01x15 - Bang

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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01x15 - Bang

Post by bunniefuu »

They sent them to Mom to hurt her, so I say no.

You, Mr. Florrick, have been granted a retrial.


He's taking pictures of our front door.

So who is it?

I don't know.

Maybe we should just get on with our d...

Here we go.

I love you both.



Hey, Dad.


Come here.

Hi, Grace.

We made you a cake.

Would that be an upside-down pineapple cake?


It must remain connected at all times to your phone.

Any tampering results in immediate termination of the program.

The transmitter is to be worn around your ankle at all times.

It's waterproof and shockproof.

It sends a signal to the HMD every five minutes.

It must not cross this line.

If you accidentally cross the line...

...you'll hear an alarm then you'll receive a telephone call from our monitoring center.

You need to answer that call within five rings or you're terminated from the program.

Do you understand?

I understand.

It's okay.

You are confined to the apartment 24 hours a day.

There is no use of cell phones or Internet-based communications, passive or active.

No e-mail, no Web surfing.

How will you know?


No Internet communications.

Will that be a problem?


Now I need to attach the transmitter to your ankle.

Do you want to...?

Right over here.

Excuse me.

Let me know if this is too tight.

It's just like Cinderella.

You're really all right with all of this?

Yeah, yeah, it's cool.

I was doing some research on who else was under house arrest.

Um... Aung Suu Kyi, Roman Polanski.

Okay, Zach.

Hey, Dad, there's something that I want to show you on my computer.

Grace, will you help me with the dishes?

Maybe tomorrow after school.

Sure. I'm not going anywhere.

I like it-- the apartment.

It's a fifth the size.

Do you miss the house?



I have to work in the morning, so...

It's weird, isn't it?

You're going to work, I'm staying home.


It's good to have you home.

What was the first thing I saw?

Well, I guess it was the body.

And this was the victim, Miles Wagner?

Yes, sir.

I'm glad he's dead!

I should have done it myself!

MAN 2: He deserved it!

I hope you rot in Hell, Wagner.


Members of the jury, you are again instructed to disregard these outbursts.

I'm sorry. Mr. Landry.

As you were saying, Detective.

Mr. Wagner owns Linked Asset Management on the 75th floor, and it appeared he was gunned down as he was walking to his car.

What else did you find at the scene, Detective?

Well... him.

Brad Broussard.

Covered in blood.

And how did he k*ll Wagner?

Objection. Withdrawn.

How was Wagner k*lled?

Two 9mm b*ll*ts in the torso, one point-blank in his neck.

Way to go, Brad!

You'll show Brad?

Yes, but I think you should.

He wanted a girl.

It's, uh, it's not a girl.

Men don't know what they want.

Uh, d-do you think he'll ever get out on bail?

We're trying.

And visitation?

It's hard.

Because we're not married?

You-you'll give it to him?

Now, the accused was Mr. Wagner's bodyguard?

Yes, sir.

And did he carry a g*n?

Yes, a 9mm.

The same as the m*rder w*apon.

Now, did Mr.

Broussard seem agitated when you questioned him?

He did.

He had been encouraged to invest his life savings with Mr. Wagner, and, well, that was lost, too.

Yeah, he lost mine, too!


Lost with the rest of his investments?

Could you explain?

Mr. Wagner and a partner ran a mutual fund, which was one of the largest feeders to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

And that was, in your opinion, Mr.

Broussard's motive?


Thank you, Detective.


Hey. Where's Judith?

She'll be in in a minute.

She wanted you to have that.

It's a boy.

Order. Order.

He's so beautiful.

Detective, let's return to this motive, shall we?

Mr. Wagner lost my client's life savings of $98,000?

Is that correct?

I'm not aware of the amount.

Well, I am.

It was $98,000.

And yet, do you know how much Mr.

Wagner lost for his other clients?

No, ma'am. $800 million.

Your Honor, does Ms.

Lockhart actually need a witness?

In the form of an objection, Mr. Landry.

Argumentative. Overruled.

Half the people in this court are here because Mr. Wagner lost their savings.



But, Detective, if having your savings devastated by Mr. Wagner constitutes motive, aren't there thousands of suspects?

Ma'am, thousands of suspects weren't seen entering the parking garage at the time of the m*rder.

Thousands of suspects didn't own the m*rder w*apon.

