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04x01 - Animal Café

Posted: 12/03/23 20:41
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

I love this time
of evening.

Night is just falling.

Some folks are
coming home late from work.

Soon some
will go to bed,

But not us,
not tonight.

We'll stay up all night

Discovering the secrets
of a city.

What better city to explore
than one of the biggest--

New york, new york.

So let's get started.

We'll tackle the big apple
at night.

♪ I'm the king
of the nighttime ♪

♪ I go out when
the moon begins to rise ♪

♪ I'm in love
with the nighttime ♪

♪ You can tell
by the starlight in my eyes ♪

♪ I'm a night animal

♪ I come alive at night

♪ I'm a night animal

♪ My eyes don't need
the light ♪

♪ I'm a night animal

♪ By day,
I'm out of sight ♪

♪ When the world turns in,
I turn into a creature ♪

♪ Dancing through the night

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Yeah ♪

Times square,
the heart of new york.

Even though
it's almost midnight,

The heart still beats
with music, noise, and voices...

The sounds
of all-night music!

Including one
particular voice
I love to hear.

I shall deliver you safely
into the morning.

This is nesey colon
hanging out with you.

To all of you
on the job all night,

Like me,

I'm sending
this next one out.

There's fishy business
down on fulton street.

The folks at the fulton
fish market tell me

That every night about
a million pounds of fish

Pass through their hands.

The rest of the world
may be as quiet

As the ocean floor,

But on fulton street, honey,

They are slinging fins
and hustling mussels,

Squids, sharks,

And, favorite,

You fellas can send one
up here anytime.

It may be
the middle of the night,

But you people
at mutual cut flowers

Are in full bloom.

They have buds and blossoms
arriving all night long.

But whether they're exotic
or backyard variety,

Our friendly florists
have to move fast

To keep the flowers fresh.

I've got a big bouquet
of kisses

For you petal pushers,

The whole bunch.

I'm also whispering
a nighttime hello

To a special group of bakers
on east th street.

I'm talking to you fellas
at orwasher's bakery

Who are baking all night,

Kneading that dough,

So we'll all break
fresh bread at breakfast.


You can save
a nice loaf for me.

Don't think I forgot
you moonlighters

At the moondance diner.

This next tune goes out

To all who are up
working with me.

Here's into the night.

there's one
open here.

Thanks, angie.
Busy night?

What'll it be?

I'll have
a chicken salad

And apple juice
to drink.


This place is open
all night.

That's handy when your lunch
is at : a.m.

I know another
little night spot

That gets cooking
at this hour.

It's in this book
called animal cafe.

The customers in here
are a different breed entirely.

Maxwell owned a food shop.

Sometimes business was good,

And sometimes
business was bad.

But good or bad,

It was all the same
to maxwell.

For one morning
each week,

He found that
the foods on his shelves

Had vanished overnight,

And his cash register
was stuffed full of money.

"Must be magic," he said.

As maxwell closed the shop
one friday evening,

He said,

"You, casey,
you're such a lazy cat.

"You couldn't
catch a mouse

"If it were sitting
on top of your nose.

"And you, sedgwick,
some watchdog you are.

"A burglar with bells
on his feet

"Wouldn't keep you
from snoring.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep.

"All you do is sleep.

"Sweet dreams,"
maxwell whispered,

As he left the shop.

In a flash,

Sedgwick and casey
were up and about.

"All clear!" Sedgwick called
from the doorway.

Casey was already
in the kitchen

Slicing, dicing,
and spicing.

"What are you cooking tonight?"
Sedgwick asked.

"It's an old family recipe.

"Chipped beef
with a touch of cheddar cheese,

"Some chopped liver
and lima beans,

"With some spinach, garlic,

And prune juice tossed in
for good measure."


We better call it casey's
combustible casserole,"

Sedgwick said.

Then sedgwick ran everyplace,

Decorating the shop.

Casey heard the sound
of approaching footsteps

And chattering voices.

Someone pounded on the door.

"Just in time,"
casey cheered.

"Welcome back, friends,"
sedgwick said

As he opened the door.

"Oh, delighted, I'm sure,"
answered mrs. O'hare.

"Wouldn't miss it,"
added her husband.

"Uh-oh," casey whispered.

"Here comes cutlet.

"Last time, he ate us
out of house and home,

Then complained about the meal
being pork and beans."

"Just be nice," sedgwick said
through a stiff smile.

"Hello, cutlet.

