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02x07 - The Big, Big Present/Hanukah Plunder Blunder

Posted: 12/04/23 07:58
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

Children: ♪ one puppy, two puppy
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

Man: ♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seeing lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before
this day's through ♪

♪ We'll make
good friends like you ♪

Children: ♪ 3 puppy

♪ Clifford is up
to brand-new tricks ♪

Man: ♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Emily elizabeth:
"the big, big present."

Let's hang this tinsel
over the front door.


Hey, look.
That's us.

A funny-looking us.



Look, zo,
a walking santa hat.

That's weird.

I didn't know
santa hats could walk.

Let's get it!


What are you
doing under there?

I'm going to sneak a peak
at my christmas present
from emily elizabeth.

It's the biggest one
under the tree.

Wow. The biggest?


Can we
peek, too?

Oh, sure.

Come on in.

Emily elizabeth:
nina, nina.

Look at the big present
I got for clifford.

Well, so much
for sneaking a peak.


Wait a minute.

Zo and I still have
our biggest present
to open for hanukkah.

Do you want to sneak
a peak at it, clifford?

I sure do.

Then come on!


Oh, this is going
to be so delicious.

mr. Solomon doing?

Oh, he's making potato
pancakes called latkes

And special hanukkah
doughnuts called


Uh-huh. They're
filled with jelly.


Aha. There.

Come on. Let's get
a peek at the present.


Oh, wow!

It's so...


We've been saving it
for the very last
night of hanukkah...

Which is tonight.

What do you mean,
the last night?

How many nights of
hanukkah are there?

Flo: that's why there are

Oh, I get it,
one for each night.

Plus there's one
extra candle in the middle

That we use to light
the other 8 candles.

Every night at sunset,
we light a new candle,

And then...

We get to open a present!


What's this?

It's called
a dreidel.

It's a hanukkah toy
that spins.



Look at it go!


We have
to stop it.


Here, dreidel,
dreidel. Here!


Oh, my. What's
all the commotion?

I see. It's a new
dreidel game.



Oh, dear.


Now don't worry.
Accidents happen.

I'll just find
a menorah to borrow

So we can light
the candles at sunset.

I'll be back soon.

Aw, don't be
sad, guys.

Mr. Solomon will
find another

You'll see.

But what if
he doesn't?

How will we light
the candles at sunset?

And if we can't light
the candles at sunset,

Then how can we celebrate
the last night of hanukkah?

And if we can't celebrate
the last night of hanukkah...

We can't open
our big, big present!

Oh, gee.

This is serious.

Hey, I've got
a big idea!

We'll just put
the menorah pieces
back together again,

Like a puzzle.

Good thinking,

We love


The menorah
is all back

All right!


Now what are we
going to do?


Uh...oh, I know!

Whenever emily elizabeth
breaks her toys,

She puts them back
together with sticky stuff.

But where can we find
this sticky stuff?

Sticky stuff?
Follow me.

There it is.

Flo: you're right.
Jelly is sticky stuff.

Oh, it looks
a little different

Than the sticky stuff
emily elizabeth uses,

But, uh, okay.

I've got some.

Let me try.

Oh. Hey,
it is sticky.

And gooey.

Gooey? Ooh,
I like gooey.

Ok, now all we
have to do

Is stick
the menorah
back together.

Uh, it doesn't
look right.

No. I don't remember
it being so...sideways.

Well, at least
it's back together.

Was back together,
you mean.

Now what are we
going to do?

Our menorah's
broken and sticky.

Well, maybe
mr. Solomon can
find a menorah

To borrow
in time.


Or...or we can ask
daffodil for help.

So, what do you
think, daffodil?

Is there
any hope?


Where there's a will,
there's a way.

All right!

Uh, daffodil,
which way is that?

The creative way.

Now everybody go
and collect as much
stuff as you can.

What for?

We're going to build
a brand-new menorah.

We are?

You bet.

We did it!

Yeah. It's...

It's, well, it's...



We saved

Now we'll be able
to light the candles
at sunset.

And open our big,
big present.

The present!

I'm home, and I
borrowed a menorah.

Well, what do
we have here?

You know, it reminds me
of a menorah.

With a little adjustment
here and a little
twist there...

All it really needs
are a few candles.

Why, look. We've got
the most wondrous menorah
I've ever seen.

[Meowing and barking]

And it's extra special
because you made it

This is going to be
the best hanukkah ever.

You did a terrific job
lighting the candles,
emily elizabeth.

Thanks, mr. Solomon.
It was an honor.


Mmm, mmm. Do I smell
latkes, sonny?

You sure do, mama,
and they're coming right up.

Let me help you.

Hey, clifford,
what's shun eating?

