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02x10 & 02x11 - The Time Capsule/Hiccup Soup

Posted: 12/04/23 08:48
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

- ♪ Sailing the seas,
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all:♪ Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

- "The Time Capsule."

"La Cápsula del Tiempo."

[soft upbeat music]

- Niños,gather around.

Today's a very special day.

- I can't wait!

- It's the day
we finally get to open

the Larimar time capsule,

La cápsula del tiempo.

But first,
I need to pull it up.


[rope snaps]

- Espada fuerza!

- Gracias, mi'jo.

- The time capsule!

- Sí, Tomásito.

We only open it once
every ten years.

Inside are special things

made by the children
of Isla Encanto.

That handsome niñois me.

- You were a kid?

I thought Abuelo
was Abueloforever.

- Today, all of you
will get to make something,

but you only have until sunset.

Then the lid closes
for another ten years.

- Time to open la cápsula!

[all gasp]

- I made this when
I was a little girl.

- Ooh!
- Oh!

- Wow, this was the first thing
I ever carved,

way before I built ships.

Holding it again feels like
going back in time.

I can see it now.

Over there is where we used to
keep the horses.

I was always sneaking carrots
to them.

And my favorite place to carve
was right under that tree.

That's where I decided
to make this.

- Increíble!

But I'm not sure what to put
in the time capsule.

- [chuckles]
When I was your age,

I didn't know either, at first.

- Really?

You're Abuelo.
You know everything.

- [laughs] Not always.

But I had good friends to
help me believe in myself.

- And you do too, Santi.
- Yeah.

Why don't we team up and
make something together?

- Buena idea,Lorelai!

What should we make?

- Here, maybe this
can spark an idea.

[magical chiming]

- Ah, coquí!

- Huh?

Where did everyone go?

- Slippery sea slugs.
Everything's different.

- [squeaking]
- Mira!

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- Abueloalso told us about
his favorite carving spot.

- And that boy looks
kind of familiar,

like Abuelo'sdrawing
on the time capsule.

Mateys, I think that is Abuelo.

- Whoa!
- Whoa.

- Coquí!

- We must have gone
back in time

to when Abuelowas a kid.

That's why everything
is different.

- We time traveled?

But I'm just getting
used to sea travel.

- Come on, let's go say hi.

- Barnacles!

- Disculpa,is everything OK?

- I can't get my carving right.

There's no way
I can make something

for the time capsule by sunset.

- We're making something
for the time capsule, too.

Let's work together.

I'm Santiago, and these are
my friends, Tomás and Lorelai.

- Mucho gusto.

I'm Antonio.

- Abuelohas a name?
- Shh.

- Nice to meet you.

Can you excuse us for a minute?

I think I know how we got here.

Mermaid legend says
sea glass can be magical.

The sea glass on Abuelo'sfish

must have taken us
back in time.

- So if that's
how we got here,

how are we gonna get back home?

- Since the fish
brought us here,

maybe it can take us back, too.

Except it's not a fish anymore.

- I will never eat
Tía Josefina's tostonesagain!

- Not so fast, primo.

Maybe we just need Antonio
to carve the fish again.

- But we have to do it
before sundown,

or else we'll be stuck here.

- Caracoles!
I'm no good at this.

[soft music]

- Maybe you just need
more practice.

I wasn't a good guitar player
at first.

But now, I'm a maestro.

[impressive guitar riff]

- Here. Think you could make
something with this?

- Even if I could,

would it be special enough
for the time capsule?

- Maybe we can decorate it
with this.

- Sea glass?

Oh! I know where to find
a lot more!

Playa de Crystal.

I've always wanted to go there,

but I don't know the way.

- I can help with that.

Compass, which way to
Playa de Crystal?

That way, through the forest.

- Cool compass.
- Gracias.

Mateys, we need to
get some sea glass

for our new friend, Antonio.

Are you with me?

both: Aye, aye, capitán.
- [squeaks]

[exciting music]

- Mira,those fish are
swimming up the stream.

[water splashing]


- These friendly fishes know
the way to Playa de Crystal.

- You speak fish?

- Lorelai is a mermaid.

She can do all kinds
of cool stuff.

- [gasps]
Que maravilla!

- They say
we can follow them upstream.

- Wow, those fish
won't let anything stop them,

not even the current.

You know what?

I won't let anything
stop me either.

♪ ♪

- Caracoles!
We're stuck!

- I have an idea.

I can use the water to boost us
to the top of this cliff,

but we'll need
something to stand on.

- Antonio, do you think you
could build something for us?

- OK, I'll give it a shot.

Will you help me
grab some wood?

- Hold on, mateys.


- Ay,where'd it go?

I guess we need to find
another way down.

- Coquí!

- Mira,
Kiko spotted something.

- Sparkling sea glass.

That must be--

all: Playa de Crystal!

[bright chiming]

all: Ooh!

- We made it,
thanks to the rainbow fish.

- Let's get to work.

