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01x18 - A Promise is a Promise/Share & Share Alike

Posted: 12/03/23 19:18
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Well, hello, there,
little snail.

Wow! What a beautiful
butterfly you are!

And such
a giant ladybug.

A giant ladybug!

Hiya, norville.

Aah! Ahh!
It knows my name!

There's my new


Thanks for guarding
it for me, clifford.

Ruff ruff!

Evan, want to see
all my new skateboard


Hey, there,
little red.

Hiya, norville.

I'm sorry
I scared you with
the ladybug helmet.


Are you kidding me?

Oh! I knew it was you
all the time.

Hey, you know
emily elizabeth

Got her first
skateboard today

With a helmet
and knee pads,
and elbow pads,


That's her
new skateboard
under the bench.

I better take it
to her right away.

I got all this cool
safety equipment,

And a new helmet,
and this great book
called "how to skateboard."

It probably
can't teach me

As much about skateboarding
as you could,

But it's a start.

Wow! This stuff
is great,
emily elizabeth,

But where's
your board?

My board? Oh!

Right there.

Ha ha! Hey, lookin'
good, clifford.

Ruff ruff!

He's better
than I am.

I haven't even
gotten on it yet.

You know, the first
time you do get
on your skateboard

Is really important.
You want
to do it right.

I sure do!

Hey, emily elizabeth,
would you like me
to teach you?

Would you do that?


I can't today,
because I'm meeting
some friends

To play basketball,

But how about
after school?

That'd be great!

We can meet here,
then we can go
to the park

Where there's
lots of room.

Ok. I'll meet you
right here.


Now, remember,
your first time
on the board

Is really important,
so don't start
without me.

Oh, I won't!
I promise.

Wow! Evan is so cool!

Ruff ruff!

Oh, clifford,

I've been thinking
about skateboarding
all day.

Evan will be here
really soon

To teach me
how to be the best
skateboarder ever.

Ruff ruff! Ruff!



Oh, now,
don't worry, clifford.

I'm sure evan
will be here
any minute now.

He promised.

Oh, evan!

Where are you?
Where are you?

Hiya, norville.

Aah! A giant beetle!

No! It's just me,

Of course it is.

I knew that.
Hey, what's up, pup?

You look kind of sad.

Well, evan promised
to give emily elizabeth

A skateboarding lesson
but he isn't here,

And now emily elizabeth
is really disappointed.

Oh, well, I hate
to be the bearer
of bad news,

But I just saw evan
playing basketball
over at the park.

You did?

Hey, clifford!
How's it going,
emily elizabeth?

Emily elizabeth!

Oh, wow.

I totally forgot
that we had plans.

You did?

Well, yes,

But bill mazer
asked me to play
basketball with him

Today after school.

He's captain of
the school's team,

And he's never asked
me to play before.

I guess I thought
it was so cool
that he asked me,

That i, um...
Forgot about
our plans.

I'm sorry.

Mmm. Well,
that's ok.

I guess I can just
practice skateboarding
by myself.

No! I'm going
to teach you.

I promise.
Tomorrow for sure!

All right?
All right.

All right! Meet me
here tomorrow
after school,

And we'll go
to the park.



[Both laugh]

[Children laughing
and chattering]

Wow! Look at
all the great tricks

You can do
on a skateboard!

It's a blast,
emily elizabeth.

Watch this.

Oh, that is
so cool, evan.

Can you teach me
to do some of
those tricks?

Sure. But first, you have
to get the basics down,

And that takes time, patience,
and lots of practice.

I'm ready.

We'll start slowly,

Just cruising
down the sidewalk

With all 4 wheels
on the ground.

Oh, now, this is
more like it, pup.

looks happy today.

Emily elizabeth:

Oh, emily elizabeth!

Don't worry.
I've got you.

Whew. Thanks, evan.
That was close.

Oh, today's
a great day, norville.

Emily elizabeth's first
skateboarding lesson
with evan

Is going really well.

Ruff ruff!

You're doing great.
Ruff ruff!

Keep on going.
You can do it.

Hey, evan! Evan taylor!

