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07x10 - Sports Pages

Posted: 12/03/23 21:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

Hi there.

My last set of .

Sometimes when your body's
exercising real hard,

You reach a point

Where you feel like
you can't run one more step

Or pump one more time.


It's called
hitting the wall.

But if you can
break through that wall,

You feel like
you can go on forever.



It takes a lot
of determination.

You really
have to want to do it.

That desire comes
from here and here.

A lot goes
through your mind

When your body's
working hard--

Not just thoughts.
Feelings, too.

Here's a book of poems

About all the different
feelings people have

When playing sports.

It's called sports pages.

Watch me on the wing, sweeper.

The deeper I can play,

The faster I can
lay out traps

For their fullback
moving too close to midfield.

I shine along the sidelines

From midfield
back to our goal.

I am the quickest,
sharpest, most intelligent,

And most modest player
on my team--

In this league.

I have the super speed.

I have the need
to do a little more

Than play
only one position.

I defend.úi score.

I run like wind

Across the corn fields
of this town.

I am a brown tornado
on a muddy day.

The opposition knows

I come to play
with all I bring.

They watch.

Watch me on the wing.

You are at the line.

You take a deep breath.

You take a deep breath.

You know, a free throw
is really a free throw.

No hands in your face.

No race down court.

No block.

No clock.

This is
the place to score

And beat those bad guys
on the other team

Once and for all.

Go for it, chris.

This is the time
to win this game.

You bounce the ball once

And wish for all the luck
you know you don't need.

You sh**t,
and the ball flies

And speeds down
through the hoop

To meet the net.

You get your point,
your score, your wish.



The thoughts and feelings
you have

When you play a sport

Are an important part
of the experience--

The excitement, determination,
frustration, joy.

There's a range of emotions
you may go through.

Take cycling, for example.

The excitement
of pedaling hard

In a big race.

Great job!

Goalkeeping in ice hockey
means concentration,

Really focusing
on that puck.

Hang on to it.

Keep your gloves
up there

So you don't give
too much net.


Running an obstacle course.
My body straining.

My mind one step ahead,
ready for the next challenge.

They're set to go.

The flag is up...

And they're off!

What a feeling!

Pounding down the track

On the back of
that powerful horse.


Here I really compete
against myself.

Ha ha ha!
.. Great.

I bettered my time.

You know, in swimming,
as in any sport,

The most important person
you have to beat is yourself.

Every time
you go out there,

You want to be better
than you were before.

Even as a team member,

The best way
to contribute

Is to do
your personal best.

Liz crandall,
a top-ranked member

Of the united states
gymnastics team,

Gives every performance
her personal best.

I started gymnastics
at age .

My mom thought
I was hyper,

And she had to get me
into something.

I liked gymnastics
when I first started.

I wanted to do it a lot.

I couldn't wait
to get on the equipment.

I think it's important
to be confident.

That can make you
or break you.

If you're not confident,

You're not going to do
very well.


Bars is one
of the easier events.

You need a lot of strength
and conditioning

Because bars involves
a lot of strength.

Pump it up, liz.

Good job.

You have to wear
certain equipment

That helps you stay
on the bars.

We also use chalk,
which helps us stick to the bar.

The bars can get slick.

You can slide off

pull over fast.

Flat and fast.
Here we go.

That's the way,

Take the time to set
before you twist.

In the floor exercise,
you need endurance

To make it through
your whole routine.

The floor exercise

Is a combination
of dancing and acrobatics.

In competition,
our routines are done to music.

You choose the music
to fit your personality.

[Music plays]

The music that I have
right now

Fits my personality
really well

Because it's kind of wild
and rock 'n' roll,

But it's also playful
and energetic.

The balance beam
is scary at first,

But after you're used to it,
it's not hard.

Make it
a little smoother.

People are nervous
on the beam

Because on that inches,
if you're a little off,

You're going to fall.

You're not born
with balance.

It's something
you develop from practice.

I go barefoot

Because you can feel
each part of the beam,

And it makes me feel
more secure.

Sometimes when I'm scared
of a trick,

I just tell myself
that I can do it,

And that usually
makes me go.

Good girl.

When you hit a meet--

That means when you
do everything right

On all your events--

It makes you feel
really good inside

Because you know
the practicing has paid off.

When you're number two
in the nation,

Everyone expects you
to do real well.

It would be really nice
to be number one.

♪ You've got to have
the feelin' ♪

♪ To keep puttin' out
your very best ♪

♪ And when you get
the feelin' ♪

♪ Then your body
will do all the rest ♪

♪ So push it

♪ Grab it

♪ Hit it

♪ You know you've
got to have it ♪

♪ The feelin'

♪ When you've
got the feelin' ♪

♪ You know you
just can't be stopped ♪

♪ It's a powerful feelin'

♪ It'll take you
right over the top ♪

♪ So pump it

♪ Fly it

♪ Pass it

♪ You'll love it
if you try it ♪

♪ The feelin'

♪ Got to get the feelin'

♪ Got to find
the feelin' ♪

♪ Really want the feelin'

♪ Now I've got
the feelin' ♪

♪ So slap it

♪ Chop it

♪ Swing it

♪ Once you start it,
you can't stop it ♪

♪ So kick it

♪ Throw it

♪ Stick it

♪ You want everyone
to know it ♪

♪ The feelin'

♪ Ooh

♪ The feelin'

♪ The feelin'

♪ The feelin' ♪

Bringing the ball up
is burton.

