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01x21 - Moving On/Fair is Fair

Posted: 12/03/23 19:21
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before
this day's through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is
up to brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

Ok, clifford,

Time to make room
for the laundry.

Ruff! Ruff!






Mr. Sidarsky?
Mrs. Sidarsky?

Anybody home?

Mr. Sidarsky: oh!
Come on in, clifford.


[Clock ticking]


Hey, mr. Sidarsky,
what's going on?

Oh, nothing, clifford.

We're just moving out.

Moving out?

Honey, do you want to keep
this old lint collection?

It's getting pretty fuzzy.

Of course!

That is going to be
very valuable some day.

But why are
you moving?

Don't you
like it here?

Oh, yes. Of course
we like it, clifford.

We've been here
a long time,

But the kids
are getting bigger,

And there's
our new baby.

He'll be needing
his own sock

To sleep in soon.

We just need more space,
that's all.

Gee, I'm sure
gonna miss you guys.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, don't worry,

We're just moving
around the corner.


Ha ha ha!

That is our new home
right over there.

Clifford: oh!

That's great!

So we are busy
packing up

All of our things.

And, boy,
over the years,

We sure
have collected

a bit of stuff.

move or no move,

This little mouse
is due for a nap.

Mrs. Sidarsky:
there we go.


Clifford: wow.

The baby fell asleep
right away.

Oh, yes.

The family clock
can lull the crankiest
baby to sleep.

It's helped
all of our kids

Take their naps.

Ah, we found
the clock

In the laundry room
years ago.

Now it is like
part of the family.

how much trouble we had

Moving it in here?

And you were
a much younger mouse then.

That's true.


You know, it could
be a big problem

Moving it
into our new house.

We might have
to leave it here.

Oh, dear.

How will the baby
get to sleep

Without the tick-tock
of his favorite clock?

Hey, I have
a big idea.

Why don't
I help you
move the clock?

You, clifford?



It's a cinch.

Oh, that's

Emily elizabeth:

Come on,
it's time for lunch!


Gee, I have to go,
but don't worry.

I'll be back
right after lunch

To help you
move the clock.

Oh, thank you,

Come on, silly.

Ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

Don't eat so fast,

You'll give yourself
a tummy ache.



Emily elizabeth is right.

I shouldn't eat so fast.

But I have to help
the sidarskys

Move that clock.


Gotta go.
Gotta go.
Gotta go.

Gotta go.

Oh! Whoops!

Clifford, please watch
where you're going.

Oh, sorry, daffodil.

what are you doing?

Nothing much.
Just hopping around

On emily elizabeth's
hopscotch mat.

Wow, daffodil!

a great hopscotcher.

Oh, that's nothing.

Ha ha! Ok.



Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha.

Hey, not bad
for a beginner.

But if you want
to be really good,

You have to practice.

It can take
a lot of time.


Oh, the clock!

I have to help the sidarskys
move their clock.

Gotta go!


Gotta go.
Gotta go.

Gotta go.


[Both cats laugh]

Sorry, clifford.

We were playing with
the ball of yarn...

And it kind of
got away from us.

Oh, that's ok.

You want to play
with us, clifford?

Oh, sure!

Ha ha ha!
All right!

Heads up, zo!

Coming to you,

I got it! Uhh!

Wow, you really
clocked that one,

Clocked? Clocked?!

Oh, clock!

I have to help the sidarskys
move their clock.

Gotta go!

I'll get
the ball of yarn.

No, I'll get
the ball of yarn.


Gotta go.
Gotta go.
Gotta go.


That sounded
like jorge's growl.


it definitely is.

Oh, I hope
he's not in trouble.



Oh, he's outside.
Don't worry!

I'm coming!


Jorge: ruff!


Hiya, jorge.


I heard you growling.

I thought
you were in trouble.

Oh, no, buddy.

I'm just playing
with my rope toy.

Hey, you want
to join me?

It's great for
playing tug of w*r.


Jorge: ok,
you grab one end...

And I'll grab
the other end.

[Both growling]


Good move, amigo!



Oh, I have
to help the sidarskys

Move their clock.

Gotta go!

Oh, ok.

Gotta go. Gotta go.

Gotta go.

[Children shouting]

Oh. Huh.

They must've already
moved without me.

I've got it!

It's ok, sweet pea.
It's ok.

Ok, calm down.
Stop running, please.

There, there.
Now, shh.


Gee, mrs. Sidarsky,
what's wrong?

Oh, the baby
just won't settle down

For his nap, clifford.

And if
the baby's crying,

None of the other children
can nap either.

Oh, it's because
the family clock isn't here,

And the baby
won't go to sleep

Without the tick-tock
of the family clock.

Oh, this is all my fault,
mrs. Sidarsky.

I said I would help
you move the clock,

And I didn't.

Now everything's a mess.

I'm sorry.

Oh, that's
all right, clifford.

No, it's not.

Oh, I let
everybody down.

