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02x23 - The Giddy-Up Games/The Golden Guitar

Posted: 12/04/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

- ♪ Sailing the seas,
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

- "The Giddy-Up Games."
"Los Juegos Vaqueros."

[upbeat music]

together: Y jala!

Y jala!

- Keep pulling, mateys!

The lantern is down there.
I'm sure of it!

According to
Capitán Calavera's journal,

the Lost Lantern of Luz Bay

is a light
which never goes out.

- The perfect night light!

- There once was a sorceress
who lived in a dark cave,

so she created a magic lantern
that would always shine.

But one day, she found a new
home on a bright, sunny beach.

Since she didn't need
the lantern anymore,

she left it at the bottom
of the sea.

- Fin-tastic!
Then we better keep pulling.

[all straining]
all: Y Jala!

Y Jala!
Y Jala!

[all straining]

all: Huh?

- [gasps]

- Yee-haw!
- [clucks]

- Not so fast,
you pirate prairie dogs.

That there lantern is ours!

all: Barbarito?

- Hey, we saw it first!

- Tardiddles!

My partner here,
Zeke Featherwood,

spotted it first
with his good eye.

[suspenseful music]

- If Barbarito thinks
he saw it first

and we think we saw it first,

how are we going
to solve this problem?

- Tug-of-w*r, that's how!

[all straining]

[thunder rumbles]

all: Jalen! Pull!

[all straining]

- Pull, Zeke, pull!

[dramatic music]

- Oye!

I've been looking for you

The seas are getting rough!
You've got to get inside!

- Listen to your pop-pop.
Let go of the rope.

Go on, now!

- We're not letting go
of the rope.

- Us neither!

- Huh.
Then you're both coming inside.

[all straining]

- Bad pirates!
In El Escondite?

[all straining]

- This has been going on


There must be some other way
to decide who gets the lantern.

- What about if we play a game

and the winner
gets the lantern?

- I can agree to that!

- [clucks]

- How about a sand dollar flip?

- Or a staring contest?

[suspenseful music]


You're good at this.

- [clears throat]

How about the Giddy-Up Games?


[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[giggles] The Giddup-Up Games
are the best!

I played them when
I was a young whippersnapper!

You'll love 'em!

- Okay, game on!
How does it work?

- We play three games.

Whoever wins the most games
wins the lantern.

- [grunts]

I'll be the referee to make
sure that there is no cheating.

- Okay, sheriff!
Zeke, set her up.

- [clucks]


[clucking cheerfully]

[paint brush swishing]

[clucks cheerfully]

- Looks just like me, eh?

Game número uno: stick
the cowboy hat on the pirate.

Whoever gets it closest
to the head--ha!

- That seems easy enough.

- Blindfolded
and after being spun around.

- I got this, mateys.

[upbeat music]


- Go, Lorelai!
- Yeah!

- Coquí, coquí!
- You got this!

- Huzzah!
- Put the hat on him!

♪ ♪

[both gasp]

[upbeat suspenseful music]

- [gasps]

♪ ♪

[chime plays]

[upbeat music]

- Whoo!

- Yes!
- Did it!

- [laughs]
Hold your horses!

It's ol' Barbie's turn.

Oh, spin me, spin me!

[upbeat country music]

- [gasps]

- [gasps]

♪ ♪

- Direct hit!

What in tarnation?

Oh, how did you get in my way?

- I did nothing of the sort!

Now remove this hat
from my face.

- Wepa! Ganamos!
- Great job, mateys!

- [crying]
Not fair!

I should've won!

[sniffling and whimpering]

- There, there.

- [crying]

[back cracking]
- Ay, mi espalda!

- [crying]

- Barbarito does not
like to lose.

- [clucks]

- [sobs]
You're right, Zeke.

We still got two more games.

Game número dos,
hoedown puddin' foot!

- [clucks excitedly]

- I'll sing
while players dance,

and when I yell "puddin' foot,"
each dancer must freeze.

If ya move, you're out!

- Ooh, I like the sound
of this one.