"We were just
talking about you.


"Welcome, shmelcome,"
cutlet snorted.

"Where's the food?"

Soon many more guests

Professor tuscanini
of huxley college was there,

As well as dr. Quack.

Lady dumont was not
far behind,

by colonel kangaroo.

All the guests
mingled happily,

Discussing this

And that.


No, thank you!"

Sedgwick saw
that it was growing late

And hurried the guests
to their tables.

"What do you think of it?"
Sedgwick asked

After serving casey's
combustible casserole.

"Oh, it's, it's...

"I would say...


It's, uh... "

Replied miss goose.

"Oh, boy."

The guests ate lightly
except for cutlet,

Who constantly cried out,


After dinner,

Sedgwick and casey
started the entertainment.

First, casey juggled,

And then he sang

And danced.

Finally, they sang some
old favorites together.

♪ If dogs run free ♪

Roared hubert the bear.

Cried alicia lagator.



"It's almost dawn!

Maxwell will be back soon!"

Te guests quickly lined up
to pay their bills.

"Oh, no!



Cutlet was lying on the floor

"He's eaten too much again.

We'll have to roll him out."

It was an enormous struggle.


Then sedgwick and casey
rushed about

To clean up the shop.

"Hurry!" They yelled
at each other.

"Maxwell will be here
any minute!"

"I'm pooped!"

Sedgwick swept past him.
"Keep at it! He's coming!"

they finished the kitchen,

Washed up the shop,

And locked the money
in the cash register.

Just as maxwell
reached the door,

Sedgwick and casey dashed
to the back of the shop.

Maxwell came in
and turned on the lights.

He opened the cash register

And saw that
it was full once again.

"It must be magic."

Then he looked over
at sedgwick and casey.

"Hmmph, silly animals,"
he said.

"All you ever do
is sleep."

And that they did.

Casey and sedgwick aren't
the only animals

That come out at night.

% Of earth's creatures
are active at night

And sleep during the day.

That includes owls,
porcupines, raccoons, frogs,

And, of course,
the night's most mysterious

And fascinating creatures,

The masters
of night flight, bats.

Long before man
walked this earth,

Bats filled
the night skies.

People used to think
bats were birds,

But they're not.

Bats are mammals
like you and me.

I'm dr. Merlin tuttle.

I've been studying bats
for o years.

We're about to enter
bracken cave in texas,

Where more
than million bats

Live in a world
of darkness.

Well, here we are.

We're down deep
inside the cave.

It's like a big tunnel
as long as a football stadium.

The cave ceiling is
over three stories high.

And everywhere around me,

Everything is covered by
millions and millions of bats.

It is a unique environment.

The droppings from all
those bats turn into ammonia.

That's why I've got
this respirator on.

I would die down here
without protection

From the ammonia fumes.

The bats live
without any problem here.

Let's look deeper
in the cave.

Because so many bats
live in here

And their bodies
all give off heat,

It's extremely hot,
sometimes more than degrees.

There are nearly , kinds
of bats in the world.

They live almost everywhere--
in old buildings, chimneys.

In the jungle, some
make tents from leaves.

Most bats, like
the free-tailed bats here,

Eat insects.

Let's take a look
at some bats close up.

Here's a mother bat.

She has fur

Just like dogs and cats
and other animals.

It's very soft
and velvety.

She actually
keeps very clean,

Spends a large part
of each day

Grooming and cleaning

Let's look at her

Look at her big ears.

They're used
to help her navigate,

To find her way home,

And to help her
catch insects.

She sends out
beeps of sound

Which bounce back
from obstacles

Or from little insects.

Those big ears
catch the sound.

It's called echolocation.

Bats are the only mammal
that flies.

She has long, narrow wings

That enable her to fly
very fast at night.

Her wings are
just like a hand.

This is her thumb.

It has a little claw
to help her climb around.

She has four more fingers,
just like we do.

The end of her wing
can be used like a hand.

She can fly up
to an insect,

Curl these bones around,

And grab an insect
in that webbing

To get it
to her mouth to eat,

Just like you use
your fingers.

So in this way,
one bat can catch

Up to or more
tiny insects

In a single hour.

As you can see,

Bats really aren't
dangerous animals.

They're among the world's
most gentle animals.

But you should never
pick one up.

Any bat you can catch

Is more likely than others
to be sick.

Any sick animal
can be dangerous.

Let's let her go now.

We'll look at some babies.