He gives
the defense a look.

He goes right. No! Left.

This is a tremendous
ball-handling display.

He stops, fakes,
and sh**t...

Gets his own rebound!

Time for one last
desperation shot,

And he sh**t,


He misses.

I'm going to make
that shot today

If it's
the last thing I do.

Goals are important
in sports--

Setting them and working hard
to reach them.

Championship figure skaters
kim and wayne seybold

Set a goal that seemed
impossible to reach,

But they were determined
to make the olympic team.

Ready? , , .


To be a great skater,
it takes a lot of determination,

Hard work,
and the will to practice

And the courage
to get out there every day

And fall over and over

And still get up
and do it again.

We really haven't had
very many obstacles

In our career,

T one of the major ones
we had was financial.

Our parents had given up
everything they possibly could.

Our hometown--
marion, indiana--said,

"We'll have
this fund raiser

"To help you.

"We know you can do it.

"Whether you make
the team or not,

We'll be proud of you."

it takes courage
to follow your dreams.

You just have to know
in your heart

That you want to do it.

That's the way
I want to see it.

Kim, be careful
of that breakaway.

Make sure there's
a good handgrip.

We'll try one more,

Go ahead.

Put the weight
on it now.


For me to skate
with my brother is great

Because of the trust
that we have.

I don't think I could
trust another person

To lift me like he does.

One of my
biggest fears

Is the fear of
dropping my sister.

It's basically
a free fall for her.

The way I overcome
that fear

Is by practicing.

The more
you practice

And the more
you do a move,

The more confident
you feel.

when you think
you're perfect,

Then you don't improve.

When you make mistakes,

That's when you realize
it takes hard work.

you learn how to fall.

Sometimes people go,
"wow! That must hurt,"

But it didn't because you've
learned how to fall.

Every time you fall,
you've got to get back up.

I'm too old
for that.

If you have a dream,
it's always reachable.

When we were and ,
we always had a dream

Of going to the national

Or to the olympics.

We've reached
each of those dreams.

If you want
something bad enough,

You're not going
to get it by saying,

"I don't feel
like going in today."

You've got to say,

"I'm going to go in,
and I'm going to work."

you have to want it.

You have to reach down
inside yourself

And say, "I'm
going to do it."

♪ The more I learn,
the more I realize ♪

♪ The less I know

♪ Each step I take,
poppa, I have a voice now ♪

♪ Each page I turn,
poppa, I have a choice now ♪

♪ Each mile I travel
only means ♪

♪ The more I have to go

♪ What's wrong
with wanting more? ♪

♪ If you can fly...


♪ Why settle for

♪ Just a piece of sky?

♪ Poppa, I can hear you

♪ Poppa,
I can see you ♪

♪ Poppa, I can feel you

♪ Poppa, watch me fly ♪

♪ Poppa, watch me fly ♪



It's wonderful when
the hard work pays off.

Books are
a great payoff, too.

Here's a terrific
team of books

That will score points
with you,

But don't just take
my word for it.

Guess what.

I know a rotten
football team

That will leave you

They're in this book called
miss nelson has field day.

Everyone at horace b. Smedley
school was depressed,

Even the cafeteria ladies.

The school football team
hadn't won a game all year.

That team just wanted
to clown around.

One character in the story

Tried to scare them
into shape.

It didn't work.

There was one person
that could fix them.

It was the nasty
viola swamp.

This is a weird story
with a funny twist.

Take it from me,
brent boyce,

This will leave you
in stitches.

Do you like stories
with animals as the characters?

Here's a great book
called making the team

Starring a pig named louanne
and a cat named arnie.

Louanne wants to be
a cheerleader.

Arnie wants to
play football.

They decide to try out
for the teams.

First they must practice.

They practice and practice.

They both have
a little trouble.

Louanne isn't very good
at split jumps.

Arnie has trouble
catching the football.

the big day comes.


I don't want to tell you
the ending,

But it makes you laugh.

I'm sandy chum.

Greetings. I'm yazan.

Here's a book about
how sports can help people

each other better,

Even if they don't speak
the same languages.

It's called soccer sam.

Soccer is
an international sport.

In this story,

It helps a boy named sam

with his cousin marco,

Who comes from mexico.

At first, sam and marco
can't communicate well.

Sam tries to play basketball
with marco,

But marco always
bounces the basketball

On his head.

Finally, marco buys
a soccer ball,

And that's when
the communication

Really gets going.

This book shows
there are many ways

People can
exchange cultures.

Sports is
one of the best.

Here's another book
that no athlete's collection

Should be without.

It's called sports,

And it will tell you

About any sport.

Rugby's a british sport.

Their ball looks like
our football.

Rugby players wear
high-sided shoes.

Field hockey goalkeepers
wear masks like this.

And of course,
there's bowling,

One of america's favorite
rainy-day activities.

Can you believe how many
different kinds of rackets

A tennis player
has to choose from?

Sports aren't
always about competing.

They're also about
just having fun,

And there's nothing like
a relaxing ride on my bike

To complete a tough day
of working out.

And why ride alone?

You ready, guys?



We're ready.

I'll see you next time.

Ok. Let's go, levar.

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know
and ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know
and ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow...

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow ♪