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Senior Year: Love Never Fails (2023)

Posted: 12/04/23 17:22
by bunniefuu
(smooth music)

Yo I know it's been

a little while

But I gotta let 'em know

Yeah, gotta let 'em know

If you ever been down

opportunity to grow

Yeah, opportunity to grow

I know you having trouble

understanding it, yeah

If you trust in god he got

his hands in it, hands in it

I promise he'll protect you

like it's laminate, I promise

He don't get the glory

if the man did it, no

You gotta stand with him

I know

Yeah I know yeah

Life gets hard and it

feels like it's no way out

Yeah, no way no way

I promise if you just keep

going it'll all work out

All work out

'Cause that's my god

He won't let you go by far

All you need to

know right now

He gone pick you up

give you love right now

Yeah yeah yeah

(serene music)

- I know, right?

Oh, slap.

- Oh my god.

This is cold.

- Okay, ready?


You ready?

I'm, I'm gonna throw you in.

Yes, I am, look.

- No, no, stop it.

- Okay.

- Okay, that was cold.

- Yeah.

- Insane cold.

- That was fun though.

- It was fine, thank you.

- We haven't been to

beach long time.

- I know.

What is it, like?


- Cold.

- It was fun.

- I'm not even cold.

- You're not?

- No.

- I'm freezing.

- Where do you wanna go next?

- Um.

- Bora Bora?

- Yeah.

- Woo!

It is a beautiful day today.

You know, I can actually

see us living here together.

Walking on the beach every day.


- I mean, that would be

nice, but it's not realistic.

Have you thought about

what we're gonna do

after we graduate?

- Marcella,

I know you're not seriously

thinking about that right now.

I mean, come on.

We, it's a nice beach today.

The, the ocean, the, the sky.

People walking around.

We're here to have fun.

Lighten up.

Look, we still got some

rides to get on.

Come on.

- Walk off too fast?

- No.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Faith

Happy birthday to you

- Yeah!

- Yay.

- Make a wish.

(dramatic music)

- All right.

- Yay!

- Where's daddy?

(dramatic music)

- Yeah, this is the one.

- You made an excellent choice.

So, we can get this all

wrapped up and ready for you.

How would you like to pay

it today, cash or card?

- Um, I don't have all

the money right now.

- Oh, no problem.

We have financing.

All I need is your id and

we can get you pre-approved.

- Yeah, I kind of don't want

to go into debt with this.

- Hey, I totally respect that.

You know, we also have

a layaway plan.

This way you don't go into debt.

There's no contract,

no interest fees.

All you need to do is

make your payments

and once you finish paying

for it, you take it home.

- Seriously?

This is great.

Oh, I gotta go, bro.

- Oh, here, wait.

Take my business card.

Call me if you need

anything at all.

- Okay, thanks.

Ain't nothin' in this

world gonna stop me

My run, y'all run,

your odyssey

Your odyssey, your

your odyssey

- That's clean.

Aye CJ, you see that?

- What?

- The dunk.

- Nah, did I miss the cake?

- You missed everything, bro.

- Check up.

- My ball.

I broke it off 'cause

I'm not settling

- Daddy!

- Hey!

Happy birthday.

- You're late.

- Yeah, um,

just had to run a quick

errand to pick up this.

- A basketball, seriously?

- CJ, I saved you

a piece of cake.

- Thanks, mom.

- Such a mama's boy.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- It means I need somebody

who can step up

and show up for me and Faith.

(melancholy music)

- What you thinking?

- Man, your sis is tough.

- You bought Faith a basketball?

Bro, little girls like

princess toys

or something sparkling

with diamonds.

- Nah, trust me, bro.

Faith is a baller.

And she gonna be just

like her dad one day.

- Okay, okay.

I know, I know, she

loves basketball.

How you gonna show up this

late to your daughter's party?

- Honestly, don't tell anybody,

but the only reason I was late

is because I went looking

for a ring.

- A ring?

Like, like a hoop?

- Nah, a ring for Marcella.

I'm gonna propose.

- You sure you're

ready for that?

- I think so.

- Because I don't want

my sister getting hurt.

- I just wanna make her happy.

- Make her happy or

your folks happy?

- Look, I get it, Hector.

Marriage is important.

And my dad is a reverend,

so in the eyes of the

church, marriage is forever.

When you get married

in front of your,

your parents, your family, god,

I don't wanna mess that up.

- Well then the first thing

you have to ask yourself is,

are you doing it for love?

- Come on, man.

You seriously asking me if

I love Marcella and Faith?

I'm her dad.

- Yeah, and you know our dad

walked out on me and Marcella.

- I'd never do that to Faith.

- So you're not doing

it out of obligation?

- Obligation?

- Your dad and your mom, they

can be pretty domineering.

- It's not like that, okay?

They just care, that's all.

- Yeah, I know they do.

- And so do I.

- I guess so

if you're wanting to give

something sparkling

in my sister.

- You think she'll say yes?

- Don't ask me.

Ask her.

- I don't even know if

Marcella wants me to ask her.

I just feel like maybe Marcella

doesn't want me to ask.

- I think you're

overthinking it.

If this is how you really

feel in your heart,

then just go and ask her.

Or you'll never know.

It's called a proposal

for a reason, ese.

- What if she doesn't?

- What if she says no?

- That could ruin everything.

- If you don't ask, it could

ruin everything anyway.

You definitely will not find

out unless you take the shot.

- Okay.

You're right, you're right.

I will.

Just gotta find the

right moment.

- But seriously though, you,

you gotta step up your game.

A ring alone is not gonna fix

whatever problems you

have in your relationship.

(phone dinging)

I, I gotta go.

Remember, don't fake it.

Take the shot.

- Take the shot.

- Oh, so cute.

(upbeat music)

- CJ, let's have a word.

Oh, my love can

take me higher

Wait here with them

Oh, my love can

take me higher

- Hey, mom.

- Hey.

- We have a class

project tomorrow

and we're meeting up at

Emma's house to finish it.

- [Mom] In the middle

of Faith party?

- Mom, the party's almost over.

Besides, don't you and

dad want us to get all A's

so we could get into good

colleges, right?

- Okay, who's picking you up?

- Emma and her dad.

- Be back by nine.

- Okay.

- Oh, and text me when

you get there.

- Okay.

- Hmm.

A basketball though?

(lively music)

Hey, Peter,

do you mind watching

Faith for a sec

while I put these in the car?

- Yeah, I got you.

- Thank you.

- Faith, you wanna play?

(lively music)

- Hey, bro, stop staring.

- Hey, chill out, bro.

I'm not staring.

(smooth music)

- I, I mean, there's gonna

be ups and downs, right?

That's what.

- Yeah.

- Makes it fun.

- Where's CJ?

He should be the one bringing

these bags to the car.

- Oh, Marcella, you know what?

I will get the rest

of the packages

and find out where CJ is, okay?

- Thank you.

- Okay.

Hey, what are you boys

talking about?

Marcella's waiting for you.

- [CJ] Okay, I'm coming.

(lively music)

- Oh, there you are.

It's getting late and we

still need to take mom home.

- Oh yeah, we do have to go.

I got team practice

tonight, too.

- Really, tonight?

- CJ, I brought you

some leftovers.

- Thanks.

