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14x03 - How to Make An Apple Pie and See the World

Posted: 12/03/23 20:51
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow


I'm glad
to see you.

I'm hanging out
in one of my favorite places,

And I'm having
so much fun.

Hey, levar, no tears
allowed in my kitchen.

It's these onions.
The more I chop,
the more I cry.

I've cut thousands
of onions,

And I've got tricks
to cut those tears.

This is my friend,
curtis aikens,

A famous chef who's
working on a cookbook.

Today, we're going to
try some new recipes.

You have tricks
for not crying
when you cut onions?

Here's my favorite--

Come on.

Yes. Cutting an onion
causes a chemical reaction.

Gases or vapors from the onion
make contact with your eyes.

That's what causes
the tears?

That's it.

So the sunglasses
act like what?


Safety goggles,
so no more tears.

It does work.
That's great.

But what if you don't
have sunglasses?

Be creative.

Put the onion
in the refrigerator.

It cools down
and contracts.

You know when you're cold,
you shrivel up.

That's exactly
what happens.

It contracts the skin,
the vapor can't release.

When you slice it.

Let's put a few chopped
onions into our soup pot.

I'll check
our next ingredient.



Listen to
that sound.

I love sauteed onions.
That's what we're doing first.

I'll stir that a little,
add carrots.

I love carrots.

They're sweet.

They're the best.

They're so good
for you.

Why is that?

Beta carotene.
It's this orange substance.

This liquid?

That's found
in all carrots.

The body
converts beta carotene
into vitamin a,

Which is great
for your bones,

Your teeth,
and your eyes.


Mom says eat carrots.
That's why.

A chef is like
being a scientist.

I think so.
You've got to know

How food reacts
to heat or cold.

So your kitchen is also
your laboratory?

It is my lab.

So I'm going to add
these carrots.

What's next
in the recipe?

I need some peeled
and diced tomatoes.

I am your peeling
and dicing guy.

Put the carrots in
and stir.


Oh, levar.

I'm not doing
a very good job,
am i?

It's time for
another trick.

You have
a science principle
to peel tomatoes?

Give me one of those
beautiful tomatoes.

We'll use the principle
of expanding and contracting

To peel our tomato.

I'll score
the top a little.

Now, we'll place it
in boiling water.

Heat causes it to what?



We'll boil it
for seconds.

We don't cook it.
We'll do that in the sauce.

We'll heat that enough
to expand the tomato,

Which stretches the skin.

After no more than
or seconds,

We'll take this out
and do what?

Put it in
something cold.

Right into a cold water bath,
as we call it in our kitchen.

That shocks it,
stops the cooking.

Then we pull it out.

The skin practically
peels itself.

You can dice it up,

And no peels are
in our marinara sauce.

I already chopped
some tomatoes.

If you'll add those to
our wonderful marinara,

I'll get some fresh herbs.

All right.

I use fresh herbs,

And I grow them in
my windowsill garden.

You can do this
whether you live

In the city
or the country.

I've got basil
and rosemary.

Herbs don't have to
come from a bottle?

Exactly. They can come
from your windowsill.

Let me show you
the basil.

Isn't that pretty?
Smell that.

That is so fresh.

Just tear those
and drop them in.

I'll grab some rosemary.

Rosemary is one of
my favorite herbs.

Feel how soft that is.

The oils inside each herb
is what we're after.

We don't use stems.

the little leaves?

Exactly. We peel them
and drop them in.

We're practically there.

I'll add salt
and pepper later.

We'll let this cook
until everything blends.

Another chemical reaction,
binding it together.

And we'll put together
a recipe later.

Tell you what.
While this simmers,

I'll go try
a new recipe.

Sounds good.

apple raisin muffins.

Let's see. The recipe says
the first ingredient is sugar.

Let's see.

Mmm. This is the sugar.

Here is the flour.

We have eggs,



Here's baking soda,
raisins, cinnamon.

Wait a minute.

Where are the apples?

I saw apples
around here someplace.

Aha. Here they are--


If you want your
recipes to taste great,

Start with
the best ingredients.

Sometimes, it's necessary
to go beyond your pantry

To find them.

That's what happened to
the cook in this book.

While making one of
my favorite desserts,

She discovered...

How to make an apple pie,
and see the world.

Making an apple pie
is really very easy.

First, get all the ingredients
at the market,

Mix them well,
bake, and serve.

Unless, of course,
the market is closed.

"Gone fishing"?
Oh, no!

In that case,
go home and pack a suitcase.

Take your shopping list
and walking shoes.

Then catch a steamship
bound for europe.

Use the time on board
to improve your italian.

If you time it right,

You'll arrive in italy
at harvest time.

Find a farm
deep in the countryside.

Gather some superb
semolina wheat--

An armful or two
will do.

Hop a train to france...

