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01x08 - Nina's Perfect Party/Just The Right Size

Posted: 12/03/23 19:09
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up
to brand new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff! Ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Hurry, emily elizabeth,

I'm hurrying,
I'm hurrying!

Come on, clifford!

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

This is the place,
emily elizabeth.

This is where
mama said I could

Have my birthday
party on saturday.

Wow, nina, those shirts
are so pretty.

And everyone gets
to paint their own
t-shirt at the party.

Doesn't that
sound perfect?

[Bell jangles]

Why, sure, you can
have your birthday party
here, little lady.

Heh. No problem.

And can I bring balloons
and do a puppet show

And make party hats?

No problem,
no problem, no problem.

Oh, I don't know how
I'm gonna wait until saturday.

Well, now you're all set
for your party, nina.

All set? Oh, no,
emily elizabeth.

There are a lot more things
I have to do.

I want to make this
the perfect party.

Come on, jorge,
I have to get to work.

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Hi, nina.
What are you doing?

I'm blowing up balloons
for my birthday party,

And then I'm gonna
draw a silly face
on each one. See?

[Slurp slurp]

Can we help you?

Well, actually...

I think I have enough
silly-face balloons
for now.



This is the way
my grandmother used
to make pinatas

When she
was a little girl.

See? It's
a puppy pinata.

Gee, clifford,
it looks a lot like you.

Arf! Arf!

Except clifford
will never be this big.

Oh, I don't know.

He's still got a lot
of growing to do.

And now we
pour in the candy.

Hi, guys.

Hey, is that candy?


[Both laugh]

[Both slurping]

Don't you think we have
enough cookies here, nina?

You can never
have enough cookies.

[Both laugh]

And everyone gets
their very own special hat.

This one's for you,
emily elizabeth.

Thanks, nina.


And I didn't
forget you, clifford.

Ruff! Ruff!


Nina, it looks like

You're going to have
a great party.

Oh, yes.
It's gonna be perfect.



As soon as I
fix clifford's hat.

[Doorbell rings]


Who is it?

It's nina.

Hi, emily elizabeth.

You know what today is?

Today? Uh...
Oh, I know!

It's saturday.
Happy birthday!

Ruff! Ruff!

Come on.
Get dressed, sleepyhead.

We have to go down
to the t-shirt shop.

But it's still
really early, nina.

I know, but I want
to make sure
everything is perfect.

Come on.

My mom and I
set everything up

So today, we just have
to do a last-minute check.

Ruff! Ruff!

Hey, look
at that puddle.

[Gasps] somebody must have
spilled something inside.

I hope they didn't
get anything wet.

[All gasp]

Oh, you didn't
change this

To a pool party,
did you, nina?


Oh, no!

What happened?

Oh, one of the pipes burst,
but it's no problem.

Well, maybe
it's a little problem.

This is terrible.

Now, don't worry,

The plumber's coming.

He is? When?

First thing
tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow? But that's
way too late.

My party is today.



Don't worry, nina.

We can do something else
for your birthday party.

I don't want
to do something else.

I had the perfect
birthday party
all planned out,

And now it's ruined.

I--i'll see you later,
emily elizabeth.


See you, nina.


I feel so bad
for nina.

After all the work
she did!


I wish there were
something we could
do for her.

Well, why don't you
throw a little party

For nina
in the courtyard?

Gee, I don't know, mom.

It could never be
as good as her party.

Well, it might not be
exactly the same party

That nina had planned,
emily elizabeth,

But it'll show her
how much you care
about her.

You're right, mom.

Come on, clifford.

Let's see
what we can do.

[Slurp slurp]

Ok, here are
some balloons.


Well, not a lot,

But at least enough
to decorate the courtyard.

And we can make hats
out of this paper!

[Barks, pants]

Ruff! Ruff!

good idea, clifford.

We can make puppets
out of my socks.

How's that look?


There are lots of things
we can do to make it a party.

Oh, but let's face it,

I don't think we can do it
all by ourselves in one day.

But maybe if we get help.


Come on, clifford!

Ruff! Ruff!

Sure, I'll blow up
the balloons.

Thanks, shun.

And maybe you could
bring your flute

And play some music, too.

Oh, ok,
but I better practice.

Hey, evan!

Hey, what's up,
emily elizabeth?

We need to get pizzas
for nina's birthday party.

Could you pick 'em up
for us, please?

Sure thing.

And maybe you could do

Some of your great skateboard
tricks at the party.

Well, if you insist.

Have you seen this one?

Whoa! Oof! Unh!

don't worry.

I've got plenty
of others.

[Giggles] oh, ok.

Ah, now I have to get some
paper plates and napkins.

Whoa. I got a big idea.

Hey, guys! Emily elizabeth
is throwing a birthday party
for nina,

And everyone's pitching in.

I thought maybe
we could help, too.


♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪





[Both laugh]

Gee, emily elizabeth,

You're really putting
together a great party.

I think it should be fun,

But it's still not like
the party nina planned.

I feel like something's

Oh, no! Clifford!

[Giggles] clifford,
what are you doing?