- Oh, be careful.

- Thank you, mom.

- Oh my god, of course.

- Thanks for hosting, okay.

- Yes, of course.

- Dad.

- Yeah.


Remember our talk.

(tense music)

(tense music swelling)

- What have I told you?

You know you should never

run into the road like that.

- It's okay.

I got you, okay?

- Nice gift, it almost

got her k*lled.

(dramatic music)

- I can't wait till we

finish unpacking.

Feels like ever since

we signed this lease

we've been living in

a moving truck.

- I thought you were happy that

we're all together finally?

- [CJ] Of course I am, Marcella.

Look, I didn't mean

it like that.

I'm just-

- Mommy, can you read

me a bedtime story?

- Okay, did you brush

your teeth?

Good girl.

Go jump into bed and I'll

be right there, okay?

- Hey, give daddy a kiss.


- Goodnight.

- And happy birthday.

Listen, uh, about today.

- You promised you'd

be there, CJ.

- I know.

- Look, I don't wanna have

to raise Faith on my own,

but you're not giving

me much of a choice.

- [CJ] How about I

make it up to you?

- How?

- Well, how about a

little masculinity, huh?

Come here, come here, come here.

- You're a mess.

- Please forgive me.

I'm sorry.

- You know what this

will lead to.

I don't wanna hear your

mouth complaining

about how you feel guilty later.

- You sound just like my dad.

- Oh, what did he say this time?

- Don't k*ll the mood, please.

- I knew it.

He dragged you off to

that dungeon study of his

to give you another private

sermon, huh?

- He uh, he said that

we should do counseling.

- Counseling, like marriage


But we're not even married.

- A relationship counselor.


- Okay, fine.

If you have time for

it, make an appointment,

add it to the board.

(dramatic music)

Grow, you will never

let me grow

Never let me down

- [Coach] Come on!

- Come on, son, don't

be scared of the ball.

Never let you down

All right, team.

Get that energy high.

- Yeah!

- I want you all going

the extra mile

for the next series of games.

I know we got it in us

to take home the title.

So give it all you got.

Leave it all on the court.

- Yeah, let's go.

- Let's go.

(team clapping)

- I think we can actually

win it all this year, Coach.

- If you believe in that,

CJ, I'm sure we'll win.

- We're not gonna fail,

as long as you keep

praying for us, Captain.

(team laughs)

- Get back out there, y'all.

- All right.

- Let's get it.

- Okay.

- Let's go, guys, go!

- "And they lived happily

ever after."

Like me, you and daddy?

- Uh-huh.

- Like the Bible verse says?

- Which one?

- Hmm?

The one you just read

me, Dinosaurus.

- First Corinthians 13:8.

"Love never fails."

Yes, mija, just like that.

(dramatic music)

Amazing grace

How sweet

- Daddy, do you like my dress?

- Oh, I love it, Faith.

It's so beautiful, just

like your mom.

- Come on, let's go.

We're gonna be late.

Praise god

Praise god, come

on, praise him

Praise god, he is

worthy of praise

Praise god, there's

nobody like our god

Praise god, he is worthy

Praise god, so we

lift our hands

Praise god, and

we praise god

Praise god, praise god

Praise god, praise god

Praise god, praise

god, praise god

- Hallelujah.

Praise god, praise god.

Thank you, choir.

Thank you very much, choir.

Didn't you feel the

anointing from today's song?

Bringing today's message is

our very own Rev. Chuwkumah.

(congregation clapping)

- Thank you very much.

The Lord tells us in

Matthew chapter 5, verse 30,

that if your right hand

makes you stumble

and leads you to sin,

cut it off for it's better

to have one part of the body

than for you to lose

your whole body in hell.

So whatever it is that

makes you sin, cut it off.

Be it a job, cut it off.

Be it a habit, cut it off.

Be it a relationship,

cut it off.

The question to you, my

brothers and sisters,

is what do you have to cut

off from your life today?

That is the question.

Cut it off.

(congregation clapping)

- You're going to grandma

and grandpa's house today.

- Where you mommy going?

- We're going on a date.

I can make it through

the storm

I can

I can make it through

the storm

I can

(romantic music)


I just wanna say that I

love you and I want to ask,

will you make me the happiest

man in the world and marry me?

No, no, no.

I don't like that.

Marry me?


Will you be my wife?

Will you accept this

gumball machine ring

I got on the way here because

I can't afford the real one?

(toilet flushing)

(light romantic music)

You okay?


There's something I've been

meaning to talk to you about.

- Is it about these menu prices?

We can barely afford

rent and daycare.

Can we really afford this?

- This is just a once in

a while type of thing,

and plus my dad's allowance

covers it, so.

Yeah, with strings attached.

- What strings?

- CJ, you need to stop

taking money from them.

We said we were gonna

be independent.

- I know, I know.

Look, they're just trying

to help, that's all.


we finally moved out together,

the three of us, like a family.

- Yeah, but we still hardly

spend any time together.

- You're right and I'm

trying to fix that, okay?

I know that.

- Hi.

- How's your meal?

Just making sure everything

is okay.

- Everything's good.

- Please let me know if you

have any questions or concerns.

(phone dinging)

- Oh, we should probably

head out.

It's gonna take a

while to get back

and we still need

to go grab Faith.

- Yeah.

Yeah, sure.

I'll just tell you later.

(light romantic music)

- So you had fun today?

- They always wear you out, huh?

- It's your turn for story time.

- Okay.

There you go.

So do you want me to

read you a story

or do you want me to teach

you some basketball moves?

- Basketball moves.

- Okay, okay.

So I'm gonna teach you

about your stance, okay?

So first you're gonna

put your feet like this

and then hold your arms

up and spread 'em out

like you're ready to

catch the ball, right?

And then you'll keep

your head up

so it don't hit you in

the forehead, right?

Yeah just like that.

And now you're gonna be ready.

So those-

(Marcella clearing throat)

- This doesn't look like

reading a book.

- Busted.

- Go on into bed.

- The fun police has arrived.

- [Marcella] Goodnight.

- Why do you and dad don't

sleep in the same room together?

- Um, you're gonna have

to ask your father that.

- It's complicated.

- What's complicated

about sharing a bedroom?

- You really have to ask that?

Where's this go?

- Over in the corner.

So I'm asking you,

do you really think this

experiment of ours will work

with you in a separate room?

- This isn't a lab

test, Marcella.

This is a relationship.

- CJ, why can't we

share the room?

- Because I don't want to

be tempted, that's why.

Look, I can make

this work, okay?

But it has to be at the right

time and at the right place.

So let's just,

let's just go to bed for now

and unpack the rest of

this another day.

(light dramatic music)

Oh, you had me worried.

- CJ, you didn't get my text?

- No.

What text?

- I don't feel good.

- I don't have anybody else

to watch her this late.

- I'm sorry.

- Come on.

- Why can you not watch

me, Miss Chrissy?

- I just don't feel

good right now.

I'm sorry, Faith, but

in a few days I'll,

I'll see you when I

get better, okay?

- Get better.

- Thanks.

- Guess it's just us today.

Come on.

(smooth music)

- Daddy, how long are

we gonna be here?

- I told you, Chrissy

isn't feeling well,

so you gotta come to

class with me, okay?

