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01x25 - The Halloween Bandit/An Honest Spin

Posted: 12/03/23 19:24
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

This will be the best
halloween party ever.

All this haunted house needs
is that jack-o'-lantern
on top.

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Both: ha ha! Clifford!



There we go.

Honey, have you
decided on a costume
for clifford?

Not yet. I was thinking
maybe a pirate

Or a scuba diver

Or even a race car driver.

Maybe you
should think
a little simpler.

After all,
it's clifford's
first halloween.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!




Where did my--

Ruff ruff...

Now, clifford,

Nobody likes
a cookie nabber.



Come on, zo,

going to laugh.

I'm not
coming out.

Hey, guys,
what's goin' on?

Zo doesn't like
his halloween costume.

Flo: but I'm wearin'
the same thing!

that's the problem.

Will you come on, zo?
It can't be that bad.

Wanna bet?

Ah ha ha ha!

Oh, you look sweet.

A fairy. Ah...

Yeah, well,
that's, uh...

How should
I say this?

That's very, uh...


Rugged. You know,
very tough--

Very tough and rugged.

Norville, what costume
are you gonna wear?

I'm wearin' it.
You know, I'm goin'
as my cousin max,

And he looks
just like me.

Wow! That's perfect.
You look just like you,

Or...him, I think.

Hey, where's jorge?
What's he coming as?

Bwa! I am the vampire.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh! Ohh! Oh...

Hey, clifford, wait up.
It's me jorge.

I was just jokin'. Heh.


Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Hey, where's my--

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Oh, clifford,
you brownie bandit.

Ruff ruff ruff!


Ruff ruff!

Clifford, what a great idea
for a costume.

Mrs. Howard,
emily elizabeth,

This is
my cousin ricardo.

He's visiting
with us today.

Hello, ricardo.

Happy halloween.

Happy halloween.

Ruff ruff!

Wow! I've never seen
a dog that tiny.

He's so cute.

Uh-huh. That's clifford.

Say hi to ricardo.

Ruff ruff!

I wish I had a dog
like this.

My mom's thinking
of getting me one.

Ruff ruff.

Hey, nina, we've got to
put on our costumes
for the haunted house.

Oh, that's right!

Come on, ricardo.
We'll need your help.

Boy, not a lot of dog
in this hot dog.

Rarr rarr.

Hey, I bet clifford
took my dog.



You know better.

Hey, guys,

Guess what I am?

Guess what I am?

Oh, well,
that's very easy.

You're a, uh,
talking handkerchief.

What? No. I'm a ghost.

Boo! Ha ha!

Oh, yeah.
Of course you
are there, pup.

I'm just pullin'
your leash.

a great outfit.

Now--oh, look,

a potted plant,

No! I'm
a hawaiian hula dancer.


When are we
goin' into the
haunted house?

Let's go now.
Now! Now! Now!

I think now's a good time,
before dessert. Let's go!



Woe unto all who
dare enter my home.


It's ok, clifford.
It's only me--
emily elizabeth.

Ruff ruff!

Ah, very well.

Very well,
you may enter.


Uh, well, ha ha!

Hey--oh! Hey!



♪ Better keep
mo-oo-ving ♪

But watch out
for the lion.

He's been seen
around these parts.


[All gasp]

All right!

Whoo hoo!


It's time
for dessert.

All right!
Ha ha ha!


Hey, you forgot
your costume!

Ohh! Oh, no!

My costume--where is it?


Thank you, all,
for contributing so much
to our halloween party.

Just looking
at these treats,

I bet we've
got some surprises.

Man: hey, who's that?


Oh, my! Clifford, no!

Emily elizabeth:
oh, no! Clifford!

Oh, no!

Not the pudding!

Clifford? It can't be.


Oh! There he is.

What's gotten
into clifford?

He's been misbehaving
all day.

He stole my cookie.

And my brownie.

And my hot dog.