We'll collect sea glass

while you work on
your carving, Antonio.

- Aye, aye.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Hmm.

- Hey, are you finished
carving, Abuelo?

I mean, Antonio?

- Sí.

But I don't know
if it's any good.

all: Ah.

- Tremendo!

- Muchas gracias.

I was inspired by the rainbow
fish swimming upstream.

Because of them
and you, my new friends,

I'll always believe in myself.

- Now all it needs
is the sea glass.

[sea glass clinking]

- It's beautiful!

It's going to be a perfect
addition to the time capsule!

- Great!

But we have to hurry back
before sunset.



- Ay, no.

I was afraid of this.

Can't we build some stairs
on this island?

- Don't worry, primo.
I got you.

Everyone, hold on to me.

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

A la aventura!

♪ ♪

- I liked the way up better.

- The sun is going down fast.

How will we ever make it back
in time?

- Hmm.

We can use my platform
as a raft!


All aboard!

- You saved the day!

But my abueloalways says

you can't set sail
without a flag.

- Now we're ready to raft!

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- We're still not moving
fast enough.

- I can help with that.

Power chord!

[loud guitar chord]

♪ ♪

- Trees!


- Whew, that was close.

- Yikes!
I think this is our stop!

♪ ♪

[all shouting]

[loud crashing]

[all laughing]

- Mira!The time capsule!

- We made it!

[all cheering]

- I had so much fun
on our adventure,

especially rafting
down the river.

I'm going to try building
a real boat next.

- I know you'll be great at it.

I guess this is
goodbye for now.

We'll be sure to visit if
we're ever back this way.

- Espera.

Let's put the carving
in the time capsule together.

After all, I couldn't have
done it without your help.

[soft music]

- Hasta luego,Antonio!

[magical chiming]


- Well, mi'jo,it's almost time
to close the lid.

What did you all come up with
for the time capsule?

- Oh, no! We forgot!

- Wait, I've got it.

This flag will always remind us

of a very special friend

and an adventure
we'll never forget.

- Hmm.

This looks familiar.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

Oh, well.

♪ ♪

- [squeaks]

- Another awesome
pirate adventure, me hearties.

all: Piratas,ahoy!
- Coquí, coquí!

- "Hiccup Soup."

"Sopa de Hipo."

[pleasant music]

♪ ♪

- Every time we put a medallion
in a slot, it glows.

But we still don't know
what it means.

- Que interesante!

Ooh, this is fascinating!

This is definitely
a magic table.

♪ ♪

It'll probably need more magic
to reveal its true secret.

- Magic?

Hmm, do you think my magical
power chord could help?

Medallions, wake up!

[loud guitar chord]
Power chord!


Ay, no!

- That was a good try, Tomás.

But whatever that magic was,
it didn't affect the medallion.

- Phew.

When the string broke,

I thought something bad
might happen.

- [laughs]
Something bad?

Like what,

- Cackling clams!

Tina, do you have
the hicc--[hiccups]--ups?


Do I--I--

- Lorelai, are you OK?

[all laughing]

- Oh, no!

My power chord must've
given you magical hiccups.

Sorry, I messed up.

- It's OK.

We can just do what
Titi Josefinadoes

when she gets
the hicc--[hiccups]--ups.

Hold your nose
and hop on one foot.

- Did it work?

[all hiccup]

Never mind.

- [laughs]

Don't worry, Tomás.

We aren't--[hiccups]
the first pirate protectors

to deal with hiccups.
Take a look at

Capita--[hiccups] --na
Sonia's story

in my journal.
She was--[hiccups]

Maybe you could read it for me.

-Capitana Sonia was a brave
pirate protector.

But she could never sneak up
on bad pirates

without a--
- [hiccups]

- Hiccup giving her away.

So she looked
all over the islands

until she found just
the right ingredients

to make hiccup soup,

a soup that could stop
the hiccups instantly!

That hiccup soup recipe

wasCapitana Sonia's
prized possession.

- Well, we're here at
the Hall of Pirate Protectors.

- Where's her--
[hiccups] her recipe?

- If it's her most
prized possession,

it should be in the--
[hiccups] treasure chest.

- Let's check it out.

- Whoa, that's the biggest
spoon I've ever seen.

Imagine how much soup
you could eat with this.

Oops, it broke.
Did I mess up again?

[triumphant music]

- Buen trabajo,Tomás.

It's the recipe.

- And it says we need
three ingredients.

A banana from Monkey Island.

- A coconut from--
[hiccups] El Lago del Oro.

- And a glowing mushroom

from La Cueva Misteriosa.

Let's get those ingredients
and stop these hiccups.

Adventure awaits, amigos!

- Pira--[hiccups] --tas,

- Coquí, coquí!

[soft adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- If I remember,
here in Monkey Island,

the monkeys keep their bananas
inside that temple.

- But how do we get across
this chasm

without a--
[hiccups] bridge?

- There's gotta be something
here that can help us.