Well, clifford,
it's not too late

To help, you know.

It's not?
Well, what can I do?

You could go over
to the old mouse hole

And help mr. Sidarsky
move the clock.

That would
solve everything.

Ok, I will.

Gotta go.
Gotta go.
Gotta go.


Maybe if
I lift here--

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!


Mr. Sidarsky.

Oh, clifford.

Oh, boy, am I glad
you are here.

Thank you
for coming back.

Aw, don't thank me.

I was supposed to be
here a lot earlier.

I'm really sorry.

I should've
kept my mind
on helping you move,

I kept forgetting.

Oh, that is ok,

I forget things, too.

The important thing is
that you're here now.

Here, let me
help you.


Mr. Sidarsky:
thank you, clifford.



Oh, that clock
did the trick, clifford.

You saved the day.

come on.

Let me show you
around our new home.

Gee, the place
really looks great.

Oh, yes.

It is a big step
up for us.

Lots more room.
Not as drafty.

Plenty of closet space.

All in all,

Just the perfect
mouse house.

Well, I wish you
the best of luck

In your new home.

Oh, we don't
need luck, clifford.

Not when we have
friends like you.

Ha ha ha ha!


Emily elizabeth:

Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok, pick one out.

Ha ha ha.
Thanks, clifford.

This looks
like a great story.

[Toy squeaks]

Emily elizabeth:
today's story is

"Speckle and the vacation
for everyone."

When speckle returned
from his vacation,

He invited
all of his friends

To his house
to see a movie he had made

Just for them.

They watched speckle
play on a sandy beach

Where he found
a fabulous sea shell

That he brought back
for reba.

And when he learned
how to dance

On a tropical island,

He saved the flower
necklace for luna.

They saw speckle explore
a deep green forest

And pick up a pine cone
just for ravi,

Then climb to
the very top of a mountain

Where he spotted
a sparkling stone,

Perfect for
darnell's collection.

Seeing the wonderful sights

And having
their very own souvenirs,

Reba, ravi, luna,
and darnell felt

Like they had been
on speckle's vacation, too,

And they all had
a wonderful time.

The end.

I love
reading stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such
a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


Oh, I can't wait for
the book fair tomorrow.

Emily elizabeth: I know.
It's gonna be so much fun!

Just think,
emily elizabeth.

We're actually
going to meet
marjorie maxwell,

The author of
the "sarah solver"

This must
be her booth!

I really
love her books.

She's going to have copies
of her newest book,

"Sarah solver
saves the day."

We're definitely
gonna be there for that.

Hey, guys.

Emily: hi!

What are you doing?

We're helping
mr. Solomon set up

The storyteller's pavilion.

Hi, girls.

hi, mr. Solomon.

Here's the backdrop.

Oh, this
will look great.

What's the storyteller's

It's for kids
to come and listen

To volunteers
reading stories.

That sounds so cool!

That's where
the kids will sit.

And this is
where evan and I

Are gonna read
the stories.

You two get
to be storytellers?

You bet.

Isn't that cool?

If you two
are interested,

We're still looking
for more volunteers.

I'd love to be
a storyteller.

Me, too!
Me, too!

But it can't be
when marjorie maxwell's

Signing "sarah solver"books
at her booth.


We really want
to meet her.

No problem.

She's signing
in the afternoon.

If you two
read in the morning,

You'll still have
plenty of time.


What do we
need to do?

Just pick out
some of your favorite

Picture books to read
to the younger kids.

Well, that shouldn't
be too hard.

Ohh, this is so hard.

There are so many
good books, clifford.

I don't know which ones
I should choose.



[Doorbell rings]

Nina: you've
gotta help me.

I can't figure out
which books to pick.

I know.
It's so hard.

Come on in.


It's me.

Let me guess.

You're having trouble
picking which books

To read at the fair.

How did you know?

Lucky guess.

Why don't you put them
over by nina's stack?


Can you guys
help me...


pick out the books to read?

Come on in.

Whoa. Whoa.

Looks like we've got
enough to choose from.

[All laugh]

Here's one
that mr. Solomon wrote.

"Flo and zo
can't say no."

Oh, that's the one
about the cookies.

I like that one.
It's funny.

Mm-hmm. We should
definitely bring it.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

How about
"ducky days takes a bath"?

Oh, I love ducky days.

♪ Rub a dub dub
in the tub a tub tub ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub
in the tub a tub tub ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub
in the tub a tub-- ♪

I mean, I read that
a long time ago,

But I think
the younger kids
will really like it.

Well, if you remember it
that well,

I think
we should include it.

Oh, what's this?

"The amazing adventures
of clifford

The courageous canine."

Ruff ruff ruff!

the courageous canine."

Those are stories
that I make up

With clifford.

We pretend
he's a superhero

With a special
utility collar and cape.

Ha ha ha!
That sounds neat.

It is.

