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01x23 - Adopt-A-Pup/Jokes on You

Posted: 12/03/23 19:22
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, loves makes
little things grow ♪

Oh, where is that shoe?

Maybe it's under the rug.

Ruff ruff!


We've gotta hurry,

Mom really needs
our help

At the adopt-a-pup
booth today.

We're going
to find homes

For a lot of wonderful
dogs like you.

[Slurp slurp]

Ruff ruff!


But first we have to
find my shoe.

Ruff ruff!
I'll check
the bedroom.


Hey there,
what's up, little red?

Hiya, norville.

Wow! That's a great

I got it
at the street fair.

They're giving them away.

Well, this'll be
my first street fair.

Are they fun?

Are they fun?!
He's askin' me,
are they fun?

They're only
the most fun ever.

There--there's all kinds
of food there and music,

And everybody is out
having a good time.

Whoo! And you're gonna flip.

Ho ho! I can't wait!

Ha ha ha!

Looks like I'm goin' now.

See you at the street fair!

Ok! I'll be with
emily elizabeth, norville!

We're finding homes
for dogs!

I'll drop by!

Found it.

Ready to go, clifford.

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!


[Laughing and talking]

I guess it's ok

For you to walk without
a leash today, clifford.

The street's blocked off,
so there won't be any cars.

Ruff ruff!

Hey, check out that guy.


Careful, clifford,

You're gonna
make yourself dizzy.


Ha ha!

Man: that's great!

Come on, baby.

Ruff ruff!

You were great!

Thanks for letting
clifford help.

Arf arf ruff!

Hi, mom!

Hey, mrs. Howard.

Hi, kids.

I'm so glad
you're here to help.

We've got a lot of dogs
from the animal shelter

Counting on us to help them
find wonderful new homes.


So, what do we do

Why don't evan and I
set up a spot

Where people can play
with the dogs,

And, emily elizabeth,
you can put one pamphlet

Into each of those
doggie bags.


Hi there.

Huh? H-hello?

Ho ho! Hi!

I didn't see you.

that happens a lot.

I'm teacup.

My name's clifford.

Are you looking
for a home, too?

Nuh-uh. I belong to
emily elizabeth.

I'm just here to help.

I might find a home today.

You must be really excited.

I am. [Giggles]

But I'm a little
nervous, too.

How come?

People come
to pick up dogs
from the animal shelter,

But no one's ever
picked me.

They usually
don't even notice me
because I'm so small.

Well, I'm sure you'll
find a good owner.

I mean, emily elizabeth
picked me

And I'm even smaller
than you are.

but I'm full-grown.

I won't get
any bigger than this.

Will you?

I don't know.

But emily elizabeth says
she'll always love me

No matter what size I am.

Ohh, she sounds nice.

Hey, your little redness.

Who's your mouse friend?



Teacup isn't a mouse.

She's a dog.

Oh! Oh, excuse me
there, teacup.

It's just that,
you know, you're so, uh,

Little and tiny

And mousey and...

I'm just making it
worse here, aren't i?

no, it's ok.

I know I'm small.

But small is good, right?

I mean, look at me.

[Crunch crunch] mmm.

I'm small,
but I think big thoughts,

And I do big things.

[Playing jazz]

And I've got a big
♪ voice! ♪

See ya around.

♪ Waah waah waah ♪

Wow, the band's
really good.

A little too good.

listening to them

Instead of checking out
the dogs.

How can we get people
to notice them?

[People laughing
and talking]

Hey, that clown's
giving me an idea.

Remember how he did
that trick with clifford?

Maybe we could do tricks
with the dogs, too.


Now, let's see.

Ah ha ha!

I know just what to do
with this little fella.





[Playing note]


We did it! We found
all the dogs a home!

All right!

Ruff ruff!

What is it, boy?



Look, evan,
there's another dog.


We didn't even see you.

But don't you worry.

We'll think of
something really special

To help
find you an owner.




I know.

Excuse me.

Do you think I could
borrow your hat
for just a minute?

It's for a good cause.


Ladies and gentlemen,

As you can see,

The hat is
completely empty.

We place one dog
into the hat, and...


Another dog appears!

[Laughing and cheering]

Wait a minute.

Who's this?

I've been wondering
where you were.

Yip yip yip!

Ha ha ha!

Free to a good home,
ladies and gentlemen.

Free to a good home.

Ohh! Ohh! I just have to
have that little dog!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Oh, isn't he
just adorable?

Oh, no!
That's clifford.

He's my puppy.

Here's the dog
that needs a home.

[Panting excitedly]

Yip yip!

Oh...but I wanted
the little red dog.

Red is my favorite color.

Oh, he would look
just perfect

With my outfits. See?

Uh...sure. But clifford
already has a home.

What about teacup?

She's a great dog, too.

Oh, well,
I'm sure she is,

But unfortunately,
I never wear white.


Hey! We've still got
one great dog here.

Free to a good home.

It's time to pack up, kids.

The street fair's
almost over.