Hold on,
emily elizabeth.

Someone's calling me.

Evan, over here!

Hey, bill!
It's bill!

Bill mazer!

I sure could use another
good player on my team today.

Wow. Did you hear that,
emily elizabeth?

He called me
a good player.


This is not good.

Oh, don't worry,

Evan wouldn't
leave emily elizabeth

Right in the middle of
their skateboarding lesson.

I hope you're right,
little red.

So, evan, how about it?

Are you ready
to sh**t some hoops?

I'll be right there.



Oh, it's ok
with you, isn't it,
emily elizabeth?

I mean, you and clifford
can watch us play.

It'll be fun. Bill's
such an amazing player.


I guess.


We'll do some more
skateboarding tomorrow.

I promise!

Hey, I didn't know
you could skateboard.

Sure. I love it.

I've never tried.

Maybe you could show me
how to do it sometime.


Any time.


I guess I'll have to
wait to learn how to
skateboard, clifford.

Evan's too busy
to teach me today.


Hey! I don't need
to wait for evan.

I can teach myself
how to skateboard.

The ollie
is a basic jump

Performed by
tapping the tail
of the skateboard

On the ground.

Push off slowly
with your front foot

In the middle
of the board

And your back foot
on the tail.

Bend your knees
a little,

And then kick
your back foot down.

Ok, clifford. You heard
what the book said.


Front foot in the middle
of the board,

Back foot on the tail,

Bend your knees.

Ruff ruff! Ruff!

I'm going to try
the ollie now, clifford!

Here I go!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Ah! Ah! Unh.


Ruff ruff!
I'm ok, clifford.

Like it says
in the book,

Every skater
needs to work hard
and learn the basics.

Falling is just
part of learning.

And I have a feeling
I'm going to be
learning a lot.

I think I'll practice
that ollie again.

Evan: clifford! Beep beep!

Hey! Wait up! Wait!



I'm sorry
I surprised you.

Are you ok?

Oh, I'm fine.

It's just part of learning
to skateboard, you know?

You should have stayed
and watched our basketball
game, emily elizabeth.

It was great!

I'm glad you had fun, evan.

But I really wanted to
practice my skateboarding.

Hey! What about our lesson?

I thought I was gonna teach you
how to skateboard.

I thought so, too.

Uh...are you mad at me?

You promised to teach me
how to skateboard, evan.

But every time
bill comes along,

You go
and play basketball
with him instead,


It really hurts
my feelings.

Wow. I'm really sorry,
emily elizabeth.

I guess I got
kind of carried away.

I mean, bill mazer
is so cool.

Well, I think
you'reso cool, evan.

You do?

Well, sure.

Heh. You know, I guess
everyone looks up to somebody.

Just never thought
that somebody would be me.

Ok. I promised to
skateboard with you,

And it wasn't right for me
to change plans like that.

Even for bill mazer.

I'm really sorry.
All right?


Now, how about I show you
a few pointers on your board?

Sounds great.

Looks like evan's
teaching emily elizabeth

How to skateboard
after all.

Well, of course he is.
He promised.

Oh, no!

Here comes trouble.

Hey, come on, pup.
Let's go check it out.

Hey, evan, how about
showing me how to do
that skateboarding thing

You do so well?

Sure. I'd love to.

Some other time.

Right now I'm
teaching my friend
emily elizabeth.

Oh, uh, that's cool.

Well, we could
learn together.

Oh, are you sure?

Sure. Heh.

I don't like falling down
all by myself, you know.

Well, all right,

Everyone on board?

Here we go!

Keep going. You're
doing great, guys.

whoa! Whoa!

[Clifford barking]

[Barking and laughter continue]


Emily elizabeth:
clifford! Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read a story, clifford?


Pick one out.

Heh. Thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.

[Toy squeaks]

Today's story is "speckle
and the surprising story."

Speckle and his friends
were gathered around

Listening to speckle
tell a brand-new story.

It was about brave explorers
searching for buried treasure.

But just as speckle reached the
most exciting part of the story,

He said it was ravi's turn
to tell what happened next.