- Okay.

- Won't that be fun?

- What is love?

To understand the meaning,

let's explore the three

concepts of love

developed by the early


One, eros, passionate desire,

Philia, friendship.

- Teacher.

- Yes?

- My mommy and daddy really

love each other so much.

(class chuckles)

- I bet they do.

And three, agape, the

highest form of love.

The love for humanity.

Any questions?

- Yeah.

- Hi, mom.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Smells good.

- How was it today?

- Well,

I don't think she's ready to

go to college anytime soon.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

But she loved basketball


So uh, how was lab?

- Hm, so so, nothing special.

I talked to my mom about

watching Faith

for the rest of the week.

- Oh, great.

Yeah, my folks said they

watch her one or two days, so.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- And don't forget,

we have that appointment

with the counselor tomorrow.

- Come on, Faith, time

to hop in the bath.

- Aw!

(light upbeat music)

- [Receptionist] Hi there.

How can I help you?

- Hi, uh, we have an

appointment with Ms. Patty.

- Oh, okay, um.

Is that Chukwumah O?

- Okafa.

- Okafa, perfect.

Okay, please have a seat.

I'll let Dr. Patty

know you're here.

- Okay.

- Dr. Patty, your next

appointment's here.

- CJ.

Hi, it's so good to see you.

And you must be Marcella.

- Hi.

- Hi.

So look,

I would prefer to speak

with you both individually

before speaking to

you as a couple.

Is that okay?

- Okay.

- All right.

We can go get you first.

So CJ, how's your father?

- Oh, still the same.

- Yeah?

What on earth were you thinking?

- Um?

- Moving in with

your girlfriend?

Come on, CJ.

You should know better

than that.

- Well, we have separate


We don't sleep together.

- How's that working

out for you?

- We're managing, it's not easy.

We have to constantly

juggle our schedules,

figure out who's picking

Faith up.

CJ's basketball practice

and work schedule.

And there are some issues

that we're working through

together, privately.

To be honest,

we're only here out of

respect for Rev. Chuwkumah.

- Okay.

So it's been about six years

since the two of you first met,

is that right?

- Yeah.

Yeah, we met our freshman year.

- Oh wow.

That's wonderful.

My husband and I were

high school sweethearts.

And then after your,


your child was conceived.

- Uh.

- And this baby was born

out of wedlock, yes?

- Yeah, yeah.

Well, we weren't married.

No, so.

- And how long have you

two been living like this?

- Well, we moved in

with our parents, well,

my parents for a while

after Faith was born.

- And then we saved

up enough money

and we got our own apartment.

We've been been there

about six months.

- But you are still

unmarried, correct?

- Yes.

- Take a look at that

right there.

"Flee from sexual immorality.

All other sins a man commits

are outside his body,

but he who sins sexually

sins against his own body."

- What does this mean?

How does this apply to us?

- CJ, would you like

to respond to that?

- Well, bible, the bible

doesn't specifically say

that we can't live together

as an unmarried couple,

but it does say that

premarital sex is wrong.

- You are right.

Living together by itself

is not a sin.

The bible doesn't have

any specific verses

saying that you can't share

apartment, for instance.

However, the problem

is the temptation

and what's happening

behind closed doors.

So if you two can honestly say

that living together

doesn't create

an easy environment

for temptation.

- I mean, I wouldn't

call it temptation.

We love each other and

we have a happy family.

- But you must know that

it's unbiblical

to live as though you are

married when you're not.

- Well, yeah, but I,

I just feel like-

- That's the problem here.

- Excuse me?

You don't know anything

about us.

- I do know that you're

having some problems, right?

And maybe that's due to the fact

that you two haven't fully

committed to one another

in the eyes of god.

- Well, I don't want to be with

anybody else though, right?

I love Marcella.

- Love has nothing

to do with it.

- Love has nothing to

do with it, really?

CJ, let's go.

- Wait, wait.

So what are you trying to say?

- I'm saying that you

either get married or.

- Or what?

- Live separately.

- Live separately?

You're talking about

splitting up a family, a home.

That's your solution?

CJ, are you coming?

Can you believe that lady?

I thought she was supposed

to fix relationships,

not break them.

She wants to rip our

family apart.


- What if, what if maybe

she has a point?

- Are you kidding me?

Can't you see this is just

another attempt from your dad

to control our relationship.

- He's just trying to help.

- Help?

You call that helping?

- Marcella, wait.

- They're using god

to separate us

and manipulate our happy lives.

- Are we?

- Are we what?

- Happy?

- If you're not happy, CJ,

maybe you should listen to her.



- I don't know.

- CJ?

- Daddy!

- [CJ] Hey.

- [Faith] Do you like

my picture, grandpa?

- Yeah, I love it.

You're so good at that.

You know that?

- Going somewhere?

- I, I think that for now

it's best if I move out

at least into the time is right-

- Best for who?

You're really gonna let

him do this to us?

- I'm not doing it for him.

- Then why don't you talk to me?

Help me understand why

you're doing this.

- It just feels like

the right thing to do.

- That's not good enough, CJ.

You're abandoning us.

- I don't wanna do this.

- Then why are you?

(CJ stammers)

Typical CJ response.

- Wait.

Marcella, please, wait.

What do you mean by that?

- You're just gonna pack up and

leave without talking to me.

I thought we were a real family,

but here you are sneaking out

like you don't care about us.

You're treating me

like a baby mama.

Is that what I am to you,

CJ, just a baby mama?

- Come on, Marcella.

You know it ain't like that.

- Isn't it?

- I love you.

You know that.

- Then tell me, answer me.

Who am I?

Who am I to you?

I thought we were real partners.

Guess I was wrong.

- Marcella, Marcella, please.


- Don't sweat it, CJ.

You know what?

Maybe I'm not your baby mama.

- What?


What are you talking about?

- Wouldn't that be easier, huh?

Then you can just leave.

No regrets.

Walk off for good.

No looking back.

Go then, just go.

Leave, bye.

- Wait, wait.

When you say that I'm

not Faith's dad,

you said I was the only

one, remember?

You remember right?

I'm the only one, right?

- You'll figure it out, CJ.


- Mommy, stop.

Don't go, Daddy, don't go!

Hey, hey, listen, listen,

okay, daddy's gotta go, okay?

But I'll be back,

I promise you.

- Go.

- I will be back.

I promise I'll be back.

- Go.

You're not her real father.

(dramatic music)

- Daddy!

(dramatic music)

Don't go.


For the longest time I've

traveled on this narrow road

Where it leads honestly,

only heaven knows

I may run into obstacles

that might slow my growth

But I'm eager to press on

because I'll never fold

Perfect is something I

wish that could truly be

Anytime I fall to the

ground, I hear god telling me

Get up, don't give up

Rise up from who you are

to what you will become

It's your chance

to start again

For a new day has begun

- Hey Dad,

would it be okay if I come

home and stay for a while?

- Are Marcella and

Faith with you?

- No, just me.

- Your mother and I are

at the country club today.

You still have your key, right?

- Yeah.

- Just use it.

- All right.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- So uh, how about a vacation?

- Yes and yes and yes.

- To Jamaica maybe?

- Yes.

- Where we can sing that

song live with them.

- Yes.

- Don't worry about a thing?