There are babies
of several ages here.

This is just
a newborn baby.

This one's only
about a week old.

Each mother free-tailed bat
produces one baby like this

Each year.

These fellas are born
/ as big as their mothers.

He eats an awful lot.

Within three weeks,
he'll look like her

And be ready to fly away
with her some night.

He's worried right now
that I might be a predator.

We'll put him back safely.

For young bats
learning to fly,

The floor of this cave
is very dangerous.

Any bat that lands here

And doesn't get airborne
within a few seconds

Will become
a skeleton like this.

There are billions
of flesh-eating insects

Just waiting
to pounce on a hapless baby

That doesn't make it across.

Bats are creatures
of the night.

Every evening,
between dusk and dawn,

These bats wing their way
across hundreds of miles

Looking for food.

Tonight this cloud of bats
will consume

, Pounds of insects.

That's the equivalent weight
of elephants.

Bats like you've just seen
could soon die out

Unless people everywhere
learn to understand them

And appreciate them.

They're gentle and graceful.

Bats are truly masters
of night flight.

One of the great things
about staying up all night

Is getting a fresh copy
of the morning paper.

Daily news?

Here you go.

I always read
the book reviews,

But first I check out
the horoscope.

Let's see...horoscope.

Where are the horoscopes?

Ah, here we go.

Let's see.

Sagittarius, capricorn,


"Three great books
will soon come your way.

You don't have to
take my word for it."

Hi, I'm michael.

Have you ever had nightmares
you're dying to get rid of?

The orientals believe
there's a creature

That eats bad dreams.

He's in this book,
the dream eater.

It's an oriental myth
about a boy named yukio.

Yukio has terrible dreams.

He dreams there's
a three-headed demon

Chasing him on a dragon.

When he's about to eat him,
he wakes up.

Yukio goes down
by the river.

There he saves
a weird creature's life.

The creature is a baku.

He finds out
the baku eats bad dreams.

Like the boy in the book,
I had a bad dream.

After I read this book,
it disappeared.

If you have a bad dream,

Get the dream eater
at the library.

I just read
a wonderful poem

That I'd like
you to read.

It's called the moon
by robert louis stevenson.

The book is filled
with beautiful pictures.

It's not hard to read.

On each page,
the moon glows.

You'll learn a lot
about nighttime.

Did you know that bats
come out at night?

And dogs sometimes howl
at the moon?

Nighttime is a good time
to go fishing.

The pictures are filled
with colors.

My favorite picture is

When everything belonging
to the daytime goes to sleep.

I am robin.

I love to watch the moon
and stars at night.

If you do, too,
get the moon.

Did you know that
while you're asleep,

More than half
of new york city is up

Just to make sure
you have your food?

They work at night markets.

That's the name
of this book.

Food is delivered
to night markets.

There are bakeries
open all night

For your pastries,
muffins, bread,

And that special roll

You want in the morning
when you get up.

The fulton fish market
has fish

From all over the world.

This is a nonfictin book.

The pictures are
real photographs.

You can go to these places
if you can stay up that late.

If you're interested
in nighttime activities,

This is a great book
to read.

I'm sure it's at
a library near you.

Good morning,
all you early risers

Here at wbls in new york.

It's almost light and that
about wraps it up for me.

This is nesey colon.

I'll check you out
again tomorrow.

I'll leave you
with this tune

To start your new day.

♪ Through the night

♪ Through the night

♪ We gotta keep on goin'

♪ Workin' steady
through the night ♪

♪ Through the night

♪ Through the night

♪ While most people sleep

♪ We get things ready
through the night ♪

♪ We work
until the day breaks ♪

♪ Through the night

♪ We work
until the day breaks ♪

♪ Through the night

♪ Morning comes

♪ And most people
are getting up ♪

♪ But with the sun

♪ Our work
is just letting up ♪

♪ We're making sure
that everything's
running all right ♪

♪ All right

♪ All right

♪ We work
until the day breaks ♪

♪ Through the night

♪ Day breaks
through the night ♪

♪ We work until the day breaks
through the night ♪

♪ Day breaks
through the night ♪

♪ We work until the day breaks
through the night ♪

Well, the sun's rising.

It's getting to the point
when it's so late,

It's early.

People on the day shift
are shifting into gear.

People on the night shift
are heading home to bed.

I think they have
the right idea.


When you're calling it
a night,

Someone else
is calling it a day.

See you next time.