

Now, Lizzie tells me this is

your first visit to London.


Well, Christmas is the

spectacular time to be here.

There's so much

to do and to see.

Do you like football?

I'll have to see if we

can get you to a game.

Although, our favorite team is

rather lacking at the moment.


Really missing our star striker.

Where is your brother?

Uh, he should be

here. I'll text him.

So Georgia, tell us

all about yourself.

Favorite hobbies,

favorite Christmas

traditions, food allergies?


What? What?

She's Lizzie's sister.

I want to get to know

her and so should you.

So, are you single?

Very, very.

And my hobbies are pretty

slim at the moment.

I could work on that,

but teaching's my life.

Yeah, clever girl.

A career woman is

a passionate one.

As usual, he's not coming.

Ha! Pay up.


Wait, you bet on my first born

not attending family brunch?

I make my money

when I can. Thank you.


Do you remember when I bet Henry.

And you bet me.

But it worked.

Thankfully, yes.

I embarrassed myself

so badly that day.

So did I.

I'm sure Lizzie's told you,

but I was the former

Egyptian antiquities curator

at the museum, and when

Lizzie was interning,

I thought it might be

fun to set these two up.

He bet both of us

to talk to the other,

but he left out the fact that

he knew who each of us were.

Archie also recommended

me for my current job,

so I basically have him

to thank for everything.

So, now I'm retired.

I live vicariously through

our Lizzie.

Henry's family

seems to love you.

I didn't realize

how close you were.

How come I don't

know more about them?

You know about them.

Well, not like

they know about you.

You will.

Trust me, you'll love them

by the end of the trip.

Hey, honey.

Hey look, I'm so sorry

I couldn't make it over

with your sister, but

work has been nuts.

- Hi, Dad.

- Oh, hey.

Good, you're both there.

I got a very important

question for you guys.

Just hold on.


I thought we said no

Hawaiian shirts this year.

Did we? I don't remember.

So, which should I choose?


Okay, I'll bring both,

and your mom's stocking, okay?

I love you.

Can't wait to see you girls.

Do you think Dad will like him?

Since when do you care

if dad likes one

of your boyfriends?

I've always cared.

I don't seem to recall

you caring when he highly

disapproved of Tristan,

or Jess, or Dean.

Uh, okay.

Point taken.

I don't know. This one,

he's, he's different.

I haven't seen you this

smitten since you were 15

and in love with Ryan Reynolds.

I swore I was gonna

marry him someday.

It's too bad that Blake

beat you to the punch.

You know how Dad describes

seeing Mom for the first time?

The Christmas tree

lighting ceremony

in Bloomington

their freshman year?

The canopy of Christmas

lights illuminated her

like a halo.

And he knew she was the one.

It feels like that with Henry.

I'd do anything to ask Mom

what that moment

was like for her.

You're lucky.

How do you figure?

You got more time with her.

Did you do that?


- No.

- Oh, we have to.

Oo, the David Archuleta version.

Okay, microphones.

Oh, my sock!

Where's Lizzie today?

Uh, shopping and

sightseeing with her sister.

Thanks for coming.

- You're welcome.

- How about this one?

Eh, it's all right.

So, how are you doing?

Did Mum ask you to

check on me? Excuse me?

She said you've been

in a bit of a mood.

For what it's worth,

I think you can be.

You've got some big

decisions to make.

We don't have to talk

about it, but it's me.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

You'll know when

the timing's right.

Thank you. I hope you're right.

I usually am.

That's it.

That's the one.

Have you seen my badge?

I'm so sorry, but I have

to go into work again.

I saw it on the coat rack.

Aw, you're the best!

Also, I need a favor.

We're running outta time and

there's still a few things

to pick up from the to-do list.

Would you mind getting

the Christmas crackers

and whatever else is left?

Yeah, don't worry,

I'll take care of it.

Thank you. I won't too long.

Also, don't forget, we have

the pantomime this afternoon.


The what?

Thanks for this, Graham.

Do you mind keeping this safe?

- Oh, yeah.

- Appreciate it.

- Sure.

- Gotta go.

No worries.

All right, it's Spencer.

You're lucky it's Christmas

and people are cheerful.