Ruff! Ruff!

Wow! Emily elizabeth,
look at your shirt!

[Gasps] my t-shirt!

Hey! My t-shirt!

Clifford painted it.

He sure did.

That's it! We can all
paint t-shirts

Just the way nina
planned it.

Ohh, thanks for
the great idea,

Ohh! [Giggles]

Everything's ready.

Come on, clifford.

Ruff! Ruff!

Hi, nina. Are you
feeling better now?

I'm feeling all right.

I guess you can't always
have a perfect birthday.

You want to come down
to the courtyard with us?

We have a little surprise
for you.

A surprise?

Two more steps.

Ok, now open
your eyes!


Emily elizabeth,
you did all this today?

Not by myself.

worked together
to make it happen.

Shun did the balloons.

Happy birthday,

Oh, ho ho,
thanks, shun.

Ruff! Ruff!

Painting t-shirts
was clifford's idea.

Thanks, clifford.

And just wait until you see
what else we have planned.



Ruff! Ruff!

Ha ha ha ha!

Thanks for giving me
such a great party.

You're welcome.

I know it's not exactly
the way you planned it,

You're right.

It's much better!

It's a great party,
all right, but...

I get the feeling
something's missing.

Missing? [Gasps]

Oh, no! I forgot
the birthday cake.



Wow, nina.
Make a wish.

Oh, I already
got my wish--

A perfect
birthday party.



[All laughing]


Emily elizabeth: clifford!
Where are you, boy?

Ruff! Ruff!

Want to read a story,


Pick one out.

thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.

Today's story

Is "speckle
and the cure for hiccups."

One day, speckle started making
a very silly sound.

He had the hiccups

And couldn't seem
to make them stop.

So his friends came up
with some very creative cures.

Luna said speckle should drink
a giant glass of water.


But that didn't work.


Darnell suggested speckle
blow up a balloon

As big as he possibly could.


Ravi thought that rolling

Down a soft, grassy hill
would help.


And reba recommended
jumping rope

On one foot.

Soon speckle's hiccups
were gone.

His friends didn't know
if their cures really worked,

But they did know they sure
were fun acting out.

Speckle agreed.

He had such a good time

He couldn't wait
to have hiccups again.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


This is called
a releve.

Ruff ruff ruff!


Mom: I'm home!

Oh, mom's here.

Well, hello,

Ruff! Ruff!

Yes, that includes
you, clifford.

Do you need
some help

Putting things
away, mom?

Thank you,
emily elizabeth.

That would be great.

Let me just put
my purse down.

This bag goes
in the kitchen.

Oh, I'm so excited
for emily elizabeth.

Aren't you, daffodil?

I wish I could be
in the ballet recital.

Ha ha! Watch me dance!


Well, that was short,

But memorable.

Ha! Thanks.

I bought you
some hair ribbons.

I thought maybe
you could wear one

For your recital.

Wow! Thanks, mom!

Where do
these shirts go?

They go
in the closet.

Ahh, there.

the last of it.

[Clock chimes]

Ok, everyone,
it's time to go

To the ballet

I'll get my stuff.

Dad: I'm ready.

Oh, dear.

What's the
matter, mom?

Oh, I can't seem
to find my car keys.

I thought I put them
in my purse.

Has anyone
seen them?

Not me.


Don't worry,
emily elizabeth.

We'll find the keys.

Come on, let's
start looking.

If we don't find
those car keys,

Emily elizabeth is gonna
miss her ballet recital.


Uh, daffodil,

I want to help, too.

Um, you know
what you can do

That would be
a real help, clifford?


Go and play
with your sock spider.

Here you go.

Ha ha! Ok.


Hey, wait a second.


How's playing
with a sock spider

Supposed to help
find the car keys?

Well, to be honest,
it's not.

Oh, what do you mean?

Look, clifford,
it's really nice

That you want
to help and all.

But let's face it,

You're too small
to help.

I am?

Well, just look
at yourself.

Yeah. Well, I guess

I am kind of small.

Of course you are.

You're a tiny,
little puppy.

Now just try to
stay out of my way

So that I can
find the missing
car keys,

And everything will
be all right, ok?

But wait!

There's got to be
something I can do.



Now, I don't
want to say,
"I told you so,"

But I can't help
thinking it.

Uhh! Uhh!

Norville: hey there,
little red.

Oh, hi, norville.

So how are things
in puppy land today?

Not so good.

Mrs. Howard can't
find her car keys,

And if we don't
find them soon,

Emily elizabeth is gonna
miss her ballet recital.

Miss the ballet recital?

Well, that
would be terrible.

A catastrophe.

Yeah, I know.

So why aren't
you looking?

Well, I was trying,

But I think I might
be too small.

Too small? Too small
to find car keys?

That's a lot of baloney.

I love baloney.

Yeah, yeah.
Ha ha ha!

Not that kind
of baloney, clifford.

I mean you're not
too small to help.

I'm not?

Well, so what
should I do?


Oh, answer me this:

Did mrs. Howard's car keys
like to jingle and jangle?

Ooh, they sure did!