Oh, they're called
sufganiyot, jorge.

They're special
hanukkah doughnuts

Filled with sticky
stuff called jelly.

Mmm. Not bad.

Hey, clifford,
how did you know
about this jelly?

oh, it's a long story.

Latkes, anyone?

Mmm, this is delicious.
Pass the sour cream.

Oh, sonny, these
are delicious.

Whoo! Wonderful!

I finally figured out
how to make mama's
potato pancakes.

[Dogs barking]

[Cats meowing]

Oh! The present!

Hey, guys, guys.

You can open
your big, big
present now.

Thanks, but we'll
do it later, clifford.

Uh-huh. We're having
too much fun.

Anything the matter,

Well, I'm confused.

I thought we made
the menorah

So that flo and jo
could open their big,
big hanukkah present,

But now...


Now they
don't seem
to want to.

Look around, clifford.
What do you see?


Well, I see
all our family.


And friends,
and we're all together.

That's right.

Oh, right!

And being together
with your family
and friends

During the holidays

Is really the biggest
present of all.

You've got it,

Now let's go get
that dreidel.




Emily elizabeth: clifford!
Where are you, boy?


Want to read
a story, clifford?


Okay. Pick one out.

Thanks, clifford.
This looks like
a great story.

Emily: today's story is
"speckle and the homemade toys."

"It was a great morning
because speckle and his friends

"Had gotten together to play.

"But soon they realized
that none of them had brought
a game or a toy to play with.

"They wondered, what
were they going to do?

"Until speckle said they
could use their imaginations

"And make their own toys.

"That was a great idea,
and off they went

"To see what toys
they could create.

"Reba was so inspired,
she went right out

"And gathered acorns,
just the right size
for a game of jacks.

"Working together,
darnell and luna

"Made an extra long
daisy chain

"To use as a jump rope.

"Then ravi and speckle
found that a soft plastic lid

"Was perfect for
throwing through the air,

"Like a flying disk.

"Now the g*ng had
a brand-new question:

"Which wonderful homemade toy
should they play with first?

"The end."

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,
for such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


"hanukkah plunder blunder."

Would you like
more tea, mrs. Daffodil?

And would you like
another cup, mr. Clifford?



we're almost
out of water.

I mean, tea.

I better ask mom
for some more.

Oh, boy. Wearing hats
sure makes you itchy.

How do people
stand them?


I love my big
floppy hat.

It matches my ears.


Oh, hiya, jorge.

Hey, guys.
What are you doing?

We're having
a tea party.

Would you like
to join us?

Oh, no. I don't
think so, amigo.

Thanks anyway, but I'm
not much for tea parties.

Hey. Hey, what's
that smell?

Oh, you've got
doggie doodles.

That changes everything.

Sure, sure. I'd like
to join your tea party.

In order to be
at a tea party,

You have to be

I can be dainty.

Was that dainty
enough for you?

Not exactly.

Hey, clifford,
remember we're supposed
to go over to flo and zo's.

They said they had
something special
to show us tonight.

All right!

Emily elizabeth:
hi, jorge.

You're just in time
for our tea party.

Would you like to have
some refreshments?

oh, they're gone.

Something tells me
you already had some.


And now I bet you'd like
clifford to play with you.

I think he's probably
ready for a little exercise.

How about it, boy?


All right, you two.
Have a good time.

I guess that's more
tea for us, mrs. Daffodil.

So flo and zo said this is
the first night of harmonica.

What's that?

I don't know exactly,
but I hope they have

Enough harmonicas
for everyone to play.

Yeah, me, too.

No, no, no.
Not harmonica.

It's the festival
of lights.

Oh. Hanukkah?

What's that?

The celebration
of hanukkah goes back
thousands of years

To a day when
the jewish people
were ready to light

The lamps
in their temple.

They only had enough
oil to keep the lamps
lit for one day,

But they stayed
lit for 8.

That's right.
It was a miracle.

And it's why hanukkah
is 8 days long.

To celebrate,
we get together
with friends and family

And eat yummy potato
pancakes called latkes.

But that's not
the best part.

All right, flo and zo,
here are your
hanukkah presents.

the best part.
Come on!

Oh, we have guests.

Happy hanukkah.


I think I might have
a special holiday treat

For you as well.
I'll be right back.

Wow. Look at all
those presents.

And we get to open one
on each night of hanukkah.

That's the part
I don't like.

I want to open
them all now.

But if you did that,

Then you wouldn't have
anything to be excited
about tomorrow night.

Mr. Solomon:
okay, flo and zo.

Pick which one
you'd like to open.



Mr. Solomon: and I have
something for you, too,
clifford and jorge.


Meow! Meow!

now we've got 3 little kittens
in the house.

