01x11 - Infamy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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01x11 - Infamy

Post by bunniefuu »

Previouslyly on The Good Wife: The State has recently received evidence that the defendant has attempted to interfere with the judicial process.

JUDGE WINTER: Bail is hereby denied.

I thought I'd be leaving with you.

It's a betrayal.

GRACE: Maybe it's from Mom's work.

This is getting crazy.

Is that Dad?

They're just trying to scare Mom.

GRACE: Maybe there's a reason she should be scared.

Do we tell Mom?

They sent them to hurt her, so I say no.

(theme music plays)

Hello, America.

I'm Duke Roscoe.

As always, I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I turned away from my shopping cart for a second, and she was gone.

Three months ago, two-year-old Jamie Willens disappeared.

Her mother Cheryl claimed she was snatched from her shopping cart in a Chicago grocery store.

Someone kidnapped my baby girl.

The police looked high and low for Jamie and this mysterious kidnapper.

If you have Jamie, please... please bring her home.

And they found nothingWhy?

Because she's lying, people!

She k*lled her kid.

Shorter clips.

Make it shorter clips.

Grab the attention of the jury.

Cheryl Willens k*lled her baby, and I have learned the reason Ms. Willens was in the store at all: to buy condoms.

Don't need that.

Just cut it off at "k*lled her baby."

...Cheryl Willens' freedom, the murdering mom took her own life, hanging herself from her closet door.

He's a prince, isn't he?

The gift that keeps on giving.

Do you have him from last night?


The last file.

WILL: Aw, come on, you know you're just managing a disaster here.

It's the network lawyer making one last s*ab at a settlement.

You've been shedding advertisers like a dog sheds fleas.

WOMAN: Good thing we have a lot of fleas to shed.

You really want to go to court?

Your client committed su1c1de, and you're just looking for someone to blame.

And anyway, I just got in from L.A. and ordered a massage.

Why would I want to go back so fast?

What are you doing at that network anyway?

You used to be the cool one with all the tattoos.

I'm still the cool one.

Shh. I'm listening to your client.

DUKE (on TV): You know what?

I'm glad she's dead.

That's right, because the more guilty people who commit su1c1de, the less will crowd the courts.

Intent, disregard.

You've got a client that's out of control, Emily.

He's not my client; the network is my client.

Yeah, well, tell your client their spokesman is doing everything he can to raise the settlement amount-- right now we're at...

...$3 million.

After Duke's show tonight, my guess is it'll be up to five.

Give me a call.

We're not in a position to be charging retail.

Don't worry, she'll come in at 2.5.

Will that be enough?

He wants to go to trial.

Talk to him-- tell him how unpredictable a trial is.

WILL: Yeah, Cary, just roll back that one piece.

I want to see what I missed before.

Yeah, I want to go...

Just, uh, want to be ready for cross-examination.

I figure he'll try to make me out to be a money-grubber.

Don't you think?

Tim, I don't think we want to go to trial.


It's hard to go up against Duke's right of free speech.

Yes, but, we'll... we'll have the jury's sympathy, right?

We're more likely to get a fair settlement if we don't go to trial.

But a trial will keep Jamie's face out there.

I know she's been missing a year and a half, but I still think my daughter's alive.

You know he's still on the TV saying that my wife is burning in Hell?

I know.

And people say, "Don't watch it."

But he has fans, and... people still phoning me.

(choked up): And I don't have a TV show, and I don't have anybody to listen to me.

And I can answer him in court.

Tim, you don't want to be obsessing on this.

You talked about using that settlement money to search for your daughter.

If we settle now, that's money you could use.

If you go to court, I don't know if you'll ever...

You think I should do this?



What happened?

Lots. Where were you?

Oh, with Tim.

That's right.

How is he?

He's fine.

What happened?

Yeah, yeah, come on, come on, I'll get you caught up.

The network lawyers are coming over in an hour.

That clip from last night really did the trick.

They're settling?

Conference room in an hour.

I don't even think they watch their own show.

They're afraid of the bad publicity.

I'm borrowing you.


I'm sorry.

Kettle corn for you.

Tell him to wait, Margie.

David Lee. Family law.

Oh, right. I'm so sorry.

You're the divorce lawyer.