- Good luck taking on
toe-tappin' Zeke here.

[clears throat]

[upbeat country music]

♪ Clap your hands ♪

♪ Dance to the bow ♪

♪ Skip to the right
and rope a cow ♪

♪ Shiver me timbers,
shimmy them shoulders ♪

♪ Dive overboard
and go for a ♪

Puddin' foot!

- Whoa!

[both gasp]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Now kick to the left
and raise your sails ♪

♪ Hang to the right
and tell no tales ♪

♪ Kick to the front and--
puddin' foot! ♪

- [groans]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Giddy-up, giddy-up,
there's a fire in the hole ♪

♪ Dust your chaps like you're
in the--puddin' foot! ♪

- [groans]


- And the winner is Zeke.

- Yeah!

- [clucking excitedly]
- Yee-haw!

- Primo, estás bien?

- I'm okay.

He b*at me fair and square.
Great job, Zeke.

- Yeah!
Great job, Zeke!

'Cause we won!

That lantern will soon be ours.

Whoo, whoo, yeah, yeah!
- [clucking excitedly]

- Whoo, whoo, yeah, yeah!

- Barbarito is not
a nice winner.

- Okay, you have each
won a game,

so whoever wins this last game
wins the lantern.

- Game número tres:
el caballito.

[quirky suspenseful music]

Zeke, my drawling tool.

There we go.

A little face,
twinkle in his eye.



Meet the fastest horse
on the high seas...


Who will be racing against
Randy and myself for the win?

- I will!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Meet Chester.
He's a pretty great guy.

- Hola, Chester!
- [giggling] He's so cute!

- Coquí!

- This is the start
and finish line.

- That better not be permanent.

- The course is simple.

You go round here,
over there, jump over that,

under those things up there,

and back across this here
finish line.

First one back
wins the Lantern.

- Got it!
Giddy-up, partner.

- [imitates neigh]

Tranquilo, tranquilo
little doggy!

- En sus marcas,
listos, fuera!

- Whoo-hoo!
- [clucks excitedly]

[upbeat music]

- I'm gonna pass you!

- [groans]

- Rápido!
- Faster, Chester!

[all cheering]
- Vamos, niño!

- Go, Santiago!
- Go, go, go!

- Go, Santi, go!
- Oh, get back here!

Come on, Randy! Git!

- Watch that turn!
- He's gaining on you!

- Vamos, niño!
- Yeah!

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- Yeah!

- [laughs]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[both grunt]

- The winner is Barbarito!

- We won.
We won!

We b*at you fair and square!

We didn't have to cheat
or nothin'!

- [clucks excitedly]

- We lost to Barbarito?

- Oh,
I'll be taking my winnings.



I got a lamp!
I got a lamp!

Hoo, doggy!

The Giddy-Up Games
has done me right.

[downbeat music]

- [laughing]

- Qué pasa?
Why are you laughing? We lost.

- I was remembering
Tomás' dance moves

in the hoedown puddin' foot.

[both laugh]

- Yeah, and funny pose
you froze in?

It looked like this.

- [laughs]
Coquí, coquí!


- What about when Barbarito
stuck the hat on El Guardian?


- Even though we lost,
it was a fun day.

Huh, mateys?

- Yeah!
- So much fun!

- I guess winning
isn't everything.

- That's right.

Sometimes playing the game

is more fun
than winning the game.

Speaking of which,
maybe I could play next time?

- Let's go back to Larimar

and teach the entire town
the Giddy-Up Games!

- Sí!
- Amazing idea!

- Coquí, coquí!

[soft upbeat music]

- Oh, isn't it
a thing of beauty?

And hot dog, now we'll be able
to steal stuff in the dark!

- [clucks excitedly]

- Grab your partner by the arm,

swing 'em 'round 'cause
they're your good luck charm!


both: No!


all: Yee-haw!

- Now what in tarnation
is that?


- Ride on, little doggy!
- Yee-haw!

- Yee-haw!
- Yee-haw!