Ravi thought for a moment,

Then said, "the explorers found
a mysterious blue door."

What was behind it?

Reba said the door opened
to a secret tunnel

That led to the very top
of a tall mountain...

Where they went sliding
on a supercharged sled

All the way down to...

A circus, said darnell.

As the day went on, speckle,
ravi, reba, luna, and darnell

All took turns creating
a truly surprising story,

Which was so much fun

Because the whole g*ng
created it together.

The end.

I love reading stories together.


You know, clifford,
for such a small dog,

You sure are a big reader.


Ok, this is really exciting,
and we need everybody's help.

The community center
which my mom runs

Is collecting books
for their library.

Yes, shun?

What kind of books?

The community center
is looking for...

Books on any subject.

Now, whoever collects
the most books by monday

Will receive
this full 12-volume set

Of my favorite books,

The sarah solver

[All chattering]

I love those.

Uh, they're
my favorite, too.

You can collect books
by yourself or work
in teams.

But be sure and take
a grown-up with you.

[Bell ringing]
[students cheering]

Oh, and one last thing.

The books should be
either new or
gently used.

Nina, what does it mean,
gently used?

Well, you know, books
that have been read,

But they're still
in good shape.

[Dogs growling]

[Both barking]

I'm thinking that jorge's toy
is not gently used.

Heh heh.

Ok, team. Now...

We have a map
of the neighborhood

And all the places we
can go to collect books.

I have a wagon we can use.

And my dad said
he'd go with us.

Oh, that's great.

We can start by asking
people in our apartment
building for books,

And then we can go all
around the neighborhood.

Wow, nina!

This map is

I'll bet we'll
get a lot of books.

Maybe we'll even
collect the most books.

Oh, I hope so.

I really want to
win that collection of
sarah solver mysteries.

But come on. Let's
put these fliers up
around the building.

That way,
everybody will know

We're going to be
collecting books
tomorrow morning.

[Stuffy nose]
oh, I'm sorry, you guys.

I can't go with you today.

I woke up with a...
A really...terrible...


Cold. And my mom says
I should stay home and rest.

Oh, I'm sorry
you're not feeling
well, nina.

Oh, me, too. I really wanted
to go with you guys.

But since I can't, here's
a small copy of the map.

I made it last night

Because I thought it would
be easier to carry.

Thanks, nina.

And here's some juice boxes
and snacks my mom packed

In case we get--i mean,
you guys get hungry.

Wow, nina.
That's really nice.

And here's some sun block
and an umbrella,

Because you never know what
the weather is gonna be like,

And a compass
in case you get lost.

Do you need anything else?

Gee, nina, I didn't know
we needed all this stuff.


Is there anything
we can do for you?

Would you mind
taking jorge with you?

I think he'd like to go.

[Both barking]

Of course.
We can take jorge.

That way you can
get some rest,

And clifford can
have some company,
right, guys?

[Both barking]

Well, we better
get going.

Feel better, nina.




According to nina's map,

Evan's apartment
is our first stop.

[Both barking]

Here. You can take
all these books.

"Soccer and you."

"Learning to
skateboard the
really easy way."

these are great.

I read a lot of books about
sports when I was learning
to play the games.

"10 Tips for tennis.'

I didn't know
you played tennis, evan.

I don't.

I gave it a shot,
but I like basketball
a lot better.

Hey, that reminds me.

I've got something else
to give you.

For the library?

No, for clifford
and jorge.

Two tennis balls,
gently used.

[Both barking]

Here you go, guys.

[Russian accent]
here you go.

"How to teach your dog
circus tricks."

Oh. That's is
one of trixie's and
my favorite books.

Isn't it, trixie?

Arf! Arf! Arf!

I read this book
when trixie was
just a little puppy.

She learned every
trick by heart.

Heh. Let's show them
the big ball trick.


Hey, that's
a great trick!

It sure is.

and panting]

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

I think clifford
wants to try it.

Ok, clifford.

But it's a little
trickier than it
looks. Heh heh.

Ruff ruff!

Watch out, clifford!


[Both barking]

oh, boy.

It looks like
they both want to be
in the circus, mrs. Z!

