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02x15 - Bonnie's Mom/The Ocelot's Tale

Posted: 12/04/23 08:55
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

- ♪ Sailing the seas,
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh
all: ♪ Santiago

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh
all: ♪ Santiago

- ♪ Santiago of the seas
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh
all: ♪ Santiago

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh
all: ♪Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

- Bonnie's Mom.
La Mama de Bonnie.

[upbeat music]

- La Fuente de León

is the oldest fountain
in Larimar.

Legend has it that if you
flip a coin into its water,

it will bring good fortune.

- Whoa, I'm ready
for my good fortune.

Mi buena fortuna.
Are you ready, me hearties?

- Listo!
- So ready!


- I'm here, good fortune.
Come and get me!

- I already have
my good fortune, my crew.


[soft dramatic music]

- [snoring]


Eh, must be hearing things.

- Oh!

- Who dares sneak aboard my...


- Outstanding trap,
my little buccaneer.

I taught you well.


But you know nothing can hold
Captain Billie Bones!

- Mami!

- Well,
if it isn't Lola Cotorra.

- Did you miss me,

- It's Sir Butternutter--

uh, I mean, Butterscotch--
to you!

- [laughs]

- I like what you've done
with your ships.

New slime cannons I see.
- You can never have too many.

- You know,
it's been way too long

since I've done something
with my favorite bad pirate.


What do you say about
a mother-daughter adventure?

- [gasps]
And I know just the thing!

There's a fountain in Larimar
filled with doubloons.

- La Fuente de León.
That's my girl!


- We'll sneak
into Larimar tonight

and swipe those coins.
- [caws]

Like mother like daughter.

- Ugh, if you want to be
a boring bad pirate, go ahead.

But if you want to be
the baddest bad pirate,

you've gotta think bigger!
- Bigger?

- Don't just swipe the coins
from the fountain.

Swipe the entire fountain!

- [gasps]

Or instead of just swiping
the coins from the fountain,

we swipe the entire fountain.

- Great idea, Mami.
- [growls]

- How are we going to pull it
out of the wall?

- We're Billie
and Bonnie Bones!

Nothing gets in our way!

Now we pull.

- [panicked squawking]

- Quit messing around, Lola!

We've got a fountain to steal!

- [growls]

- Coquí.
- Caracoles!

Someone stole
la Fuente de León!

- What about
all those doubloons?

- And all the good fortunes.

- Compass, where can we find
la Fuente de León?


Bonnie Bones.

- That fountain belongs
to the people of Isla Encanto.

- As pirate protectors...
- We have to get it back?

- Sí.
Are you with me, me hearties?


[dramatic music]

- Let's go save the fountain.

"Bravo," adelante!

- Success!
- De acuerdo!

Taking that whole fountain
was the best idea I've had yet.

- You've had?
That was my idea.

You've ruffled my feathers

for the last time,
Billie Bones.

I'll be taking the fountain
and this ship.


- Step aside, swab!

I'm the captain of this ship,
and you can't take it.

- You tell her, Capitana!

- [squawks angrily]

- Capitana,
that's a lot of parrots.

- What's the meaning
of this, bird?

- It's a mutiny!

- Mutiny schmootiny!

You are not taking over
the ship.

- [caws]

[parrots squawking]

- [struggling]
- [laughs]

I'm the capitananow!
- Blimey!

- I always knew she was
a no-good hornswoggle.

- And you were right,

- Do you see Bonnie Bones,

- No, but she should be
right around...there!

- Bonnie?
- Butterscotch?

- Gatitos?
- Hold on.

- [grumbles]
- What happened?

- That no-good Lola
and her parrot crew

stole my ship
and took my mother!

- Your mother?
The infamous Billie...


- [gasps]

- Whoa!
- Ah!

- [grunts]

[cats meow]

- Wait, wait, who is Lola?
- My mom's first mate.

She double-crossed us.

- Don't all bad pirates

- Not each other.

True bad pirates have a code,
and Lola broke that code

when she betrayed
her capitana.

- So Lola stole
la Fuente de León?

- [gasps]
Well, about that...

maybe my mom and I
swiped it last night,

but Lola swiped it from us.
- Okay.

Here's the plan.

We help you save your ship
and your mother,

and you return
la Fuente de Leónto us.

- But I--



Ahoy, vamos!

- My plan worked!

Now I'll be the best
bad pirate parrot ever!

- Even bad pirates have friends
they can trust, Lola.

- Who needs friends
when you have treasure?

[parrots squawking]

- Oh, no,
those scallywags found us!