Meow! Meow! Meow!

Here you go, flo.

Oh, that looks
nice on you.

Well, if our friends

Are all done
with their treats,

I think it's
time for bed.

But you two are welcome
to stop by again

Any night you like.


Oh, oh!

I'll just go peek
at my presents

To make sure
that they're safe.

Uh, zo, where
are you going?

To, uh, get
a drink of water.

Go back to sleep.

Ooh. I just want
to touch one.

What could
that hurt?



Well, look at that.

My paw slipped.

Well, now that
it's practically
unwrapped anyway...

Oh, boy!
A toy dreidel!

I wonder what's
in this one...

And this one,
and this one!


Wow! A jingle ball.

Oh, fun! A bell on a string!

Hey, a new blue collar.

a pompom.

This is the best
hanukkah ever.

Oh, no.

Uh, I better
rewrap these.

I don't want to
get in trouble

For opening my
hanukkah presents early.

And there.
As good as new.

No one will ever know,
if they don't look
too close.


I better get
back to bed.

Oh, no!
Zo, come quick!

happened to
your presents.


Uh-huh. It looks like
someone unwrapped them

And then rewrapped them
really badly.

Really? They
look fine to me.

It's so strange
that my presents
weren't touched

But all of yours
were opened.

I mean, who would open
all of your presents
like that?

Who would come
into the living room

In the middle of
the night and...and...

I know who.
It was you!

You're not allowed
to do that!

Meow! Meow!

Shh. Tattletale.

Mr. Solomon:
what's the matter, flo?

Oh, so it's true
what they say about
kittens being curious.

Someone opened up
all his hanukkah
presents early.


Oh, zo, I'm not mad.

But now you won't have
anything to open

On the next 7 nights
of hanukkah, I'm afraid.

So I bet you guys
are looking forward
to opening up

Another one of
your hanukkah
presents tonight.

Zo isn't. He already
opened up all of
his presents.

How come?

He couldn't wait.

Heh, and I didn't
even get in trouble.

Yeah, but now you
have nothing to
look forward to.

You've spoiled
all the surprises,

And it won't be
as much fun.

Zo: oh, big deal.

I've still got
all my presents
to play with,

And if you're nice,
flo, I might let you
play with them.


Well, she is
kind of right, zo.

Zo: what do you mean?

It's sort of like
opening up all your
birthday presents

Before it's
your birthday.

And then your birthday
just wouldn't seem
as special.

It wouldn't?

Oh, it'll be fine.

All right,
flo and zo.

It's time to open
another one of
your presents.

Oops. I mean, flo,
it's time to open up

One of your presents.

I forgot, you already
opened yours, zo.

Okay, I'm going to get
the latkes and sour cream
for everyone.

Oh, boy! This is
my favorite part.

Oh, let's see,
which one to open next?

Hmm. That one?

That one?


Oh, that one has
such a pretty ribbon.

I can't decide.

Okay, this one!

Oh! This one!

[Zo crying]

What's wrong, zo?

You were right,

I spoiled hanukkah
by not waiting

To open my presents,

And now I have nothing
to look forward to

For the whole
rest of hanukkah.

This isn't any fun.

Well, sometimes
waiting for a present

Is almost as much
fun as opening it.

I know that now,
but it's too late.

There are still other
things to look forward
to during hanukkah,

Like lighting
the candles

And seeing our
friends and family.

Hey, you're right.

And don't forget
the latkes.

Right. The latkes
with sour cream.

They're yummy.

And if you want,

You can help me
unwrap my presents

For the rest
of hanukkah.

Really? Do you
mean it?

Sure, as long as you
promise to only open
one a night.

Okay, but
are you sure?

It's not really
fair to you

Since I already
opened mine.

I'm not going to have fun
unless you're having
fun, too, zo.

Oh, thanks, flo.
I'm glad you're
my sister.

You're the best
hanukkah present

A kitten
could ask for.

Ahh, are you going to
keep being mushy,

Or are you going to
help me open
my present?

Present! Present!



what are you doing?

I have a play date
in the laundry room

With the sidarskys.

Clifford: I want to share
all my favorite toys,

But if I move them
one by one,

I'll spend
the whole play date

Going up and down
the stairs.

Oh. How about
if we help?

Sure. If we each
carry a few toys...

They'd all be
in the laundry room
in no time.

That'd be great.
Thanks, guys.

Emily elizabeth:
clifford's friends know

That it's important
to help others,

Because when
you help someone,

You can make their
really big job

Not so big at all.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today

Is "help others."

Clifford: oh, thanks, guys.

Now there's just
one more thing.

Could you help us play
with all these toys?

You bet!

All right!

All right!
