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01x12 - Sing A Song Norville/Tell Me A Tale

Posted: 12/03/23 19:12
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Clifford: ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Heh heh! Clifford,
you sure have
a big appetite

For a such
a small dog.

Wake up, daffodil.

I brought you a nice
juicy carrot.


Ok, sleepy rabbit.
I've gotta get ready
for school.

Good morning there,
little red.

Hiya, norville!

Is this a lovely
day or what?

The sun is shinning.
The birds are singing.

I wish I could
sing like a bird.

Oh, yeah, me too.

But you are
a bird, norville.

Yeah, but I'm not
a songbird.

the difference

If you like to sing
and it makes you
feel good?

[Worried chirping]


Heh heh heh!

Hey, do you really
think so there, pup?

Sure I do.
Who cares if you're
not a songbird?

If you like to sing,
you should sing.

Ok then! Here I go!

You know, but you know,

I don't know
that many songs.


Hmm. Hey! I have
a big idea.

You can
make 'em up!

Hey, you know
you're right there,
your little redness.

All right then! Ahem!

Here goes. [Inhales]

[Shouting] ♪ I'll sing
in the morning ♪

♪ I'll sing
in the night ♪

♪ I'll sing
from the treetops ♪

♪ With all of my might ♪

So what do you
think there, pup?

Wow. You can really
sing loud, norville.

Thanks. And I was
just warming up!

Oh, there's a lot more
where that came from.


♪ On top of the rooftop ♪

♪ All covered
with plants ♪

♪ I'll sing
from the birdbath ♪

♪ And I'll sing
to the ants ♪

Hi, ants.

♪ Ba ba ba boo boo
boo woo woo ♪

Well, I guess
I'm awake now.

Can you do this?

I'll give it a try.

Can you do this?

I'm getting dizzy!

Heh heh heh! Me too!

Ha ha ha!
That was fun!

Careful now.

Easy does it.

We're halfway there.

Norville: ♪ la la la ♪


♪ La la la la ♪

What was that?!

♪ Ra da da
ta ta pay tay ♪

I don't know,
but it sure is loud.

It's norville.

♪ Ba ba doo doo doo
ba ba yay ♪

♪ La la la la ♪

It's norville.


Wow! I can't
believe that's

Well, I kind of told him
that if he likes to sing

Then he should sing.

He sure is loud!

I know! It's even
louder downstairs!

We came up here
hoping that it
would be quiet

And I could eat
my breakfast in peace!

♪ I just ate a worm ♪

♪ Oh, what a delight ♪

♪ My tummy is full now ♪

♪ I can't eat a bite ♪


Ahh! Time for a siesta.

Norville: ♪ to fly ♪

♪ To fly way up ♪

Huh?! What's that?

♪ I feel like
an airplane ♪

♪ Way up
in the sky ♪

♪ Hello
to you, jorge ♪

♪ I'm singing
my best ♪

♪ Hey, what are
you doing? ♪

♪ I am trying
to rest ♪

You know--oh,
you know what I'll do?

I'm gonna sing you
a lullaby.

♪ So close
your eyes, jorge ♪

♪ And fall fast asleep ♪

♪ I'll send you
to dream land ♪

♪ While you count
some sheep ♪

♪ La la la la ♪
ay, yi, yi!

♪ La la la ♪

♪ I sing about singing ♪

♪ I sing just because ♪

♪ I sing about ketchup ♪

♪ And clifford's red paws ♪

He's been singing
like that

All day long.

I couldn't take
my siesta.

He was too loud.

Right. Somebody has to
say something to him

About singing
all the time.

Well, I don't know, guys.

We wouldn't want to hurt
norville's feelings
or anything.

And this goes out to my
favorite little red puppy.

♪ This one's
for clifford ♪

♪ He told me
to sing ♪

♪ I only know
one tune ♪

♪ But it has
a nice ring ♪

I say we all
talk to norville.

Ok, sure. Anything
for a little peace
and quiet.

Really, guys,
I don't think that's
such a good idea.

It might make
norville sad.

But all his singing
is making us sad.

And, clifford,
we have to be
honest with him.

Yeah. If we
tell him the truth
in a nice way,

I'm sure
he'll understand.

Right! I mean,
it's not like

We're telling him
he can't sing ever.

Just not all the time.

Well, maybe I should
just talk to norville

That way it'll just be
the two of us.


♪ Hello from the seesaw ♪

♪ Hello, all my friends ♪

♪ I'll sing you new song ♪

♪ A song without end ♪

Uh, we gotta go.


Uh, me, too!

Uh, what's with them?

Uh, well, um,
I don't know.

Well, you know, maybe
they were worried

That is was going to
rain. But not me!

♪ Because I'll sing
in the rain... ♪

Clifford, I think
maybe now is a good time

For your talk
with norville.

♪ And then when
the rain stops ♪

♪ We'll all make
s'mores ♪


Hey, what's up, pup?

Um, maybe, well,

Maybe you should
give your voice
a rest.

You don't want to
wear it out.

Sure, sure.
I could do that.