Now, this 9mm g*n owned by Brad... did you ever find it?


And the $50,000 in cash that Miles Wagner was carrying that night... did you find that on the scene?


Any theories on how my client got rid of the g*n and the money? No, ma'am.

And when you arrived at the scene and you found my client, as you say, "covered with blood," what did you find him doing?

I don't understand.

Did you find him choking Mr. Wagner, firing b*ll*ts into his body?


Then what did you find him doing?

Applying CPR.

And do you consider that a fairly common MO for a k*ller?


That's fine, Your Honor.

I don't have anything more.

So where are we on other suspects?

Well, in most cases we'd be struggling.

In this, we're drowning.

Everybody wanted Wagneread.

That is the fifth fruit basket we've gotten this week for representing the man who k*lled him.

Yes, I just wish all these supporters actually thought he was innocent.

Well, for reasonable doubt, we just need to give the jury another suspect, so let's find somebody.

Hey, you lost your ballistics expert, didn't you?

Oh, yeah, turns out Wagner looted his mutual fund, too.


I have someone you should meet. Oh.

Oh, Alicia, by the way, I-I'm moving you onto the Haskin tax case.

Cary, you'll take witness prep.

Why, did I do something wrong?

No, no, no, you were great.

We're just moving around junior associates.

Just send your notes down to Cary to take over.

Okay, we still need to pursue the money angle.

Wagner's aide said he left with $50,000 he had hidden in his office, so where is it?

Cary, if you could start moving on that, I'd appreciate it.

TV ANNOUNCER: You're watching Reality TV.

Reality 24-7.

Next on Reality TV: his pain is your pain, his troubles are your troubles.

They call him the Gorilla Boy, and he'll steal your heart.

Hey, it's me.

Let's get to work.

It sends the wrong message.

What is the right message?

You need an ambassador.

Eli Gold is a thug.

You need someone who's effective.

Eli Gold is effective.

Gets things done.

Gold, Golden. Who are we going to hire next--


Childs will come after you.

Hire Eli Gold as your campaign manager, he'll know you're planning to run against him.


Hey, Dad, do you have a minute?

You need some help with your homework?


I scanned these into my computer before Grandma threw the originals away.

They were on our doorstep in an envelope.

Someone knocked on our door, then left.

What? It's faked.

I can tell because of the light in your eyes.

Please don't tell Mom.

I haven't shown it to her.


I want a meeting with Eli Gold.

Peter, I think that's a mistake.

He's a wartime consigliere.



They lived together for the last three years.

She's pregnant with Broussard's baby and therefore should be granted the same visitation rights as a married couple.

That's our argument anyway.

So what did you do wrong?

What did I...?

Why are you being taken off the case?


They want me on the Haskin tax thing.


So, are you going to talk to her?

Who? Diane.

What about?

Why she's favoring Cary over you.

I don't know that she is.

How long before this little competition between Cary and you is over?

A month.

And eight days.

If Diane is showing favoritism, then you need to deal with that.

And if she's not, then you need to deal with that.

Diane is a partner.

I'm a junior associate.

Yeah, whatever.


Alicia, you're a good lawyer, but you're always waiting for people to give you things. I am not.


Then, everything will work out perfectly.

Talk to Diane.

Tell her she's wrong to take you off the case and that Cary is going to screw it up.

Or... wait for something good to happen to you.

Does she have a moment?

She's in with the ballistics expert.



Well, it's not an all-out w*r, but, I mean, Will has his troops, I have mine.

He tried to fire my tax litigator, so I had to, um... counterattack.

Uh, listen. I'm, uh, in the office with someone.

Lunch? Good.

Sorry about that, Mr.... McVeigh.

Oh, my goodness.

What an unfortunate name.

Hopefully no relation?


Um, well, I see you were the, uh, ballistics expert in the Crown Narrows appeal, but you left halfway through.


Found out he was guilty.

Is that a deal breaker?

It is. That's why my rates are so reasonable.

So, if you find, or you believe you find that a client is guilty, you-- what?-- quit?


And if you're on the stand?

I will excuse myself.

Really? My goodness.

You're like something out of Melville.

So, why, uh, should I, uh, hire you, besides your reasonable rates?

Well, because the prosecution's case rests almost exclusively on tying your client to the m*rder w*apon, and I can prove that it's not his.

