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02x28 & 02x29 - Pig Island/The Lost Treasure of Merlandia

Posted: 12/04/23 09:21
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

- ♪ Sailing the seas,
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

- Pig Island:
Isla de los Cerdos.

[easygoing music]

♪ ♪

- [sips]

[sighs contentedly]

- Hold still, Kiko.

- [chirrups]

♪ ♪

- Hola, amigos.

We're at the most relaxing
place in the ocean.

On this island,
it's always sunny, calm,

and there's never any wind,
thanks to Snout Rock.

Snout Rock protects the island
from wind

so that everyone can relax
in peace.

Welcome to Pig Island,

where all of these mud-loving,
curly-tailed piggies

love to relax.

- Oink, oink.

- Oinkito, how were you
able to windsurf

even though
there's no wind here?

- Oink, oink, oink, oink.

- Oinkito says he can windsurf
because of the pigs'

magical windless sail.

It's their most
prized possession.

- [snorts] Oink.

- You want me to have a turn?

Gracias, Oinkito.

- Oink.

- Whoo!

[upbeat music]


This is awesome.

Let's see how fast it can go.


Oh, no.

This is hard to control.

Oh, how do you slow down?

- [squeals]

- Sorry.

Watch out!


Lo siento, Lorelai.

I ruined your sculpture.

- It's okay.

I can shape
a spectacular sand sculpture

in a split second.

I'm just glad you're safe.

- Don't forget, primo,
we're on Pig Island,

where we take it nice and slow.

♪ ♪

- Coquí, coquí.


- Did you see how fast
that sail went, Zeke?

And there ain't even any wind.

- [squawks]

- The windless sail, you say?

That's way better
than what we got.

If we take that sail,
we could steal anything we want

and giddyap on out of there,
whether there's wind or not.


- You make a marvelous mermaid,

- Oink.

[square dance music]

- [gasps]
Gasping guppies,

a dancing rooster.

- Check out his moves.

Let's dance.

♪ ♪

- Whoo-wee.

Old Zeke sure can cut a rug.

I knew
Zeke's square dance lessons

would come in handy.

♪ ♪

- [chirrups]

♪ ♪

[pigs oinking]

- Uepa, Mr. Rooster.

Where'd he go?


- Whoa.

He's not a dancing rooster,
he's a stealing rooster.

- Oh, great distraction, Zeke.

Now let's see how fast
the sail can go.



Oh we're flying now.

- Rayos!

"El Bravo" is stuck
on the beach.


We've got to get it
back in the ocean

so we can catch Barbarito
and that talented rooster.

- I'm on it.

Stranded in sand?

Bring water to land.

- Cockadoodle-darn it.

The water's too far.

- But we've got to get back
into the ocean, rápido.

- Oink, oink, oink, oink, oink.

- Oinkito says
that the only thing we can do

is wait for the tide
to come in

so the water can move
"El Bravo."

- But Barbarito's getting away.

- Oinky oink.

- I like this idea, Oinkito.

Sometimes, you just have
to take it slow.


- Oink.

[slow guitar music]

♪ ♪

- But--

- Take it slow.

♪ ♪

- The tide came in.

The tide is on our side.

- Coquí.

- Let's go.

[upbeat music]

- Primo, play us a power chord

to create some wind
for "El Bravo's" sail.

- No problem.

Power chord.

[power chord plays]

- Uh-uh.
Oinky oink oink.

- Oh, no.

Oinkito says
that even power chords

can't create wind
on Pig Island.

- Well, then we need
a new plan.

- Oink?

[pigs oinking]

- They're abandoning ship.

- No, Tomás.

I think they have
a plan to help us.

- Uh-huh.


- Mira!
Kiko's right.

The pigs are pulling "El Bravo"
through the water.

Way to go, Oinkito.


Who needs wind when you
have the power of pigs?

[pigs oink]

- Eso.

- Gracias, amigos.

Now we can finally catch

and get the windless sail back.

Compass, show me
where Barbarito is.

He's right near
the sunken ruins.

Bravo, más rápido.

- [laughs] We're flying, Zeke.

We're flying.

- [squawks]

- Now that I'm faster
than a runaway train,

I'll be the best outlaw
in the doggone game.

[plays banjo]

- [squawks]

- [gasps] By jiminy,
they're on our tail.

Oh, toss me in an oven
at for an hour

and call me a burnt biscuit.

We're done for.

- [squawks]

- [gasps] Darn tootin', Zeke.