I rearranged your "Guardian"

interview to 1:30.

Graham? I'm glad you're

spending time with family.

Excuse me? Georgia, right?

Yes. Graham like the cr*cker.


Are you busy right now?

I could, uh, buy you another

cup of hot chocolate.

You're still trying

to make up for that ornament?

You caught me.

Well, thank you so

much for the offer,

but I was just

about to head out.

Oh, no, not like that.

Please, please, take a seat.

I have firm instructions

to pick up these

special British crackers

with Santa's face on

them for my sister.

Christmas crackers.


I almost hate to

break it to you,

but Christmas crackers

are not crackers

with Santa's face on.

They're party poppers.

Party poppers?

It's a noisy,

expl*sive tube filled

with a tissue paper hat,

small toy and a bad joke.

It's a Christmas

staple in the UK.

Do you know where I can

get said party poppers?

I know just the place. Come on.

Oh, you don't have to do that.

I'm heading that way anyway.

Excuse me?

I believe it's yours.

Thank you.

I don't know what I would've

done if I had lost this.

Thank you, seriously.

Happy Christmas.

The way the girls look at you,

it's like you put them

in some sort of trance

and it was not just the barista.

Other people were staring too.

I just, uh, have

that effect on people.

So, who's the jewelry

for, your girlfriend?


It's actually for my brother

to give to his

soon to be fiance.

Plot twist.

Which I now realize I wasn't

supposed to tell anyone,

so maybe just keep

that to yourself.

Who am I gonna tell?

I don't know your brother

or his girlfriend.

Go Newbourne!

What does "Go Newbourne" mean?

Oh, it's a football chant.

The morale round here is

very community driven.

So, uh, what do

you do back home?

I'm a special education teacher.

What's that like?

Humbling, stimulating,

all consuming.

I love it, and I adore my kids.

My mom's also a teacher, so

I'm following in her footsteps,

carrying on the tradition.

Sounds fulfilling.

It is.

Can I ask you a question?

Is it a trick question?

No, I'm just curious

since you're more or

less a complete stranger.

Given the opportunity to do

something great but predictable,

or risky but potentially

life-changing, what would you do?

You sure this isn't

a trick question?

I don't know why I asked

you that, I'm sorry.

I'm kind of at a

crossroads in my life

and I'm trying to figure

out what to do next.

I've just always done

what's expected of me

and I don't know if that's

because it's what I

actually wanna do,

or if I'm just scared

to do anything else.

And that probably

makes no sense to you.


It actually makes

a lot of sense.

I'm at a bit of a

crossroads in my life, too.

Um, I think some random

dude is following us.

I'll take care of it.

You need to leave.

Yeah, no worries, mate.

He won't bother us again.

Thank you.

So, any other siblings?

Uh, just my younger brother.

Oh, so we're both the

older and wiser ones?

I don't know about that.

My brother seems to

have it all figured out,

whereas I don't.

Sounds like my sister and I.

So, what do you do for work?

Excuse me.

One second.

Hi. You okay?

I'm still stuck at work,

so Henry's going to pick

you up for the pantomime.

It's a British tradition,

you'll love it.

- Okay, sounds good.

- I'll see you then.

I love you, Graham Savoy!

Who are you?

Georgia, wait.

I don't get it.

Why did you lie to me?

Technically, I

didn't lie to you.

I just omitted my career.

I didn't tell you who I was

because everybody

always knows who I am.

You didn't seem to know

and I wanted to see

what that felt like.

I never get to be just Graham.

I always have to

be Graham Savoy.

It's exhausting having

to be on all the time,

especially now since

my knee hates me

and I'm dealing

with that pressure.

You have no idea what it's like

to have people wanting

things from you all the time.

Everyone has

pressure and issues.

Yours might be under

a bigger microscope,

but you're not the only person

who feels like they have

to put up a wall to

protect themselves.

I hadn't thought

about it like that.

Keep up the good work.

Can you sign my boots, please?

Sure thing.

What's your name, sweetheart?


Like Leah Williamson?

Captain of the Lionesses.

That's right.

Happy Christmas, Leah.

Mr. Savoy, thank you so much

and happy Christmas to you.