Yes, I'm the divorce lawyer.

Uh, yes, well, let him read a magazine.

We're starting up a softball league, and I want to know if you're up for playing first base?


I need you at a meet and greet in 45 minutes to hand-hold a client.


Oh, uh, wait, um, I've got a settlement on the Duke Roscoe case in an hour, so...

Yes, at the moment, we're the only department that makes money, so we outrank.

See you in 45 minutes.

(angry grunt)

(door slams shut)


Did you want this closed?

I'm tired of being the one who has to hand-hold the clients.

You know, they send me off to get a client to agree to do something I-I'm not even involved with, because they send me off to hand-hold the client.

You're babbling.

I know. Thank you.

Look, it's not a conspiracy.

You're good at it.

That's what my brother used to say to get me to do chores: "Alicia's good at it."

I've worked two months on this Duke case, and now that they're settling, I'm off on some divorce case, and Cary gets all the glory.


Life stinks.


EMILY (sighs): Okay... we don't need to make this any bigger than it is.

The network doesn't want a long, drawn out trial.

We would like to move on.

You mean from Cheryl Willens' su1c1de or the loss of ten sponsors?

You don't need to sell anymore; we're here.

That wasn't selling; that was rubbing it in.

Over the phone, Will and I talked about $2 million.

Actually, we talked about $3 million and a retraction.

Oh. I must have misheard.

The network might be able to go to 2.5, but any retraction would have to be worked out separately with Duke.

We only advise on content.

Well, then you might have to throw in... something extra?

Then... let's haggle.

(indistinct talking)

DAVID: Mind you, I've had my share of vengeful husbands as well.

Alicia, there you are.

Carla Browning.

Hello, Mrs. Florrick.

I think I'm a fan.

Thank you. I think.

Chocolate raisins?

No, thank you.

It's funny, most divorce lawyers have Kleenex.

Yes. I find it harder for my clients to cry when their mouths are filled with M&M'S.

Have you been to many divorce attorneys, Ms. Browning?

A few.

My husband and I seem to have a series of relapses-- him swearing to change, me forgiving, him forgetting, both of us repeating.

I think I'm done.


Point me in the direction of the settlement conference.

I moved out about a week ago, and he's been calling at all hours.

DUKE: Morning.

Threatening calls, saying inappropriate things to our sons.

DAVID: I understand.

But I must warn you, filing for a restraining order against your husband could set the stage for a very ugly divorce.

Mr. Roscoe, we didn't expect you.

Don't get up-- I'll just, uh, help myself back here.

EMILY: We would need Mr. Willens to agree to not speak to the press, of course.

You got any cream cheese?


Can you get some cream cheese for Mr. Roscoe, please?

And, uh, fruit.

Uh, pineapple.

Pineapple, too.

And a bib.


Mr. Willens would have to agree (plate clatters loudly) to no future civil action.

All this is outlined in paragraph six, um, if you'd take a look at that paragraph right there.

I just want to add that there will be no formal retraction agreement, and the amount is subject to change...

I'm curious-- what is the amount?

How much you guys paying?

$2.5 million.


Wow. Is Mr. Willens gonna be paying that out of his own pocket, or is your law firm gonna be helping him out?

Mr. Roscoe.


The network would prefer to handle this... quietly.

Love quietly.

That's why I'm gonna say this quietly.

(quietly): If the network pays one red commie cent, I'm gonna quit the network, and I'm gonna take my nine million viewers with me.

If I have to broadcast from a barge off the coast of South Carolina, I'll do it, rather than surrender my right of free speech.

This isn't about revenge.

I don't want to hear any more excuses, all right?!

My husband is a very dangerous man, and I'm scared.

You understand that, don't you, Mrs. Florrick?

I do?

About my husband.

DUKE: That was meant to be a compliment.

Hush money? Making me look like...

Um... who is your husband?

Oh, I thought David told you.

And I just assumed.

Alicia, I'm sorry.

My married name isn't Browning.

It's Childs.

Her husband is Glenn Childs, the state's attorney.

DUKE: ...and they're not going to be very happy!


Carla thought you'd be sympathetic.

CARLA: David is being euphemistic.

Given how Glenn's been acting, I thought I'd need a secret w*apon.

