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02x06 - Clifford the Scary Puppy/Things that Go Bump

Posted: 12/04/23 07:57
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

J one puppy, two puppy,
on a puppy bed j

J the littlest one
has fur that's red j

J I'm kind of new j

J so I'll stick with you j

J I like new places j

J seeing lots of new faces j

J and before
this day's through j

J we'll make good
friends like you j

J 3 puppy, 4 puppy,

J clifford is up
to brand-new tricks j

J I might be small j

J but I'm on the ball j

J I might be little j

J I might get stuck
in the middle j

J but there's one
thing we know j

J love makes
little things grow j

J yeah, love makes
little things grow j

Emily elizabeth:
"clifford the scary puppy."

[Wolf howling]


Pumpkin light!


My, you certainly are
a powerful wizard,
emily elizabeth.

thanks, mom.

Is it almost time
to go trick-or-treating?

Just about, as soon
as your friends
get here.

[Doorbell rings]

that must be them.

Better get into
your costume, clifford.

Both: happy halloween!

Come on in.

Wow! What great costumes!

I'm a scuba diver!

Glug glug glug!

I'm pirate captain nina!


And this be
my first mate jorge.

Arr, arr, arr!

Hi, jorge.
Clifford is over
by the couch.

Ahoy there, matey! Arrr!

Oh, happy halloween,
your highness.

Where's clifford?

Ha ha! Here I am!

I'm a ghost.

Clifford, weren't you
a ghost last year, too?

Uh-huh. I like
being a ghost.

Except it's kind
of hard to see

Come on, everybody.
It's time to go


All: trick or treat!

[Both barking]

All: trick or treat!

[Both barking]

[Both meowing]

All: trick or treat!



All: trick or treat!

Wow! Who are
all these spooky

I'm scared!

It's only us, evan.
Don't be scared.

But I'm supposed
to be scared,
emily elizabeth.

That's the whole
point of halloween.

I thought the whole point
of halloween

Was trick-or-treating
and getting lots of candy.

That's just
the treats.

What about
the tricks?


Like jumping out

And yelling "boo"
at someone.

Or turning down
the lights

And telling
spooky stories.

That doesn't sound
like much fun to me.

Okay, everybody.
Let's head back home.

It's time for
the halloween party.

Do you want to come
to the party, evan?

emily elizabeth,

But I have to study
for my math test.

Here. Don't forget
your treats.

All: thank you!

Oh! Ruff!

Hey, you know what?
I don't want to stop
trick-or-treating yet.

Ha! Me, neither.

There are plenty
of neighbors left
to visit.

Come on, clifford!
This way!

Uh, okay!

Emily elizabeth
and her friends

Really don't know
what they're missing.

Hey, maybe I'll go
down to the party

And make their halloween
a little spookier.

I'll finish studying later.

Here's your apple cider.

Now, I'll be right back in
the kitchen if you need me.

Okay, mom.

[Doorbell rings]

There's no one

All: aaah!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!
Mind if I
join you?

Sure, evan.
You're just
in time.

We're going to bob
for apples.

Shun, you're
the scuba diver,
so you go first.

Huh! Ha ha!


Ooh, you almost got
that one. Oh, so close!

Keep trying!


Ha ha ha!
Don't worry.

It's just
a toy spider.

[Both giggling]

See? I told you
it's fun to be scared.

Wow. That's
pretty scary, too.

[All laughing]

Hey, I have
a good idea.

Let's tell
some spooky stories.

I don't think
I want to hear
any spooky stories.

Aw, come on.
It'll be fun.

Okay, but just one.

Once there was
this bunch of kids
who were trick-or-treating.

One was a wizard,
one was a pirate,

And one was a scuba diver.

They went up to
this old haunted house,

And the door
was wide-open.

So they walked in,

And the door closed
shut behind them.

Now they were all alone
in the haunted house...

Or were they?

[Knock knock knock]

[All gasp]

What was that?

I--i don't know.
I heard it, too.

So the kids walked through
the haunted house,

And they came to a big door.

And they were about
to open it

When they heard a knock
on the other side.

[Knock knock knock]


I'm getting really scared.

Ha ha ha ha!
Relax, guys!

It was only me
knocking on the table.

[Knock knock knock]

See? Wasn't it fun
being scared?

Not really, evan.

I liked the part
when you said "boo,"

And I didn't even mind
when you dropped
the spider on us.

I'm with nina.
All that other stuff
was fun,

But I don't like
scary stories.

Me, neither.

Come on, guys.
Don't be so serious.

It's just halloween.

Well, I have to
go back to study.

Enjoy the rest
of the party.

Iay caramba!

I think I've had enough
treats for one night.

Me, too.
Let's head home
to the party.

I think I'm going
to go home,
emily elizabeth.

Me, too.
I'm still a little
spooked by that story.

[Knocking on door]

Don't answer it,
emily elizabeth!