Really? Yes.

Well, your predecessor-- the expert that you would replace-- intended to show that the 9mm was common and the shell markings negligible.

Is that not your defense?

No, that's not my defense.

Well, uh, what is?

I don't like Chicago.

Let me guess.

You like the country. Yes.

Some cabin somewhere where you write angry letters to the editor?

Oh, um, I've offended you?

No. No.

We're done.

I'll talk to you soon.

Do you have a moment, Diane?

Uh, I... I have no idea.

I think I've just been visited by the Marlboro Man.


Oh, our ballistics expert, although I-I don't know if he actually is ours.

I think I hired him.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I just...

I'm better than Cary.

On the Broussard homicide.

On the eyewitness cross.

I've been working on this case for three months intensely, and Cary is just coming on.

I agree.


Well, then, why?

Why... why was I pulled off it?

I don't know.

It wasn't my idea.



Thank you.

Do you have a moment, Will?

Actually, I don't. I got a lunch.

How about later this afternoon?

Well, you two do have a complicated relationship.

You know, an unrequited thing.

What does that even mean?

An unrequited thing?

Look, I don't really deal well with all this high school stuff.

And wouldn't that make him want me on the case, not off it? I don't know.

Alicia, complicated relationships are a breeding ground for misinterpreted action.

Going now.


No problem.

I'd like to be helpful in any way I can.

I won't end up on your naughty list?

So, this was at 9:35?

Yes, uh, when my shift was over.

I... I work as a Santa Claus across the street.

And I saw a man in a black suit enter the parking garage at 9:35.

Is the man in court today?


That young man there.

Uh, I'm sorry to say.

Now, Mr. Broussard said he didn't enter the parking garage until after the sh**ting, but this would have him entering the garage before.

That's what I saw.

Thank you, Chris.

That is your real name, isn't it?

Oh, you.

Take out Santa.

Oh, I'd love to.

So, Mr. Suggs, Chris...

My goodness, that's a real beard, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

You want to tug it?

Actually, I would. Yeah.

Okay, so, as you testified, you work as a Santa during the holiday season.

What do you do for work in the off-season?

I get by.

Up at the North Pole?

No, really. What do you do?

Well, there's commercial work.

And I've worked as a movie extra.

Yeah, a porno movie.

Ho-Ho-Ho, wasn't it? relevance.

Sustained. CARY: So, Chris, how do you stay warm out there on those cold nights during the holiday season?

I stay warm.

Yeah... but how?

It was 22 degrees the night of the m*rder, with a windchill factor of five.

The Santa suit is warm.

Because we got a statement from the supervisor on your last job. Your Honor?

And he said he got complaints about you drinking.

He's a liar.

Really? He'sn your naughty list.

So... you were 55 feet from the garage-- we measured it-- and you were drinking...

I had one drink.

And you were drinking, and you still swear that you saw that man?

I already said what I said.

Yes, you did.

Well, thank you, Santa.

And just one last thing: ho, ho, ho.

Objection. Your Honor!


So, this is the kitchen cabinet.


And this... this must be the faked photo.

Do you have the original?


The envelope it came in?

Thrown away.

Thrown away or destroyed?

Thrown away. Well, that was clumsy.


So, Eli, look.

Considering your reputation, I think we're going to have to talk about a few ground rules.

And what have you heard about my reputation?

That you speak your mind, your mind tends toward expletives, you are a classically trained pianist, and you require Saturdays off.

Who told you about Saturdays, shiksa Bambi over there?

I've also been told that in a street fight, you're the man.

You want me to watch my swearing?

Listen, considering my circumstances, my home will remain our base, and my wife and children live here.

You need to replace the strainer.

Okay, first of all...

Peter? Yes.

The only reason I'm here is because what I've heard about your reputation. Which is?

You're a son...

Can I say "son of a bitch, " or is that too salty?

That's fine.

You, sir, are a son of a bitch, but a son of a bitch who likes to change things for the better.

I've also heard that you're toxic, and if I join your merry little band of political hobbyists here, I'm going to end up regretting it.

That sounds about right.

Okay, here's my first piece of advice.

Fire Bambi.

Hey. And hire your son.

This is the best piece of oppo research this campaign has done.

Yes, but we're still trying to figure out who it is.

Oh, I know who it is. Who?

It's a Federal investigator doing scout work for a possible indictment.