Happy Christmas.

I have to go.

Um, thank you for your help.

And it was nice meeting you.


Good luck with everything.

You too.

Goodbye, Graham.

Goodbye, Georgia.

So, this pantomime

we're going to

is a Carter family tradition?


It's this show that families

attend at Christmas,

but this year is a

bit more special.

My cousin Howard, you

met him at brunch,

he is making his

debut as the dame.

The dame? Hm.

Oh, right, it's...

Imagine if "The Rocky Horror

Picture Show" had a baby

with a Disney movie and half

the cast was dressed in drag.


- Yeah, it's brilliant.

- It's a total blast.

I can't wait.

So, did Lizzie tell you

we were picking Secret

Santa after the show?

She didn't.

My advice is get in and get out.

Mum takes it way too seriously

and redraw if you

pull on Sarina.

Just trust me.

Duly noted.

So, you and my sister

are pretty serious?

Well, yeah, I'd say so.

Why, did she say something?

Relax, Henry.

Nothing to worry about.

So, tell me, what's your

deepest, darkest secret?

You're joking?

Well, uh, for the record, I

am terrified of marshmallows.

They look too much

like the Michelin Man.


Oh, you're joking.



Hi, everyone!

- I'm so sorry I'm late.

- Oh, Lizzie.

Here they are.

Show them.

Okay, come on, let's go.

It's happening!

Ladies and

gentlemen, welcome to the show!

Oh, all right. Do you

wanna see some more?

One, two, three, four, five.

Encore, encore, encore!


You were

absolutely incredible, bravo.

So sorry, I just

need to borrow him.

Hey, Georgia, let me

introduce you to my brother.

Graham, this is Lizzie's

sister, Georgia.

Georgia, was it?



Yes, Georgia is my name, yep.


So glad you're finally meeting.

Great to see you, Graham.

You too, Lizzie.

Can you help me out?

I'm trying to flip the camera,

but it just won't work.

Oh, yeah, I'm happy to.

You both love soccer.


Take that up with her.

Come on.


Out of all the

professional soccer players

in this country you had

to be Henry's brother?

Technically, he's

my half brother.

Same mum, different dad.

I'm familiar with the concept.

Secret Santa, my dears.

Archie, what are you doing?

You know you have vertigo.

We're making a TikTok.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Your brother is my

sister's boyfriend,

which means he's gonna propose.

Sh, sh, sh.

We're all headed to the pub.

Are you good?


Okay, let's go, guys.

Yeah, I agree.

Well, this isn't awkward at all.

No, not at all.

So your brother and my sister?


Well, at least we

can bond over the fact

that our significantly

younger siblings

are gonna get

married before we do.


Not me and you.

You know, me as an individual

and you as an individual.

Right. Thanks for clarifying.

In all seriousness though,

I do like Lizzie for Henry.

They're really great together.

I've honestly never seen

two people more compatible.


It's hard to explain.

The more time you spend with

them, the more it makes sense.

You don't get one

now, you don't get one.

How come you didn't tell

me who Henry's brother is?

What do you mean, I did?

You said that he played

football professionally.

You didn't say he

was like, famous.

I don't know.

I guess I don't

see him that way.

To me he's always been

Henry's older brother

who comes around every so often

and is always really nice to me.

Did Henry happen mention

anything to you about proposing?

Oh, no.


I feel like he's going to

propose, but I don't know.

What do you think?

Darts? Loser buys next round?


Uh, are you sure

you're ready for that?


Well, it's a huge lifelong

decision and you're very young.

This is your first

serious relationship.

There's no reason to rush it.

I love him.

Why didn't you tell me how

serious you and Henry are?

I figured by inviting you

to spend Christmas with his

family you'd get the hint.

Why aren't you being supportive?

I'm being practical.

Go on, Graham.

I think you're better at

footy than you are darts.

How long have you been

dating, eight months?

I don't need your judgment.

I'm ready.

If you can't see that,

then maybe you don't know me

as well as I thought you did.

Maybe I don't.


I'll be right back.

Yeah. Yeah, me too.

Hey, you all right?

You all right?

Yeah, I just

needed some fresh air.

Tell you what, I need

some fresh air too.

