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07x03 - Little Nino's Pizzeria

Posted: 12/03/23 21:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

Hi there...

Or as we say in italian
buon giornono come sta?

I hope you're hungry

Because today's show
is about

One of the world's
most popular foods--pizza.

Americans eat over eight billion
slices of it a year.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.


Hi, stephanie.

No, no, no.

I was just getting ready
for tonight.

Your cousin's in town?

Well, bring him along.

No, no, no, no.
I'm sure.

Uh-huh. It's ok. Yeah.

All rightie.

I'll see you later, then.


That was
my friend stephanie.

She's coming over
for pizza tonight,

And I thought I'd surprise her
and make it myself.

As any great pizza lover
will tell you,

You can't make a great pizza
without a great crust.

The secret to that crust
is in here.


It's a tiny
little fungus.

And you wouldn't know
by looking at it,

But these little critters
are alive.

To get the yeast started,

Pour it into a bowl
of warm water and stir.

Add this yeast mixture
to more water.

Pour it all
into the flour.

Mix it with a spoon
until it becomes dough.

Now comes the fun part.

You press out the dough
and fold again and again.

This is called kneading.

Here it is!

It doesn't look like
a party-size pizza,

But the yeast inside
is still orking.

You just need to cover it
for a while

To keep it warm. There.

In a little while,
you won't believe what happens.

In the meantime,

Here's a story
about a family

In the pizza-making

They say, "if you want
the best pizza in town,

Just go to
little nino's pizzeria."

My dad, nino, makes
the best pizza in the world.

I'm his best helper.

I help knead
the pizza dough...


I help stir
the pizza sauce...

And I help grate
the cheese.

Mmm...nino makes
the best pizza!

I love coming
to eat here.

Delicious! Oh! This tastes


I love pepperoni.


When the customers
are finished,

I know how
to pick up the plates

And carry out
the dirty dishes.

I help give
the extra pizzas

To hungry people in the alley
who have no homes.

What a treat!

And I help my dad serve
our pizza pies.

People from all over town
eat at little nino's.

They wait in long lines

Because our restaurant
is small.

One night, a man came to see
my dad after the last pizza.

What did he want?

That night,
my dad told my mom

We could be making
lots more money now.

The next day,

My dad locked up
little nino's.

Soon, he opened

A big, fancy,
expensive restaurant.

He called it big nino!

How tasty!

Everything is
simply divine.

I tried helping
in the dining room,

But waiters tripped over me
and spilled food.

Mamma mia!

Watch out
for the flying pizza!

I tried to help
in the kitchen,

But francois the chef
pushed me away.

I asked dad
how I could help,

But he was too busy
to notice.

No matter what I did,
I was always in the way,

So I went home.

I miss little nino's.


But then, one night,

My dad came home
from big nino extra tired.

He said, "I miss
cutting vegetables
and kneading dough.

I'm tired of so much paperwork
and money talk."

He shouted,

"I want to make pizza!"


And then he looked at me.

" best helper."

So the next day,
we went back to little nino's.

Soon, we reopened it.

The man from big nino got
a new person to be in charge.

My dad, nino, still makes
the best pizza in the world,

But he changed the name
of our restaurant...

Little tony's!

Yeah! All right

All right! All right!

Remember that little ball
of dough?



The yeast blew it up
like a balloon.

Now, watch this.

Punch out a little
of the extra air,

And then flatten it out
just a little around the edge.

There are several ways
to flatten out dough.

You can use a rolling pin,
or you can try this...

Are you ready? Ok.

Now, I've got to make
the biggest pizza possible

Because you have to
have enough for everyonm.

I can eat a lot of pizza.

How about you?

Naturally, I would
only want to eat slices.




About slices.

I could eat
about boxes.

I could consume
about pieces.



About slices.

Elephants full.

,, Pizzas...



The crust is f--

[Telephone rings]

Is finished.


Hi, steph. What's up?

Your cousin wants to bring
his high school basketball team?

All five of them?

Well, yeah, sure.
Bring them.

Ok. See you at :.


Well, I better
make this bigger...

But that's no problem.

We'll just...

Make it bigger,
that's all.

We'll just
make it bigger.

Heh heh heh!




Ooh! Ouch!

Well, that'll never do.

Um...i better start all over.
That's it.

Start all over.

In fact,
I'll double the recipe.

You've got to be
very patient

When making
a perfect pizza.

So, while I turn this
into a jumbo pie,

Here's another example
of how practice makes perfect.

Now, you and I

Won't ever practice
making fireworks,

But this family
certainly has.

Learning how
to make fireworks

Takes years of experience.

I'm phil grucci.

I'm a fifth-generation member
of the grucci family.

When we do
large fireworks programs,

We bring them out on barges
in the middle of a river.

Now we're setting up
the barges

For a fireworks program
this weekend.

The first job we do

Is put pipes in.

After loading pipes
into boxes,

We run a wire
to each pipe

To be connected
to a firework.

This is a firework.

We call them shells.

The shell must go

To the bottom of the pipe
to function.

We handle the firework gently,
like it's an egg.

We don't want to break
the firework.

It's never dropped
or mishandled.

Let me show you
what a firework is made of.

This firework is made

With a cardboard,
hand-rolled casing,

And the casing is filled
with small balls called stars.

They're the magic
of the fireworks.

They're made to produce
different colors and patterns.

They're very light, very soft,
and round, as you can see.

One of the things
that I love about this job

Is being able
to work closely with my family.

Donna, my aunt, is
the vice president

Of fireworks by grucci.

Donna selects music played

our fireworks displays.

Crickett, my cousin,
is one of our chief technicians

That keeps everything working
out here on site.

My grandmother is the glue
of our family.

She is the backbone
keeping everybody together.

She teaches us
about firework safety.