- Mira,a vine!

I'll use my sword
to pull it to us.

Then we could swing
to the other side.

Espada fuer--
[hiccup] za!

Espada fu--


- Santi,
your hiccups are stopping you

from calling your sword.

- [hiccups]

- If only we could
float over there

like those bubbles.

- That's it!

We can float!

- Cómo?

- My latest invention,

the Big Bubble Balloon Booster,

or Bubbloon for short.

- Incredible invention, Tina.

- Grab on.

- Tina, this is great!

How do you steer it?

- I haven't actually
figured out

the steering--
[hiccups] yet.

[wind blowing]

- Uh-oh, we're going
the wrong way.

- Hold on, mateys.

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- We made it!

- All right!
- Woo-hoo!

- There's the temple
where the monkeys live.


- Monito!
- [squeaking happily]

- [laughs]
Hola, amigo.

- Is your mommy around?
- [squeaks]

- We've got a case of--

- Magical hiccups.

- And we need a banana

to make a soup that--

- Will make them stop.

- [squeaks]

- Muchas gracias.

We have the first ingredient
for the soup!

- Next up,
El Lago del Oro

for the coconuts.

[both squeaking]

♪ ♪

- El Lago del Oro.

- The last time we were here,

we found out if you take
any gold from the lake

out comes a golden giant.

- A giant?


- Yeah, he is.

OK, we need to find
those coconuts.


- [gasps] Up there!

Soaring seagulls.

That's the tallest palm tree
I've ever seen.

- How are we gonna get
way up there?

- I know.

I can use my mermaid call

to shake those coconuts loose.



- It's just like my sword.

You can't sing your song
without hiccupping.

- Those coconuts
are so high up.

If only we were
really, really tall

or knew someone who was.

[gasps] I got it!


- Wait, Tomás!

You're going to wake up the--

all: Giant!

- Exactly!

That's the plan.

- Mi oro?

- Sí.
Lo siento, señor gigante.

[water splashes]
I'm sorry I took your gold,

but we need your help to get
a coconut from way up there.

Could you, um,
give us a lift, please?

- [hiccups]

[soft adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- Got it!

Muchas gracias.

- Yay!
- Woo-hoo!

- Yeah!
- [hiccups]

- Goodbye, Golden Giant.

- Mi oro.

[footsteps thudding]

- Just one more
ingredient to go!

- A glowing mushroom
from La Cueva Misteriosa.

That'll be easy-peasy.

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

[magical shimmering]

[soft snoring]

- Bats?

This isn't so easy-peasy.

There's no way we can sneak in
with all of you hiccupping.

You'll wake up
the bats for sure.

- That's true, Tomás. [hiccups]

There's no way we can sneak in.

But you and Kiko can.

- All by ourselves?

But I can't do this stuff
like you can, Santi.

- Tomás, you don't need
to be like me. [hiccups]

You do things differently,
and that's--[hiccups]

- Good?
- It's great!

That's how you figured out
that Sonia's soup spoon

unlocked the--[hiccups]

- The recipe?
- Sí.

And that's how you gave Tina--

- The idea to use her Bubbloon.

- And none of us knew
how to get those coconuts.

- So I asked the giant
for help!

You're right, Santi,
I'm gonna do great.

I'll find those glowing
mushrooms the Tomás way.

- Coquí!
- Way to go, Tomás.

- You've got this!

- [squeaks] Coquí!

[bats snoring softly]

[sneaky music]

♪ ♪

- [loudly] I did it!

Did it! Did it! Did it!

[bats screeching]

Sorry! I, uh, woke you up!

Boy, I wish Santi and the g*ng
were here right now.

- [squeaks]
Coquí, coquí.

- Hey, if I'm doing this
the Tomás way,

I would ask my friends
for help.

Mateys, a little help, please?

- What can we do to help?

- I have a plan.

I need you to hiccup!
- Huh?

- Try to call your sword

or do your mermaid call!

Just hiccup!
- OK!

Espada fuer--

- [vocalizing]


- [vocalizing]

[both hiccupping]
- [giggles]

[playful music]

[bats screeching excitedly]

- Uepa!
The bats love the bubbles!

Look, I've got the mushroom!
- Coquí!

- Great job, Tomás!

- Yay!
- Uepa!

- Now let's go make that soup.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- That was an awesome--

totally Tomás idea
to distract the bats

with the bubbles earlier.

- I remembered how
Kiko, Monito,

and even the giant couldn't
help but pop the bubbles.

And I thought maybe
the bats would, too.

- You saved the day
the Tomás way.

- Mateys, I think it's ready.

- How can you tell?

[magical chime]

Never mind.


[all hiccup]


- Delicioso!

- And our hiccups are gone.

[all cheering]

- That was another
awesome pirate adventure.

We did good, me hearties!

- Piratas,ahoy!
- Coquí, coquí!

[all laughing]

♪ ♪

[upbeat adventurous music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]