We can lose them in there.

Full speed ahead.

- Full speed ahead.

- But, primo, he's headed
right for the ruins.

It's too dangerous.

- I can catch him.

Bravo, más rápi--

- Oink, oink, oink, oink.

- You want to chase
Barbarito slowly?

Are you sure?
- Oink.

- All right, mateys,
I trust you.

- We could all be
more like Oinkito,

taking things relaxed and slow.

♪ We'll get around
these ruins, no worry ♪

♪ Moving through
without a hurry ♪

- ♪ You could
all be more

like little old me,

♪ Going through life speedily ♪

♪ I'll get through
these ruins with ease ♪

♪ Going fast
as a summer breeze ♪

all: ♪ Turtles
and snails do things right ♪

♪ We could sail around
these ruins all night ♪

- ♪ Turtles and snails
are the worst of all ♪

All you need is speed, yee-haw.

- [squawks]

- Whoa!

- [squawks]

- Oh, I think I went too fast.

Hang on, Zekey boy.


How'd you sail through
these treacherous waters

without crashing?

- A friend of mine taught me
sometimes it's better

to take things nice and slow.

- Oink, oink, oink, oink.

- Fine.

Well, go ahead and take
your silly sail.

- That can wait.

A good pirate
always helps others first.

A la aventura.

We'll help you up.

- [panicked squawking]

- Oink oink.

- Oh, I guess now

I have to thank you,
pirate protectors.

- [scoffs] Oink.

- Oh, and of course
you, too, pig.

[pigs snorting]

[groans] Why would I have
to thank you all?

You didn't help me.

Only them two did.

[pigs snorting]

All righty.


Thank you all.

Thank you, everybody.
Huh? Happy?

[pigs oinking]

- Oh, it hurts me
from my steel-toed cowboy boot

to my ten-gallon hat
to admit that even I,

the finest cowboy in the sea,
wasn't ready for the speed

of that windless sail.

- Neither was I, Barbarito.

There's a reason it belongs
to the pigs of Pig Island.

- Zeke, hand them the sail.

Oh, it's already gone.

- For as much as the pigs talk
about going slow,

they sure grabbed
that sail back quick.

[pigs snort]

- [sips]

[sighs contentedly]

awesome pirate adventure,

me hearties.

Remember, sometimes it's best
to take things slow.

all: Piratas ahoy.

- The Lost Treasure
of Merlandia.

El tesoro perdito
de Merlandia.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- We found something
while digging.

I thought you'd want
to take a look.

- [gasps] This is an epic find.

I have to tell Lorelai.

[upbeat music]

- Me and Nacho next.

Trust me, Nacho.
It'll be fun.

- Okay, primo, dale!
- Dale!

- [squawks]
- Uepa!



Oh, hey, Anani.

Anani, what are you doing here?

- Hola, Tomás.

Merlandia needs
the pirate protectors' help.

- Leaping landfish.

Big sis,
is everything all right?

- Our builders found something
amazing while digging:

a clue to the long-lost pearls
of Merlandia.

- [gasps] You mean like one
on my bracelet of pearl

that lets me turn into a human?
- Yeah.

We thought
they were lost forever.

If you and the crew can find
them--and I know you can--

then all of Merlandia
will be able to use

the pearls to visit land.

- Just like you, Lorelai.

- Compass, where are
the lost pearls of Merlandia?

- Wait.

Isn't that the jungle ship?

- It looks like we missed them
the last time we were there.

Up for another look?

- Let's go.
- Yeah.

- Oh, I wish I could go
with you on land.

- Oh, do not be sad, sirenita,

for there is a way
you can join them.

- Who said that?

- [clears throat] It is I,
El Guardia,

friend of the pirate protector.

- Oh, he's so cute.

- Isn't he?

- [clears throat]
You want my help or not?

- Oh, yes.
More than anything.

- Then take your sister's hand
as she transforms.

- Bracelet of pearl,
from mermaid to girl.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Sparkling seashells,
I'm like you.

- This is all so exciting.

- Be careful, sirenita.

That necklace is temporary.

It allows you to be on land,
but only for a short time.

After all the bubbles
have popped,

you'll turn back
into a mermaid.

- Then we better hurry.

Are you with me, me hearties?

- Oh, I get to say it.

I get to say it.

all: Piratas ahoy.

- The jungle ship is this way.

- It's so green here.

Oh, wow.

I've never seen a tree
this close up before.

