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01x22 - Grooming Gloom/The Letter

Posted: 12/03/23 19:22
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up
to brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff, ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Norville: ok, ok.
So there I was,
flyin' along,

Minding my own business,
of course,

When all of a sudden,

This round
white bird zooms up
right next to me.

Well, who was it?
What did you do?

I said,
"well, hello, there.

"I'm norville.

And who
might you be?"

But this
round white bird
doesn't say a word.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Then zoom!

She drops down
right out of sight.


So I look down.

I see this white bird
just lyin'

In the middle
of a field.

Was she ok?

Clifford, I had
the same question.

So I flew down to
see if I could help.

Norville, that wasn't
a round white bird.

It was a baseball.

Well, excuse me.

Why, a--a baseball?

Well, i--i guess
that could explain

Why she was
so quiet.

Hey, guess what,

I'm going
to the grooming
shop today!

Well, uh,
that's great,

It sure is.

a grooming shop?

it's, you know,

A grooming shop
where you, uh,

You shop
for grooming,
I guess.


Whatever it is,

Nina says
I get to go.

Grooming is just
a fancy word

For keepin'
yourself clean.

Zo and I groom ourselves
all the time.

We lick our fur clean
with our sticky tongues.

Ooh, is that
what I have to do

At the grooming

Of course not.
Only cats can do that.

Dogs probably just
get a fancy bath

With bubbles
and stuff.

A bath?
That's worse than
a sticky tongue!

No, no. Relax there,

I have seen lots
of grooming shops,

And I know
all about them.

This should be good.

First, they
give you a bath.

Well, I guess
that won't be
too bad.

Then they trim
your nails.

Oh, that sounds ok.

Then they clip
your fur off.

clip your fur off?!
That's awful!

One time,
nina's baby cousin

Pulled the fur
on my tail,

And I didn't
like it at all.

Don't listen
to norville, jorge.

They don't have babies
at grooming shops.

Do they, norville?

Well, i--i've seen,
uh, maybe one or two.

Oh! I don't wanna go.

I don't wanna go
to the grooming shop.


Don't worry, jorge.

You don't have
to go to a shop

To get groomed.

We can groom you
right here.

Ok, jorge.
Stand right here.

Your grooming will
begin any minute now.

Hey, what's gonna happen?

What am I waiting for?


Ha ha ha!

Good job!


Ha ha! That should
get him nice and clean.

Hey, look at that!

The little hot dog
is enjoying himself.


Ruff ruff!

[Both barking]

Hey, buddy!

Ruff ruff!



Ok, jorge.

Time for some

Jorge: hey! Whoa!
Wait a second.

Oh, that tickles.
Ho ho ho!


Norville: wow.

I've never seen
anything like it.




What happened to you?

Oh, my goodness.
You're a mess.

I'm gonna call
the grooming shop
right now

And see if we can
get you in early.

This is definitely
a grooming emergency.

Hmm. Some people
just don't appreciate

Cutting-edge fashion.


Oh, now what am I
gonna do?

[Toy squeaks]

Ruff ruff!

Want to help me play

With my squeak
burger, jorge?

no, thanks.

Come and play,

Yeah, you can be
on my team.

Ohh. No, thanks.

Excuse me
there, kids.

I just want to give

This supersize
dog biscuit

To my very good
buddy jorge here.


No, thanks.


The poor guy

Is really worried.

He turned down
a dog biscuit!

I don't wanna goooooo!

Oh, we've got
to help him, guys.

There must be some
way we can keep him

From having to go
to that grooming shop.

I really don't think

It's a big deal
to go there.

He'll be with nina.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

Oh, why does my fur

Have to be neat and clean,

Wait! I have
a big idea!

Maybe if jorge
wore clothes,

Nina wouldn't care
if his fur was
all neat and clean.

She wouldn't even
be able to see it.

That's perfect!

Great idea,

I still think he should
just go to the grooming shop.

But if you guys
want to try this...

All: yes!


Come on, jorge!

We have a plan.

You do?

Are you dressed
yet, jorge?

Um, sort of.

Oh, come on
out there, hot dog.

Do I have to?

All: yes!


Well, here I am.



You look great,

What do you think,

Well, uh,
I like your hat.

Oh, I'm gonna go
and show nina right now.

Ruff ruff!

Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff!

Ha ha! Jorge,
you look adorable.

Hey, it worked!

Nina thinks
he looks adorable.

Aw, you're so cute.

Of course, I'll have to
take all that off

Before we head off
to the grooming shop.


All: ohh.

I came to tell you
that we got your
appointment changed.

We'll be leaving in
just a few minutes.

You sure do
look cute.


Now what
am I gonna do?

There's only one thing
left you can do, pal.

That's right.


What?! No!

You're right, norville.

I'm gonna look for
a hiding place right now.

Norville, what
did you tell him
to do that for?

Daffolooney, I ran
out of ideas, ok?

How about this idea?

We all just make
jorge feel better

About going to
the grooming shop.

But he doesn't
want to go.

Clifford, jorge
doesn't even know

What the grooming
shop is.

I say that
if nina thinks

It's a good place
for him to go,

Then he should go.