But what about teacup?

she'll have to go back

To the animal shelter,

You hang in there,

I just know you'll
find an owner soon.

I'm sorry you didn't find
a home today, teacup.

Oh, that's ok,

The people at the animal
shelter are nice,

Even if none of them
are really my owners.

Thanks for trying
to help me.

Well, I wish
I could help more.

Hey, little red!

Oh, is this
a great day or what?

Uh...not for teacup.

She didn't find a home.

But you gave it
your best sh*t.

I mean, what more
can you do about it?

But I'm sure
she doesn't expect you
to find her a home.

I mean, you only met her
a few hours ago.

I know, but I really
like her, norville.

And I still wish
I could help.

Me, too, kid.

Me, too.

Oh, hi, miss chen.

Oh, hello,
emily elizabeth.

Hi, evan.

And look who's here.

My favorite little
red puppy.

Ruff ruff ruff!

here you go.

That's really nice
how you carry around
dog treats,

Even though you don't
even own a dog.

Oh, I just love dogs.

I know who likes
my key ring.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ho ho ho.

Go ahead, clifford,
you can play with it.

Oh, ho ho ho ho.

Why don't you have
your own dog, miss chen?

I wish I could,
but my apartment

Is just too small
for a dog.

I would need a dog
almost as small as clifford.

And you know how hard it is
to find a dog

Like clifford. Oh...



What are you doing?

Come on, teacup.

There's someone
I want you to meet.

There you are.

And here are
your keys, miss chen.

Sorry about that.

Oh, it's no problem.

He was just being playful.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Yip yip!

Who is this?

Her name is teacup.

Ohh, what a wonderful
little dog.

Oh, she fits
right in my hand.

And look at these
tiny little feet.


Oh, ho ho ho...

Oh, and she's smart, too.

Oh, you must make your owner
very happy. Oh...


She doesn't have
an owner, miss chen.


You know...

She's almost as small
as clifford.

She'd have plenty of room
to play in your apartment.

I mean, if you want to
take her home, that is.

If I want to?


Ohh, of course I want to!


All right!

That's great!

Yip yip!

Hey, teacup,

You think you'll like
living in our building?

Yip yip!

I think that's a yes.

And thanks to clifford,

We've all got
a great little new neighbor.

Yip yip!


Emily elizabeth: clifford!

Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok! Pick one out.


Thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.


Today's story is
speckle and the terrific tour.

One morning, reba was
showing the g*ng a great book

That had pictures
of exotic places

All over the world.

The g*ng wished
they could visit

Such exciting places.

Then speckle said
they could.

All they needed
was a little bit of help

From their imaginations.

Speckle pretended
he was their conductor

And collected
everyone's tickets.

And once they were seated
on the travel train,

The tour began.

At their first stop,
darnell pointed out

A beautiful house
in the sky.

Ravi and luna
were amazed

By the wild sea creature
they passed.

And reba loved exploring
the untamed jungle

And discovering
its lovely surprises.

When the trip was over,

There was only one thing
left to do,

And that was
to thank the conductor

For taking them
on such a terrific tour.

The end.

I love reading stories


You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


So, clifford,
are you sure you don't mind

If I borrow a couple
of your squeaky toys?

Ruff ruff!



Thanks, clifford.

These should come in handy
today at school.

All ready for school,
emily elizabeth?

I sure am.

It's gonna be a wacky day.


It's wacky wednesday,

The silliest day
of the year.

It's when all the kids
tell jokes

And do silly things.

You don't say?


You already knew.

Happy wacky wednesday,
emily elizabeth.

I thought you might
like to borrow these.

You bet I do!

Thanks, mom!

[School bell rings]

Emily elizabeth, wait!

Hi, nina!


Great glasses.

Happy wacky wednesday.

Happy wacky wednesday
to you, too.

Are you ready
for some fun?

Oh, I think so.


Ha ha ha ha!

Hi, shun.

Ha ha! You guys
sure look wacky.

Look who's talking!

Wearing your clothes
was a great idea.

I'm gonna be
the queen of
wacky wednesday.

I've got a bagful
of silly surprises.

Oh. Here, shun.

Would you like
a peanut?

Sure. Thanks.


Got ya!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

All right, if everyone
will please take your seats.

Um...where would you
like us to take them?


Very funny.

But learning
is a serious business.


ok, please sit down.

[Kids laughing]




Ha ha! Well, this is
definitely going to be

A wacky day.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Banana who?

Who's there?
Knock, knock.


Orange who?

Orange you glad
I didn't say banana?



Ha ha ha ha!

Heh heh.
Heh heh heh.

You really got us
that time.

And I've got lots more
where that came from.



Ha ha!

I swapped your sandwich
for a rubber one!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha! You should have seen
the look on your face.

Ha ha.
Now, that's funny.

Thanks for the sandwich,

But I think I like
peanut butter and jelly

Boy, that rubber sandwich
joke was great.

Oh, but wait till you see
what I've got planned for later.

Thanks for walking us home
from school, mrs. Flores.