About a thing

Every little thing

'Cause every little thing


Is gonna be all right

That would be amazing.


- Yes.

- What do you think,

what do you think?

Come on.

- Yes and yes and yes.

- Come no, yes.

- But, yes,

thinking about CJ,

what are we gonna do now?

- So what else can we do?

- I don't know.

We can tell him to go

home and work things out.

- Veronica, you know this

could be for the best.

- For the best?

CJ's a father now, he

has responsibilities.

- He also has responsibilities

to us and the church, to god.

- Okay.

So this is what you

were talking about

in the office at Faith's party.

- Maybe I mention that

they should get married

if they're going to continue

living together as a family.

- So this is your handy work?

- Not really.

Look, I'll talk to CJ in

the morning and see if I,

we can iron all this out, okay?

- Okay.

I mean,

but only if you can

keep your nose

out of their personal business.

And you promise?

- Yes, I promise.

- No, you promise.

- I promise.

- You promise.

- Come here.

I promise.

- Okay.

(doorbell ringing)

- Marcella, what are

you doing here?

I did a big mistake.


- What happened?

Here, come on.

Come on inside.

Come inside.

Mijita, come inside.

And you, my little chula,

are you already miss me?


Come on, let's go inside.

What happened?

And you said that to him?

- I was mad.

I wanted to give back at him.

- You were outta line, Marcella.

You don't just mess around with

people's emotions like that.

- Butt out, Hector.

I'm talking to mom.

- I'm just saying.

- Oh, now you're on CJ's side?

Don't forget,

you were the one that was

against him from the beginning.

Just saying.

- Well I'm telling you,

if my girl kicked me out

like how you did him.


- I didn't kick him out.

He already had his bags

packed when I got there.

(whimsical music)

What do you think, mom?

I don't know, Marcella.

Is he the father?

- I, I need to see Devon.

- That's that one guy

that you told me about.

- He was a basketball

team captain.

- You woke up on his couch?

- Yeah.

- Marcella.

- But it wasn't like

I could stop it,


(doorbell ringing)

- That's probably

CJ right there.

You need to try and

straighten things out, okay?

Marcella, try and fix things.

- Hello?

- Um, hi, can I help you?

- Is Ana at home?

- Mom, it's for you.

- You, you are not welcome here.

- Hector.

Who was it?

- It was nobody?

- A man looking for you.

- A man?

(visitor knocking on door)

- Make him go away.

What did I just tell you?

- Javier?

- Ana, it's been a long time.

- Yeah, 20 Years.

- Papa?

- Don't call him that.

- He gave that up.

- I expected that.

- Mom, are you okay?

- Just a little surprised,

and angry.

You left us!

Do you know how many

times I waited,

staring at the door every

night for you to come back?

I thought you were dead.

I thought you were dead.

- Mommy, who's that?

- You, you have a daughter?

- You would know if

would've around long enough

to still be in our lives.

(Ana speaking in Spanish)

- I think you better go.

- Yeah.

(Ana speaking in Spanish)

- I get it, I get it.

In case you want to reach me.

(melancholy music)

(smooth music)

- Lord, we ask that you watch

out for us on the court today.

Give us the speed, the

strength, the stamina,

and the spirit to overcome

all obstacles

that we may face in spirit

and with grace,

in victory and defeat.


- Amen.

- All right, let's go y'all.

Team on me, team on three.

One, two, three.

- [Team] Team!

(lively music)

Always wanna talk but

you never smoke

If you flash and

if you flash

Goin' live, you would choke

Came close and never

thought it

You would never ever

grow, grow, grow

(whistle blow)

- Red captain, blue captain,

come to center court, please.

- All right, have a good game.

- Yeah, same.

- Great game.

Show some good sportsmanship.

Make sure you uh, control

your teammates.

If you guys have any questions,

please refer them to us

at a dead ball situation.

All right?

- All right.

- Let's have a great game.

Here we go, gentlemen.

Let's have a great game.

- Good to see you.

- You too, good luck.

(whistle blowing)

- Here we go, here we

go, here we go, come on.

We got this, come on.

- Let's go, baby.

- All right.

(whistle blows)

Blue's going that way,

red's going that way.

Let's have a great game.

(players chattering)

(lively music)

- [Player] I got ball, I got

ball, I got ball, I got ball.

- [Coach] Hold your lane!

(fans cheering)

- Time out!

- Yeah!


- Let's go!

- Let's go, let's go.

- Let's go.

- Let's go.

- Hey guys, this is what

we trained for.

Keep it up.

- What'd I tell you

on that back pick?

We've been working on this.

- [Player] My bad, coach.

- Let's go.

Come on, take us out, big man.

- Team on me, team on three.

One, two, three.

- [Team] Team!

- Be out here and finish this.

Just the beginning, let's go.

- Let's go.

- Yes sir.

- Come on, y'all.

- Let's go.

- Come on, come on.

- Let's go, let's go.

- Work on three.

One, two, three.

- [Team] Work!

(players chattering)

(lively music)

(fans cheering)

- Get here, get here,

get here, get here.

(players chattering)

(lively music)

- Hey, hey, hey.

(players chattering)

(lively music)

(fans cheering)

- [Players] Good game,

good game, good game.

(lively music)

- Good job.

- Thank you.

- All right.

- Good luck to you.

- Coach.

- What's going on, CJ?

How you doing?

- Man, I'm good.

- Good, good.

It's good to see you.

I see you still got

everything I taught you.

- Oh, you know, I learned

it all from you.

- Okay.

- I'm actually better

than you now.

You didn't know?

- Love you, boy.

So take care of that family.

It's good seeing you.

- All right, man.

- Good luck to you.

- Sure.

- Hey, how you feeling?

- I'm good, uh,

listen Coach,

I don't know how to

tell you this,

but I need to step away

from basketball.

- If you need more time,

I can get another player

to fill in as captain.

- I already got my mind made up.

Look, I gotta step away

from the game.

And it's not just about

with me and Marcella,

it's more than that.

I'm not a top ranked player,

so I'm not gonna make it

to the NBA or the G League.

I just feel like it's time

for me to focus on my future

and see what the Lord

has in store for me.

I hope you understand.

- I, I understand, understand.

You gotta do what's

best for you,

but also recognize what

you bring to this team.

I'll let you step down

on one condition.

- What is it?

- You become team chaplain.

- Chaplain?

- I've seen your faith

come into play on the court

and in the locker room.

Your teammates listen to you.

It would help if you can

stay around and mentor them,

council them and pray for

those who need prayer.

- I'll think about it, okay?

- Okay.

Appreciate you, Coach.

- Thanks, I appreciate you.

I gotta admit, Marcella,

I didn't know what to

think when I got your text.

- Yeah, I know it was

out of the blue.

- Yeah.

I was guessing CJ would be here.

Let me guess you.

He's at practice?

Well anyway, how's Faith?

- Good.

She's good.

- Cool.

You got any pictures

of my goddaughter?

- Yeah, of course.

- Let me see this little girl.

Oh my gosh, she's so beautiful.


She looks just like her mother.

Look Marcella,

I know I haven't been

the best godfather.

In fact, I think I forgot

her birthday.

- Yeah, she's five now.

- It's been five years?

Man time flies, wow.