Gosh, I didn't
think of that.

Nina would never let
anyone hurt jorge.

We should
tell him that.

But now
he's hiding.

How will
we find him?

Oh, just
leave it to me.

Great hiding place,



Uhh! How about now?


Ohh! It's my tail,
isn't it?

It always give me away.

You know, jorge,
nina really loves you.

Oh, I know that.

She'd never take you
anywhere that wasn't
safe, would she?

No. She takes really
great care of me
all the time.

That's what I thought.

So, maybe taking me
to the grooming shop

Is just another way

That she takes
good care of me?

I think you're on
to something.

Ohh. I'm sure
you're right,

But I still don't
want to go, daffodil.

So what will you do?

Stay out here
and hide forever?

Right through dinner
and breakfast

And lunch and--


You're right.
I can't miss lunch.

You know, maybe
the grooming shop

Won't be so bad
after all.

Nina: jorge, where are you?

Time to go!

Oh, there's nina.
I better go.

Good luck, jorge.




You're welcome, jorge.

There you are, boy.

Time to go.

Ruff ruff!

Oh, poor jorge.

Norville: all we
can do now is wait

And be here for him
when he gets back.

Jorge is gonna be
just fine.

Nina will make sure
of that.

[All snoring]

[Jorge barks]

Ok, everyone,

Now, remember,
we have to be brave

For jorge.

All: right!

Oh, brother.

Hi, everyone.

What happened,
Hi, jorge!

Hey, there,
hot dog.

The grooming shop
is a great place.

had it all wrong.


What a surprise.

Oh, yeah. They treat you
really nice there,

And they give you
a new squeak toy

When you're all done.

That's great!

Norville: I knew
that all the time.

And don't I look

You sure do!


And you smell
good, too.

So nina took
good care of you,

Huh, jorge?

Ah, she sure did,

I can't believe
how worried
I let myself get

When I didn't even know
what a grooming shop was.

Well, you know, it's
like I always say.

You should never jump
to conclusions.

Nina would never
take me anyplace

That wasn't good
for me.

That's why I'm not
a bit worried

About my trip to
the veterinarian tomorrow
for a checkup.

Oh, no!

Not the veterinarian!

Do you know what
happens in there?

All: norville!

Yes, that's my name.

Don't misuse it.

Ah--oh, well...

Well, I don't really
know what happens there,

But if nina thinks
you should go,

Then I'm sure
it's a good idea.

Ruff ruff ruff!


Emily elizabeth:

Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok, pick one out.

Ha ha! Thanks,

This looks
like a great story.

Today's story

Is "speckle
and the pen pals."

Early one afternoon,

Luna went to check her mailbox.

Luna said
she loved getting mail,

But hadn't gotten any letters
in a long time.

None of them had gotten
a letter of their own

In a long time either.

Then speckle said he knew

How they could all get mail.

They could write letters
to each other.

Luna wrote about the apple tree
in her backyard

And the day it blossomed
with flowers.

Reba wrote about
her last basketball game

And how she scored
the winning point.

Darnell and ravi wrote
about the great new books

They checked out
from the library.

And speckle wrote a letter
that was all pictures,

Drawings of every one
of his favorite activities.

Soon, luna's mailbox
was filled with letters

And so were everyone else's,

And they enjoyed reading

And sharing
their very own letters

With all of their friends.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


What do you think,

I like
the flowered ones.

Ruff ruff ruff!

But the black ones
are cool, too.

Ruff ruff!

They have to be
just right.

After all,
it isn't every day

That you get to see
a pogo stick's concert.


Clifford, they're
upside down!

Ruff ruff!

Silly puppy.

It's evan.

See you after
the concert, mom.

Ok, honey.
Have fun!

Hey, guys.

Hi, evan.

I like your shirt.

And I like
your shades.

Thanks. Clifford
helped me pick them out.

It's great that
the concert is outside

So that dogs
can come, too.

Clifford, are you ready

For one of the most
incredible music

Of your life?

Ruff ruff ruff!

Hi, mr. Solomon.


Hi, kids.

Your cold sounds
a lot worse

Than it did

Yes, I don't
feel too well,

But I have to
put this letter
in the mail today.

Why don't we
mail it for you.

That's a great idea.

We're going out,

Evan and I are
going to the park

To see
the pogo sticks.

They're a rock band
from europe.

Ha ha! Yes, evan.

Even I know
who the pogo sticks are.

They're famous.

Well, there's no trouble
taking your letter.

There's a mailbox
right outside the park.

Oh, thanks,

But this letter
needs a stamp.

I have to take it to--


Post office.

Mr. Solomon,
we can take it.

We have plenty of time
to mail your letter

And get
our tickets, too.


Here's some change
for the stamp.

It's so nice
of you kids

To do this for me.

Oh, no problem.

Next stop
post office.

Then it's concert
here we come!


Looks like mr. Meyen
could use some help.

He's having trouble
with that banner.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh.

He'll never reach.


Hey, mr. Meyen,
need a hand?

I sure do.

Maybe if we each
take one side.

I'll stand back
and tell you

When it's straight.