How do you know that?

You can't know that.

Oh, I know a lot of things, lady.

The question is: why don't you know it?

Look, you're under Federal investigation.

What you need to find out is why.

Mr. Knox, what was your relationship with the victim? WOMAN: Go to hell!

Ma'am. He stole my retirement!

He stole everything!

Free Brad Broussard!

Free Brad Broussard!


Order. I will clear this entire courtroom if there is one more outburst.

My apologies, Mr. Knox.

Mr. Wagner and I built our investment firm up from nothing.

Sadly, I was the one who suggested he hire Brad as a bodyguard and driver.

Now, the accused phoned you on the night of the m*rder, didn't he?

Objection, Your Honor.

This wasn't in Mr.

Knox's statement to the police.

Yes, Your Honor, Mr. Knox has since deepened his memory of the events of that night.

Oh, come on. "Deepened"?

I'll allow. KNOX: Yes.

Brad did phone me.

He was very upset.

He wanted to get married, and he needed his life savings to buy a house.

And what did you tell him? Well, I tried to calm him down.

He was talking about confronting Mr. Wagner.

I tried to explain that we were both tricked by Madoff, but he wouldn't listen, and he hung up.

Oh. Thank you, Mr. Knox.

Ten-minute recess.

I think we've narrowed your suspects down to one.

I just wanted to know...

Just wanted to know what?

I'll... I'll get these out to you in a second.

What's wrong?

I checked with Diane.

Why I'm no longer on the Broussard homicide.

She said it was your decision.


I just wanted to make sure I hadn't done anything wrong.

No, no, no, no. Of course not.

Then I don't get it.

Maybe it was a mistake.

I... I've been feeling guilty lately about pulling you away on the Rucker defense and the Memorial North suit.

I just thought that... I just thought with Peter coming home... your life's complicated enough. I should give you a break.

But I don't want a break.

I want to be here.

I want to be doing a good job.

You are doing a good job.

Then use me.

Peter can take care of himself.

He's irrelevant to this.

I want to be here.

I want you to be here.


Then I'm here.

Knox has an alibi.

He and his wife were going to a Christmas party later that night, and were dressing at home at the time of the m*rder.

His alibi is his wife? Yeah.

Housekeeper was off for the night, and the daughter was out at a party.

Well, then let's get to the wife. What else?

Well, logically, there is a motive.

I looked into the Knox and Wagner partnership.

They were facing indictment, and both their bank accounts were frozen.

Now, although they swore that they would fight the charges together, the Feds were trying to turn one against the other.

I like it.

Knox kills Wagner to keep him from testifying.

Can we get anything certain from the Feds?

I can try.

We need your help.

Get your name out fast.

Mrs. Knox, I'm Alicia Florrick.

Not interested.

Not fast enough.

Mrs. Knox, I'm Alicia Florrick.

I just have a few questions.

Maybe try another name.

Trapped here, living in this limbo.

The first week it was the reporters.

Then they disappeared, then it was the haters.

All the people who lost their money.

I wanted to yell, "He disgusts me, too""

Then why are you supporting his alibi?

Well, that's a question I've asked myself.

Were you here together all night?

I was here.

He went out?

I will remain discreetly silent.

That's from Chicago Children Fighting Cancer, isn't it?

Yes, a donation gift.

My husband and I attended that fund-raiser last year.

It's a good cause.

Terrible Swedish meatballs.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Florrick, but if you're looking for a hero, I'm afraid I'm not it.

We're looking for the truth.

Oh, yes, well, aren't we all?

Rachel, if we happen to get you on the stand, would we be happy with the results?

Let me put it this way.


But we both know you won't be getting me on the stand, because my husband won't allow it.

She's right.

We've run smack into spousal privilege.

Knox can prevent her from testifying.

But spousal privilege is supposed to foster open communication in a marriage, and there's no marriage here.

They sleep in separate rooms.

She hates him.

His scandal has turned her life into hell.

Nope. Tried it in another case.

Courts respect marriage too much.

Even bad ones.

And the state is keeping Judith from visiting Brad in lockup because they're not married. an institution fraught with ironies.

There is an exception to spousal privilege.

A third person present.

I doubt if Knox is stupid enough to tell his wife to lie in front of a third person.

Their daughter.

Worth a try. Check that out.

Rachel Knox is Irish.