DUKE: Come on!

And that would be me?


Don't tell me to sit down!


I don't want to sit down!

PETER: The appeal is looking good.

We may not even need to put you on the stand.

The more I can make this a battle between Childs and me and not about sex, then I win.

Sounds smart.

What's the matter?

What happens next?

You win the appeal and...?

And I get a new trial.

Right. You get bond.

I want to go home, Alicia.

What does that look like?

Home? What does it look like?

Looks like family.

And you want to run again?

I don't know.

People want me to run.

I'm working on a divorce case, Peter, and I just...

I see how easily people fall back into old habits.

But that won't happen to us.

Why won't we?

Because we see the problem.

And we'll know how to avoid it.

I have to go.

BAILIFF: All rise for the Honorable Judge Abernathy.

ABERNATHY: Uh, no, no.

Please, everybody, sit.

My goodness.

We're crowded today.

I think that, uh, has something to do with me, Your Honor.

Yes, Mr. Roscoe, I do believe you're right.

Well, you're welcome.

Thank you, Your Honor.

All I want is a fair shake, even though, uh, I would imagine our politics, uh, are night and day.

Your Honor, is Duke representing himself here?

ABERNATHY: No, no, it's all right, Mr. Gardner.

A smidgen of informality is, uh, allowed us all.

And yes, Mr. Roscoe, I clearly admit that we probably would agree on very little, but this court is a blind court, and I will endeavor to be fair.

Thank you.

(quietly): Talk about playing the refs.

Yep, he's good.

Your Honor, the defense moves for a summary dismissal based on the First Amendment.

The plaintiff would deny Mr. Roscoe the right to speak his mind...

No, Your Honor.

We want to deny Mr. Roscoe the right to slander and lie.

DUKE: The truth is an absolute defense.

I've been nothing but truthful about that child k*ller.

WILL: Your Honor, if you're gonna yell "fire" in a crowded theater, there damn well better be a fire.

Okay, Counselors, thank you.

Uh, a second.

(quietly): It's like Lucy with the football.

He's gonna screw us again.

Mr. Gardner, you argue that the First Amendment guarantees the right to speak but not the right to lie.

I agree with that statement.

But our case will be decided on very narrow grounds, Mr. Gardner, Ms. Lockhart.

Uh, to use your example, it's not enough to prove that there was no fire in the theater.

You must also prove that Mr. Roscoe knew there was no fire or had a reckless disregard for the facts.

DIANE: Okay, Cary, Kalinda, this now turns into a fact-finding case.

Who was leaking Duke all his information in the police investigation?

We need to find out what he was given so we can prove he was lying.

Oh, and, Alicia, you keep on Tim.

Hand-hold him, make sure he stays on the reservation.

WILL: Actually, Alicia needs to split her time with the Childs' divorce.

Oh, right.

Okay, Cary, you stay with him.

Hand-hold him.

DUKE: Yes. The woman is a m*rder*r.

Nothing else matters.

Look, we all want to save face here, so let's chat.

Outside the spotlight; Duke can't know; just you and me.

And if any money changes hands, it's out of the press.

Can we have a secret handshake?

8:00 tonight, my hotel.


DUKE: Cheryl Willens k*lled her child.

(four g*nshots)

Your spray pattern's like a fingerprint, K.

Hi, Frank.

What do you need?

Why do you think I need anything?

There's eight open alleys, you're in the one next to me.

Willens kidnapping, everything you got.

And what do I get out of it?

Satisfaction from doing the right thing.

It's an ongoing investigation.

The Lindbergh baby is an ongoing investigation.

What do you need?

The 911 tapes?

Yeah, the 911 tapes.

And the investigative reports.

They're under lock and key.

Upstairs is upset that someone's leaking this stuff to Duke Roscoe.


Two sh*ts; whoever hits closest.

I win, you give me everything.

911 and the reports.

And if I win?

Okay, you first.

Go for it.

Not bad. Your turn.

That's right, you're a heart man, Frank.

Put up or shut up, K.

Let me start by saying, although this office may not have the trappings of a courtroom, both parties have agreed to arbitration, and as such, my decisions have the force of law.

Do both parties understand?

We seem to be only one party.

As you know, Mrs. Childs, your husband is a busy man.