Mom, I just don't believe
clifford would do something
like this.

Emily elizabeth
is right.

It's not like clifford
to do those things,

But we did see him
on the table.

Ruff ruff ruff.

Don't worry, clifford.
I believe you.

I don't know
who made this mess,

But I do know that
clifford didn't do it.


is there anything

You'd like to
tell us?

Well, I lost my costume,
and then I found it,

And now everyone's unhappy.

You didn't do this?


Ok, then.

If my buddy clifford
said he didn't do it,

Then he didn't do it.

So, who did?

And what
do we do now?

Well, I'm very glad
you asked that there,

I'm zo.

Yeah. Whatever. Ok,
so the way I see it--


Boy, this frosting
is good.

See, we need to ask

Who was in the courtyard
when it happened,

Who had the ghost outfit,

And who was small enough to
fit into the ghost outfit?

But that
would be me.

Besides you,
little red.

Well, whoever did it
is probably covered
in frosting.

What we need to find
are pawprints.

Covered in frosting. Yum--
I mean, yes!

Say no more.
We're on the case.

Meow meow meow.

Ruff ruff!

Meow meow.

Gotcha. Now here
is the real culprit.

Oh, please don't
tell anyone I'm here.

I didn't mean to do it.
It was an accident.

What's your name?

I don't have one.

Where's your home?

I don't have one
of those, either.

Hey, gee,
I'm really sorry,
little guy,

But you can't
live in a pumpkin.

And there is a little puppy
who is taking the blame
for you.

The red puppy?
Oh, he looked nice.

He is way too nice
to get into trouble

For something
he didn't do.

That's just not right.

Would you tell him
I'm sorry?

Hey, you could
tell him yourself.

You're among friends here.

Friends understand.

Come on.
Come on, little guy.

It's ok.

Mom, look!

A puppy
in a pumpkin?

Hey, do you think
that's our halloween bandit?

I'll bet it is.

I knew it wasn't clifford.

Ruff ruff!

Does anybody
know this dog?

He doesn't
have a collar.

Oh, I think I've seen him
around the neighborhood.

Me, too. I never saw
anyone with him, though.

So he must be a stray:
no home, no food,

No one to love him.

I'll be right back.

Well, it's

Why he
helped himself
to our treats.

Poor little puppy.

Oh, I guess we owe
clifford an apology.

Oh, sorry, clifford.

We jumped to conclusions
instead of getting
all the facts.

Ruff ruff.

[Laughs] I think
clifford forgives you.

But, mom, what should we do
about the gray puppy?

Well, we can take him
to the animal shelter,

And they'll try to
find him a home.

guess what?

I just
my mom,

And she says I can take
the gray puppy home
to live with us!

Would you like that,
little guy?

Ruff ruff!

Oh, ricardo,
that's wonderful news.

Let's celebrate,

There's still plenty
of dessert.

All right!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Well, i, for one,

Am glad that halloween's
finally over.

I've had it
with this costume.

Well, I had a great time.

I mean, I didn't like the part
when people were mad at me
about the mess,

But I really loved
how you guys believed me
right away

When I said I didn't do it.
Thanks a lot.

Of course we
believed you,

your friends.

there, puppy.

Why, I'd even
use the word "buddies."

Or chums.

Or pals.

Oh, hey, I know
another great word...


All: dessert!

Happy halloween!



Emily elizabeth:

Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read a story,


Ok, pick one out.

thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.

[Toy squeaks]

Today's story is
"speckle and the pen pals."

Early one afternoon,
luna went to check her mailbox.

Luna said
she loved getting mail,

But hadn't gotten any letters
in a long time.

None of them had gotten
a letter of their own
in a long time, either.

Then speckle said
he knew how they
could all get mail.

They could write letters
to each other.

Luna wrote about
the apple tree
in her backyard

And the day it blossomed
with flowers.