[Announcement in french]

And locate a chicken.

French chickens
lay elegant eggs,

And you want only the finest
ingredients for your pie.

Coax the chicken
for an egg.

Or bring the chicken
with you.

There's less chance
of breaking the egg.

Get to sri lanka
anyway you can.

You can't miss it.

Sri lanka's
a pear-shaped island

In the indian ocean.

The world's best cinnamon
is made there

From kurundu tree bark,

So go directly
to the rain forest,

Find the kurundu tree,
and peel off some bark.

If a leopard is napping
beneath the tree,

Be very quiet.


Hitch a ride to england.

Make the acquaintance
of a cow.

You'll know she's english

From her good manners
and charming accent.

Ask if you can borrow
a cup of milk.

Even better,
bring the cow with you

For the freshest results.

Stow away on a banana boat
headed home to jamaica.

When the boat docks
in jamaica,

Walk to the nearest
sugar plantation.

Introduce yourself to everyone.

Tell them about
the pie you're making.

Then go into the fields

And cut a few st*lks
of sugar cane.

Fly home.

You don't want
your ingredients to spoil.

Wait a minute!

Aren't you
forgetting something?

What about the apples?

Have the pilot drop you off
in vermont.

[Bawk bawk]


You won't have to go far
to find an apple orchard.

Pick eight rosy apples
from the top of the tree.

Give one to the chicken,

One to the cow,

And eat one yourself.

Then hurry home.

Now, all you have to do

Is mill the wheat
into flour,

Grind the bark
into cinnamon,

Boil the sugar cane,

Persuade the chicken
to lay an egg,

Milk the cow,
churn the milk into butter,

Slice the apples,
mix the ingredients,

And bake the pie.

While the pie is cooling,

Invite some friends over
to share it with you.

Remember, apple pie
is delicious

Topped with vanilla ice cream,

Which you can get
at the market.

But if the market
is closed...

You can eat it plain.

Cooking is a science.

Just as a scientist
in a laboratory

Has equipment
and a formula to follow,

A cook weighs, measures,
and combines ingredients

According to a recipe.

The ingredients
have to be balanced perfectly.

For example, in baking,
eggs bind things together.

Along with flour,
they make foods solid.

But if you use too much,

Your muffins will be heavy,

Difficult to chew.

But sugar and oil,

Make your muffins
soft and moist to chew...

Unless you use too much.

Then your muffins are so soft,
they fall apart.

Chemistry and cooking
actually have a lot in common.

In fact,
there are laboratories

Where scientists
are cooking up

Great new food ideas
all the time.

I'm debbie herr.
I'm a food scientist.

My job at turkey hill
is making ice-cream flavors.

It's fun.

I like mixing things
and seeing how they taste.

We make a lot
of ice cream,

And I love ice cream,
so I'm meant for this job.

Most of my work
is done in this lab.

We get demands to make
healthier products.

We now make frozen yogurt
down in our plant.

Frozen yogurt has less fat,

And it's a good alternative
to ice cream.

We take pasteurized milk,
we add bacteria,

And the bacteria
produces an acid,

And the milk composition

Makes it more thick,
makes it taste nice and tangy...

And you end up with yogurt.

One of my jobs
is quality control.

I'll pull a half-gallon
off the line,

Open the lid,
go through it slowly

To make sure
the right ingredients

Are in there.

We cut ice cream
to see what's inside

And make sure I see
all the fudge

And the chocolate-covered

I make sure they look right
and it's all the way through

And not just on the top.

I'll taste the ice cream
and ingredients,

Testing the product
so it's the correct quality

And it's what we want
to send out on the market.

When I complete
all my tests,

I bring in the experts.

It's really tasty.

It's crunchy.

It's soft.

I like it,
but it needs more chocolate.

Ew! I don't like nuts!

I think it's perfect.

Mmm. Look at this.

There's some wonderful
chemistry happening here.

All of those vegetables
we chopped up earlier

Have blended
into this wonderful, thick,

Rich, delicious sauce.


Mmm. Wow.

Curtis, sauce is ready.

It smells good
in this kitchen.

What do we do
with this great sauce?

We're going to
make lasagna.

Oh, I love lasagna.

I've got a trick.

I think this works.
We'll find out.

I'll use rice

Instead of
the noodles.

We've got our sauce.

Next, we want
equal amounts

Of rice
and spinach.

Now, wait.

These aren't equal amounts
of rice and spinach.

It looks like that,

This is
our laboratory.

We know how food
reacts to heat.

When you cook

is mostly water,

It cooks down,
just cooks away.

When you cook rice
with water,

It expands
like a sponge.

I've got some

Let me show you.

the cooked spinach.

That's what
it ends up as.

And you're holding
the rice.

See the difference?

It absorbs
all that water.

So these
are equal amounts.

They are.