He's asked me, as his lead attorney, to handle matters in his stead.

There are no matters to handle in his stead.

You signed a prenuptial agreement, Mrs. Childs.

The only matter to discuss is when are you moving out.

The matter to discuss is the amount of Carla's spousal support and whether she's going to allow Mr. Childs to visit his children at all.

You seem to be taking for granted that my client would ignore a legally-ex*cuted contract.

Why would he do that, Mrs. Childs?

Because of her.

Tell your client that if he doesn't make it to our next arbitration, I will tell Mrs. Florrick what I found on his laptop.

Is that supposed to scare him?


So you're using me for leverage.


Does that make you uncomfortable?

It makes me mistrustful.

So use me back.

I know exactly what you're going through.

I... my uncle died.

Hardest day of my life.

Ruptured ulcer.

The whole... the...



Then my aunt insisted on having an open casket.

I have no idea why.

To get to see the dead body?

GLENN: You are playing with fire.

Who let you in here?

It's my family.

Let me show you the way out, Mr. Childs.

You're poisoning her against me.

You want to talk to me, you phone my assistant and you make an appointment, but don't you ever come into my office without my permission.

You know, she was fine.

Carla was happy until you talked to her.

(laughs): Oh, my God.

Are you blind?

I have two sons.

Don't you touch me!

I have a life!

You know those envelopes on your doorstep-- they're just the beginning.

I have a lot more.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Don't play stupid with me.

Those photos, the DVDs--

I have eight years of evidence.

Then use it!

Who's stopping you?

Security, 27th floor, please.


You want to make this about family?

Fine. I can make it about family, too.

EMILY: Look, well, your only play is to win the sympathy of the jury.

They get so outraged, they ignore jury instructions, and they award your poor widower something.

Actually, I have another play.


I make your network look so bad, they pay the four million.

Four million, is it now?

Uh-huh, and that's cheap.


Did I tell you I just got a 911 tape of a distraught Cheryl Willens phoning the police about her missing daughter?

Now I know you're bluffing.


Just me and a tape recorder doing a great imitation of a panicked mom.

So did it hurt to have it removed?

Your tattoo.

No, it's still there.


-You're kidding

-Nope delay the trial ask for a continuance let Duke's head cool and I'll get you the two million.

Nah, I think I'll take a chance with this jury.

I'll send you the 911 tape.

I was talking to Hannah Morris back from the old firm.


That really got bigger, huh?

It's my Monopoly board.

I keep buying property.

Hannah said you've been on some kind of sexual sabbatical for the last six months.

That's funny.

Now, how would Hannah know that?

The woman keeps tabs on you, Will.

How far down does it go?

Pretty far.

So we're not gonna get any work done tonight, are we?

That's up to you.

Be right back.

(cell phone ringing)

Yeah, what's up, Diane?

DIANE: You near a TV?

Check out Duke.


What's he... what's he saying now?

I can't do it justice.

DUKE (over TV): ...hypocrisy from a bunch of limo liberal lawyers at Stern, Lockhart & Gardner.

And as always, I have left it to you, my civilian journalists to come up with something on Will Gardner.

I have left it to you, Yeah, I get it; he's got a big megaphone.

So we just got to take it, thick skin...

Here's Will Gardner sneaking into a hotel room with the wife of the hooker-loving, toe-sucking state's attorney, Peter Florrick.

Truth is the absolute defense.

(clucks tongue)

Well, that explains the sabbatical.

It was that r*pe case, the one we lost.

We were asking questions at the hotel.

Seems perfectly innocent.

Okay, can we do some work now?

I'm serious.

It was that case, Christy Barbosa.

And of course it required going to a hotel.

We were asking questions.

It's what led us to the witness.

So you're sleeping with Will?

CHERYL: Please, God, no, no!

MAN (over earbuds): Where is your location, ma'am?

You need to tell me your location.

CHERYL: Uh, a market.

I'm... I'm in Quick Mart.

My-my baby, she's gone!

MAN: Okay, ma'am, an officer is on the way.

I'll need you to stay on the line.

CHERYL: I told her she was bad.

The last thing I to... Oh, God!

She-she was crying and...

Please, God, please!

Oh, God! She was crying.

Please, God.

