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12x03 - Summer

Posted: 12/03/23 21:11
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

[Radio announcer]
now for the sizzling
w-h-o-t weather.

It's another scorcher.

Hace muy caliente

And hazy,

A red-hot degrees.

Reach for the beach.

Sip lemonade
in the shade.

Summer is here.

Mmm. Lemonade,

My favorite
summertime drink.

I love the summer.

Here, days are
long and sunny.

The air feels warm.

Everything is green
and growing.

Mmm. No wonder
it's the perfect time

To be outside,
and not just for people.

There's a whole other world
out there,

A world of animals
that's growing and changing

All summer long.

Run outside to play
in the warm summer sun

Where the grass grows tall

And sunflowers
fill the fields.

Baby bears
play just like you.

They grow fat
on fresh summer grass

And learn to catch
their first fish dinner

Down by the riverbank.

Summer is time
to learn and to grow.

Baby mountain sheep
learn t

To summer meadows.

Gosling wings
grow stronger,

Their voices louder.

Up in the trees,

The songs of spring
suddenly soften.

Warbler mothers
and warbler fathers

Busy feeding their young

Have little time
to sing.

Hummingbirds sip nectar
for themselves

And catch bugs
for their tiny babies.

Baby birds
flap their wings

To beg for juicy spiders,
beetles, and ants.

Then, one day,
the baby birds finally fly,

Testing their wings
on the warm summer air.

In summer heat,

Coyote's coat
is sleeker, cooler.

And ptarmigan
hides in feathers

Painted like
a summer meadow.

Summer is time
for baby moose to grow

And grow

And grow!

By summer's end,
it is hard to tell

Who is mother,
who is daughter.

And now that his antlers
are fully grown,

The bull moose
carries a heavy weight.

Caribou grow
new summer antlers, too.

They wander
far to the north

In the land
of all-night sun.

Here, great white bears

Hunt at the edge
of polar ice.

The far north
is where the snowy owl hunts,

As the long days end
in summer's last golden slumber.

Then wolf howls ring.

[Wolf howling]

A cool wind
feels like fall is near.

Another winter
will soon be here.

W-f-a-l says
look at the colors.

Green is gone.
Red and yellow leaves are here.

Say bye-bye to birdies.
They're headed south.

Put on funky flannels.

The w-f-a-l forecast
is crisp and clear.

Away with those
beach chairs.

It's cool out there.
Fall is in the air.

Pumpkins are one
of the best things about fall.

Meet seymour, my version
of the jack-o'-lantern.

I made him with some vegetables
of the season.

He has zucchini eyes,

Squash for ears,
and a parsnip nose.

In many parts
of the country,

Fall is harvest time.

After a long summer
of growing,

Lots of fruits
and vegetables

Are ready for picking
and eating,

Like pumpkins, ales,
and cranberries.

Cranberries grow
in these marshy wetlands

Called bogs.

Here in wareham,

The beaton family
has been growing cranberries

For four generations.

This may not look
like any farm you've ever seen,

But that's exactly
what it is.

I'm a farmer because
my dad and his dad were farmers.

I learned to love it.

I knew I wanted to farm

When it was time
to go to college.

I liked
to be outdoors

And had a great

Being fourth generation
in a family business.

It takes commitment
to be a farmer.

farming comes first,

Above family,
above friends.

That's the hardest part.

Working and being
out in nature

Is what farming
is about.

Farmers like to work
with nature.

It's pitting
your knowledge

Against your expectations
of nature.

our cranberry bogs
are low-lying land

That were planted
about years ago.

It's where cranberries
come from.

The cranberry plant
is a long vine.

We part the cranberry vines,
and we pick an upright.

We find that we have,
on this upright,

Three cranberries.

When we split
our cranberry open,

We find it's white inside,
the seeds are red,

And we have air pockets.

These air pockets
are what makes cranberries float

When we flood our bogs

For water harvest.