You could try to argue their marriage was a green card fraud on the state.

Okay, we have a new mission now.

We need to break spousal privilege so we can get Rachel Knox on the stand to testify against her husband.

We do that, Brad Broussard has a fighting chance.

I don't think you're right, but we have someone looking into a possible Federal investigation.

Just so we're clear.

If we're going to fight, you're going to lose.

Peter trusts me.

Golden may want you here, but Peter is the ultimate decider.

He's the one who's...

What are you doing?

Lowering my pants so you can kiss my ass.

I have two questions for you. Two?

Really? They're multiplying.

The Broussard homicide.

Did you offer to make Wagner a deal?

No idea. Not one of mine.

But you can find out, right?

I can do a lot of things.

I'm just not feeling motivated.

The second?

Peter Florrick.

You know what, guys?

I will be right upstairs in just a minute.


No, you're not getting anything from me on that.

Sounds serious.

No, sounds like a "no comment."

It's just that...

Actually, you're right.

I'm not going to get anything from you, am I?

Okay, what is it?

No, it's Florrick- he's not one of yours.

You won't be interested.

Oh, no, I want to see it.


Where did you get that?

You know him?

Where did you get that?

I'll handle this.



All right, tonight?

9:00. We'll talk.



Uh-huh. Uh-huh.



Hey, uh... so I got a client here.

Yeah. Yeah, lunch sounds good.


Is that Photoshopped?

You and the Barracuda? No.

No, she was at a pro-life rally.

Oh, of course.

And you always keep her picture just right there?

No. No, that was for you.

I got it framed, too.

I'm honored.

So, what do you have to show me?

You... you remind me a little of her.

Oh, good.

Which part: quitting the governorship or the moose hunting?

Standing up for your values.


Nothing good will come out of this conversation.

So, what do you have?

Um... am I to follow?

You could start a w*r.

They're not mine.

Ongoing cases.

This is a g*n identical to your clients.

Beretta 92FS.

I seem to spend my life around g*ns these days.

And this is his amm*nit*on.

9mm 115 grain, FMJ.


Full metal jacket.

Oh, like the movie.


No barriers to the sound.

Just like the garage.

There was a janitor two levels up.

He heard nothing.

Visible gunpowder burns.

Stippling... here, here around the wound, in a circle.

The victim.

Half circle of stippling.

Police say his coat collar caused the half circle.

What, you disagree?

A line here.


Stippling-- a half moon.

The victim was in a car.

Passenger seat.

k*ller was driving.

He got out, came around, fired point-blank.

Sound was absorbed partly into the automobile.

That's why the janitor didn't hear anything.

Then he fired twice more.

You might want to cover up again.

k*ller opened the door, pulled him out, tossed him on the floor, then he took off in the car.

You're not going to get reception in here.

And I already checked.

Checked what?

There was no evidence of a sh**ting in Mr.

Broussard's car.

But you are confident, Mr. McVeigh, that the sh**ting happened in a car.

My confidence isn't as important as the science.

Clearly, there is an imprint of a seat belt shoulder strap on the victim.

So I sought out information on the vehicles of the other principals in this case.

What did you discover about the car belonging to Mr. Knox, the victim's business partner?


I'm not sure why you're objecting, Counselor.

I haven't heard anything yet.


I tried to investigate Mr.

Knox's automobiles to discover if there were signs of a sh**ting.

The police report says three cars were clean.

But he had four cars registered.

What happened to his fourth car?

Mr. Knox claimed that it was stolen, day after the m*rder.

It was never recovered.

Thank you, Mr. McVeigh.

No problem.

Who's it from?

Oh, no one. I mean, I don't know.

Probably a secret admirer.

Well, yeah. I mean, I have a lot of those.

Nice work on Broussard today.


Look, I know we're going through a lot of turmoil here over the direction of the firm, with Stern gone and all, but wherever we end up...

I respect you, Diane.

Didn't they say that to Secretariat before they put him down?

I don't think they said "Diane""

It's so cold out here.

I like the cold.

Part of the program training is, they drop you in freezing water, and you tread water for 20 minutes.

Yeah, but this is dinner.

I have something I want you to consider.

Going inside?


Join us.

Join you?

And you are?

The FBI.

You'd be a good investigator.

You're being serious?



I like you.

You're good.