It's so tall.

Can I climb it?

- [giggles] Maybe later.

[bird squawks]

- Is that-- is that a bird?

Oh, so many colors.

- That's a parrot, Anani.

- [squawks] Anani.

- It can talk?


- I know, right?

I still don't get it.

How do they do that?

- Oh, it's so pretty.

- It's a flor de maga.

It's the official flower
of all of Isla Encanto.

- Mira, the river.

We're close.

- [gasps]

This place is magical.

why didn't you tell me?

- I guess you sort
of get used to it.

- Once we get the pearls
from the ship,

everyone in Merlandia
will be able to visit and see

how amazing this place is.

- I know.

You and I can spend
way more time

exploring Isla Encanto,

and we can go on so many
more adventures together.

[guitar music]

- Oh, that's so sweet--not.

Those pretty pearls
are wasted on mermaids.

♪ I must have them, oh, yeah ♪

- Come on, mateys.

[bubble pops]

- [gasps] Oh, the first bubble,
it's gone.

- Coquí, coquí, coquí.

- Kiko's right.

We better keep moving.

- To the waterfall!

- Who's the fastest faun
in all of the seas?

♪ It's me ♪

Now, where are
those pretty pearls?

Well, well.

What do we have here?

♪ ♪

Looks like I need a mermaid
to reveal the treasure.

Lucky me, I know just
where to find one.

- Not this again.

- Sígueme.
Follow my lead.

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- Wow.

I can see so much from up here.

Oh, look at all those trees.

Oh, more birds.

And whatever that is.

So cool.

[bubble pops]

- [gasps] Another bubble.

I better hurry.

[slow clapping]

- Bien hecho piratas,

- What are you doing here,
you no-good trickster?

- ♪ That's me ♪

[snaps fingers]

- What's happening?

[all yelling]

- Don't look down, Tomás.

Don't look down.

- Cackling clams.

What did you do to my friends?

- Don't worry about them.

What you need to worry about
is your precious mer-treasure.

[mockingly] Nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah.

I've got a key, and I'm going
to get those pearls.


- [gasps]

- You go stop Pepito.

We'll find a way out of here.

- Go get him, big sis.

♪ ♪

- Just try and stop me.

- [sings]

[gasps] The treasure.

- Muchas gracias, sirenita.

- What?
But the key.

- This old thing?

It's a fake.

You were the key.

I needed a mermaid
to find the treasure,

and you've done just that.

[bubble pops]
- [gasps] My necklace.

- Ha! Toodles.

- Get back here!

♪ ♪

- Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Not so fast.

Either stop me
or save your friends.

You don't have time for both.

- Even if I run, I won't make
it back up there fast enough.

Time is ticking, Anani.



[bubble pops]

I know what I have to do.

♪ ♪

[bubble pops]

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Caracoles!
She's not gonna make it.

- Just watch.

That's my sister.

♪ ♪

[bubble pops]

- [laughs]

- Buen trabajo, Anani.
- Gracias.

- Stunning starfish,
you did it.

- But the pearls--
they're gone.

It's all my fault.

I guess I'm not good
at this hero stuff.

- Are you kidding me?

You just swam up a waterfall,

triple flipped through the air,

and saved us.

- Yeah, and it's not over yet.

- Santi, Tomás, you go find
your espada and guitarra.

We'll handle Pepito.

- Aye, aye, Lorelai.
- Aye, aye, Lorelai.

- Anani, mermaid call.

[both singing]

- [growls]

- Hand back the pearls, Pepito.

- Those belong to Merlandia.

- Avast, Pepito.

- No, no, no.

I did everything right.

My plan was perfect, flawless.

- Primo, now.

- Power chord.

[power chord plays]

- [gasps]

My powers aren't working here.

You want the pearls?
Go get them.

Till we meet again, piratas.

[all gasp]

[all ch eer]

- Bubbling barnacles,
I can't believe I got to go

on my very first on-land

- And now that we found
the pearls,

I'm sure there will be
many more.

Come back any time, matey.

- Gracias, pirate protectors.

Merlandia thanks you.

I can't wait to bring
these pearls back.

- Before you go, here.

I made this for you.

- My very own
bracelet of pearl.

Oh, I love it, little sis.

Bracelet of pearl,
from mermaid to girl.

Te quiero, chiquita.

- I love you, too.

- Well, me hearties, we did it.

Another awesome
pirate adventure.

You ready, Anani?

all: Piratas ahoy!