First we'll flood
the bog with water.

This enables berries
to flow up on top of the vines.

Then we eat them off
with machines.

The machines knock berries
off the vines

Through the agitation
of the water.

Berries float
to the surface.

After we harvest them,
the take-off crew comes

And takes them
off the bog.

the berries are floating
free in the water.

You need to control
the movement of the berries

To the elevator
to get them into the truck.

With rakes,
we push the berries

Up the elevator.

They won't go up
by themselves.

You push them.

our favorite time of year

Is fall,
during the harvest season.

What we've done
for the last days

Is right here.

Farming is different
from a lot of other businesses.

We work daily
with the landí

If things go right
and mother nature is kind,

At year's end
in october,

W reap our reward,
which is cranberries.

This is w-i-c-y.

All you icy listeners,

Snowflakes are going to be
falling soon,

And so is the temperature.

Hace frio.
Baby, it's cold outside.

There's no season
like snow season.

Bundle up,
you snow bunnies.

Today will be
a cold one.

in my neighborhood,

Winter days
can be cold and snowy.

The thought of that
makes some people shiver,

But I love to bundle up
and go outside

To build a snowman,
ride a sled,

Or glide across
a frozen pond.

Winter isn't like this
everywhere you go.

Depending on
where you live,

Winter can look and feel
very different.

Winter may be cold
where you live,

But in florida,
it's nice and warm,

And that's really cool.

After school, I like
to hit the beach.

Ice ates are out,

But in-lines
are in season,

Even in february.

Where I live,

Oranges are fresh
off the trees in january.

Visitors fly here
to get away from ice and snow.

Here come some of them
right now.

[Geese honking]

I don't own a scarf
or boots.

Gloves are another story.

I use one
all winter long.

You think winters are cold
where you live?

In fairbanks, alaska,
it's so cold you'd freeze

If you didn't dress right.

The snow arrives
before halloween

And sticks around
till way past easter.

But a little snow
doesn't stop us.

We find all kinds of neat ways
to get around.

In the winter,
there's not much daylight.

The sun doesn't rise
till lunchtime.

By dinnertime,
it's long gone.

Winter nights are long,
cold, and beautiful,

Especially when you can
look up in the sky

And see
the aurora borealis.

In winter,
radiation from the sun

Actually glows
in the night air.

Just look
at that light show.

Here in tucson, arizona,

Winter doesn't look
different than summer.

But in the desert,
the winter air is cooler.

The sun doesn't feel
as burning hot

As in the summer.

You hardly ever
need one of these.

Not much rain here.

Once in a while,
if we're really lucky,

It snows.

Snow on cactus--
that's really awesome.

If you like winter,
then you'll love vermont.

When the snow starts falling
around thanksgiving,

Those first flurries
are just a beginning.

Winter here is fantastic.

It's cold,
but most of the time,

You're having too much fun
to notice.

I like to go hiking
in winter.

With a pair
of snowshoes,

You can go anywhere.

Some hikers have
all the right gear

To get around,

Including thick,
warm fur coats.

When the snow
starts to melt

And the days
grow longer and longer,

I know this winter
is history.

Here comes spring!

Here's a news flash
for w-b-u-d listeners.

Kiss that snowman good-bye.

Step outside.
Look around.

It's springtime!

Hello, sunshine
and warm, balmy breezes.

Careful walking
on that new grass.

Those tiny baby blossoms
are coming up.

Life wakes up
in the spring.

Tiny buds
begin to bloom.

Trees sprout
brand-new leaves.

I fill my window
with flowerpots.

In spring,
some animals come out

After a long
winter's rest.

Others are seeing the world
for the very first time.

This baby caribou
was just born.

He's about ready
to take his first steps.

Ha ha! Uh-oh.
Or is he?

This walking stuff
is pretty tricky.

down on the prairie...

Only one week old,
a baby bison wants to play.

Mom's kind of tired.
She's taking a little snooze.