- Okay, in order to save
Bonnie's mom and the ship,

we need to split up.

- How about Tomás and I
distract the parrots?

- And I'll untie my mom.
- Perfecto.

Then I'll save the ship.
A la aventura!

[parrots squawking]

[dramatic music]

- [sings melody]

[parrots squawking]

- Power chord!
[strums guitar]

[parrots squawking]

[parrot squawks]

- Eat slime, bird!

- Nice shot, querida!

- [growls]


- I've got control of the ship!

- [caws]

Let's grab that fountain
and skedaddle!

[parrots squawk]

- Espada fuerza!

[parrots squawking]

- So you're
the pirate protector

I've heard so much about.
- Así es.

The name's Santiago,
and it's time to return

everything you've stolen!
- [laughs]

My parrot crew and I
will do no such thing!

My crew!
Where are they going?

- Looks like your crew
flew the coop.

- Guess you
shouldn't have trusted them,

just like Billie
shouldn't have trusted you.

- You may have out-pirated me
this time, swab,

but I'll be back.

- Mami!

I mean, aye, aye,
Captain Bones.

- [laughs]

- A deal's a deal.

You've got your ship
and your mom back.

- [laughs]

We'd say thank you
if we had any manners.

- A good pirate
always does what's right.

- Maybe you're not such
a bad pirate after all, Bonnie.

- Excuse me?
- Excuse her?

- Excuse us?

- [gasps]
- [gasps]

- [gasps]

- The only reason
I gave back that fountain

is because Lola stole it,

and if anyone's going to steal
from Larimar,

it should be me.


- That's my girl!

She'll be queen
of the pirates someday.

- Queen of the pirates!

- [meows]

- That's the Bonnie Bones
we know.

Let's put la Fuente de León
back where it belongs.

- Mira,a medallion.

- [gasps]
- [gasps]

- Shimmering sea stars.
Look how pretty.

- Wait, I think
I've seen this before.

[mysterious music]

[all gasp]

- A secret room!

- Whoa.
- Whoa.

- Hey, look at this.

- What do you think it is?

- I don't know,
but it looks like

we've got to find
more medallions.

- Which means
more awesome pirate adventures.


- Coquí, coquí!

- The Ocelot's Tale.
El Cuento del Ocelote.

Do you see anything yet, Tomás?

- Ocean.

There it is!
I see it, Capitán!

That's the cliff
we're looking for.

What now, Santi?

- According to
Capitán Calavera's journal,

that used to be the site

of el Templo de la Amistad,
the Temple of Friendship,

but after years
of wind and waves,

the cliff crumbled,
andel Templo de la Amistad

fell into the sea.

- Legend says
that the temple had the biggest

and most beautiful
pieces of art called mosaics.

- Which means the mosaics
are at the bottom of the sea.

What do you say, Lorelai?
Ready for an art rescue?

- Aye, aye, Capitán.

Bracelet of Pearl,
to mermaid from girl!

[upbeat music]

Bubble of air
for Santiago to wear.

- A la aventura!

Espada brilla!


Mira,the mosaics.

- Shimmering sunfish.

Capitán,do you think
you can lift those up?

- I don't know,
but good pirates

always try their best.

Espada fuerza!


- ♪ I hope

♪ Oh, I hope

♪ That Santi and Lorelai
can find the mosaics ♪

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la

[deep rumbling]

- Coquí?

- Whoa!

- Estupendo, primo!

You saved the--wait,
is that a kitty cat?

- [laughs]

It's an ocelot,
which is like a cat,

but it lives in the jungle.
- Strong work, me hearties.

Now we can protect
these two beautiful mosaics.


- Coquí, coquí!

- No peeking/

And open your eyes!

- Whoa!

Que maravilla!

- Welcome to the new wing
of the museum!

- Tomás, you can look now.
- I know.

I just like surprises so much
I wanted it to last longer.

It was worth it.

- This room is filled
with historical artwork,

and thanks to you, we have
something new to protect.

- Jungle kitty!
- [laughs]

Ocelot, Tomás.
- Right.

Se me olvidó.
I forgot.

- Where is the other one
with the person on it?

- On a ship headed
to our sister city

on the far side of the island.

That's what museums are for,
sharing beautiful art

with everyone.

- Uh, I think
some of the beautiful art

is staring at me.
- [chuckles]

These masks were made
hundreds of years ago.

Imagine what life
was like then.

Think about the story
these masks tell.

- What do you mean "story"?

- Every piece of art
tells a story,

like over here.

