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01x04 - Paw Print Picasso/Hup Hup

Posted: 12/03/23 19:05
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪


I'm all done!

See, this is
our apartment building.

And down here at the bottom
is me and daffodil
and you, clifford.

Ruff ruff.

Tomorrow is the big
art fair at school.

Do you everyone
will like my painting?


Thanks, clifford.

It's going to be
lots of fun.

Mother: emily elizabeth,
don't forget to brush
your teeth.

Ok, mom.

Better brush my teeth.

Emily elizabeth's
a great artist.

Yes, she is.

I especially
liked the way
she painted me.


Oh, good.


Hi, daffodil.
Hi, clifford.

What's that?

Oh, it's emily elizabeth's

She's gonna be
in an art fair.

That's really good.

Yeah. Sure is.

Hey, clifford,

Got it!

Watch out!


clifford, stop!


You can say that again.

Oh, no!

Emily elizabeth's

I think it looks
kinda cool.

Oh, maybe I can fix it.

I don't think that helped.

Oh, now what do I do?

I know.
Let's roll it up.

That way nobody
will be able
to see it.

I don't know.

I should probably go get
emily elizabeth.

You can't roll it up,
anyway. The paint's
not even dry.

That's no biggie.
Ready, zo?

Ready, flo.

Both: let's blow!

Is it dry?

Dry enough.

[Laughter and meows]

Now emily elizabeth will
never know what happened.

Yeah, until she unrolls
her picture at school.

This whole thing
doesn't feel right.

Maybe I should go
show emily elizabeth
right now.

Don't worry,

It'll all
work out.

Trust me.

Well, it's late.
Why don't you get some sleep

And tell her
in the morning?

Emily elizabeth's
probably asleep now

It wouldn't be nice
if you woke her up.

Oh, I guess not.

[Loud snoring]


Huh? Clifford?

What's wrong?

Oh, I feel terrible
about what I did

To emily elizabeth's

I-i'm gonna
show her first thing
in the morning.

Uh-huh, yeah.
Good for you.


I'm sorry, emily elizabeth.

oh, it's my fault.

Oh, I'm sorry,
emily elizabeth.

Oh, it's my fault.

Clifford, wake up!

Oh. Oh. Daffodil.

I barely slept
last night.

Oh, I've gotta show
emily elizabeth what
I did to her painting

Before she takes it
to school.

Ok, backpack, notebook...

Ruff ruff.

Ruff ruff.

Oh, thanks, clifford.

I can't believe I almost
forgot my painting.


Ooh, careful, clifford.

We don't wanna ruin it,
do we?


Mom: don't forget
your lunch.

I've gotta show her
the painting before
she takes it to school.

Oh, but how?

I don't know, but you
better do it fast.

Good-bye, clifford.
Good-bye, daffodil.

Good-bye, mom.

Good-bye, honey.

Have a great time
at the art fair.

Have a great time, clifford.

[Sighs] this is gonna
be one crazy day.

[Kids laughing
and chattering]

I can't wait
to show you.

I am so excited.
The art fair is today.
I can't wait.

Ok, kids.
Today is an exciting day.

Does everyone have their
art project for the fair?

I got mine.

Here it is.

I did it,
but it got bent.

I'd like everyone to put their
art project on the art table

And stack their lunches neatly
on the lunch box table.

Now, who would like to tell us
about their art project?

Oh, me.

Ok, shun,
why don't you start?

It's still not too late
to show emily elizabeth

What I did
to her painting.

Ok, this is my goldfish...

I just have to bring it over
to her before she shares it
with the class and--oops.

Which I made out
of papier-mache and glue

And painted bright orange.

But--but where is she?

And then I let it dry.

And, uh, here it is.

Thank you, shun.
You've done
a wonderful job.

Oops. Somebody's painting
fell on the floor.

Ah. Uh-oh.


Oh, now how am I
gonna get the poster
over to emily elizabeth?

Teacher: now, would
anyone else like to tell us
about their art project?

Ok, we only have a few minutes
before the art fair begins.

Cory, why don't you
tell us what you made?

Oh, just a few minutes!
Oh, I've gotta hurry.

What was that?

Oh. Oh...

Ok, everybody, it's time
for the art fair to start.

Oh, no, no, no!
No, wait. Wait.
Emily elizabeth.

Uh-oh. Whoa-oh-oh-oh.

And after the art fair,
we can all go to lunch and--

Ms. Parker...

Did you see that?

Ms. Parker!

What's so funny?

Emily elizabeth's painting
is...running out the door.


Oh, my goodness.




What are you
doing here?

He must've jumped into
my backpack this morning.

Well, maybe clifford
would like to come
to the art fair, too.


Thanks, ms. Parker.

Come on, clifford.


Oh, this is so exciting.

What a cute puppy.

Ruff ruff, ruff ruff.

I think he's trying
to tell you something,
emily elizabeth.

clifford, what is it?

Why, emily elizabeth,
I've never seen anything
like this before.