- They are celebrating?
But they lost!

I should be the happy one!


- [clucks]

- Another awesome
pirate adventure!

all: Yee-haw!
- Coquí!

- "The Golden Guitar."
La Guitarra Dorada.

[seagull caws]

[crowd cheering]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Ahoy, mateys!

We are at Carlos Corazón's

- Carlos Corazón!

You're the greatest
pirate pop star of all time!

- [laughs]

In case you couldn't tell,

Tomás is one
of his biggest fans.

So is Kiko.

- [squeals excitedly]

- Buena noches, Larimar!
[all cheering]

You are the best crowd!

I wish I could bring you all
up on stage with me,

but I can only pick one group!

Guess it will have
to be whoever's the loudest!

[all cheering]

- Caracoles!
I hope he chooses us!

What would I say?

Dop you think
he'll like my bandana?

- [laughs]
Of course he will, matey.

Keep making noise!
[all cheering]

- [laughing] Whoa!
Everyone's so loud!

No way I can pick.
Let's try something else.

De tin marín, de do pingue,
cucara macara títere fue!

That crew with the pirate
in the awesome bandana!


- No lo puedo creer!
He picked us!

- Fantastic!
- Let's go, mateys!

To the stage!

[quirky suspenseful music]

- Ha, ha!
There he is.

- [squeaks excitedly]

- We're not here to see Carlos.

We're here to steal
his Golden Guitar!

- [squeaks sadly]

- Hey!
Bienvenidos, amigos!

- Mucho gusto!
I'm Santiago.

This is Lorelai, Kiko,
and Tomás.

- It's, uh, so good to--

- Tomás is a big fan.

He's also
a most magnificent musician.

- Well then, you must
play along with me.


- [squeals excitedly]
- [giggles]

- Uno, dos, tres!

[water splashes]
- Stop the music!

[all gasp]
all: Enrique Real de Palacios!

- The Third!
I'll take that.

[all gasp]

It's mine!

- Espada fuerza!

- [blows raspberry]

[dramatic music]

- Mi guitarra!

- No te preocupes,
Capitán Corazón.

We'll get your guitar back.

- It's worse than that.

On the back
of the Golden Guitar

is a map to Star Island,

where I keep the other three
guitarras mágicas.

- Magic guitars?

- I've read about those
in the journal.

When all four magic guitars
are played together,

they give you the power
to turn people into superfans

who will do anything you want.

We need to get to Star Island

and stop Enrique
from getting those guitars.

- I'll be back as soon
as I can, mis corazónes.

Can I get a piratas ahoy?

all: Piratas ahoy!

[crowd cheering]
Piratas ahoy!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

- Hmm.
Where do we go next?

- [squeaking]

[wood creaking, water sloshing]

- Avast, Enrique!

- Looking for this?

- [gasps]
Careful with that!

- Yeah!
Hand it over, Enrique!

- Talk to the hand.

All of 'em!

- Power chord--whoa!

Power chord!
[mechanical whirring]


all: Whoa!

[all exclaiming and grunting]

- Looks like the show is over!


[ominous music]

[all groaning]

- [gasps]
My strings are broken!

- Oh, Tomás.
Your poor guitar.

- Lo siento, primo.

- Now I can't ever
play music again.

- Coquí, coquí, coquí!

- I understand how you feel,

I lost my guitar too.

But music doesn't
just come from guitars.

It comes from me
and it comes from you.

- What do you mean
it comes from me?

- You can make music
out of anything.

Anything can be an instrument.

♪ When you feel the music,
but there's no guitar ♪

♪ You can still get far,
don't fret ♪

♪ Look around,
you can play everything ♪

♪ Bang on anything,
just let ♪

♪ Let the music come out ♪

[conch shell toots]

[tapping rhythm]

[resonant rhythm]

[upbeat tapping]

♪ ♪

- You're right!
Anything can be an instrument.

Even me!

- Now let's go stop Enrique!

set sail for Star Island!