Come sit with me.

It's true.

We really don't know each

other like we used to,

and it's entirely my fault.

Hey, how can you say that?

Because I'm the one who

moved halfway across the world.

Come here.


It's just

complicated between us.

After my mom passed away,

I helped my dad raise

her and I even went

to community college so

I could stay close by

and help her

through high school.

And I know I'm overprotective,

but it just feels like it's

my duty to take care of her.

We lost my dad when I was a boy.

It's life-changing.

Something's ingrained in us

to keep the memory

alive however we can,

to follow in their footsteps,

take care of their people.

I'm sorry about your mum.

I'm sorry about your dad.

How old were you?

It's a long time ago,

but it still hurts.

Yeah, I know how you feel.

I just didn't realize how

much I missed of her life,

and how much she missed of mine.

I get it.

You do?

I can't remember the last time

I spent longer than a couple

of hours at Christmas

with my family.

I'm usually

traveling or training

or prepping for a

match on Boxing Day.

The only reason I'm even able

to be here tonight is

because I am injured.

Even now, I still have to

be at rehab, do extra media.

Yeah, but you live

in the same city.

My point is just because we

don't see the people we love

as often as we like, doesn't

mean we love them any less.

I should, um,

probably go find Lizzie.

Yeah. It's, uh, probably best.

I didn't see anything.

That's inside out.

I know how to put

on a duvet cover.

Okay, but it's inside out.

Dad's landing in an hour.

Why don't I just go meet him

since you've not

had breakfast yet.


But whatever this is between us,

we should figure it out.

My mates and I just started

a nonprofit footy club

for underprivileged

kids in the area,

and since I'll be here,

I'll be able to be

a bit more hands on,

which I'm excited about.

We're really wanting

to provide now outlet

for kids who might not

otherwise have the access.

Ho, ho, ho.

- Merry Christmas!

- Dad?

Just put the presents

in the living room, Dad.

I think I might've overdone it.

Can you help?

Oh, Dad!

God, it is so good to see you!

Oh, hello, honey.

Welcome to my flat.

Let me show you to your room.


Oh, this is nice.

Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

I can't wait to

show you everything,

and for you to meet

Henry and the Carters.

Also, I thought

maybe I could swing

you by the museum

so you can see where I work.

I would love nothing

more, my little lizard.

I am so proud of you for

following your dreams.

Who would've thought

my kid working

in the Museum of Britain?

I know, it's crazy, right?

I brag about you all the time.

I wish your mom could

be here to see all this.

Yeah, me too.

Should we go and

put her stocking up?

Oh, both my girls together.

I miss this.

Well, you know, I

just have to lie down.

No, Dad, you have

to stay awake, it's too early.

I don't know what time

it is and I don't care.

Well, just in case you

don't reappear again today,

tomorrow morning,

Henry's mum, Lynn,

has invited us to a

traditional Christmas bake.

Okay, why don't you guys go

and then when you come back,

I will be rested and

ready for sightseeing?

Goodnight girls.


I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I just feel like I've

missed so much of your life

since you moved and it

took me by surprise.

We used to be so close.

We still are, aren't we?

Well, I had no idea how close

you were to Henry's family,

and when I heard

that you were ready

to get married, I panicked.

How can I not know

that my baby sister

is ready to get married?

Well, to be fair, I didn't

exactly give you a heads up.


I was worried what you'd think.

You're my favorite

person in the world.

You practically raised

me and I trust you

and value your opinions

more than anybody.

I was scared.

I thought you'd be more likely

to approve if you saw

us together first.

The only thing I care

about is that you're happy,

and that he treats you well,

and that he knows

that I'm your favorite

person in the world.


Well, I don't

even know if he's going

to propose this year anyway.

One second I have no

doubt that he's going to,

and then the next, I

feel like there's no way.

I don't know, maybe

he's not ready.

Maybe I'm not.

Don't overthink it. Come here.

I am sorry for being distant.

Literally and metaphorically.

There's no need to apologize

for living your best life.

I'm happy for you.

We're just gonna have

to work a little harder

on staying in touch, that's all.

Especially if you're going

to be traveling the globe.

That's TBD.

I think you should do it.