You all right?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I just, uh...

You couldn't sleep?

Oh, sweetheart.

How are you doing at school?


Are you getting a divorce?

No, no. That's just a case.

Who's Will Gardner?

Another Google alert?

(quietly): Yeah.

It's just a misunderstanding.

He's my boss. We were working on a case, and we went to a hotel to ask some questions.

And now people are trying to make it into something it's not.

Zach says you went to a divorce lawyer.


When I was angry, a week after everything happened.

But you're not angry now?


I'm just trying to be... collected.

All right.

Good night.


Good night, sweetheart.


Did anything come for me at the apartment that I didn't get?

Like what?

I don't know.

A package or something?


Good night.

Good night, sweetheart.

The 911 tape has no probative value, Your Honor.

It is a naked attempt to inflame the passions of the jury, and gain sympathy for his client.

Cornerstone of our case is that Duke Roscoe was knowingly wrong on the facts.

We need the 911 tape to show his facts were, at the very least, wrong.

Your Honor, I know you will try to be impartial here despite your political differences with my client.

Oh, come on.

Stop playing the ref, all right?

And stop carrying out a jeremiad against my client.


He obviously caught you with your pants down, and now you want to...

Okay, you two.

Such fireworks here.

Your Honor, all we ask for is a compromise.

That will prove to us your fairness.

What compromise?

Either we play the tape or we don't.

BAILIFF (reading): "Please, God. No, no.

My baby is gone. I..."

Question: "I would like to help you, ma'am, but I need your location."

I want to sh**t myself.

Answer: "Oh, God.

"Oh, God.

I need help now."

Question: "Ma'am, are you?"

Answer: "My God, my God."


The nice thing about liberals, they love to compromise.

Duke was clearly leaked the police report.

But there are holes in the report he's filling in from other sources.

What sources?

I don't know. He has a lot of anonymous sources on his Web site.

Civilian journalists with e-mails like PatrickHenry76, ReaganRules, TheDukesman.

I say we put the son of a bitch on the stand.

Where am I going?

Hey, Bob. Can you tell me where I'm going?

There's no court hearing today.

Am I moving cells?

You are.



(men talking indistinctly)

We're trying to end the coddling of high-profile prisoners.

So you're putting me in with the general population, huh?


It's a bit of a clumsy move, isn't it, Glenn?

You know, even at our worst, we never went after each other's families.

I'm the one in prison.

I'm not going after anyone.


I love my wife.

I love my children.

But your wife is leading her toward a divorce.

She's Carla's divorce lawyer.



So, now we want the gloves to come off?

I didn't know they weren't.

So you've got me in general population because my wife is your wife's attorney?

Hey, Glenn.

You wanted the prize.

You wanted the office.

So enjoy the spoils.

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

So help me God.

Mr. Roscoe, on your show of August 15, did you say, "Jamie Willens was never seen "on the convenience store video because her mother k*lled her earlier that night."

You have the transcript right there in your hand, Mr. Gardner.

I do, don't I?

There you are.

Yes, to the best of my memory, Mr. Gardner, I said the words you just there quoted.

And this was on the same program you accused the President of the United States of being a t*rror1st.

Objection, Your Honor.

The answer is yes.


The answer to what is yes?

Yes, that's the same program where I called the President of the United States a t*rror1st.

And yes, Emily, I can see there are black people on the jury.

Thank you, Mr. Roscoe.

So, to the best of your knowledge, do the Chicago police consider Mrs. Willens a suspect in the disappearance of her daughter?

Isn't the PC term "person of interest"?

Let me just keep this real simple for you.

Knock once for yes.

(knocks once)

Twice for no.

(knocks twice)

Isn't anyone going to object?

Okay, actually, I don't want anyone knocking in my court.

Now, Mr. Roscoe, when you publicly accused Cheryl Willens of m*rder, what evidence did you have that the prosecutors didn't?

The prosecutor has to convince the jury.

I'm a commentator.

I only have to convince myself.

And so once you convince yourself, it's a fact?



I rely on the police records.

I also have other sources.

How else would I know that Cheryl Willens tried to get a third trimester abortion?

WILL: What other sources?


You just said you have other sources.

What other sources?

Objection, Your Honor.