Well it was a nice gesture

of CJ making me the godfather,

by the way.

- Devon, if it wasn't

for you driving CJ,

he would've missed her birth.

- How's CJ?

How's things between you two?

- Actually, Devon, that's

why I need to talk to you.

- Yeah, what's up?

- That night, back

in freshman year.

- Marcella,

what's this about?

- It's about us.

(phone ringing)

(smooth music)

(CJ knocking on door)

- What's good, baby daddy?

- Hey Shante.

- Yo, it's been a minute.

How are things?

- Oh, you know how it is.

You know, you graduated,

still grinding.

- Yeah, I remember

my senior year.

That's another story.

How you been?

Just come in, sit down,

make yourself at home

in my studio.

- So how many followers

you got now, Shante?

- Just hit my first million.

- Really?


You know you always been good

with the social media stuff,

you know?

Now you getting paid

for it, huh?

- I'm blessed.

Hey, somebody's gotta

show everyone what's hot.

But yo, what's up?

How you been?

You mentioned something

on the phone

about freshman year from

like five years ago.

- It's Marcella.

She hasn't been returning

any of my phone calls.

- What, you two had a fight?

- Way worse than that.

- Was there someone else?

Bro, don't tell me you've

been playing around on her.

I told you, once your

team captain,

these girls are like flies.

- No, no Shante, I

haven't been unfaithful.

- But she has?

- I don't know.


- Wow.

Man, I thought you

guys were tight.

- I feel like I've just

been losing my mind, bro.

Like one minute everything

was good and then okay,

things have been kind

of stressed out lately.

But for her to tell me

I'm not Faith's father.

Like how could she-

- Wait a minute.

Bro, she said that?

- Listen, the reason I came here

is because I need you to tell

me what happened that night

at the freshman year party.

I know you said something

about her walking out with

Devon or something, right?

Look, I need to know whether

I'm Faith's father or not.

(lively music)

Yeah, yeah

(lively music)

I don't know, I don't know

All I know is shorty

bad though, bad though

Look I'll be on the block with

all my jewels on, jewels on

I'll be in the spots with

all my jewels on, facts

Tell your homie not to

move wrong, don't do it

Wolves with me, he'll

get moved on

All about my paper this

that New York Times, right

All about that money this

that New York grind, right

Went to school with a man

and I think he facing nine

So when she feeling lonely

she gonna hit my line

She fell with it

That's how they all do

And when she hit the

homie I'm a follow through

I ain't got no time

for that boy

And you can't judge me

'Cause I know you

did it before law

I be faded homie, I

don't know, I don't know

All I know is shorty

bad though, bad though

I think I met her by

the studio, studio

Said she working by

the (censored)

Faded homie, I don't know,

I don't know, I don't know

All I know is shorty

bad though, bad though

So it's true?

- Can I be straight with you?

'Cause you know we

roomies for life.

Word is, Faith may really

be Devon's kid.

As it looked like he and her

had a little thing the

night at the party.

But you trust her, don't you?

- I did.

- You two gonna work it out?

- I don't know.

I gotta go.

- All right.

- Appreciate you, bro.

Thanks, bro.

(melancholy music)

- Nice to be back in

your own bed, huh?

And you like the new

Teddy from your godfather?

- Uh-huh, but where's daddy?

- Well mommy needs to

talk to daddy first.

- Can you call daddy

to come back home now?

(calming music)

- Tomorrow, I'll call

him tomorrow.

Not really, I do

have a fight man

I get by, barely surviving

We just animals, the

human in your nature

Boy, says we're too noisy

They be on that joint

- Monica?

Monica, I can see you.

Where you going?

- Out.

- Uh, out where?

Does mom and dad know?

- It's none of your

business, CJ.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What is this?

Why are you dressed like this?

You going to the club

or something?

Start shit

Said I do to much

Oh no, don't tell me you're

going out with this weirdo.

- Hey, Derrick's a rapper.

- Rapper?

Yeah, wannabe rapper.


Hey, keep it rolling, man.

- Yo man, first off,

hands off the car.

Secondly, yo, who is this?

- It don't matter who I am.

Just keep it pushing.

- Yeah, all right, goofy.

Monica, who is this?

- It's my brother.

- Yo brother?

The same one that knocked up

that cheerleader freshman year?

That brother?

- Monica, you been talking

about me like that?

- Just don't tell mom

and dad about this, okay?

- And why shouldn't I?

- Hey, I didn't call you out

when Marcella got pregnant,

so don't act all holier

than thou with me.

(rapper rapping indistinctly)

Curly hair, copy that

And the corduroys with

the snap back

- How old are you, 19, 20?

- Does it matter?

- All right, well don't

touch my sister, okay?

- CJ.

- Yeah, all right, big bro.

We won't do anything

you wouldn't do.

(boyfriend chuckles)

(tires screeching)

(phone ringing)

- Shante?

- [Shante] Yo, CJ.

- This is not the time, bro.

- [Shante] I know you've

been stressed.

That's why we gotta blow

off some steam.

- What?

- [Shante] Yo, we going

out tonight, VIP style.

(smooth music)

- Here you go, love.

- You have a lovely place.

- It's aight, you know?

But having a nice spot with

nobody to share it with,

it can get lonely.

You didn't have to go

through that trouble.

You know, I like a nice

cocktail or two.

After a long day, I can unwind.

But I was hoping, I was

hoping that you can join me.


- Is that why you asked

me over today?

- Marcella, after

seeing you again,

I realized that I, I

never got over you.

- Over me, what?

What, what do you mean?

- Marcella, we always had

a connection in college,

but then when things

happen with you and CJ,

it just changed everything.

But now, but now I feel like

we got another shot, love.

- Devon, I,

I think I gave you

the wrong idea.

- Marcella, you don't want this?

- I came here looking for

clarity about the past,

but it's in the past.

Do you understand?

Well, Marcella, if

it's not this,

what is it you want?

- Well.

Fallin' in love

Oh yeah

But you can, falling again

- Ain't this the spot, bro?

It feels like I'm

falling in love

It feels like I'm

falling in love

Taking chances now, I

can fight this feeling

Been there, I just

wanna be loved

Excuse me.

Can I get the usual?

This feeling

Hey, this gonna be good

for you, roomie.

Nothing like bottle service

and hitting the dance

floor with some hotties.

Take your mind off

your troubles.

You were the only

one I regret

(audience applauding)

- The usual.

- That's you.

- Nah, I'm good.

You know me.

(people chattering)

- What you drinking?

- Oh, this is just water.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I'm not really too big

of a drinker, you know?

And I'm honestly, I'm not too

big on the crowd scene either.

I'm just here to, to, to sing.

- Honestly, I'm not really

into the club either.

My friend kind of dragged

me out here, so.

- Oh okay.

So it's a guy's night out.

- I guess you could say that.

You have an amazing voice.

You did great.

- I mean, I, I don't know,

I don't think I really did

that good today, to be honest.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I don't think this

was my best night.

- Well, I don't know,

but I feel like you

looked amazing up there.

- You know, you don't

look too bad yourself.

- Appreciate it.

- Yeah.

- Um, I would love to get

to know you some more.

Maybe I could grab your number.

- Sure.