Reba wrote about
her last basketball game

And how she scored
the winning point.

Darnell and ravi wrote about
the great new books

They checked out
from the library.

And speckle wrote a letter
that was all pictures--

Drawings of every one
of his favorite activities.

Soon, luna's mailbox
was filled with letters,

And so were everyone else's,

And they enjoyed
reading and sharing
their very own letters

With all of their friends.

The end.

I love reading stories


You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


[Emily elizabeth


Ok, clifford.

Mom and I are going
to the library.

But when I come home,

I'll have a new book,

And I'll read you a story.
Would you like that?

Ruff ruff!

I knew you would.

We'll be back soon.

Ruff ruff!

[Door closes]

Hiya, daffodil.

Wow, that's a great top.


Can I try it?

No, it's fragile.

It's better
if I spin it.

Whoa-ho ow oww!

Do it again! Do it again!


Maybe later.
I'm gonna take a nap
in the living room.

There's a nice sunny spot
by the window.

But daffodil,

How can you take a nap

When you've got this
great toy to play with?

I'll manage.


[Sighs] oh.

Hmm. It won't hurt
to just give it a quick spin.

[All gasp]


Hoo hoo!


All: oh!

Oh, clifford,
you are so lucky

Daffodil let you
borrow her top.

she didn't exactly
let me borrow it.

She was asleep,
and I just wanted
to try it.

Just one more spin.

[All gasp]

I broke it!

We break things
all the time.

We don't mean to, but...

We're always
really sorry,

And then we go play
with something else.

What a surprise.

Let's play hide and seek
on the playground.

Race ya.

[Both laugh]

It doesn't look
too bad, clifford.

Yeah, you know,
it doesn't.

I'll bet
emily elizabeth
can fix it.

She can do

But she won't
be home until later.

Yeah. Do you wanna
play hide and seek
with us while you wait?

Oh, first I gotta
tell daffodil

What happened
to her top.

Oh, ho ho ho,
whoa ho.

Bad idea. Hey,
listen up there,
little red.

What do you think
is gonna happen

When you tell
daffodil you broke
her favorite toy?

Uh, I don't know.

Well, I do.
She is gonna be
very m-a-d--

Mad--and who is she
gonna be mad at?


You, that's who.

Is that
what you want?

[Gulps] no.

Now, on the other hand,
if you get it fixed,

The bunny will never
know it was broken,

And everybody is happy.

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

Ha ha.

I'll wait right here
for emily elizabeth,

And everything will
be all right. Ha ha.

Thanks, norville.


Ho ho! I got it!

Oh! Wait, guys! Whoa ho!


Clifford, you're missin'
a great game of hide and seek.

Jorge found
the best new hiding place.

Really? Where?

Do you see them yet?

Not an emily elizabeth
in sight.

Uh-oh. News flash.
I see something.

Emily elizabeth?

No, it's daffodil,
and she's heading this way.

Quick, hide that top.

Ooh! Whoa!

Ah. I just had
the loveliest nap.

Whatcha doin'?

uh, nothing.

Standing. Why?

Just wondering.

Well, not much
goin' on out here.

I guess I'll go upstairs
and play with my toys.


Red, if she plays
with her toys,

She's gonna see
the top is missing.

Don't let her
go upstairs!


Uh, you don't wanna
go upstairs to play.

We can play
hide and seek
with flo & zo.

Clifford, that's
your favorite game,
not mine.

You know
I'd rather play with

One of my nice,
quiet toys.

But there's lots of toys
we can play with right here.

Uh, where?

Well, right, uh...

Um, well, we can
play with, uh...

That green ball.

Ha ha.
Yeah! Come on!

Don't you think
that ball is a little
too big to play with?

Aw, no. It's
the perfect size.

Ha ha. Whoo hoo hoo!

Heh heh. Ooh.
Uh, this is great.

Heh heh. Ooh.

Unh. Unh.


Ha ha ha. Whoo hoo.