In my experience,
I have found

That jingly-jangly keys
like to hide

With other
jingly-jangly things.


Oh, yeah.

And that means
that they could

Only be in one place.

A place where pots
and pans and cans

Are always jingling
and jangling together.

The kitchen?

The kitchen.

Thanks, norville.

Always happy to help.



Clifford: uhh!

Clifford, what are
you doing in here?

I thought you
weren't gonna try
to help anymore.

Emily elizabeth
needs me, daffodil.

But you're too small
to find the keys.

I know, but I really
want to help.

Norville says
the keys are
in here somewhere.

Well, I've already
looked everywhere

And they're not here.

I've checked the drawers,
the counter tops.

Yeah, but did you
check the cabinets?

Lots of things jingle
and jangle in there.

Pots and pans and--

No, but, clifford,

You're never gonna
get that door open.

You're not
big enough.

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

Fine, I'll do it.


Hey, clifford,
what's going on?

I got confused

When I didn't hear
a lot of cheering

When you found
the keys.

Well, that's because
I didn't find the keys.

They weren't
in the kitchen.

They weren't?
I am shocked.

no, I am more
than shocked.

I am flabbergasted!

So what do
I do now?

Never fear there,
mighty red.

If there's one thing
I do well,

It is find
lost stuff.


See, I just found
a feather.

Oh, wait.
Hey, that's mine.

All right, let's get
back to thinking.

It's mrs. Howard
who had the keys last.

Am I right?

Ok, and mrs. Howard
is tall.

Am I correct?

Hey, that's it!

The missing keys are
probably someplace

Way up high.

Ha ha!
Thanks, norville.

Oh, you are
so welcome,

My puppy protege.

Ohh! Uhh!

Ha ha.
Sorry, daffodil.

Clifford, you're
not still trying

To help find
the keys, are you?

Oh, I sure am!

But now I really know
where to look.

See, I'm only checking
on top of tall things,

Like this table.

Uhh! Uhh!

Uhh! Uhh!

Here, let me do it.


No keys!

I'm sorry, clifford,

But this just isn't a job
for someone your size.

[Clock chimes]

Oh, no.

get over here!

I think
I figured it out.

We're going about
this whole key thing
all wrong.

Just look at
this diagram I made.

Pretty snazzy, huh?

All right, now,
let's imagine

This pine cone here
is mrs. Howard,

And this rock here--

No, wait a minute.
Wait a second.

Gee, I think the rock is
supposed to be mrs. Howard.

Ok. Ok. Ok.
So, let's go back

To the beginning
because I'm--

You know, I don't know
what I'm talking about.

Norville, go back
to the beginning?

Oh! Wait a minute!

I got a big idea!

What is it?

The beginning.

Yeah, I'll go back
to the beginning,

And I'll look every place
mrs. Howard was

Before she lost her keys.

Uh, are you sure
about this, clifford?

It sounds
very hit and miss.


Mrs. Howard was
standing right here

When she noticed
her keys were missing.

And before that,

Emily elizabeth helped her
put her clothes in here.

And before that...

They came in here

With a bag of hair ribbons.

And before that...

They brought some bags
into the kitchen.

And before that...

Mrs. Howard put her purse
down right here.

Oh! On this chest!

Uhh! Uhh!

Hey, daffodil!

Can you help me
move this chest?

I think the keys
might have fallen
behind it.

Look, clifford,
I can't help you.

I just don't
have the time

To play any more
little puppy games.

I guess if
I'm not big enough,

I'll just have
to be small enough.



Ooh! Ooh!



Here ya go.


Clifford: thanks.



You found the keys!

Yeah, but
I needed your help

To get
under the chest.

Here, give these
to mrs. Howard.

No, clifford,

give the keys

To mrs. Howard.

You're the one
who found them.

Good job.

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

I'm really sorry

I said you
were too small
to help.

I was wrong.

Oh, thanks, daffodil.

You know,
for such a small puppy,

You sure are
a big help.

Ruff! Ruff!

you found my keys!

I don't
believe it.

Way to go,

Oh, come on, everyone.

We'll just make
the ballet recital.

So, tell me,
my little redness,

Where were they:

On top of a toothbrush,

Inside a sandwich?

No, under a chest.

Thanks for
all your help, norville.

Oh, hey, there's no need
to thank me, little red.

I mean, you're the one
who found the keys.

Now, hurry up.

You've got a ballet
recital to watch.

Ruff! Ruff!



What are you doing?

I have a playdate
in the laundry room

With the sedarskis.

I wanna share
all my favorite toys,

But if I move them

I'll spend
the whole playdate

Going up
and down the stairs.

Oh, how 'bout
if we help?

Sure. If we each
carry a few toys--

They'd all be in
the laundry room in no time.

That would be great.
Thanks, guys.

clifford's friends know

That it's important
to help others,

when you help someone,

You can make
their really big job

Not so big at all!

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today

Is help others.

Oh, thanks, guys.

Now there's just
one more thing:

Could you help us
playwith all these toys?

You bet!

All right!

All right!

[Playful grunts]