You know, my friends and I

are having a kickback tonight

if you and your your

friend wanna join,

maybe we can hang out.

- I'm sorry.

I, I can't, I kind of

gotta study tonight, so.

- Oh, okay.

Well maybe we'll try

it another time.

My name is Millie, by the way.

- CJ.

- Nice to meet you.

Enjoy your night.

- Excuse me.

Are you Shante?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Can I take a picture with you?

- Oh, sure.

Yeah, let's do it.

- Thank you for taking

a picture with me.

- Hey, no problem.

- Me and my friends

are a big fan of yours,

You're so hot.

Thank you.

- Have a good night.

We will be taking selfies

with them later tonight.

My IG's about to be lit.

- Uh, listen, Shante.

I really appreciate this, I do.

I feel like this is a bad idea.

- Bad idea?

- I don't wanna hook up

with anybody else, man.

- Who said anything

about hookin' up?

We are here to party.

- I don't know, man.

I can't do it tonight.

- Really?

- Sorry.

- Hey, nah, all right.

You know I worry about you.

- Thanks.

Have fun, all right,

and be safe.

- Always.

That boy got it bad.

Hey, my guy!

- What's good with you, bro?

- I'm good, pull up.

Excuse me?

Can we get the bottle?

(friends chattering)


You feel me?

I refuse to sell my

soul for a little deal

Tell 'em nope, I won't

compromise and gloat

I will do it and let Jesus

tell open up the door

I don't need 'em, I don't

need 'em, I don't need 'em

Tell 'em get out my

way I don't need 'em

I don't care what they say I

don't need 'em, I don't care

I go straight from the

bay I don't need 'em

Got them closer there's no

need to put 'em this hour

How you go right to the bump

a keg at your mama house

He don't want no bars

No way, not at all

- Derrick, Derrick!

Can we go?

- Well we can go to the

after party at my house.

- Are you good to drive?

- Good to drive, for sure.

Let's go.

Now he prayin' for it too

Get it going, I look up,

'cause my god is on the move

(dad knocking on door)

- It's late.

- Yeah, I have a project

due in the morning.

- Mind if I come

in for a minute?

- It's your house.

- It's a shame they

don't hand out trophies

for most valuable father.

- You know, Faith got me one

for Father's Day one

day, a trophy.

It said "Best dad ever" on it.

I mean, it was made

out of plastic,

but still pretty cool, right?

- Have you had anything

from Marcella?

But she can't keep you

from seeing Faith.

- It's complicated, Dad.

- I don't understand,

she's your daughter.

It's your right-

- She's not mine.

- What, what are you

talking about?

- Marcella said Faith's

not mine.

- So who's the father?

- It doesn't matter.

It's just not mine, okay?

- That's it then.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- If she's not yours,

then it's probably for the

best that you didn't propose.

- Is that all you care about?

- You won't be getting

married now, will you?

- Why not?

I still love Faith.

That much hasn't changed.

And even though what

she said was messed up,

I still love Marcella.

We're a family.

- But you said you're

not her father.

- You're not listening.

I am her father.

- Because she gave you a

plastic trophy on Father's Day?

- Because I earned

it, that's why.

And nobody could take

that away from me.

Look, I don't even know

why I'm telling you

about any of this

like you some father of

the year or something.

Come on.

- I don't need a trophy

to tell me who I am.

- You don't even know where

your daughter is right now.

- It's midnight.

She's in her room asleep.

- I don't think so.

- Dad.

- Go to bed, Peter.

- I know where Monica is.

- What's that?

- [CJ] It's a snap map.

- For some reason

she's been in the same place

on the freeway for hours.

- What's she doing there?


- Well, I, I saw her get in

the car with some guy earlier.

- Are you telling me that

she's parking up with some guy?

(doorbell ringing)

(dramatic music)

- What, hi, what?

- Is there a problem, officers?

- Hey Rev. Chuwkumah,

I'm afraid so.

- Wait, where's Monica?

- We responded to a 911 call

about a car that swerved

off a road.

- One of the occupants was

identified as your daughter.

- No.

- Relax, baby.

- Is she okay?

- She was taken to the ER.

(dramatic music)

- [Intercom] All doctors

to the ER.

All nurses to the

nurses station.

(dramatic music)

- Hi, can I help you?

- We'd like to see your

daughter, please.

- Hey, you can't going there.

- What's happening?

I want to see my daughter.

- The doctors are doing

it all they can

to help treat her injuries

from the crash.

- What is it?

What's wrong with her?

- [Nurse] I'm sorry,

that's all the information

we have right now.

Dr. Johnson will

see her shortly.

- [Nurse] Please take a seat.

- [Doctor] She's bleeding

on the right chest.

- [Doctor] Clamp.

- [Doctor] Don't go yet.

We may need to cross

clamp the aortas.

- Let's go.

- Open it all the way.

- Let's go.

- All the way up.

Come on.

- The clamp's making it-

- Open it wide.

- [Doctor] Use the big

clamp for the aorta.

Let's go.

(dramatic music)

- Please father, watch

over my little girl.

- Amen.

Monica's gonna be

okay, isn't she?

- We just have to

trust god, son.

I just want her to open

her eyes again.

You know, see her looking at me.

You know, I owe you

an apology, CJ.

- Me?

I was the one that was

outta line, dad.

- No, I was judging you and

chastising you about your life

and, and your family.

You know, like Matthew 7:4,

where the man was trying

to pull a speck

out of his brother's eye,

forgetting that he had a

big old log in his own eye.

What a hypocrite I've been.

How could I have missed

what was happening

in my own daughter's life,

right under my own roof?

What kind of Father am I?

- one of this is

your fault, dad.

- I've lost my children.

- No.

- If I can't keep them safe.

- Dad.

- If I haven't shown them how

to make the right choices.

- No, dad, listen.

- And how to follow

the right path in life,

I've failed them.

- No, you haven't.

Dad, you're always there for us.

That that's what counts.

When I came to you and told

you Marcella was pregnant,

you were there for me then.

And you're here now for Monica.

To me, that's what being a

good father is all about.

Being there no matter what.

Even if your children

make mistakes

or go in different paths

that maybe you didn't expect.

Look, I, I didn't mean

what I said before.

You are the father of the year

because you're always

there for us, Dad.

Don't worry.

Look, I know that she's

gonna be okay.

- Dad, they're ready for us.

(tense music)

- Mr. And Mrs. Okofor,

hi, I'm Dr. Johnson.

- Hello, doctor.

Could you please tell us what's

going on with our daughter?

- Is she all right?

Like, is she okay?

Because nobody would

tell us anything

and I just don't wanna

see my baby.

- She is stable, but not

out of the woods yet.

A piece of metal lodged

into her lower abdomen,

but we were able to remove

it and stop the bleeding.

The game plan now is for

us to monitor her overnight

and get you guys a status

check in the morning.

- Like, is this serious?

Like is this life

threatening or?

- Listen, I'm not one

to give false hope,

but thankfully admit

her vital organs

so she should be fine.

But with any type of surgery,

you have to be cautious.


- Okay.

Uh, can we see her now?

- No, no, no, not right now.

You can see her after

she's out of recovery

and moved into her room.

- [Rev. Chuwkumah]

Thank you, doctor.

- You're very welcome.

- Yes.

