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12x09 - My Shadow

Posted: 12/03/23 20:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow


And light.

Shadows and light
go together,

So whenever you see a shadow,

You'll always find light.

When you think about it,
light is pretty amazing.

You can see it.

You can't touch it,
taste it, smell it, hold it.

So what is it?

Light is the opposite of dark.

Light makes trees
and flowers grow.

Light travels faster
than anything.

It goes
, miles per second.

Light is really beautiful.

Light lets me read.

Without light,
we couldn't see anything.

Light comes from headlights
and streetlights.

Light comes
from your television.

From glowworms.


And fireworks.


Light comes from the sun.

Well, there are lots of ways
of describing light.

Here's how some experts
explain it.

Light is made up
of billions of tiny particles.

Now, these particles
are so small

You can't even see them.

They're called photons.

When these photons
hit an object,

They bounce off that object
and go into your eyes.

Then your eyes and brain
work together,

Allowing you to see.

These tiny photons are fast.

They move much faster
than anything we know,

And they travel
in straight lines.

Now, if light travels
in straight lines,

What happens
if something gets in the way?

A shadow is formed.

When I place my hand
in front of the lamp,

The light gets blocked,

So my hand casts a shadow
on the wall.

Wherever my hand
blocks the light,

That's where the shadow's made.

The size of a shadow

Depends on the distance
an object is from the light.

When I place this butterfly
close to the lamp,

It makes a huge shadow.

But watch this.

It's the incredible
shrinking butterfly.

The shadow gets smaller

The farther away it is
from the lamp.

Shadows can be fun.
They can also be useful.

Have you ever seen
one of these?

This is a sundial.

Hundreds of years ago,

People used these
to tell time.

No electricity,
just sunlight and shadows.

The sun is
the biggest source of light

In our world.

You can tell the time of day
by shadows the sun makes.

[Rooster crows]

Early in the morning...

[Chirp chirp]

Shadows are long.

As the sun changes position
in the sky,

Shadows get shorter
until noon,

When they practically disappear.

Then they start
getting longer again

Until sunset.

Long ago, people noticed
that shadows made by the sun

Changed shape and position
throughout the day.

Hey, let's do lunch

Once the shadow hits
that big rock.

Sounds good to me.

Thousands of years ago,

People developed
a great idea.

They took a stick

And marked the ground around it
with lines.

The sun's changing position
in the sky

Caused the shadow to move
past the lines.

You could tell time

By the position
of the stick's shadow.

Where have
you been?

Just look
at that stick.

That stick eventually led
to the first sundial,

One of the earliest inventions
to tell time.

There are shadows everywhere...
If you know where to look.

Of all the shadows
in the world,

I have a personal favorite.

That shadow
is always with me.

There's always
me and my shadow.

I have a little shadow
that goes in and out with me.

What's the use of him
is more than I can see.

He's very, very like me
from the heels to the head.

I see him jump before me
when I jump into bed.

The funniest thing about him
is how he likes to grow...

Not at all
like proper children,

Which is always very slow.

For he sometimes
sh**t up taller,

Like an india rubber ball,

And sometimes gets so little,
there's none of him at all.

He hasn't got a notion
of how children ought to play

And makes a fool of me
in every sort of way.

He stays so close beside me,
he's a coward, you can see.

I'd think shame
to stick to nursey

As that shadow
sticks to me.

One morning very early
before the sun was up,

I rose and found
the shining dew

On every buttercup.

But my lazy little shadow,
like an errant sleepyhead,

Had stayed at home behind me
and was fast asleep in bed.

Ha ha ha!

That's great, sonny.

This is my friend
sonny fontana.

He's from venezuela.

He's a master
at making shadows
on the wall.

You did a dog first.

Then that was
a rabbit running.

Then we did foxes.

I'd love
to learn more.

You want to learn
the eagle?

Show me that one.

Like that.

Close your fingers.

Like that?




You can do this movement.

You can see how
the eagle flies.

I love making
these shadows.

Show me one more.

O.k., Like the fox.

No. Like the fox.

Like this.

With another hand...
Like this...

And you have a deer.

Those are the antlers.

Wow! Look at that.

Wow! That's amazing.

That's amazing.

Your hands
really have to be
limber and nimble.

With practice, it's easy.

You can do
some exercises

For prepare you can do
the hand sh*ts.

If you put your hands
like this...

You can close your fingers
and begin.


It's not so easy.

You've done this
a long time.


You tell stories
with your shadows.

Want to see
the romantic monkey?

Look at that.

And kissing.

That's incredible.

Can you do people,

Oh, yes, yes.
Old man.



Also...abraham lincoln.

You do
abraham lincoln?



That's abraham lincoln,
all right.


And also can I do
your face, too.

You do
a shadow of me?


Look at this.

Ah ha ha ha!

that's amazing!

You do some really
fantastic shadows.

I want to see
what you do.

There are moments when
shadow and light come together

To create
the most amazing images.

Sometimes they're
the kind of pictures

You'd like to capture
and keep.

My name is andrea davis,
and I'm a photographer,

And I've been a photographer
for eight years.

The word photography
means drawing with light.

It's broken up into two parts--

Photo, which means light,

And graph,
which means drawing.