The stories are
lots of fun to make up.

the courageous canine,

I'm lost in the woods

And a squirrel just ate
my last granola bar.

Come rescue me!

Oh, thank you, clifford.

You really are
a courageous canine.

Ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

[All laugh]

Should we bring it?

Well, it's not
really finished yet.

Ok, it looks
like we've got enough

For the book fair anyway.

Oh, this is going
to be so much fun.

Ruff ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

[Playing jazz music]

[Excited chatter]

Look how many people
are here.

Here's a schedule.

We have enough books
to last until noon.

Which is when evan
and shun will arrive

With the next batch.

And then we'll go
see marjorie maxwell

And get the new
"sarah solver"
mystery book.

Oh, and we brought
you two some snacks

So that
you don't get hungry.

Ok, who's ready
for story time?

All: me!

And flo looked up
at the baker...

"Would you like
another cookie?"

Asked the baker.

And even though
she was full,

Flo just
couldn't say no.

The end.

[All laugh]

And as ducky days
finally got clean,

He sang...

All: ♪ rub a dub dub
in a tub a tub tub ♪

The end.

Great job, guys.

Did you
like the story?

All: yeah!

So did i.

what's next?


We're all
out of books.

All: more!

We can't be.

We had enough books
to last until noon.

It is noon.

Children: more!

Where are
evan and shun?

They were supposed
to be here by now.

I'm sure they'll
be here any minute.

If they're not,

I'll miss
marjorie maxwell's

New "sarah solver"
mystery book.

I know.

And there's
another problem.


They're waiting
for more stories,

And we've already
read all of these.

Oh, no!

Well, can we re-read
some of them?

already heard them.

Ohh. How could
evan and shun

Do this to us?

more! More! More!

Where are
evan and shun?

They're so late!

Well, I'm sure
they have a good reason.

Maybe, but
I'm still missing

The "sarah solver"
mystery presentation.


That's not
our only problem.

The kids look
really bored.

I know, but what
are we gonna do?

We don't have
any more books
to read.


Ha ha ha.
Silly puppy.

You look just like
clifford the courageous canine.

That's it!

What's it?

the courageous canine."

We'll tell them
those stories.

But we left the book
at home, remember?

Yes, but where
did you and clifford

Get the story ideas
in the first place?

Well, we just
used our imaginations

And made them up.

Oh! Hey!

We can do that now.

Who can help us?

All: clifford
the courageous canine!

Children: yay!

Ruff ruff!

And don't forget
your sidekick,

Heroic jorge!

Children: yay!

the courageous canine!


We are so sorry.

Where have you been?

We had to help
mr. Solomon.

One of the wheels
on my wheelchair broke.

Evan and shun helped me
back to my apartment

So I could fix it.

We figured you
had a good excuse.

You two should hurry up

And go get
the "sarah solver"book.

It's too late.

It's already over.

I'm really,
really sorry, nina.

I hope
you're not mad at us.

Of course not.
I am disappointed, though.

I really wanted
to meet marjorie maxwell.

Well, I'm pretty proud
of you girls.

You could have
just left these kids,

But you didn't.

That showed
a lot of responsibility.

Ha ha ha.

I just wanted
to tell you two

That my son and I
have had the best time

Listening to you tell
those clifford stories.


We had a fun time
telling them.

Did you make them
up yourselves?

Because I write
stories, too,

Mostly mysteries.

Oh, mysteries
are my favorite!

Have you read those
"sarah solver"mysteries?

Marjorie maxwell
is the best!

Well, thank you.

It's always nice to meet
one of my readers.

Wait. You're
marjorie maxwell?

I'm your number-one fan!

You know,
I have a new book called

"Sarah solver
saves the day."

I know! I know!

I was hoping
to get a copy of it

This afternoon, but...

I guess
they're all gone now.

Well, I have
a few extra copies

If you're

Are you kidding?
We're very interested.

No problem.
But, first,

I think you've got
some of your own fans

Waiting to meet you.

We do?

the courageous canine!

We'd better get back.

Come on.
You can help us, too.

We need
another big problem

For clifford
the courageous canine
to solve.

There's a man
named mr. Solomon...

And the wheel
on his wheelchair breaks.

Oh, no!

This sounds
like a job

the courageous canine!


Children: jorge!


Uhh. Uhh.

what are you doing?

I have a play date
in the laundry room

With the sidarskys.

Uhh. Uhh.

I want to show them
my favorite toys,

But if I move them
one by one,

I'll spend
the whole play date

Going up and down
the stairs.

Oh. How about
if we help?

Sure. If we each
carry a few toys...

They'll all be
in the laundry room
in no time.

That'd be great.
Thanks, guys.

Emily elizabeth:
clifford's friends know

That it's important
to help others.

Because when
you help someone,

You can make
their really big job

Not so big at all.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today

Is help others.

Thanks, guys.

Now there's
just one more thing.

Could you help us
play with all these toys?

You bet.

All right!

All right!