Oh, it's only daffodil
scratching to get in.

Heh! I guess
she couldn't

Get through
the doggie door
in her crown.

There you are, matey.

I was beginning
to get worried about you.

Hey, where's clifford?

What do you think
happened to him?

Anything could happen.
It's halloween.

We'd better find him.



Jorge! Where are you?


Is that another

Huh. Nobody's there.

Wh-what was that?

Hmm, it was
probably nothing.

That was definitely something.

[Music playing]


Who turned
the music on?

Hmm. The wind must
have blown it over.

Sure. Yeah, yeah.
That's it. The wind.



I must be
imagining things.

I--i'd better
sit down a moment.

Whoa! Aaah!


Run! Run!

There's a ghost
in my apartment!

A ghost?

No way, evan.
You're just trying
to scare us again.

We're not falling
for it this time.

No! Honest! It's
a real ghost, guys!

Here it comes! Look out!

[All laughing]

That's not a ghost.
It's only clifford.


Ha ha ha ha!

Wow! You really
scared me, clifford.

See, evan?
Sometimes it's not
so fun to be scared.

You're right, nina.

I'm sorry, guys.

I guess I overdid
it a little.

That's okay.

Come on down.
The party's still
going on.

No, thanks.
I have to study.

Okay, evan. Bye!

And happy halloween!

Kids: bye!

[Wind howling]

Evan: aaah...

Um, on second thought,
emily elizabeth,

I think I'll study down
in your apartment.

[All laughing]

Don't worry, evan.

Clifford will
protect you.


[All laughing]


Emily elizabeth:
clifford! Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Okay, pick one out.

thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.

[Toy squeaks]

Today's story is "speckle
and the cure for hiccups."

"One day, speckle started
making a very silly sound.

"He had the hiccups and couldn't
seem to make them stop,

"So his friends came up
with some very creative cures.

"Luna said speckle should drink
a giant glass of water..."


"But that didn't work.


"Darnell suggested
speckle blow up a balloon

"As big as he possibly could."


"Ravi thought that rolling down
a soft, grassy hill would help."


"And reba recommended
jumping rope, on one foot.

"Soon, speckle's
hiccups were gone.

"His friends didn't know if
their cures really worked.

"But they did know they
sure were fun acting out.

"Speckle agreed.
He had such a good time,

"He couldn't wait
to have hiccups again!

The end."

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,
you sure are
a big reader.


Emily elizabeth:
"things that go bump."


Oh, don't be
scared, clifford.

It's just a halloween

And I don't think
witches even like

Ruff ruff!

Hi, emily elizabeth.

Great costumes, guys!


I made the wings

I was going
to be an octopus,
but I ran out of legs,

So now I'm an alien.

It's perfect!

You look great, too,
emily elizabeth.

And clifford looks
good enough to eat.


Have we missed

No. They're just about
to bob for apples.

Let's go!



Is that you, clifford?

Oh, it's you, jorge.

Si. Sorry about that.
I'm still getting the hang
of this mummy costume.

So, are you ready for
the big party, amigo?

Uh, sure.

You don't sound sure.
Is something wrong?

Uh, well, it's
just that all this
halloween stuff

Kind of scares me.

Aw, don't worry, pal.
The only thing
to be scared of

Is getting a tummyache
from eating too many treats.

Ha ha! Yeah.
I guess you're right.

Of course I'm right.

Come on,
let's join the fun.

You can do it, shun!

You've got it!

I've got 6 arms,
and I can't even
pick up one apple.

We couldn't either.

It's really hard.

Is anyone else
going to try?


Clifford's going
to try?


All right, clifford.
Good luck!

All: go, clifford!
Go, clifford!



Way to go, clifford!

Hey, you guys!

I think mr. Solomon
is going to read

His new halloween
book now.



I think clifford's excited
about mr. Solomon's new book.

Is everyone having
a great time at the
costume camp-out party?

Oh, yes!
You betcha!

I'm so glad.

Tonight I'm going
to read to you
from my newest book.

It's a flo and zo

And it's called
"scaredy cats."

[Both meowing]

It was a dark
and spooky night,

And a full moon hung
high in the sky.


The noise went
squeak squeak squeak!

Flo looked at zo
and took a deep breath.

What was that?

Before zo could answer,
they heard the noise again--
squeak squeak squeak!

"It must be a bat,"
said zo.



Then they heard
another scary sound--



"It must be a ghost,"
said flo.


They hid behind a vase,

But the noise got
closer and closer...

Tap, tap, tap.

"It must be a witch!"
Said zo.

"And the tap, tap, tap is
her pointy shoe," said flo.

It turned out that
there was nothing for them
to be scared of at all.

Heh heh! None of
the spooky things
were real.

Flo and zo had
imagined everything.


That was great!


Thank you very much.

Wasn't that
a great story,


Hey, let's go set up
our sleeping bags
for the camp-out.