You're welcome,
emily elizabeth.

Oh! I just remembered.

I want to take
a picture of you guys

With your best gags.

That way, I can have
a picture for my scrapbook.

Wait a minute.
Let me put on my glasses.

I've got
my rubber sandwich.

Say "wacky wednesday."

Both: wacky wednesday--


Oh! Oh, my goodness, nina.

That wasn't very nice.



Well, it's ok, mrs. Flores.

That was your best
joke yet, nina.

Heh heh. I sure wasn't
expecting that.

Well, I am the queen
of wacky wednesday.

Ok, but wacky wednesday
is over now that
school is out.

But I still have
half a bag of gags left.

You can save them
for next year.

I guess.


Boy, I sure am hungry.

Are we allowed
to have a snack, shun?

Sure. My mom always
leaves snacks
in the fridge.

I'll give you a hand, shun.

Thanks, guys.


[gasp] oh, no!

What is it?

Shun: oh, no!

Our homework
is soaked with milk.

It took us almost an hour
to write all that.

Nina didn't mean
to do it.

It was an accident.


If it was an accident,
why is she laughing?

Because it's funny.

I can't believe you guys
fell for that old fake
carton of spilled milk.

[Giggles] see?
It's made of plastic.

Your homework's fine.

Nina, you really
made us worry.

Oh, you shouldn't
take things so seriously.

Especially when
you're hanging out

With the queen of
wacky wednesday.

[Nina laughing]

Ruff ruff!

Who is it?

It's me, shun.

Hi, shun.


[Nina laughing]

Oh, boy.

Ha ha!

I never thought
I'd get both of you
at the same time.


I wish I had
a real camera

To take a picture
of you two.

I'm so funny.
I wonder if I could
break the record

For the most
funny business
in one day.

Nina, wacky wednesday
is over.

Shun's right, nina.

Enough is enough.

Hey. Everyone
is good at something,

And I just happen to be
good at silly jokes.

Wow. Nina's really
out of control.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

But I'm really worried

That it's going to be
wacky wednesday
all week long.


I feel silly
playing back here.

I do, too.

But what else
can we do?

If we sit
out in the open,

Nina's gonna play another one
of her jokes on us.

Ruff ruff!

I know. Maybe if
we're not around,

Nina will forget
about the whole
wacky wednesday thing.

Ruff ruff!


Who said that?

Not me.

It came from
behind that tree.

Do you think
a new kitten

Has moved into
the neighborhood?

[Nina whistling]




Meow. Meow.

Meow. Meow.

Meow. Meow.
Meow. Meow.

Meow. Meow.


Meow. Meow.




Flo, zo, it's just a joke.

Meow. Meow.

There's not really
a kitten.

Happy wacky wednesday.

Ha ha!

I had those kittens
running all over the place.

Now you're playing jokes
on the animals?

Oh, you should have
seen it.

We did see it, nina,

And it wasn't funny.

Shun's right.

You've taken
this joking thing
too far.

It's just not
funny anymore.

It was funny to me.

It's only a good joke
if everyone's laughing,

Not just the person
who played the joke.


Maybe you're right.

Here. Take this.

It's my last gag.

But you can have it.

What does it do?

Um...well, since you asked.


[Gasp] oh, no!


Nina, that's not funny.

Clifford has a big blue
spot on his side.


Oh, clifford will be fine.


It's disappearing ink!


So why is clifford's
fur still blue?

I--i don't know.

It's supposed to disappear.

Uh, why won't this
come off?

I didn't mean for anything
bad to happen, honest.


Oh, clifford,
don't be sad.

I can fix it.

I hope.

Shun: do you think
this is working?

I can't tell yet.

Oh, emily elizabeth,

I promise never
to play another joke
on you again.

Or on you, shun.

Or on anybody.

Nina, some of your jokes
we're really funny.


They were lots of fun
during wacky wednesday.

You just didn't stop
when wacky wednesday ended.

R-r-ruff! Ruff!


I know. I just got
so excited, and--

And then I ended up
turning poor little
clifford blue.

I'm so sorry,
emily elizabeth.

It's ok, nina.
Let's see how he's doing.

Look! He's my
small red puppy again!

[Laughs, snorts]

Check out the queen
of wacky wednesday.

[Emily elizabeth

I guess I deserved that.


I'll get you a towel.



Well, clifford,
it looks like

You got the biggest
laugh after all.

Arf arf ruff!





what are you doing?

I have a playdate
in the laundry room

With the sidarskis.


I want to share
all my favorite toys,

But if I move them
one by one,

I'll spend the whole playdate
going up and down the stairs.

Oh, how about
if we help?

Sure. If we each
carry a few toys...

They'd all be
in the laundry room
in no time.

That'd be great.

Thanks, guys.

Emily elizabeth:
clifford's friends know

That it's important
to help others,

Because when you
help someone,

You can make their really
big job not so big at all.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today

Is "help others."

Thanks, guys.

Now there's just
one more thing.

Could you help us play
with all these toys?

You bet!

All right!

All right!