It's our apartment building.

And down at the bottom,
there's my bunny daffodil
and clifford and me.

Yes, I see.

And then there's
this extraordinary
use of color

And patterns
and, ah...

Colors? Patterns?


Yes, dear.


What made you
think of using

Such bright,
beautiful colors,

And the paw print
is so original.

Um, well...

It wasn't me.
You see--

Everyone really
needs to see this.

All those paw prints.

did you do that?


Is that what you
were trying to show me?

I'm not mad, clifford.

I guess that's why you
hid in my painting.

You must've been trying
to show me what happened.

But I really have
to let everyone know

I didn't put
those paw prints
on my painting.

I think it's a little late
for that now.

It's beautiful.
Oh, wow!

I wish
I had done that.

You should be very proud of
yourself, emily elizabeth.

It really is
a great picture.


Thank you, but I need
to tell you something.

I didn't put the paw prints
on my painting.

Clifford did that part.



Well, a puppy
who can paint.

How about that?

It was a group effort.

I think we should all give
a special round of applause

For emily elizabeth
and her little puppy
painting partner.

[Kids cheering]

I'm proud of emily elizabeth
for telling everyone

You put the paw prints
on her picture.

Yeah, me, too.

I just wish I'd shown her
what I'd done

A little earlier
in the day.

But the important thing
is that you did tell her.

[Laughs] yeah, you're right.

For such a little puppy,
you're pretty brave.

Why is that, daffodil?

Because sometimes
it takes a lot of courage
to tell the truth.

Yeah. And you know what?

It takes a lot of water
to wash paint off your paws.

[Both laugh]



Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read a story,


Pick one out.

Thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.


Today's story is "speckle
and the made-up rules."

One afternoon, speckle
invited all his friends over.

He had a new board game
and couldn't wait to share it.

But when they opened the box,
they couldn't find any rules,

And no one knew how to play.

Then speckle
had a great idea.

The group could make up
their own rules for the game.


Ravi spun a 3.

So he had to make the funniest
face he possibly could.

And when speckle landed
on a green square,

His challenge
was to juggle.

Or at least try to.

It was so much fun
they played for the rest
of the afternoon,

Enjoying the rules and the game
that they all made up together.

The end.

I love reading stories together.

You know, clifford,
for such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


Mom, if daisies are supposed
to look like this,

Why do mine look like this?

I'm not sure, honey.

Oh, look how beautiful
jenny's garden is.

maybe she can help.

Why don't you
ask her?

She's right
over there.

But isn't jenny blind?

I mean, she can't even
see our flowers.

That's true,

But that doesn't mean
she can't be
a great gardener.

After all, she is
a horticulturist.

What's that?

It means her job is
to take care of plants.

Maybe I willask her.


Hi. It's emily elizabeth.

Hi, emily elizabeth.

I was just wondering

If you could help me
with my flowers.

Of course.

Get up.

Oh. I am up.

Ha ha! I know.

I was talking to bibi,
my guide dog.

Bibi, forward.

Hup hup.


Good girl!


Good girl!


Let's give bibi
a little break

While we check
on your flowers.

Playtime, bibi.

Stay close, girl.



That's not right.

Are you ok?

Uh-huh. I was trying
to make up a new game,

But it didn't really work.

I'm clifford.

Oh. My name's bibi.

Hey, I learned
a game in school,

But it's really
for big dogs.

Can I try it?

Will you show me
how to play?

Will ya? Will ya?
Will ya?

Ok, clifford.

Leucanthemum vulgari.

Ha ha. That's a big name
for daisies.

How can you tell
what kind of flowers
they are

If you can't
see them?

Emily elizabeth.

No. That's a good question.

Let me ask you one.

Can you name the plants
in my garden?


Oh, but I bet you can.

Close your eyes
and smell each leaf.




Ew, garlic!




What we smell, touch,
or even hear

Can give us answers
in plant research.

As for the daisies,
I'll get some soil later
and test it in the lab.

If the soil isn't healthy,
the plants won't be, either.

Ok. Get up.



Right. Go right.

Oh, whoa!


Oh! What school
did you learn that in?

Guide dog school.

What's a guide dog?

I help guide people
who can't see.

I have a special collar
called a harness,

Which is kind of like
a steering wheel.

Jenny decides where
we go when she says
things like, "forward."

Jenny: bibi,
here, girl. Hup hup.

Bye, clifford.

Bye, bibi.

Bibi says to me,
"this game's
for big dogs,"

And she learned it
at school, and--

What school,
kitty kindergarten?

Guide dog school.

Hey, clifford,
is that bibi?

Yeah! That's her.

That's my buddy.

Why don't you call her over,


Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Oh. I guess
she didn't hear me.

Ruff ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

She definitely
heard him that time.

Why is she
ignoring clifford?

Hmm. Dogs. Go figure!

Uh...some dogs.

Bibi, stand.

Bibi, forward.

Hup hup.

Maybe I did
something wrong.

Hey, listen up,
my little redness.