I like being a photographer

Because I like the way
it trains me to look at things.

Photography allows me
to pick and choose

What I want to see
in the world.

When you photograph,

You definitely
transform the world

Because...what you're doing

Is you're sort of giving
your interpretation,

The way you see things.

So you could be
walking down the street,

Nd you can pick out
that one moment

That looks very interesting
and different.

This is a -millimeter camera.

It's one of the cameras
I use a lot.

It's basically a box.

It keeps light
from hitting the film

Except light
coming through the lens.

To make a photograph,

We want to control
how much light hits the film.

One way to do that
is through the shutter.

When the shutter
is open for more time,

More light hits the film.

When the shutter's open
for less time,

Less light hits the film.

Another way of controlling
how much light hits the film

Is with the iris.

The iris is sort of like
the pupils of your eyes.

If you go outside in the sun
and it's really bright,

The pupils in your eyes
get small.

If you go inside and it's dark,
your pupils get wide.

That's what
this iris on the lens does.

It allows more light
to hit the film.

Now we'll load film
into the camera.

Film, basically, is
a long strip of plastic

That's coated with chemicals

That have particles of silver
attached to it.

The silver, when light hits it,
will turn black.

The degree
to which it turns black

Depends on how bright or dark

The thing is
that you're photographing.

This part of the film
is already ruined.

We've allowed light to hit it.

We'll close the camera,

Then advance the film,

And now we're ready
to take a picture.

Why am I a photographer?

It started
in terms of where I'm from.

I grew up in jamaica,
where it's sunny.

There are a lot
of harsh shadows and light.

People are dark,
and it's a bright environment.

I got very interested

In that play
between bright and dark.

Where that comes about
is usually in the shadows.

I create photographs

Using light and shadow
created by the sun.

Inside, in the studio,

I use light and shadow
created by me.

I usually try to stay
with one very bright light.

Hi, shadow.

And then I introduce
different objects

In between
the light and the subject.

I like to use lace curtains

Because they create...

Almost this busy feeling
in the background.

It gives life
to the pictures, I think.

Now I'll take the picture.

Usually when I'm in the studio,

I use a different kind
of camera

Called a view camera.

It makes a larger negative
and gives me a very sharp image.

I'll check everything
on my camera

Is where I want it to be.

We'll just take one.
Stare at me.



We'll turn
the chair around.

Let's try your cheek
the other way.

Just like that.


Want to take my picture?

I'll set it up here.

What everybody should know
about photography

Is that it takes a little
practice and discipline

In terms of training yourself
to look at things differently.

Anybody can do it.
It's fun.

Tell me everything
that I should do. your...

Yeah. Like that.

Once the film is shot,

I go into the darkroom,

Which is like
the inside of a camera.

No light can get in.

This red safety light
won't harm the film.

Once the negative is developed,

By putting it in chemicals,

I can turn on the light
and hang the film to dry.

Next, I make a positive image
or print from the negative.

To actually print
a photograph,

I need an enlarger.

An enlarger shines light
through the negative

And onto a piece
of light-sensitive paper.

I'm actually creating
a kind of shadow on the paper

From the negative...

And just like
with the negative,

I put the paper
into developing chemicals.

Whenever I see the image

Coming up on the paper
out of nowhere,

It always feels like magic.

Shadows are amazing.
They entertain us.

They can tell us
what time it is.

They even keep us company.

If you'd like to know
more about shadows,

Here are books that shed light
on the subject.

Hi. I'm ishaan.

I like to catch my own shadow,
but it's very difficult.

In shadows and reflections,

You can catch
plenty of shadows

And some neat reflections.

There's something different
about this book.

It doesn't have words,
just great photographs.

Each picture has a shadow
or a reflection to discover.

Can you figure out
what this shadow is?

How about this shadow
on the taxi?

It looks like a fence.

I know that one.
It's cat's in the cradle.

Wow! Check out
that ferris wheel.

That's cool.

This is lots of fun.

I have a new game for you.

Go outside and find your own
shadows and reflections.

I have a friend
who's with me all the time.

My friend can change
shape and size

And disappears when it's dark.

You have one, too.
It's your shadow.

The boy in this book
has the same friend.

His shadow follows him
to the park

And hides in the trees.

In the summertime,

They go to the beach
and swim together.

His shadow swims underwater,

Dancing, shaking,
never holding still.

Sometimes the boy's shadow
is so tall

It could touch the treetops,

And sometimes
it's short and chubby.

The best thing
about having a shadow

Is that you can tell it
your secrets

And you know they'll be safe.

You'll love this story,

Or my name isn't blair mandel.

Want to make some pictures?

You need a light, a wall,
your hands, and this book--


Each page shows how you can make
a shadow picture.

Wow! Look at this!
This one's easy.

Here's a tricky one.
This takes practice.

Once you've got the hang of it,
make up stories.

Make a snake
looking for dinner.

What would he eat?

Not a kangaroo.

Maybe a rabbit.

I'm michael sanchez.
I had fun with this book.

Shine some light
on almost anything,

And it turns into
something magical.

And one thing's
for certain--

When you step into the light
and turn around,

You'll always find your shadow.

I'll see you next time.

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow ♪