I added something

to your pros list.

I saw it on the chair.

Once in a lifetime experience.

Indiana will always

be there for you.

And if there's

anybody who deserves

a once in a lifetime

opportunity, it's you.

So, if I get in

and that's a big if,

you think I should do it?




How are we doing today, Graham?


I'd be a lot better if I was

out playing with the team.

You're definitely healing

slower than last time,

which is to be expected.

I would've liked to see

you a little further on

in your recovery by now.

When do you think

I can be back? Ow!

When that stops bothering you.

Give it to me straight.

At least eight more months.


No, that's already the

start of next season.

I can't clear you

unless it's safe for

you to play, Graham.

Look, I'm not saying

it won't be earlier,

it's just what my

gut is telling me.

Going for the festive tape?

Well, if not now when?

Look, take a beat and

enjoy your holiday.

Perhaps it'll give

you some clarity.

Thank you, Dr. Parker.

Now go ahead and

crack those eggs.

Oh, no, just the yolks, dear.

That's what makes the

custard so nice and thick.

And Georgia, why don't you

go and melt us some butter?

I have baked before I swear.

Let me help you.

Now, the trick is you want

to start with cold eggs.


It helps with the separation,

and then crack it carefully

and just filter out

the egg whites like so.

So clever.

And then pop the

yolk into a bowl.

Oh, fetch me an

empty bowl, please.

Thank you.

Voila. Now, why

don't you have a go?


Oo, good.

- Yes.

- Like that?




And there you have it.

Traditional Christmas

trifle and minced meat pies.

Oh, I almost forgot.

A silver coin?

It's said that whoever

finds the silver coin

in their piece of

Christmas pudding

will have good luck and wealth

for the forthcoming year.

I like that tradition.

Apparently it dates

back to the 13th century.


How's your father adjusting

to the time difference?

Well, he's still sleeping.

Oh, well, good.

A proper sleep is

just what he needs.

Oh, this is so much fun.

Now, don't tell the boys,

but I've always wanted girls.

I got into SED Abroad.

I guess I have a

decision to make.

- Oh, awesome!

- Well done.


Early Christmas present, girls.

Oh Dad, you didn't leave

any for the other tourists.

Well, you snooze, you lose.

Hello, London!


I've always wanted to do this.

Come on, girls, keep up.


Now, make sure you

get my good side.

What is that?

It's Billy's Circus, look.

The Ritz!

We could have afternoon tea.

Merry Christmas.

Cheers, governor.




Thank you, London!


- Hi, I'm here.

- What's the emergency?

Well, you

told me to get him here.

Your mother just wants a word.

How was your appointment

with Dr. Parker this morning?

How did you...


You must stop calling him.

But you haven't

been communicative.

What did she say?

Nothing new.

Have you given any more thought

to what you're going to do?

I'm worried about you.

Your career has been

truly exceptional

and we're so proud of you.

You know that.

But your personal

life has struggled.

I mean, you've given

up so much life

to be the footballer you are.

Maybe it's not such a bad idea

to figure out what your

next chapter looks like.


We just want you to be happy.

Your father would, too.

I feel him when I play.

It's like he's there

with me in the stands,

cheering me on on the field.

I'm worried that

when I stop playing,

I will lose my

connection to him.

Football and

Newbourne specifically

is the one thing

we've always had,

even after he was gone.

On the field or off,

he'll always be with you.

Do you remember this?


I believe it was Christmas Eve.

It was absolutely freezing

and I couldn't get you

or your father to come inside.

"Five more minutes,

five more minutes."

It was never five minutes.

It was not.

I would do anything to have

five more minutes with him.

I know, sweetheart.

Oh, me too.

Time for happiness is now.

Don't wait.

Oh, come on and give

your old mother a hug.

Are you sure you

don't wanna come with?

No, you guys go. Bond.

Enjoy your first date with

Henry and your father.


Don't be too hard on him.

No promises.

Okay, well,

enjoy your first date

with the spiciest

chicken in all of London.


I deserve a medal for that.


Oh, hi, Georgia.

It's Graham.

Henry gave me your number.

Any chance that you're

available for a mini adventure?

I'd like to show you something.