No problem.

There are cousins
to keep you busy...

And a whole herd
of aunts and uncles.


Here's one of the world's
youngest mountain climbers.

No ropes, no boots.

Baby mountain goats
follow mom

Up and down
the steepest slopes.

Watch your steps, kids.

This mom nests until her chick
starts pecking.

Welcome to the world,
baby pelican.

Yellow warbler chicks
are born hungry.

O.k., Who ordered
the caterpillar?

Coots can swim
from the day they're born.

Hey, is this a pond

Or an obstacle course?

There's always time
to stop and sml the flowers

Or eat them.

Ah, let's see how
that caribou's doing.

Ha ha ha! Whoops.

Well, keep trying,
little guy.

Whodo we have here?

Great horned owl chicks
know how to keep warm.

Red-necked grebe chicks
hang on to mom's back.

Great view,
and snacks, too.

Lunchtime for this
white-tailed fawn,

And there's always room
for one more.

Springtime is playtime
for bear cubs.

Hey, watch those claws,
you two.

O.k., Caribou, come on.

All right!
You've got it.

Now, that's what I call
an upstanding family.

Each of the four seasons
tells a story

About how things
grow and change.

Here are three stories
for any season.

You don't have to take
my word for it.

If you're dying to know

What's happening
in the animal kingdom

Summer, fall,
winter, and spring,

Check out
nature all year long.

Find out
how ground hogs hibernate,

Snoozing the entire
winter away,

And how chipmunks
leave their holes

And look for food
in the spring.

Summer is
my personal favorite.

Days are long.
There's plenty of time to play.

Animals and insects
come out to play, too.

You'll see bunny rabbits,
butterflies, ants,

Bumblebees, and turtles.

Everybody's playing
in the sun.

This is a jammin' book,

Tells you everything
about seasons.

I'm kareem. I give this book
two thumbs up.

Seasons greetings.

How do animals feel
about changing seasons?

This book
answers that question--

Turtle in july.

Here's a book
that's filled

With fun poetry.

Each poem tells
how a certain animal lives

In each season.

The animals jump, swim,

And fly
right off the page.

There's a swift,
wide-eyed deer

Running across the snow
in january.

There's a cow
who approves of june.

And what would
april be

Without a chasing, chewing,
charging puppy?

I'm jenny.

My favorite season is summer.
It's my birthday.

Find your favorite season
in this wonderful book.

All living things
go through changes.

From an egg comes
a bird that flies.

Pine cone seeds
become a forest.

This book is about
changes in nature.

It's called changes.

This baby fawn
is really cute.

He grows into a big guy
with horns.

Horses change, too,

From foal to mare.

In fall,
leaves on this tree

Turn beautiful orange
and yellow.

A caterpillar changes
into a butterfly.

The photographs help you see
the changes in nature.

Look at this one.
Isn't it beautiful?

I like to watch
the sun's changes as it sets.

I'm gabrielle almodoval.

This book makes you think
about nature in a new way.

O.k., Listen up.

This is freddie colon
saying get sunscreen

Because your favorite season
is back.

Here's a weather tip--

It's w-h-o-t,

Hot, hot, hot out there.

Oh, yeah!

From summer to fall
to winter to spring

And back to summer again.

The cycle of seasons
never changes.

No matter where you live,

Plants and animals
show you

The changes
each season brings.

I'm going outside to enjoy
my favorite summer sport.

I'll see you next time.

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

Today's reading rainbowbooks

by ron hirschi,

by thomas d. Mangelsen,

by cobblehill books,

An affiliate
of dutton children's books,

A division of penguin books usa

Nature all year long,
by clare walker leslie,

by greenwillow books,

A division of william morrow
and company.

Turtle in july,
by marilyn singer,

by jerry pinkney,

by macmillan publishing company.

written by marjorie n. Allen

And shelley rotner,

Photographs by shelley rotner,

by macmillan publishing company.