Hey, where's clifford?


Whoa! Catch him!


What's he doing?

Ha ha! I think
he wants a ride.

Ruff ruff! Ruff ruff!

What do you say,
mr. Meyen?

Ha ha ha.

Ok, but carefully.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ha ha ha.

Boy, clifford's
having a great day.

First, a ride,
then a concert.

Right, the concert!

We have to get going.

Is it straight,
emily elizabeth?

A little higher, evan.

That looks just right.


Careful, clifford.

Oh, I'm so sorry,
mr. Meyen.

That's ok. It happens
all the time.

There we go.


Now where
did that puppy go?

Both: ha ha ha!

Clifford, what would
we do without you?

We'd better get going

If we're gonna mail
mr. Solomon's letter

Before the concert.

Thanks for all
your help, kids.

No problem.

Next stop
post office.

Then it's concert
here we come!

Woman: no, no, no!
Oh, come back, y'all!

Oh, no! What'll I do?
What'll I do?

Next stop pet shop?

Sounds like we better.


Quick! The door!

Please, shut the door.

There are bunnies

[Both gasp]

Hi there,
little bunny.

Ok, mr. Bunny,
come with me.

The baby's missing!

Oh, she's just
a wee little thing.

She's only this big.


Ruff ruff ruff!


Ruff ruff!

Oh, look.
Clifford found her.

Ruff ruff!

Thank you, clifford.

Thank you all.

I don't know what
I would have done

If you hadn't
come along.

I've got to be somewhere
in a few minutes.

[Both gasp]

So do we.

Oh, well,
thanks again.

No problem.

Let's go,
emily elizabeth.

Next stop post office.

Then it's concert
here we--

Sorry, folks.

I'm sorry, folks,

But I don't
understand what
you're saying.

They seem lost.

Let's see what
the deal is.

You guys
need some help?

Well, this group here
is from out of town,

And they're lost,

But I can't figure out

Where it is
they need to go.

Well, maybe I can help.

Let me see the map.

The fountain.

Are you trying
to find the fountain?

That's right
near the park

Where the concert is.

Oh, so that's what you
were trying to ask me.

Well, come on,
I'll walk you over.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Oh, it was
no problem.

Come on,
emily elizabeth.

Next stop post office.

Then it's concert
here we come!

Oh, no!

Let's get in line.



Ha ha ha.


Where did you go?

I'm sorry.

We can't mail anything
with a tail.

Ruff ruff!


there you are!

Emily elizabeth,
we're next.

One stamp, please.

Excuse me,

We'd like tickets.

I'm sorry. We just
sold the last 2.

You're sold-out?

Oh, no!

I can't believe it.

We've been
looking forward

To this concert

They're letting
people in now.

That could have
been us.

I guess we just
didn't make it in time.

I know,

But we'll probably
never get another chance

To see the pogo sticks
play in concert.

But we did help
a lot of people today.

[Crowd shouting]

Look! It's
the pogo sticks!

Get a good look,

'Cause that's
about as close

As we're ever
gonna get.

Ruff ruff ruff!

What is it, boy?

Ruff ruff!

I remember
those sunglasses.

It's them,

The people we helped
find the fountain!

They were
the pogo sticks!

Do you think
he remembers us?

I think he might,

And he probably
remembers clifford, too.

Hey, the pogo sticks
asked me to give these to you.

What? For us?

Enjoy the show.


Front row seats!

No way!

Thank you!

We love you!

Come on, let's
get our seats.

Wow! This is awesome!

I can't believe
we're up so close!

Ruff ruff! Ruff ruff!

Hey, kids.

Oh, hey, mr. Meyen.

Are you here
for the concert, too?

You bet, and thanks
to you two,

I made it on time.

You kids hungry?

Help yourselves.


I brought lots of them
from my store.

Thanks so much!

I just wish I had
something for clifford.

Oh, now, y'all,
don't worry. I do.

What a cute dog!

Well, thank you.

I always carry
snacks for him.

Here, take some
for clifford.


Oh, no problem.

It feels good
to help your friends.

It really does.

Hey, so you guys ready
to rock and roll?

Ruff ruff! Ruff ruff ruff!


Well, here we go!

[Band playing]

Crowd: pogo sticks!
Pogo sticks!


Ruff ruff! Ruff ruff!


[All laughing]

Ha ha! Can't get me!

Zo: ow!

Oh, zo,

Are you ok?

What happened?

I just stubbed my toe,
that's all.

It's not really hurt
or anything.

It's just a little bit sore.

But I don't really feel
like running anymore.

You guys go ahead
and play without me.

Emily elizabeth:
sometimes the best way
you can help a friend

Is to be kind,

And that means
being considerate

Of their feelings.

Wait a minute!
I got a big idea!

Instead of playing tag,

What do you say
we tell stories?

That way everyone
can join in,

Even zo.

What a great idea!

Thanks, clifford.

I'm really happy
you found a way
to include me.

Emily elizabeth: when you
take the time to be kind,

You can help a friend
feel better.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today

Is be kind.

Ok, I got one.
Once upon a time...

Oh, I love it

When they start
like that.

All: ha ha ha!