[upbeat music]

♪ Music's in everything ♪

♪ You can play anything ♪

♪ Free up the sound
to feel it all around you ♪

♪ Music's in everything ♪

♪ You can play anything ♪

♪ I know you can do it ♪

♪ 'Cause everything is music! ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Everything is music! ♪

[suspenseful music]

- We made it!

The other magical guitars
are right behind that door.

This says music is the key.
Let's try.

[singing badly]
♪ Open the door ♪

[quirky music]

- [squeaks]

- Primera, do something!

- [squeaks in thought]

[suspenseful music]


[squeaks excitedly]

♪ ♪

- A key!

I knew I would figure it out.

- [squeaks disappointedly]

♪ ♪

[latch clicks and hinges creak]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

- Ahí está.
Star Island.

all: Whoa.
- [squeaks]

♪ ♪

- Whoa.

[suspenseful music]



♪ ♪

- [squeaks excitedly]

♪ ♪

- Finally I have
all four guitars!

Now I,
Enrique Real de Palacios,

will have the ultimate power!

[laughs maniacally]

When I play the guitars,
I will have superfans

and they'll bring me
anything I want

whenever I tell them.

All I have to do is play them
at the same time.


[loud whooshing]
- Ay no.

That light means
Enrique has found the guitars.

- Let's hurry, Mateys!

- Vengan!
I know a way to sneak in.

This is the secret entrance.

all: Cool!

- ♪ Everything is music ♪


- Uno, dos, tres!

- Stop right there, Enrique!

- Oye!
Those don't belong to you!

- I'm glad you made it.

You're about to become

and do everything I say.

[loud chord plays]

- Oh, no. He doesn't know how
to play the guitars correctly.

- Why isn't it working?

[sour chord plays]

- Look out!
- Cuidado!

We're trapped.

- Oh, coquí!

- Kiko was right.

He accidentally made
some kind of sound net.

- Not what I mean to do,
but it'll work.

Well, show's over, peasants.

You've been
a terrible audience.

[stretching sounds]

[distorted creaking]

Primera, free me!

- [squeaks in panic]

- Caracoles!

Are you okay?
- Oh, coquí.

- We're okay, primo.

We just need you
to stop Enrique

from leaving
with those guitars.

- [groans]

- But how?
I can't do a power chord.

- Trust yourself.
You can still make music.

The music is in you.

- How am I supposed to
make music with no strings?

[guitar body thumps]
Oh, wait.

Carlos said music's
in everything.

I can't strum my guitar,
but I can drum it!

[plays upbeat music]

- Hmm.

[energetic music]

- Finally.
Let's get out of here.

- Not so fast, Enrique.

- Ha!

What are you gonna do about it
with your one broken guitar

against my four?

[energetic music]

♪ ♪

- Eso!
Keep going, Tomás!

♪ ♪

[all cheering]
- Let's go, Tomás!

- [squeaking excitedly]

♪ ♪

- [growls]

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

♪ ♪

My strings are back!

Power chord!

- Whoa!

- Bien hecho!
- You did it!

We'll take those.

- And I'll take that.

- This isn't the
last you've heard

of Enrique Real
de Palacios III!

- Enrique has
left the building.


- Thank you for keeping the
power of guitars safe, mateys.

And Tomás, you have
a special musical gift.

I knew you could do it.

- I couldn't have done it

without my mateys
believing in me.

- As a sign of my appreciation,

I'd like to give you all
this special gift.

[pleasant guitar chord plays]

[coin clinks]

[wonderous music]

both: Whoa.
- Leaping lobsters!

- Coquí, coquí, coquí!
- Another golden medallion!

Gracias, Capitán Corazón!

- Now what do you say

we get back to the concert
and finish the show?

Would you all like to join me?

- Sí, sí!
- Claro que sí!

- Yes, yes, yes, yes!

[upbeat music]

[crowd cheering]

[conch shell toots]

♪ ♪

- Another awesome
musical pirate adventure.

You did good, me hearties!

all: Piratas ahoy!

[all cheer]

♪ ♪