Oh. Heh heh! Good.

♪ But I feel
like singing ♪

But sometimes!

Sometimes, um, well,

It's just
that I know singing

Makes you
really happy,

And that's great,
and, well,

You practice
all the time

To make sure you get
the songs right.

Oh! Oh, yeah.

I think I understand
what you're saying.

You do?

Sure. Sure.

If I want a song
to be really right,

I've got to practice more.

Oh, yeah.


Hey, thanks,
little red.

Oh, that is
great advice.

♪ Practice
makes perfect ♪

♪ So that's
what I'll do ♪

♪ Oh, many thanks,
little clifford ♪

♪ My red friend
who's true blue ♪

Yeah, you're
welcome, norville.

Is everyone
all tucked in

And ready for
a good night's sleep?

I am.

What about you,


Good night, clifford.
Good night, daffodil.

♪ ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪


♪ Ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba ba ba baaaaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

♪ Ba ba ba ba ♪

Oh, my goodness,

How could one little bird
sing so loudly?

We're trying
to sleep!

♪ ba ba-ba ba ba baaa ♪

It's too late!

Man: please!
Be quiet!

Quiet down!

hey, knock it off!

Second man:
be quiet out there!

Poor little bird.

He just wants to sing,

But now really
isn't the time.

Hey, they don't like me.

I mean they really,
really don't like me.

hey, there he is.

Um, norville,
about last night...

I know.

I know my singing's
a problem.

But why didn't
you guys

Just tell me
in the first place?

Well, I wanted to tell you,
but I was worried

Your feelings
would get hurt.

But I guess
they got hurt anyway.

Well, I really
appreciate that, pup,

But I could have handled
the truth, you know.

I mean, I'd rather you
just be honest with me

From now on.
Is that ok?

Ok. I will.

That's a promise.

And it's not like
we don't want you

To ever sing again.

It's not?

It's not?!


Just not when it's gonna
disturb anyone else.

Like not during a game
of follow the leader.

And not during a siesta.

And not during breakfast,
lunch, or dinner.

Oh, I guess
I really did
disturb everybody.

I mean, you know,
I really should
have thought about--

Oh, I'm so sorry.

You know, maybe I should
just give it up after all.

No, norville.

There must be some time
that you could sing.

You think?

♪ I sing
at the right time ♪

♪ And not all day long ♪

[Car horns honking]

♪ To make
my friends happy ♪

♪ Cars now sing along ♪


Emily: clifford!
Where are you, boy?

Ruff! Ruff!

Want to read a story,


Ok, pick one out.

Thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.


Emily: today's story is
speckle and the terrific tour.

One morning,
reba was showing
the g*ng a great book

That had pictures
of exotic places

All over the world.

The g*ng wished they could
visit such exciting places.

Then speckle said
they could!

All they needed was
a little bit of help

From their imaginations.

Speckle pretended
he was their conductor

And collected
everyone's tickets.

And once they were seated
on the travel train,

The tour began.

At their first stop,
darnell pointed out

A beautiful house
in the sky.

Ravi and luna were amazed

By the wild sea creature
they passed,

And reba loved exploring
the untamed jungle

And discovering
its lovely surprises.

When the trip was over,

There was only one thing
left to do,

And that was
to thank the conductor

For taking them on
such a terrific tour.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog

You sure are
a big reader.


[Wind howling]

Snow, snow, go away,
come again some other day.


I don't think
it's listening
to you, nina.

[Howling together]

Look at all
that snow!

Isn't it great?


It's not great.
It's terrible.

I just got a brand-new
snow saucer last night, shun,

And I really, really, really
wanted to play with it

At the park today.

But you can't sled
in a blizzard.

My mom won't
even let me

Go outside
until it stops.

Oh, I'm sorry
about that, nina,

But I still love
a good blizzard.


My grandmother
always tells me

The most wonderful
stories from japan

On days like this.

I bet the girls
would love to hear

One of those
stories, shun.

Oh, that'd be great.
Thanks, mom!

[Barking and meowing]

How about you, nina?

Would you like me
to tell a story?

Sure, if you want to.

Maybe it'll stop snowing
by the time you're done.

I know a story
everyone will like.

You know why?

I'll change it

So that we all
have parts in it.

[Barking and meowing]

Even you guys.


Many winters ago,

In a village near
the river yodo,

There lived
an elderly couple.

Every day, the man went
to work in the fields

And the woman
stayed home alone.

She was lonely,

But she kept busy
doing origami,

The ancient art
of folding paper

Into intricate shapes.

She made birds
and frogs and fish,

But mostly she made dogs

Because that's what
she wished for

More than anything:
a real dog.

Ruff! Ruff!

One day, the woman was
washing her clothes

At the river yodo
when she saw something

In the water.

What's this?

A tiny red puppy,

Just what I always wanted.

Ruff! Ruff!

Ha ha ha!

I will love him
and take care of him

And protect him
from the terrible oni.

[Gong chimes]

oni, what's that?

Onis are mean,
grumpy giants

That lived
in ancient japan.