- Hang in there, okay?

- All right.

(light dramatic music)

- We're all right.

- [Marcella] So where

did you come from?

- [Javier] I came

from out state.

- [Marcella] Okay.

It's a pretty day.

- Yeah.

I'm surprised you called me.

- Not as surprised as I am.

I didn't think I'd ever

see you again.

You know, I barely remember you.

Just little flashes of memory.

Like you helping

me ride my bike,

taking me to the swimming pool.

- And now you've got a

beautiful daughter of your own.

- She's your granddaughter.

- I think a man has to

earn those titles.

How about her dad?

Is he still in the picture?

- Not all men run away from

the responsibilities, Papa.

- Ouch.

I guess I asked for that.

- Until recently, we

were a family, but,

I'm not sure he is gonna

be there for us anymore.

- Is he a good man?

- Yeah, he's a great dad

when he's around.

- He makes you happy?

- He does.

But I've hurt him.

- And the real question

is, can he forgive you?

That's how you'll know when

you found a truly good man.

- It might be too late.

He's already left, like you did.

- Well then ask yourself, can

you forgive him in return?

You don't want to

end up as I did.

If I can impart one

piece of wisdom

of which I have firsthand

experience it's this,

preserve your relationship

with your child's father.

Listen to me.

You can end the curse in our

family of a fatherless home.

- You have no right, no right,

coming here and pretending

like everything is cool

when you walked out on us

like we meant nothing to you.

- I wanted to talk to him.

- Don't waste your

time, Marcella.

He's just gonna get up and go

as soon as he gets

what he wants.

What do you want this time?

What do you want from us?

- I wanted to see my boy

and my girl one last time.

- What?

- You're sick?

- Doctors say 50/50

chance of survival.

- So what, you were just,

you were just gonna come here

and play dad for a few days

before you're stolen

from us again?

- Hector, it's not like that.

Back then,

I was too much of a coward

to say goodbye

and also too much of a coward

to stay and be a real father.

- No, no, you gotta go.

- Hector.

- Go!

Go back to wherever it is

you were hiding for

all these years.

- Well, it's okay.

I deserve that.

Not all men are good fathers.

That's no excuse.

But I didn't have a role

model when growing up,

so I made a lot of mistakes.

I was out of my league.

- So you just quit.

Quit on your whole family.

- I know I wasn't there

for you then or now,

but I'm trying to be

here for you right now.

I don't want to see history

repeating these cycles.

They're meant to be

broken, Cella.

I love you both.

It wasn't right that I left.

I can't undo that now.

But I wanted to let you know

that I am sorry for

letting you down

and I hope that you can

find it in your hearts

to forgive me one day.

(somber music)

- I couldn't think

of anyone else

I could talk to about this.

- I'm glad that you reached

out, Marcella.

This is a safe place.

Okay, so tell me what's

been happening.

- My dad who abandoned

us when we were kids,

he showed up again wanting

to be in our lives.

- Hmm, that must have

been a shock.

How are you coping with that?

- Not too well.

It dredged up a lot of

feelings and confusion.

- Confusion over?

- CJ and what could have been.

From what Devon told me.

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

(smooth music)

(people chattering)

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Pop pop the cash,

pop pop the cash

Puff puff money,

puff puff money

- So nothing happened

between you and Devon?

- No, he just protected me.

I slept on his sofa

alone, thank god.

But I did something stupid.

Really, really stupid.

I told CJ that he wasn't

Faith's father.

- And how, how did

he react to that?

- How do you think?

He left us just like

my father did,

tearing our family apart.

- Did he?

I mean, just, just

hear me out, okay?

What if this was actually

the opposite?

Okay, what if CJ's decision

to move out

was based off of his faith

to make things right,

to save his family.

(phone ringing)

- CJ?

Why are you whispering?


- Hey.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

- How's Monica?

Any news?

- She just woken up and they're

monitoring her situation.

- Can I sit in with her?

- The doctor said she

needed her rest,

so I don't know about visitors.

- Remember dad?

They said it's okay as

long as his family, right?

- Right.


She's down the hall to

the right, Marcella.

(dramatic music)

- She's gonna be a great

doctor one day.

- Mm.

You two should probably

have a talk.

- [Marcella] What about

the boy who was driving?

- He um, he wasn't so lucky.

He uh, he's in a

coma in the ICU.

- Mom, I'm so sorry

for sneaking out.

- No.

- I am.

- Oh my god, no, no, no, no.

You don't worry about that.

We'll talk about that.

We'll talk about that at home.

You know what you focus on?

You know what you focus on?

You focus on getting better.

Looking good.

(dramatic music)

Your heart rate and your

pulse look great.

- Who knows?

I should be outta here

in a couple of days.

- That's great, Mon.

Mind if I borrow Dr.

Marcella for a second?

I don't know how I'm

supposed to feel right now.

You tell me I'm not Faith's dad.

You disappear on me.

You make it hard for

me to see her.

You don't answer my phone calls.

- CJ, I'm so sorry

for what I did.

I was angry and I lashed out.

I didn't mean what I said.

I love you so much and

I don't wanna lose you.

Faith is your daughter.

- What?

You lied to me?


- Seeing you leave us

brought back old memories

and feelings.

I grew up in a broken home

and I didn't wanna repeat

the same story for Faith.

Look, I'm not justifying

what I did.

I realize I hurt you

and I was wrong.

I went to see Patty.

This whole situation

made me realize

that I have so much

unresolved trauma

I still need to work through.

I wanna be better for

you, for Faith, for us.

I understand if this is too

much to deal with right now.

- Okay, but Marcella, that

isn't anything to play about.

As much as you know I

love you and Faith,

as many years as we put

into this family.

I mean, you can't even imagine

how much pain I've been put

through these past four days.

I thought I lost

my own daughter.

Look, you could have called me.

You, you could have

texted me or something.

I, I understand what you're

going through with your dad.

I really do, but I'm not him.

I'm me.

I don't get it.

This is just, this is just

a lot for me right now.

You know, I can't pretend like

I don't miss you and Faith.

Look, I know that I

walked out on you,

both of you and I

could be better.

And honestly,

I haven't handled the

situation the best either.

It's just that I've been

trying to juggle so much and I,

I haven't really thought about

the needs of you and Faith.

Maybe, maybe I need

some healing, too.

I want to be there

for you and Faith

but I need to see her.

I need to see her.

- I understand you

and I hear you.

And maybe this is an opportunity

for us to start counseling


for the sake of our own

healing and our family.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think you're right.

(hopeful music)

- Daddy!

- Hey!

I missed you so much, Faith.

- I missed you too, Daddy.

Thank you for bringing

him back home, Mommy.

- I told you I would.

You wanna go to the park?

How you been?

- Uh, hanging in there.

You know, missed the family.

Oh, I ran into Shante.

- Shante?

- Yeah.

Still as crazy as ever,

but he got a million

followers now.

- A million?

- Mommy, can I go play

on the playground?

- Okay, go on.

Just make sure I can

see you okay, okay?

- Okay.

- Sounds like things have

been pretty crazy, huh?

So what's the story

with your dad?

- The short version is

he found the lord.

- Mm.

- He's putting his

house in order

just in case something happens.

- How do you feel?

- We're getting to know

each other again.