We'll also use
mozzarella cheese.

If you're cutting down
fat intake,

Use a low-fat mozzarella
or soy mozzarella.

And a bit of canola oil.

Any kind of oil,

I'm using canola

Because it holds
heat better.

So you put that
in the pan?

You brush
that around.

Then we'll start
to layer, levar.

How about adding
a layer of rice?

Use your hands
or the ladle,
either way.

As we get
the rice in,

We want to
pack it down.

how that stuck?

With oil, the rice
shouldn't stick.

We're going to
press that down,

Add more rice.

Just fill in
all the way in.

How's that?

That's looking
pretty good.

Then we'll come

With a layer
of spinach.

Just get that down.

While you're
doing that,

I'll sprinkle
some mozzarella.

Just a bit
or mozzarella.

And put some sauce

And now some sauce?

We'll cover the top
with sauce.

A good spoonful.
Good job.

This is looking
really nice.

I'm going to
pack that down.

This was a great idea
to use rice

Instead of noodles
like you usually do.

Where do your ideas
come from?

I get a lot of
recipes from my mom.

I take old
family recipes

And add to them,
change them.

I also get recipes

From reading
other cookbooks.

Have you always
loved to read?

Love it.
Love to read.

But I didn't learn
until I was .

Wait. Didn't you
go to school?

I graduated
from high school.

I even went to
two colleges.

How did you
go through school

Without learning
to read?

My personality--
friendly personality.

People like to
help people

Who are good
and friendly.

I charmed
my teachers.

They didn't know
I couldn't read.

My mom and dad
didn't know.

So, what finally
made you decide?

Was it
one single event?

I had started
a business

And did pretty well
not knowing how to read,

But I couldn't get
business loans.

I couldn't expand
the business.

You felt it was
holding you back.


And the low self-esteem
you feel.

Millions of american
grownups can't read.

I've been there,

Now my whole life
has opened up.

Not only
can I read books,

I enjoy
writing them.

To read to my son
is just fabulous.

And reading
your own books.


Let's add a little
more mozzarella.

Another layer of sauce?

Another layer
of sauce,

And we're ready
for the oven.

I'll move that.

One good--yeah!

If you don't want
to cover it,

Just go right down
the middle.

How about one more?

That's looking good.

We can press
that down,

But in the heat,
it cooks down.

Time to put it
in the oven.

Learning to read
was curtis' dream,

And it changed
his whole life.

Here are three books
you can sink your teeth into,

But you don't have to
take my word for it.

I love to eat,

Everything from
pasta to hamburgers

To chocolate bars.

They're in
this delicious book

the edible pyramid.

The pyramid is like a menu.

You should eat mostly foods

From the bottom of the pyramid.

What's on the bottom?

Well, breads, of course.

Vegetables are in
the pyramid's second row.

Fruits are also important
and deliciously sweet.

Milk, yogurt, and cheese
are also in the pyramid.

Reading this book

Is a super way
to learn about nutrition.

Food is fun.

I'm tristan.

Grab a snack and read
the edible pyramid.

Hi. I'm
daniele roman cook.

Would you
like to know

How people
from other countries

Make their food?

The kids' around
the world cookbook
tells how.

This book has recipes
from around the world.

Anybody who can
follow directions can cook.

I turned to chinese
chicken wings first

Because I love
chinese food.

Sometimes when you cook,
it's fun to experiment.

Why don't you try
your own recipe?

If you want
to cook something,

This book
makes it easy,

So go to the library,

Stop by
the grocery store,

And then head
for the kitchen.

Everybody needs food,

No matter how tall you are
or where you're from.

But do you know the facts
about the foods you're eating?

What food is this?
Will teach you.



Eggplant, and squash--

I bet you thought
these were vegetables.

They're not.
They're really fruit.

Raspberries grow
on thorny bushes.

Hmm. I've never eaten
a raspberry.

Did you know
broccoli is a flower?

And carrots grow

I'm matt,
and what food is this?

Will make you
a very educated eater.

Gobble it up
at your library.


Mmm. Well, it looks terrific,
it smells great,

But there's one final
scientific test

We must perform to see
if the recipe was a success--

The taste test.

Every kitchen,
including yours,
is a laboratory

Where experiments
take place.

There are successes,

And surprising

But best of all,
this laboratory never closes,

Because at breakfast,

The chemistry of cooking
begins all over again.

Let's eat.
That looks so good.

Chefs let
the guest eat first,

we're experimenting
together today.

You be first.

Oh, man.

What do you

Oh, curtis.

a success?


All right.
My turn.

This looks hot.


Isn't that great?
How about some bread?

Yes, please.

Apple-raisin muffin?

I think
I'll have some

Of the world-famous
curtis sourdough bread.



To your health.

Thank you.

We'll see you
next time.

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow ♪