[Yowling together]

If you can
defeat an oni,

You're a real hero.

What happens next,

Well, the woman raised
the little puppy

With great care
and love.

But no matter
how much she fed him,

He never grew an inch.

The woman called
the little dogissun-boshi.

That means tiny and small
in japanese.

The woman didn't care
that issun-boshi's
size was small.

She knew that
his heart was big.

Ruff! Ruff!

Shun: the woman
loved him very much,

And found new ways

To make the tiny dog's life
more comfortable.

She gave him
a delicate tea cup

For his food dish...


She made him a warm bed
from her soft, silk slipper.


Every night,
issun-boshi flew

Up to the roof
of the house

To look out at
the grand city of kyoto.

He looked forward
to the day

When he was old enough

To go out and explore
the big city.

Then one day,

The woman had
a surprise for him.


You have brought me
such happiness,

But it is time
for you to go out

And explore
the big city.

Ruff! Ruff!

I give you
this rice bowl

To keep the snow
off your head.

This bag of dorayaki cakes

So your stomach will
never be empty,

And these origami papers

To remind you that
you are always loved.

Good-bye, issun-boshi.

good luck!

Ruff! Ruff!





Oh, no!

That must be the oni!

He's coming!


Over here!

Over here! Hurry!





That was close.

Ooh, that mean old oni
almost had us!

for saving us.

Who are you?

My name's issun-boshi,

And I'm on my way
to the big city of kyoto.

That's where
we're from.

We could show
you the way.

Hop in!

All: to kyoto!


When issun-boshi
finally arrived
in kyoto,

He took his new friends
to their home
and said good-bye,

Then found himself
at the doorstep

Of an empress.

An empress?

That's right,

An empress.

Nina, why don't
you come over here

And listen to the story?

Um, no, thanks.
I can hear from here,

And I wanna know first thing
if it stops snowing.

Anyway, this empress
was really smart

And really pretty.

In fact, she was a lot
like you, nina.

Ruff ruff!

Is someone out there?

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

A tiny red dog!

Oh, let me see!

Ohh! He's wonderful!

Please, can we keep him?

I'm sorry, princess,

But we already have
a wonderful dog.

We don't need
another one.

Shun: the empress,

A bit cranky
because the snow storm

Was making her
stay inside all day,

Almost didn't
let issun-boshi

Into the palace.


But he looks so smart

And so brave.

[Gasps] maybe he can help
protect us from the oni.

Grr! Ruff!

Hee hee hee!

Now, what could
such a small dog

Do against a giant?

But size has nothing
to do with bravery.

Ohh, please?

Ruff ruff!

Ruff! Rrohh!

Ohh, all right.

But he's your responsibility,

Ruff ruff ruff!


Shun: and take care
of him she did.

The princess and issun-boshi
did everything together.

Ruff ruff!

Hee hee hee!

Oh, I love you,

Shun: everything
was going along just great.

The empress was even
beginning to admit

That she liked issun-boshi
very much.

Ohh! Hee hee hee!

Thank you,
little one.

Isn't he wonderful,

Ruff ruff!

Oni: rrr-rrarrh!

The oni is coming!

Hurry! We've got to hide!

It's too late!
He's seen us!

He's going to catch us!

Oh, no!

Shun, are you telling me

That the oni is going
to catch them?

I said he wants
to catch them.

I didn't say he was
going to catch them.

So what happens next?

Oh, look, nina.

It stopped snowing.

Wanna go sledding now?

We can't go now!

We have to find out
what happens

To the empress!

Well, the oni
ran down the road,

Headed right for the empress
and the princess.


Grr! Rrr-rrarrh!


Grr! Rrr-rrarrh!
Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

Ha ha ha!


Hrrr, hrrr, hrrr!

Both: nyah, nyah,
nyah, nyah, nyah!





Oh, no!

My underwear is showing!

Ohh! I'm so embarrassed!


Ruff ruff!


Ruff ruff!

Oh, that tiny red dog
was a real hero.

Heroes come in all colors
and sizes.


It sounds like everyone
really enjoyed shun's story.

We sure did!

The snow has stopped.

Would you all like
to go to the park now?


Nina can try out
her new snow saucer.

Sounds great.
When we come back,

I'm gonna tell you
my favorite story
from mexico--

The legend
of the poinsettia.

I know some
great stories, too.

Sounds good to me.

[Clifford barks]


tummy yummies!

[Sniff sniff sniff]
I wonder who
they belong to.

Hmm. Maybe
I could just take
one little bite.


hey, I had a whole basket
of tummy yummies to share.

Has anybody seen them?

Emily elizabeth:
sometimes telling
the truth isn't easy,

But clifford
and his friends know

That it's always
the right thing to do.

Oh, actually,

I ate them.

I'm sorry.

When you tell the truth,

It makes you and
your friends feel better.

Well, I was looking forward
to sharing them with everyone,

But I'm really glad
you told me the truth.

You know,
me, too, buddy.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today

Is be truthful.

Next time
I get tummy yummies,

I'll make sure
to share them with you.

That'll be great,