President Obama got us more money, and the hiring freeze is over.

Yeah, I've already got a job.

This one's better.

Defense of your country.

Who's the man in the photo?

Oh. What photo?

The photo I showed you earlier.

What's going on with the Florrick investigation?

Listen, I want you to work under me.

And feed me random things that you come by.

Things about Florrick?

Yes, that.

Other things.


Thank you, but I'm... I'm happy where I am.

And where is that?

They found Broussard's g*n.


The m*rder w*apon.

It was anonymously sent to the Chicago PD.


Bad news.

It's your client's.

Broussard thinks his g*n was stolen.

He says Knox knew where he kept it, in the glove compartment.

It is pretty suspicious-- showing up anonymously right after our best day in court.

Any hope on breaking spousal privilege?

Nothing on the green card.

We're still looking for the daughter, but she's out of the country.

Okay, meet upstairs in half an hour.

It's gonna be a late night.

Excuse me?

Just resting my eyes.


Eli Gold.

My husband hired you.

You're taller than I expected.

Thank you.

I thought, as we're going to be in each other's lives, I should introduce myself.

Oh, that's really not necessary.

So, you're the force behind the force, huh?

No. I'm nobody, Mr. Gold.

I'm just working. Working here.

You don't want him to run?

What did I say that would suggest that to you?

Just your manner.

And what does my manner suggest to you now?

Quick question.

What do you think of Kya?



Your political squabbles are your own, not mine.

Don't try to manipulate me.

You're right. My apologies.

You know, um, you and I are going to be the best of friends, Mrs. Florrick.

And do you know why?

I have no idea.

Because you're cautious, and so am I.

Your husband isn't.

Nice meeting you.

Although I find the late arrival of this g*n suspicious, I would be remiss if I didn't allow it into evidence.

Mr. Landry, please make it available to the defense.

I think we have to start talking about a deal.

But the ballistic evidence.

We've knocked holes in their case, but I don't know if the holes are big enough.

How many years?

Second degree m*rder, ten years.

With time off for good behavior, it would be four and a half.

And if we wait for a jury?

If convicted?

Minimum sentence of 45 years.

No parole, no time off.

He'd be four years old.

You didn't do it.

See him grow up... it would be worth it.

I think we've been going about this all wrong.


The $50,000 missing from Wagner.

What happened to it? Exactly.

Knox's bank account was frozen, he still has that 50 grand.

Unless he buried it somewhere.

I think we found our way around spousal privilege.

We can get Rachel Knox to testify on the stand.


Rachel Knox can't testify.

Spousal privilege is very clear.

Yes, it is, Your Honor, which is why she can testify.

Spousal privilege is pierced when there is a conspiracy between spouses.

What conspiracy?

We subpoenaed the records of Chicago Children Fighting Cancer.

Mrs. Knox had recently been given a Spire Award for making a large donation, $50,000 to be exact.

An amount that cannot be explained through normal financial channels.

You're accusing Mrs.

Knox of murdering Miles Wagner?

No. Rachel Knox helped her husband dispose of the money acquired from the victim.

This makes her an agent of her husband's crime, which breaks spousal privilege.

You want to know what happened on the night of the m*rder?

Yes, between the hours of 9: 00 and 10:00.

My husband left.

And when did he return?

An hour later.

And what did he have in his possession?

A suitcase...

...filled with cash.

Thank you.

Ow! Oh.

All right, here, wait, wait, wait, wait.

You're not going to strike me out. Go.


Right there to first base.

Hey, babe.

How was work?

That good, huh?

No, it's just role reversal.

How about some pizza?

We sent out.

Yeah. No.

I think I just want some wine. Okay.

I'll pour.

I want to talk to you about something.

What? Just something.

Don't worry.

How could they hide this from me?

Well, I think they kept it from you because they wanted to protect you.

I know.

I talked to Zach.

He knows he was wrong.


Yeah, but their hearts were in the right place.

I can't even absorb this.

I know.

Oh, now, wait, wt.

Don't talk to them now.

I told them we'd talk to them tomorrow, okay?

I don't know anymore.

I don't know...

You had a long day.


We're gonna work this out tomorrow.

I don't know if we will.

We will.



Okay, are you ready?

Bring it on, Dad.

Go ahead, back up.

Back up, Zach, because this one's going over the fence.

Are you challenging me?
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