This is my favorite

place in the world.

No peeking.

No way!

I, I can't believe

you play here.

Sometimes I can't either.

You must have worked

so hard for all of this.

You have no idea.

Tell me more.

Turned pro at 16.

But it's not always as

glamorous as it seems.

I know I'm closer to

the end of my career

than the beginning,

but I don't know if

I'm ready for that yet.

And the pressure to come

back is excruciating,

for myself, fans,

my dad.

It was his dream for me to win

the Champions League

with Newbourne.

When he died, his

dream became mine.

What do you want?

I don't want to retire.

I do wanna go out on my terms.

It'd be a shame.

I've never even seen you play.

I don't even know

if you're good.

I'm good.

You can't be afraid

of who you'll be if

you don't come back.

But you also can't be afraid

of who you'll be if you do.

So, you gonna

show me your moves?

For real?

For real.


Have you got a ball?

- You ready?

- Ready.


Georgia, Georgia, Georgia!

Good game.

Hi, Dad.

Hey, nice night?

Mm-hm. Did you more or less

behave yourself at dinner?

With great strength comes

great reward, my firstborn.

She seems happy.

Hey, we should find

you a nice boy.

Maybe you'll need a boy at

IU during your OT program.

Or maybe not.

You sworn off dating?

I just meant I may not

be at Indiana next year.


Did you not get in?

I can make a call.

No, I did, which is

fantastic, obviously.

But I also got into

another program.

It's called SED Abroad

and I would be a traveling

special education teacher.

I'd get to work with kids

from all over the world.

Dad, you're not saying anything.

That sounds phenomenal.

You're not disappointed?

No, honey.

I want you to be happy and if

this SED Abroad opportunity

is gonna make ya happy,

then you have to go.

"The world is your

oyster," as they say.

Now, I don't know who

they are, but it's true.

Dad, not yet.

Ow, hot, hot!

She warned you.

You know, baking peanut

butter Christmas cookies

on the morning of Christmas Eve

was always your mom's favorite.

We'd beg for a breakfast cookie.

She'd say no in front of you

and give us one when

you left the room.

I wish she was here.

She would be so

proud of both of you.

I know I am.

Oh, Dad.

Okay, I need to go

and run these to

Henry's parents' house.

Dad, why don't you go and change

before we head to the pub?

I don't need to change.

I thought we said no

Hawaiian shirt this year.

Did we?

I don't remember.

I thought you said, "Don't

forget your Hawaiian shirt."

Oh, holy mackerel.

This is amazing.

Happy Christmas Eve.

So nice to finally

meet you, Mr. Bright.

Michael, please.

This is my husband, Archie.

- How do you do?

- Nice to meet you.

Let me take your coat.

Oh, thank you.

Wow. Dashing.

Thank you.

I love it. Where can I get one?


Ah. What would

you like to drink?

I'll come with you.

Care to join, Henry?

Oh, I'm all right.

Oh, come on, Henry.

If you sou say so,

Sir, Mr. Bright.

We'll hold down the fort.

So, uh, where's Graham today?

Oh, he said he'd

meet up with us later.

Cool, cool, cool, cool.

Oh, Georgia, your necklace

is trying to escape.

Oh, thank you so much.

I can't lose this,

but it's so old,

the clasp sometimes

has mind of its own.

- Let me help you.

- Well, thank you.

Right, now have you ever been

to a winter carnival?

Look at the reindeer!

Oh, it's magical.

Are you excited to see Santa?

See the.

- There?

- Yes.

Good luck.

All right.

- You're right.

- It's so cute in here.

Nice to see everyone.

I have a very special crown

for a very special girl.

- Aw.

- Aw, that's so sweet.


And a few more for the

other very special ladies.

Oh, actually.

What about me and your mum?

Dad, uh, this is

Henry's brother, Graham.

Oh, the Roy Kent of Newbourne.

Dad spent the whole

flight watching "Ted Lasso."

Yeah, I just wanted to

make sure I was prepared.

Well, that's

exactly what it's like

to play professional football.

Your coach is an

American football coach

turned soccer coach?


Soccer coach with

no prior experience?