It is notyou.


You see, sometimes,
when you're bigger and older,

You don't always want
to play with someone
who is little and young.


Then it isme.

But bibi ignored all of us.

Hey, you know, daff,
you're right.

Which means...
She ignored me, too!

Well, this is incredible!

I cannot believe it
happened. No, I can't!

And, hey, what was that thing
jenny said, "hup hup"?

Hup hup.

Hup hup hup. Hup.

Hup hup.

I don't know.
Maybe I'll ask bibi.

Hi, jenny.
It's emily elizabeth.

Any news about our flowers?

Well, I tested the soil,
and it's fine.

Come in, so we can discuss
some next steps.

I'll leave the door open
so bibi can stretch her legs.


Playtime, bibi!

Stay close, girl.


Hey, clifford,
wanna play?


You know, I wanted to play
in the courtyard today, too,

But...i guess
you didn't see me?

Oh, of course I saw you.

You did?! But--

And your friends.
They seem nice.

Oh, ha ha.
Yeah, they are.

But, bibi,
there's something
I don't get.

Gee, clifford, are we
gonna talk all night
or play?

Play! Play! Play!

And whenever bibi and
jenny come to a door,

Bibi will put her nose
near the doorknob
so jenny can find it.

Wow! It's like bibi
sees for jenny.

Yeah! I know.
It's pretty amazing.

did you ask her

Why she was such
a bad friend to you
the other day?

Oh, well,
I started to ask,

But then we decided
to play this game

Listen up, pup.

I spent the whole morning

Following your "friend"
bibi around, ya know?

I just wanted to find out
what she was really like,

And you wouldn't believe
what I saw.

What do you know?

What have you heard?

Tell us!
Tell us!

Well, for starters,

Bibi is the most pampered
pooch I've ever met

In my whole life.

She goes on buses,

She walks through museums,

She shops in stores,

And--get this--

She even goes
to restaurants.

Well, no wonder
she ignores us.

She probably thinks
she's too good
for us.

No, she doesn't.

Hey, you guys, look!
By the garden!

It's bibi!

I'll show you.
I'll show you!

Ruff ruff!


Ruff! Ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff! Ruff!

Ruff ruff--


What's gotten
into you?

Go on now.

Why don't you go over and
play with your friends?

Oh, that poor
little puppy.

You know, sometimes
I just hate
being right.

You know,
clifford has a point.

Bibi could use
some fun time.

Bibi, get up.

Playtime, bibi.

Stay close, girl.

Emily elizabeth,
feel this soil.

It's wet.

Too much water
can be bad for plants.

Oh, but I didn't
water them.

And it didn't rain, so...

Both: where did the water
come from?


An air conditioner.

Maybe that's where
our extra water
is coming from.

I'm sure of it.

Hi, clifford.

Uh...hiya, bibi.

What's wrong?

Oh, let's see.

Maybe clifford's feelings
are just a little hurt

Because sometimes you're
not very nice to him.

Why did you totally
ignore him?

Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you all understood.

Understood what?!

Guide dogs can't play
when they're working.


When my harness is on,

I can only think
about my job.

So...when you're
helping jenny,

We can't be friends?

Of course
we're still friends.

I just can't play then.

So what's with
the "hup hup" hup?

Ha ha! That's jenny's
nice way of saying,
"pay attention."

It's kind of
our special word.

So...the best way
to be your friend

Is not to bother you
when you're working?

And to please play with me
when I'm not.

Ok with you, clifford?

Ok with me, bibi!

Hey, do you think
I could go

To guide dog school

Ah-ha ha! I'm not so sure
there's a harness small
enough to fit you.

But maybe when you grow
a little bigger.

Jenny: bibi,
come, girl.

Oh, thanks, jenny.

I just couldn't figure out
what I was doing wrong.

Just ask questions.

Ok. I have one.

Is it ok to pet bibi
when she's in the harness?

First you have to ask
the owner.

That's very important.

Some people may not want
you to distract the dog.

As for bibi, go ahead.

Aww! [Giggles]

Good girl, bibi.

Good girl.

Clifford, we never
should've doubted you.

Oh, well, you know,
we always knew
that bibi was terrific.

Didn't we there,
ya little redness?

We? We?!

Jenny: bibi, forward.

Hup hup.

Hup hup, bibi.

Hup hup.


Ok, norville, we're ready.

Then on your mark,

Get set...


[All laughing]

Clifford and I know
that playing games
with your friends

Is lots of fun.

But when someone
doesn't play fair,

It really isn't fun
for anyone.

Hoo-hoo! I won!

That wasn't fair!

You didn't follow
the rules.

Oh, I just wanted to be first.

But you're right.
I didn't follow the rules,
so I didn't really win.

And I ruined the game
for everyone. I'm sorry.

At least you realized
your mistake
and you apologized.

And we could always
play the game again.

And this time I promise
to play fair and square.

When you play fair,
everyone gets to
enjoy the game.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today
is "play fair."