Under the shield law of Illinois, reporters do not have to reveal their sources.

But, Your Honor, Mr. Roscoe just said he's a commentator, not a reporter.

EMILY: I don't care what he said.

Mr. Roscoe is a journalist.

We respectfully ask the court to compel Mr. Roscoe to reveal what other information he received about Cheryl Willens and where he got it.

You're asking me to pierce the shield law, Miss Lockhart?

Your Honor, U.S. v. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

The court ordered New York Times reporter Judith Miller to reveal her sources.


I never thought I'd see the day when you would side with Bush and Cheney, Counselor.

It is an established precedent, Your Honor. That is all.


Mr. Roscoe has managed to outmaneuver you on the left.


I guess I'm overruling you, Counselors.

Mr. Roscoe, you may keep your sources confidential.

Thank you.

TIM: It's not true.

Cheryl never tried to get an abortion.


Is it possible, Tim... and please excuse me for asking the question because I know we've really bonded over these last few days.

Is it possible Cheryl kept it from you?

No. Don't you see?

Now you're buying into Duke's lies, too.

We just want to trace the source of the story.

We need to show that Duke was being reckless with the truth.

Is there any truth to it?

Look, I took her to her clinic visits myself.

All right, I would have known if she tried to get a late-term abortion.

Or any kind of abortion.

Which clinic?

GLENN: I love you, Carla.

Can't we work this out without all these people?

David and Alicia are my attorneys.

How many divorces have you handled, Mrs. Florrick?

Actually, this is my first one.

Then I should carefully explain that when a wife signs a prenuptial agreement, she has forfeited her ability...

Alicia, you're probably wondering how Glenn found out about Amber Madison.


I don't want him to talk anymore.

Ma'am, that's not for you to determine.

Shut up.


Now, I want you to drop the prenup and negotiate a fair settlement.

It is a fair settlement.

So, on Glenn's computer, there's a file devoted exclusively to Peter.

Okay, okay. 20% of my assets?

I keep the house.

And something called Triton Fields.

GLENN: Carla, this... this is illegal.

What are you going to do, arrest the mother of your children?

Okay to the house.

Full custody.

I need time.

12 hours. And then Alicia and I will sit down and have a nice, long chat.

(theme music plays)

I'm so sure that Cheryl Willens k*lled her daughter that I am now offering $100,000 from my own pocket...

He's influencing the jury.

You don't think one or two of them are watching this?

...to anybody who has even a shred of evidence that Jamie Willens is still alive.

It's called the truth, folks.

Look at Stern, Lockhart & Gardner.

Oh, here we go.

That's what our citizen journalists have been doing.

They've been looking.

Who has spent the last two months in detox?

Who has cheated on their tax return?

Who's a closeted lesbian?

So, tune in tomorrow and we'll find out exactly who has trouble facing the truth.

Yeah, I remember Cheryl.

Good girl. So sad what happened.

You did say you're working with Tim Willens?

Yeah, He wants to clear her name.

So, when did she last come in?

March '07, her third trimester.

Her third?

Was that a regular exam?

Cheryl was spotting.

Nothing unusual, but the poor girl was so afraid of losing her baby that she didn't even tell Tim about it.

Do you know of anyone here who'd say she was having a late-term abortion?


What about others?

Cleaning crew, volunteers, garbageman?

Thank you so much.


What can I get for you?

Irene Reagan?

I'm with Juvenile Courts and Probation.

What did I do?

Oh, we're just following up on your time in community service at the Guardian Family Planning Clinic.

Well, that was over two years ago.

I thought my probation ended.

Yeah. Yeah, look, I'm sorry to bother you about this at work.

We tried you at your home, and I wasn't sure if you had the same e-mail address.

Still ReaganRules?

Yes. Why? What do you want?

I want to know why you made up lies about Cheryl Willens.

This is crazy, Peter. They need to put you back in protected.

Daniel's working on it.

Childs moved you?


I think I know why.

His wife, Carla Childs, I'm representing her.

She's divorcing him.

I know.

He was here.

Childs was here?

He told you?


Then I need to drop this.

No. He'd have done it either way.

I'm the threat to him, not you.

What is Triton Fields?


Carla mentioned it.

She told me I should tell you.

It's a development.