Who bakes biscuits and

makes motivational signs,

is heavy on the folksy charm

and still doesn't

know what offside is?

Precisely, minus the mustache.

Michael, I'm

feeling quite peckish.

Can you join me for a bite?

Oh, I could eat. I'm starving.

We're going to the

carnival games there.

Graham, Georgia, wanna join us?

Yeah. Georgia?

Everyone, let's meet

right back here in an hour.

- Perfect.

- Enjoy.

So, SED Abroad?

Did you decide?

I just have to send the email.

Do it, now.

It's official!

Oh, I'm so proud of you.

So I asked Lizzie's

dad for permission

to marry her.


Well, he, um, he shook my hand,

pat me on the back and,

uh, just walked away.

So, you tell me.

Sounds like a yes to me.

I just have to figure

out how to do it.

Well, you could put

it in her stocking

or Christmas cr*cker.

That's a bit meh.

Well, too bad you didn't

get her for Secret Santa.

That's genius.

Who did you get?

Aunt Sarina.

Oh, come on, no one's

gonna swap with me.

Hold that thought.

I need your help with something.

I can get you Aunt Sarina.

No can do.

What about my dad?

I love that man. Sure.

I have Georgia.

I'm happy to trade, but

I don't know Howard.

Hear me out.

I'll trade you for Georgia,

but I give you the

gift to give to Howard.

I have Graham.

I can't get you Archie,

but I can get you Henry.

Aunt Sarina has Lizzie.

I told her I could

get her Henry.

No, I just traded you

for Henry to Howard.

You traded me?


How 'bout Lynn instead of Henry?

And next year I'll make

sure you get first pick.

And the year after?


I think we did it.

Those kids owe us.

Thank you for helping

getting everything switched.

Oh, you're welcome.

Don't worry. She

loves you a lot.

So, what are the bright

Christmas Eve traditions

that are upon us?

Uh, we have Christmas

peanut butter cookies,

Christmas carols

around the fire.

Is there a go to song?

"Deck the Halls."

It's a classic.

It was our mom's favorite.

It's been a tradition

since before I was born.

- Thank you so much.

- Of course.


Here you go.

I hear he's been wandering

around the festival tonight

with his new gal.

Football star, Graham Savoy.

If you're lucky you might

be able to get an autograph.

Has anyone seen the two boys?

Look what we won?

No, that is not

coming home with us.

No, it is for you.

Oh, well, thank you, Michael.

- You're welcome.

- I shall treasure it forever.

Right then, should we go home?

Somebody has to get

a good night's sleep

before Santa's visit.

Ho, ho, ho.

- Happy Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

- Not happy.

- Merry Christmas.

- It's happy!

- It's Merry Christmas.

You okay?

Mm-hm, yeah.


See you tomorrow, Graham.

See you tomorrow.

Don't forget, Rudolph

likes the baby carrots.

Comment likes the big ones.


Oh, my necklace.

My necklace is gone.

Are you sure you wore it today?


I can help you look.

No, I'm fine.

Want me to come with you?

No, no, I don't wanna

make everyone else late

for Christmas Eve.

I'll be fine.

Just go ahead to

Lynn and Archie's.

Get out the Christmas cookies.

Yeah, I'll be right behind you.

I'm gonna stay

and help her look.

Thank you.


I said I don't need your help.

I don't understand,

did I do something wrong?

No way! You're Graham Savoy.

Oh, what would you like?

- It's on the house.

- I'm good, thanks.


Could you sign

this for me, please?

It's not exactly a good time.

- It's for my nephew.

- He's a huge fan.


Do you mind if I take this?

Oh sure.

Hey, happy Christmas Mr. Savoy.

Georgia! You know I can't run.

Is this why you're upset?

It's not a big deal.

I'm upset because I lost my

great-grandmother's necklace

that my mother passed down to me

the Christmas before she died.

And because I foolishly fell

for a famous soccer star.

Who, oh, by the way,

has a brother who's about

to get engaged to my sister.

This, you and me,

was never gonna work.

It was selfish and dumb,

and it was a huge mistake.

Oh my gosh.

It's at the pub. I

had it at the pub.

Can I at least take you?

Go back to your mom's. I'm fine.