Look at the carvings
on the duho.

This was an important chair
for an important person.

- Like a throne.
- Exactamente.

- Mami,I want to hear all
the stories for all the art.

- [laughs]

That'll take all night, m'ijo.

- [gasps]

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?


- And this one tells the story
of a day at the market.

- Colorful clownfish.

Look at all the ladies
and their baskets of food.

- Muy bien, mis piratas.
Time for bed.

- Buenas noches,mateys.

- Goodnight, Santi.

ladies in the market.

Goodnight, fancy chair.

Goodnight, jungle kitty.


- Donde esta el ocelote?
It's gone!

[all gasp]

- Mira,the ocelot!
It's alive!

- Snuggly sea stars,
he's so cute!

- He seems scared.

Calma, pequeño.
It's okay.

[ethereal hum]

- Mami.
Where did she go?

- I'm here, m'ijo!

- Mami,you're in the chair.

- Don't worry.
I'm okay.

- The magical tail
of the ocelot

must have made her
part of the art.

- I'm sure he didn't
do this on purpose.

He's scared.
- Don't worry, Mami.

We'll find
and help the ocelot,

and then maybe you'll be freed.

Adventure awaits, me hearties!

Aye, aye, Capitán!

- No signs
of the ocelot anywhere.

Ven aquí gatito.
We've got a treat for you.

What do ocelots eat?
- I'm not sure.

I don't know much about them
because they're land creatures

who live in the rainforest.

- Well, if they're anything
like my neighbor's cat,

they spend
half the day sleeping

and the other half climbing.

- Wait, did you say climbing?

Espada brilla!

It's okay, ocelot.
We're here to help.

- [sings melody]


- Gotcha.

[ethereal hum]

- Primo,where are you?

- Over here!
- Are you okay?

- Yeah, but the story
this piece of art is telling me

is I'm stuck.

- Don't worry, Primo.
We'll figure this out.

- Capitán, mira!

It's el Templo de la Amistad.
- You're right, Lorelai.

It's the temple of friendship.

Whoa, in this painting,

they're not
two separate mosaics.

They're one big one.

They must have broken apart
when the temple fell.

- Coquí, coquí.

- I see, Kiko.

They're playing together,
eating together,

sleeping together.

This artwork is telling
a story of friendship,

de dos mejores amigos.

- That's why the ocelot
came to life,

to find his best friend.

[door thuds]

He went outside.

- Hold on, Primo.

We're going to help the ocelot
and then get you out of there.

- I'll be fine, Santi.

Actually, these clothes
are pretty comfy.

- Mamisaid the other mosaic
was on a ship.

To the shipyard!

[soft dramatic music]

There he is!

It's okay.

We know you're looking
for your friend.

We want to help.

- He's on a ship headed to
the other side of the island.

[ethereal hum]
- Lorelai!

- Over here!
I'm okay, Capitán.

Help the ocelot.

- I'm not sure how to help
without accidentally

getting touched by his tail.
Any ideas, Kiko?

- Uh-uh.

- ♪ Calma, dulce gatito♪

♪ Come rest your eyes

♪ Calma, mi amigo♪

♪ Come rest tonight

I've got this.

Go find the ocelot's friend.
- I'm on it.

"Bravo," subé!

[dramatic music]

A la aventura!

Ahí está!

That's the ship
carrying the other half

of the mosaic.
"Bravo," más rapido!

- Mira,
it's the pirate protector.

Santiago, is everything okay?
- I need your help!

We have to return
the other mosaic to Larimar.

- But why?
[crate clatters]

What's that?

- It's okay.
He's not dangerous.

Over here!

We want to help you!

He's not listening, Kiko.

He's looking
for his best friend.

That gives me an idea.

Compass, show me
with my best friend.

- Ooh, Coquí.

- It needs to be bigger.
Mas grande.

Say it with me.
Mas grande.

That's me and Kiko,
mí mejor amigo.

I would never want
to be apart from him,

so I understand how you feel.

I just want to help you
find the ocelot.

Will you let me help you?

[tender music]

Great, let's get you back
to your friend.

[ethereal hum]

- Great work, Capitán.

You found him.

- Mami,Tomás, you're free!

- Oh, bien hecho m'ijo.
You did it.

I guess now we know why

it was called
the Temple of Friendship.

From now on,
we will keep these two mosaics

side-by-side always.

- I'm glad we got
those friends back together.

- And I'm glad I got my friends
back together.

Another awesome
pirate adventure, me hearties.


- Coquí!