Mother nature's
on our side.

Thank god for that.

The person
most responsible

For teaching me about fireworks
is my grandfather.

The older generation teaching
the younger generation

Was important
in my family's success.

When we were growing up,

The thing I learned from my dad
was to respect fireworks.

We're now teaching our children
the same thing--

To respect them.
Fireworks are dangerous.

This is what we call
a world-class show.

It's a very large-scale

It wasn't always that way.

We used to use pinwheels
and american flags.

With today's crowds,
we must put them up high.


We're going to
have lunch now, guys.

What makes this so much fun
is the teamwork involved.

It's such
a rewarding feeling

To see us work ÷ogether
for so many hours

And to produce
such beauty.

It's a very warm,
rewarding feeling.

What happens
if it rains

On the night
of the show?

Everything's dry
on the barges.
The program will happen.

In spite of everything,

The show is
going to go on,

of the weather.

Here comes
the tug now.

They may be on this
right now.

I hope this is
my grandson

Coming in now.

My job's to produce
the fireworks show

For the river.

There's a tremendous amount
of pressure

To make them all
go off simultaneously.

I'm very nervous
about the weather.

These are the breaks.

We can't control
mother nature.

It'll happen.
Mother nature's
working with us.

Stand by.
Two, do you copy?

, , .

Looking good.


Second to being married,

That was the best experience
of my life.

This should be enough

For a high school
basketball team.

Now here comes
my favorite part--

Adding the sauce--

[Telephone rings]

And the toppings.


Yes, stephanie,
the coach can come, too.

Yes. Ok.
See you later.

I should have
asked stephanie

What the coach
likes on his pizza.

Everybody has
their favorite toppings.

What's yours?

My favorite toppings
are green peppers

And onions
with extra cheese.





Hot sauce.

Pepperoni, sausage,
and pickles.

No. That wasn't it.

Gum balls.



Candy bars.

Another pizza.

The only way to top
a pizza for everyone

Is with a little
of everything.

So, finally, I get
to add the sauce.

Here we go.

I love this part.
This is great.

A little sauce,
slather it around.

And now
for my "pizza" resistance.

Bravo! Bravo!

Very good.

Moto bene. Moto bene.

What's best
about making pizza

Is you can make it
any way you want.

Eating can be
creative, too.

Everyone has their fañorite
style. What's yours?

♪ You gotta have style

♪ You gotta have pizzazz

♪ It's a certain personality
that every pizza lover has ♪

♪ So when you share it
with your friends ♪

♪ And their manners
seem to slip away ♪

♪ Well, it's ok

♪ 'Cause when
you're eating pizza ♪

♪ Everybody eats
a different way ♪

♪ When you pass around
the slices ♪

♪ And it gets
a little messy ♪

♪ And you're not sure
what to do ♪

♪ Don't worry

♪ Open up wide

♪ And let your style
shine through ♪

♪ Let your pizza style
shine on through ♪♪

You know, I better get
this thing cooked

Before everybody arrives.

Here we go.

Mamma mia.

Here we go.

[Telephone rings]

I can't believe this thing
won't fit.


I'm coming.




How many more?

Wait a minute.
Hang on.

It will take a while
to figure this out,

But you don't have to
go hungry.

Here are some books
to satisfy your appetite.

Don't take
myword for it.

Hi. My name's
brooke alexander.

This poetry book
is all about food.

It's called eats poems
by arnold adoff.

The world is made up of
different kinds of foods.

Arnold adoff thinks
food is great.

His poems have
a catchy rhythm.

In the poem
about pizza,

Dough seems to be
most important,

But not to me.

I love the cheese.

Chocolate, chocolate,
I love chocolate.

If you're crazy
about food

And have a wacky imagination,

Read eats poems.

Hi. I'm khemaridh.

Do you wonder how food
travels through your body?

In what happens to a hamburger,
you'll find some answers.

Digestion begins
in your mouth.

It starts
when you chew food

And continues
after you swallow.

It goes down a tube
called your esophagus.

Then it reaches
your stomach.

When the food turns
into a liquid,

It's really yucky.

You'll be amazed discovering
how hard your stomach works.

The next time you eat,

Think about what happens
to a hamburger.

Hey, you kernel fans--
popcorn kernels, that is--

If you love popcorn,
you'll eat this book right up.

It's called
the popcorn book.

This book has
lots of great facts

And funny stories
about popcorn.

Did you know popcorn was
discovered by native americans?

Indians ate popcorn
and wore it as jewelry.

There's a funny folk tale
in the book.

One summer in the midwest,
it was so hot and dry

That the corn
in the fields popped.

It looked like a
blizzard outside.

I'm kamali minter.

Popcorn's good for movies
and for reading.

Pop over to your library
and pick up the popcorn book.

I finally solved
my problem,

And I'm very excited

Because this will be
a great pizza party...

Thanks to sal's emergency
pizza delivery service.

I never got an opportunity
to finish my pizza,

But I'll try again soon.

Next time
you're in the mood

For some
mouth-watering pizza,

Why don't you try
making your own?

Put cups of flour
into a large mixing bowl.

Add a pinch of salt.

Dissolve package of yeast
into cups of warm water.

Add this mixture
to the flour.

Mix it with a spoon
until it becomes dough.

Knead the dough
for - minutes.

Cover and set aside
to rise in a warm spot.

After an hour,
punch down the dough

And flatten it out.

Start with the edges,

And then use your hands
like the pros.

Add sauce...

Shredded cheese...

And then
your favorite toppings.

And finally, bake your pizza
in a preheated oven

At degrees
for minutes,

And don't forget the most
important thing of all--

Make sure your pizza
will fit in your oven.

Well, maybe I'll just
take a peek.

Ahh! Delizioso.
Bene, bene, bene.

I'll see you next time.