Oh! Help!

Unh. Unh.

Ok, daffodil,
ha ha. Your turn.

Uh, clifford, I think
you've had enough fun
for the both of us.

No, wait!

You can't leave yet!

I can't?

No, because,
uh, um,

Because i...

Learned a new trick.

Yeah, and I have to
show it to you.

You can show me
later, ok?

Yeah, of course.
But you're gonna love
this trick, daffodil.

It's a triple
super tumble twist
with a half noodle.

Oh, wow. Well,
I guess I would
like to see that.

Hey, who wouldn't?

Norville, how do
I do a triple super...

Uh, what's it?

Hey, kid,
it's your trick.

Ok, here I come.
That's no lie.

Whoever's not ready
just say "i."


And now,
presenting the most
spectacular, colossal,

Amazing little red puppy
in the world,

Clifford and his
triple super tumble twist
with a half noodle!


That's it?

Don't worry.
I thought it was great.

But daffodil is heading
toward the stairs,
little red.

Maybe I should just
tell her about the top,

A-ok, but she's
sure gonna be mad.

Oh, oh, whoa.
Where are you going?

Upstairs to get a carrot.

Oh, I'll get it for you.

Heh. You know, I'm,
uh, practicing fetching.




Oh, my squeaky carrot.

Thank you, clifford.

But actually,
I wanted a real carrot.

a real carrot?

To eat. I'm hungry.

It's ok.
I'll get it myself.

Ah, no, no.
Uh, let me go.

Ha. I really want to.
See? I'm on my way.

See? Ha ha. Bye.




Oh, thanks, clifford.

That looks like
a good one.


But when
they're that small,

I eat more than one.

I'll just
go upstairs myself.

no! Let me go.

Ok, is clifford acting
a little strange?

He's a puppy.

That's what
puppies do.

Thank you, clifford.



Tough stairs, huh?

Especially when you...

Get to the...

Uh, top.

Top. Say,
that reminds me.

After I'm done,
let's play with my top.


Why not?

Uh, because...

Oh, I don't want you
to be mad at me.

What are you
talking about?

Oh. About this.

Oh, it broke again.


Yeah. That old top
is always breaking.

So that's
why you've been
acting so strange.

Well, I thought
if I got it fixed

Before you found out,

Everything would be ok.

Oh, I should have just
told you right away.

Are you mad at me?

No. I mean,

I wish you'd
told me the truth
from the very beginning.

But I'm glad
you're telling me now.

Yeah, me, too.

Now, you see, red,
like I always say,

is the best policy.

But norville, that's not
what you said at all.

Are you sure?

Well, ok, fine. All right.
Well, you know what?

That's what I'm gonna say
the next time around.

Hey, there's
emily elizabeth.

I'll bet she can
fix your top.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Hi, clifford.
Hi, daffodil.

Mom and I got
some really great books
from the library.

Oh, daffodil.
Your top broke again.

Well, don't worry.

I'll glue it
back together.

Ruff ruff ruff!

And after it's fixed,

I promise I'll never
play with it again--

Unless you say I can.

that's a big promise
for a little guy.

But I think
you can keep it.


[All laughing]

Grr! Ruff ruff!

Emily elizabeth:

Oh, that's
emily elizabeth.

I gotta go.
But if you'd like,

You can borrow
my sock spider
for a while.

Wow, are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

Just take
good care of it.

Both: we will.

Emily elizabeth: clifford
and his friends know

That when
they borrow something,

It means they're responsible
for it.

[Both gasp]

Yuck. I hate rain.

Me, too.

Both: ew!

The sock spider.

Clifford said
to take good care
of it.

We can't leave it out there.
It'll get all wet.

Emily elizabeth: when
you act responsibly,

It shows that you care,

And that you can be trusted.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today
is "be responsible."

Clifford's sock spider
is all safe.

All dry.

[Both laugh]