Oh, then I think
we have just the
right thing

For clifford
and jorge,
right, trixie?

Arf arf arf!

Arf arf arf!

Clifford, you and
jorge look great

In your new
circus hats.

[Both barking]

So, kids, where are
we off to next?

It looks like
mr. Solomon's studio

Should be
the next stop.

wow, all of this
book collecting

Is making me hungry.

I could
really use a snack.

Well, I guess we could
stop upstairs--

wait a minute!

We have the snacks
nina gave us.

We could have those.

Great! That'll
save a lot of time.

Well, sure, kids, I
have a lot of books
you can have.

I saw your fliers,
so I've got them all
ready right here.

"Flo and zo in the snow"!

Mr. Solomon, this is one
of the books you wrote,

And it's brand-new!

Yes, and I'm going to
sign all these books

For the community
center library.

Wow! Thanks, mr. Solomon!

Ruff ruff! Ruff!



You know,
clifford and jorge
have given me an idea.


You know,
I think my next book

Will be about two dogs
who join the circus.

That would be awesome!

Hey, clifford! Jorge!

You're going to be
in a new book!

You'll be famous.


Thank you, mr. Solomon!

You're welcome,
and good luck.

Look! It's all
your old abc books!

Thanks, vanessa!

Thank you.

without trying."

The library
can have a whole
tie-dyeing section.

[Southern accent]
here you are, shun.

Wow, look at these,
emily elizabeth!

Puppies, rabbits,

There's even
one on sea horses!

I'll be checking that
out of the library


And here's something
for your little

Ruff ruff ruff!

[Rain falling]

Oh, no! Look!
It's starting to rain.

All of our books
are going to get
wet and ruined.

Great thinking, guys.
We can use the umbrella
that nina packed for us.


Do you think we'll win
the sarah solver

I think we're definitely
in the running.

On behalf of the
community center,

I'd like to thank
everyone who collected
books for the library

And announce the winner
of the full set of
sarah solver mysteries.

The most books
were collected by...

Emily elizabeth
and shun!

[Cheering and applause]

We did it!

you two.

"Sarah solver and the mystery
of moose creek mountain."

Oh, that's one of
my favorites!

Sarah solver gets stuck
up on a mountain,

Has to live on trail mix
until they rescue her.

"Sarah solver and
they mystery of the
misty lake mansion."

Oh! That's a great one, too!

I read it 6 times.

I'm gonna go get us
some punch,

And then I'll tell you
guys the whole story.

You know what, shun?


We never would have collected
all those books without nina.

What do you mean?

Well, she drew the map...

And she gave us
those snacks...

And the umbrella...

You know,
you're right.

She really
deserves the prize
as much as we do.

Let's share the set with her.

So since
we'd never have won

The sarah solver mysteries
without all of your help...

You should share them
with us.

Oh! Thanks, guys!

I know just what I'm
gonna do with mine.


Well, I love
the sarah solver
mysteries so much,

I'll bet there are
other kids who'd
love to read them.



I'm gonna give
my 4 books

To the community
center library.

Any time I want to
read them, I can just
sign them out.

That way, a lot of other
kids will be able to
read them, too.

That's a great
idea, nina.

I want to give my books
to the library, too.

Me, too.

So, let's see. 152 Books
plus 12 books equals


That's great, kids.

Hey, that
reminds me.

I have something to
give the community
center, too.


Jorge! Clifford!

We've got a surprise
for you!

It's the cover
of my next book,

"The amazing adventures
of the super circus

[Both barking]


Now, that's
a book I can't
wait to read!

[Laughter and barking]



Emily elizabeth: having
toys is a lot of fun,

And they're even more
fun when you share them
with your friends.

Hey, jorge!
Wanna play?

Oh, but that's
your brand-new ball.

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

I can't play catch
by myself!

All right!

Flo, zo, come on!
We're playing catch
with my new ball!

Oh, yay! Whee!




Heh heh. Now, this
is what I call fun!

Emily elizabeth: clifford
and I know that playing
is a lot more fun

When we share
with our friends.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on today

Is share.