That's a great idea!

It's going to be
so much fun sleeping
out here all night.

I just hope there are
no bats going squeak,
squeak, squeak.

Or any ghosts
that go whoosh!


Or witches with pointy
shoes that go...

All: tap, tap, tap.



what was that?


Ah! What was that?


Uh, jorge?

Jorge, did you hear that?


Oh, flo, zo?

Are you guys awake?

oh! What's that?

Uh, okay. I'm sure
it's just a decoration.

It's getting closer!

Hey, little red,
how was the party?

oh, hi, norville.

Uh, the party was fun.
We had treats,

We bobbed for apples,
and mr. Solomon read
his new book, "scaredy cats."

No kidding.
How was it?

Oh, it was great.
A--a little scary,
but great.

Sounds like you
had a big night.

Why are you
still up?


I keep hearing
scary noises.

Like what?

like that!

I--i keep telling myself
that it's just
a party decoration,

But y-you know
what I really think?

It sounds just like
the squeak, squeak,
squeak of a bat.

Mr. Solomon read all
about it in his book.

yeah, but maybe

It's just
the squeak,
squeak, squeak

Of a little
itty bitty
little mouse.

Uh, maybe, but it sounds
more like a bat than a mouse.

Well, there's
only one way
to know for sure.

We have to

See? The squeak
is getting louder.
We must be close.



It's up there,

But I don't think
a mouse would be up
so high, do you?

You know, it does seem
like a pretty strange
place for a mouse.


I don't hear it.
Do you?

No. Maybe we
scared it away.



Ha ha! Oh,
it's just a swing.

Oh, sure.

You know, swings
squeak all the time.


Hey, see?
What did I tell you?

Nothing to be
scared of.

Heh heh! Yeah.
Nothing at all.

what was that?

Uh, w-was that a whoosh?

Uh, definitely.
Definitely. Yes.

Uh, i--i don't
suppose mr. Solomon
mentioned anything

About a thing
that goes
"whoosh," huh?

Oh, he sure did.

He said that ghosts
make a whoosh sound
when they fly around.

Or--or maybe
it's an empty
trick-or-treat bag

Just blowing across
the courtyard.


Well, you know,
there's only one way
to know for sure.

Let's investigate.



It's okay, little red.

We're almost
there, I hope.

That whoosh is sounding
even scarier, norville.

Do you really think
it's a trick-or-treat bag?

Uh, yeah, m-maybe
a really noisy one.

I don't see anything.

No, me, neither.
Well, look,

There's no point in
hanging around here,
you know, if--


Oh! Heh heh!

It's just air
from the dryer vent.

Oh, this must be
the wall to
the laundry room.

There was nothing
to be scared of.

What are you
talking about?
Who was scared?

Ha ha!
Yeah, I feel
so much better.

both: what was that?

Is that
a tap, tap, tap?

Before I answer,

Did mr. Solomon
happen to mention

Things that go
tap, tap, tap?

Uh...uh, he did.

It's witches!

The tap, tap, tap is
the sound that their pointy
shoes make as they walk.

It's probably just,
well, you know,

It's probably
just, uh...


Oh, who are we

It's a witch!

[Both screaming]

[Both whimpering]


Emily elizabeth: oh,
there you are, clifford.

Were you playing
with your little friend?

Ruff ruff ruff ruff!

I woke up
and didn't see you,
and I got worried.

I guess
that was silly,

But halloween
can make you
kind of nervous.

Well, it turns out
we had nothing to
really be scared of,

Not--not that I was
scared of anything

In the first place,

Of course not.

I was a little scared.
You were just--

Uh, careful.

Right, you were careful.

After all, baseball
shoes do sound a lot
like witches' shoes.

on halloween.

So you're okay now?
You could fall asleep?

Uh-huh, I think so.

Oh, that's good,
you know,

Because I think
I'm going to get
some shut-eye, too,

So I'm just going
to go right up
there to my nest.


Unless, of course,
you would feel safer
with me down here.

I always feel safer
with a friend, norville.

Me, too! Me, too,
little red!

So move over,
I'm getting in.


Emily elizabeth:
it's always fun to play
with your friends.

Good kick, jorge!

[All laughing]

Throw it over
here, clifford!

No, over here!

Emily elizabeth:
but sometimes when you play,

It's not so much fun
for someone else.

Shh. The little
ones are asleep,

Mr. Sidarsky: I'm afraid
all of this noise
will wake them up.

Emily elizabeth:
when that happens, it's
time to show some respect.

We're sorry,
mr. Sidarsky.

We forgot it was
their nap time.

Hey, why don't we take
the game outside?

[All laughing and shouting]

Oh, playing out here
is a lot more fun.

Having respect
isn't hard at all.

Emily elizabeth: clifford
and his friends know

That being considerate
of others is really easy,

And it can make
a big difference.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today

Is "have respect."