Can I get a quick shot,

Graham? Cheers, mate.


- You look awful.

- What's wrong, doll?

Has anybody turned

in a necklace?

Looks like this.

Well, let's have a look.

Oh, sorry, hun, I don't think...

Oh, how about a

compass necklace?

Tell old Mary

what's on your mind.

I don't know what

I'm doing with my life,

and I just made a

really massive decision

with, without really

thinking it through.

Oh. You need a drink.

I think you have a visitor.

Cut him some slack.

Deep down he's a

really good one.


Can we talk?

This isn't real.

I know, I know.

But it has a point.

It's a tabloid.

It doesn't have feelings.

What are we doing?

You can't this stuff seriously.

It doesn't mean anything.

This happens to me all the time.

Exactly. Exactly,

that's my point.

We are two completely

different people

with completely different lives.

I live in America.

You live in London.

You're a famous football

player and I'm a teacher.

It just doesn't matter how

much I like you or you like me.

I'm not great at

this, so bear with me.

I care about you, Georgia.

You're funny, smart,

and brave.

I don't know what

the future holds,

but I do know you're the

first girl who's treated me

like a person in a

really long time.

You get me.

I've always been

so scared to retire

because I never saw

a life past football.

You made me realize

that there could be.

What about Henry and Lizzie?

What about them?

They're getting

engaged in the morning.

What if we try

dating or something,

and it doesn't work out?

It's not like we can just

never see each other again.


What if it does?

You can't be afraid of what

could happen if it doesn't,

but you also can't be afraid

of what could happen if it does,

or something like that.

Did you just quote me to me?

Try not to let the

fame go to your head.

How 'bout we start by

finding your necklace?

No, it's not here.

I already asked Mary,

so let's just go.

You think this is how

I win championships?

Give me two minutes.

Hi, everyone.

What are you doing?

Hope you're enjoying

your Christmas Eve.

Sorry to interrupt.

My lovely friend here

has lost a necklace

that is very important to her,

and we think it's

somewhere in this pub.

Can you please help us look?

You know it's Christmas Eve?

Have a little Christmas spirit.

Drinks on the house for the rest

of the night for

whoever finds it.

You're all doing great.

Keep it up.

If I found it, I'd tell you.

- Good effort, mate.

- Thank you.

It's not here.

I told you it would turn up.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, can I

have your attention, please?

Thank you all for helping

us find the necklace!

Happy Christmas, everyone.

Happy Christmas!

Everyone's drinks are on me!

It's so great to

be together on Christmas Day.


Here we go. This is for you.

Thank you, Michael.

That's awfully kind.

Dad, stop.

Well, who, who got me this?

Something for you.

Oh, for me?

This is incredible, thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay, everyone, Lizzie's next.

I'm, uh, I'm your Secret Santa.

Okay. Thank you.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh, it's

happening, okay, um.


Elizabeth Michelle Bright,

you light up my world,

you're my best friend

and I love you.

Will you marry me?


Yes, yes!

Oh, it's so beautiful!

I can't believe it.



- Did you know?

- I'm shocked!

- Did you know?

- I did.

Of course you did.

No, but this is perfect.

This is.

Oh, is this a cr*cker?

I got a ruler.

And what's that?

That is a joke.

Happy Christmas.

Happy Christmas.

Let me.


Have you ever

seen a turkey that big?


- I made that.

- You made that?

- What do you think?

- Can we talk to you both?


Is, uh, there something

going on between you two?

- No.

- Yes.

- No?

- Yes.

We already know.

The whole family does.

They've elected

us to talk to you.


I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

It's been a little

bit of a journey.

Are you mad?


It's amazing!

It is?

Our two favorite

people hitting it off?


Just don't break her heart.

And, uh, you don't break his.

Well, as long as

you don't break hers.

And you don't break his.


Come on.



And the referee

is taking another

look at their watch!

And they applaud.

AFC Newbourne have won it.

Come on, Graham!

And the

exceptional Boxing Day crowd

can celebrate tonight

with this win lifting Newbourne

to the top of the

Premier League.

And if they can keep

up this winning streak,

we may finally see them qualify

for the champions league.

The future if certainly

bright for Newbourne!
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