- That's good.

You should uh, you should

keep doing that, you know?

Try to fix some of those

daddy issues.

- Daddy issues?

Who has daddy issues?

- You know what I mean.

You know, I want to get

to know him too one day.

- Ooh, that reminds me.

We were supposed to

meet up with him today.

I'm gonna text him to cancel.

- Nah, don't cancel.

You say you don't know how

much time you have left, right?

- Is daddy coming home with us?

- Um.

- We'll see, sweetie.

- Mommy says love never fails.

(hopeful music)

- Grandpa, you got my

favorite ice cream.

- I remembered.

It was your mommy's

favorite, too.

You must be CJ.

- I am.

Nice to meet you finally, man.

- Yeah, nice to meet you.

- Yeah.

Tell me all about you.

(hopeful music)

- Marcella, you're home.

A letter came for...


- [Hector] What are

you doing here?

- He came to see me and Faith.

- It's okay, I should

probably go.

I don't want to overstay

my welcome.

I really cherish these

moments reconnecting.

I just hope that one day, Ana,

you can find it in your

heart to forgive me

for what I put you through.

I just wish that I

realized my mistakes sooner

and had a chance to rectify it.

- Javier.

I'll never forget what you did,

but I've already forgiven you.

Without you, I wouldn't

have Hector and Marcella.

- Hey babe, that's mommy's.

She's been ripping open every

envelope since her birthday.

- What is it?

- Oh wow.

- You got approved?

- I got it.

It's my scholarship approval.


CJ, you called the school

to testify about my

scholarship application?

- Um, what are you

talking about?

- Here, read this.

It says your affidavit

weighed heavily on their

decision making.

- Okay, okay.

Don't make such a big

deal about it.

We need a doctor around, right?

- Oh my god.

- So medical school, huh?

You deserve this, really.

New Mexico.

- Leaving after graduation.

- I'm so proud of you.

- We all are.

- Way to go.

(upbeat music)

- Are you excited?


- [CJ] You worked really

hard for this.

- I couldn't have done

it without all of you.

- I know.

(family laughs)

- Thank you so much, doctor,

for saving my daughter's life.

- You're so welcome.

And you have such a

beautiful family.

- Thank you.

- You guys take care, okay?

- Thank you, yes.

- Hang in there.

- All right.

(hopeful music)

- [Rev. Chuwkumah]

Love is patient.

Love is kind.

Love does not envy.

- [Congregant] That's

right, Pastor.

- It does not boast.

It is not proud.

- Is that right, pastor?

- That's right, pastor.

- [Rev. Chuwkumah] Love

does not dishonor others.

- [Pastor] Yes.

- [Rev. Chuwkumah] And it

keeps no record of wrongs.

It is not self seeking.

Love does not delight on evil

but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects.

Always trust.

- Yes.

- Always hopes.

- That's right.

- Always perseveres.

Love never fails.

Love never fails.

Say it, love never fails.

Audience, if you could

join us, please.

- [All] Love never fails.

- One more time, please.

- [All] Love never fails.

(congregation applauding)

- Junior, you ready?

- Actually, Dad, I'll

meet you guys there.

There's something I need

to pick up on the way.

- Welcome class of 2022.

You all have made it this far

with the help of your

family and friends.

And now we will start

with the School of Biological


Connor Hopkins.

(audience applauding)

Marcella Rodriguez.

(audience applauding)

Blair Chatel.

(audience applauding)

And graduating in the

School of Social Sciences,

Angel Brumfeld.

(audience applauding)

CJ Okafor.

(audience applauding)

CJ Okafor.

- Where's CJ?

- Yeah, he's um.

- CJ's late to his

own graduation?

- Is he here?

CJ Okafor.

- He's um.

(audience applauding)

- I can't believe he

almost missed it.

- Can I, can I say something?

You mind?

Thank you.

What's the point of an education

if it doesn't prepare

you for life?

My college years are an

experience that I'll

never forget.

But some of the greatest

lessons that I learned,

they didn't come from studying.

They came from living.

And falling in love.

I fell in love my freshman year

and in my senior year

I got my heart broken.

But that's cool.

That's how life teaches

us what we need to learn,

even if it hurts.

It helps us to learn how to

grow and push past our mistakes.

To grow and become

better people.

To become a better son,

a better brother,

a better father,

and a better husband

to my future wife.

Marcella, will you

please join me?

Marcella, I'm ready.

I'm ready to keep

learning lessons with you.


I promise to put our family

above everything else.

I love you and Faith with

all of my heart.


will you marry me?

Yes, yes.

(audience applauding)

If I could win

I, I can see from

there stairs

And you hold me closer

in your arms

I feel like loving you again

Anything better, you

Make me feel so brand new

- See, it's just like

mommy told you.

Love never fails.

Anything better

Sometimes I can get

so lonely that

I forget about the love

that keeps me there

And I don't know what

makes me feel this way

When I see in my whole day

This is the day

When I ask you to be mine

No other way

I could ever see my life

Can't live without you

Girl, you are what I desire

Can't live without you,

can't live without you

So take my hand

I promise to treat you right

I'll be your man

And girl, I will love you

like there's no tomorrow

There's no tomorrow

It's just you and me in here

You and me in here

And it's the best

day of our lives

Da da being together da da

You and I da da

Be forever

Best day of our

lives da da da

Be together da da

You and I da da

Be forever

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da

I fell in love

The moment that I saw

you that first time

Don't go back, don't go back

I don't mean to rush,

don't rush

But I can't explain it,

it just feels so right

It feels so right,

don't go back

You make me better,

don't turn back

Oh, don't turn back

You make me better, you

make me better, yeah

This is the type of

love that's in movies

More than I say it

I'm a prove it

More than I say it I'm a

prove it, I'm a just do it

And it's the best day

of our lives da da

Be together da da

You and I da da

Be forever

Best day of our lives da da

Be together da da

You and I da da

Be forever

Best day of our lives,

don't go back da da

Be together, don't

go back da da

You and I, don't

go back da da

Be forever, don't go back

Best day of our lives,

don't go back da da

Be together, don't

go back da da

You and I, don't

go back da da

Be forever, don't go back

Best day of our lives,

don't go back da da

Be together, don't

go back da da

You and I, don't

go back da da

Be forever, don't go back

(dramatic music)

For the longest time I've

traveled on this narrow road

Where it leads honestly

only heaven knows

I may run into obstacles

that might slow my growth

But I'm eager to press on

because I'll never fold

Perfect is something I

wish that I could truly be

Anytime I fall to the

ground I hear god telling me

Get up, don't give up

Rise up from who you are

to what you will become

It's your chance

to start again

For a new day has begun

Get up, don't give up

Rise up from who you are

to what you will become

It's your chance

to start again

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

For a new day has begun

I'm a sole survivor,

made it out the trenches

Quitting was never an option

Cherish and grace

given to me

Owning all my problems

Running never ever seems

to solve them

But I know the

problem solver

Every day I'm evolving

into someone better

Homies in the coffin

I mirror Christ

to the letter

I know I'm not perfect, yeah

But I was so fed up of

living life with no purpose

This second chance

I treasure, yeah


Get up, don't give up

Rise up from who you are

to what you will become

It's your chance

to start again

For a new day has begun