The owner was charged with bribing people in my office.

Childs was the prosecutor.

What else did she say?

Just that he had a file on his computer, that's all.

You think she'd tell you anything else?



So, we holding grudges?

Not that I know of.

Because my tattoo misses you.

Let me think on it.



No ouch.

I just want to think on it.


Think fast.

DIANE: Would you consider yourself a fan of Duke Roscoe, Ms. Reagan?


DIANE: Watch his show regularly?

Been to his Web site?


On Duke Roscoe's blog, there are 83 entries from ReaganRules.

Is that you?


And you would call 83 entries "sometimes"?

Did you also e-mail with Duke Roscoe?

I tried a couple times.

Did you e-mail him information that Cheryl Willens tried to obtain a late-term abortion at the clinic where you worked?

Ms. Reagan, do you know what perjury is?

Yeah, I e-mailed him about it.

Was it true?


Did Duke Roscoe contact you to verify your information?


Anyone from his network call you?


And you were surprised that Mr. Roscoe used your information on the air to accuse Cheryl Willens.


I-I wrote him to say I made it up.

Come on!

What am I, responsible for every e-mail sent to me?

ABERNATHY: Mr. Roscoe, please.

Reclaim your seat.

Why did you do it, Irene?

Why would you make up something so hurtful?

I wanted to hear from him.

To be part of it all.

I mean, he's Duke Roscoe.

"Dissolution of marriage."

It sounds so final, like a death certificate.

Take your time, look it over.

Your husband already signed.

You can change your mind.

As we discussed, your husband set aside your prenuptial agreement and acceded to your terms.

In exchange, he has included a strict confidentiality clause.

So anything I know about his work...

You are prohibited from sharing with anyone.

After I sign this.

That's right.

Then before I do, last year, Glenn wiretapped your phones.


I saw the recordings on his computer.

That's all I know.



Thanks, man.

I'm fine.

(cell phone rings)




Never heard of that.

Putting on no witnesses.

Does that mean they give up?

No, I'm afraid they're counting on winning solely on Duke's right of free speech.

Could you give me a second?


There was a response to Duke's reward.

What reward?

For information on Jamie.

That was the police in Scranton.

They think they have a child matching Jamie's description.

Oh, my God.

WILL: Was a childless couple who supposedly saw her in a shopping cart and snatched her.

One of their neighbors phoned it in for the reward.


(whispers): Do you want to tell him?


How you holding up?


Listen, I just got a call from the Scranton Police Department.

You ready for some good news?

They think they got your girl, man.

TIM (sobbing): Is she okay?

WILL: I think so.

It looks real good.

(sobbing softly)

Thank you.


I just received the verdict, and I find myself making a very difficult decision.

(quietly): Uh-oh.

While I hold the defendant's behavior abhorrent and callous, there is no greater bedrock to our society than the First Amendment.

Without it, all our other rights are at risk.

And I must admit, I have found the plaintiff's case to the jury to play on their passions in this matter, not their rationality.

Uh... Mr. Roscoe receives thousands of e-mails every day.

So it is not axiomatically true that he would have seen this e-mail from Ms. Reagan, invalidating her story.

Without that certainty, I cannot allow a jury under my purview to subvert the First Amendment.

So I am, therefore, directing a verdict in favor of the defense.

(gallery murmuring)

(gavel bangs)

Tell Tim we'll appeal.

Something tells me he's not gonna want to.

Maybe next time.

I'd like that.

MAN: Neighbors credit publicity from the recent trial as the reason for calling the police.

Jamie Willens' picture had appeared in local news reports over the last few weeks, and her image had been plastered all over the Internet.

This stuff's awful.

It's too sweet.


And yet, I can't stop eating it.

Pass me the remote.

...quoted as saying that he never doubted he would see his little girl again.

The family has asked...

Before we move on from this sordid episode, there is a bit of unfinished business to deal with.

He's gonna be insufferable, isn't he?


The promised secrets.

Who spent two months in a Michigan rehab?

Stern, Lockhart equity partner R.J. Daniels.

Who was caught cheating on his 2007 income taxes?

Jason Michaels in acquisitions.

And last but not least, who's the closeted lesbian working at the firm?

That's none other than Diane Lockhart.

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