01x23 - The Tale of the Cat and the Rat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x23 - The Tale of the Cat and the Rat

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme song playing]

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run
Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole
in every fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪


♪ Run wide and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
that we see ♪

♪ Go day and night
Go for it all ♪


♪ It's time to fly, come on,
the wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I
We weren't made for going slow ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Adventure calls
The game is on, come on ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

[Peter] The Tale of the Cat and the Rat.


Huh? Hey!


You're supposed to be keeping lookout.

And you're supposed to be keeping quiet.

-But I am being quiet.

Um, that wasn't me.


[Sammy] Cat! Aah! Oh!


[Sammy screaming]




-[Sammy] Oh.


[Sammy panting]


Oh, now, keep this... [screams]

...cat... away from me.

-[McGregor] Dinnertime.

-[McGregor] Aye.

You like your wee fish,
don't you, kitty cat? [chuckles]

If there's one thing I really, really
don't like, it's cats.


Ah, my oat cake!


[burps] Oops, excuse me.

Rabbits, thieving rabbits.

You took my cake.

You mean Mr. McGregor's cake.

I stole that oat cake fair and square.

Ha, tasty, was it?

Eh, it was okay.

But everyone knows Jemima Puddle-Duck's
oat cakes are the best.

Ha, is that right?

[stammers] Jemima.

Puddle-Duck, you say?

Hmm, ah, well, got to go.

I wonder what that sneaky rat
is up to now.

I don't know.

But you know Sammy Whiskers.

He loves cake
as much as that cat loves fish.

-[all gasp]

Yeah, and she loves getting her claws
into rabbits too.


[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] ♪ Ah, bakey bakes ♪

♪ I'mma makey make my yummy,
Scrummy oatey cakes ♪

Time for sitting to do my knitting.

[laughs sinisterly]





-Ah, excuse me, dear Mrs. Puddle-Duck.

Ah, but you seem to have
left your bonnet outside.

Oh! Oh, my. Have I?

[gasps] I'd forget me own head
if I wasn't always wearing it.

[Sammy laughs]

Ah, are you sure?

I can't see it, Mr. Whiskers.

The bonnet was
on your head all along, see.

Now, it's outside. [laughs]

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck gasps]
Oh, dearie me, oh, my.

Ah, no visitors today, thank you.


And take your knitting too.


Can we eat the carrots now?

[chuckles] No, Benjamin.

How about now?

[both] No, Benjamin.

-[Peter] What...

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] Oh, dear, oh.

Mrs. Puddle-Duck.

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] Oh, morning.

We'll help you.

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] Oh, this is a disaster.


-[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] Oh, dear.

two, three.

-[all grunting]
-[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] Oh, oh, oh.

-Oh, dearie me, oh, my.
-[grunts] We can do this.

-[all grunting]
-[Mrs. Puddle-Duck gasping]

-[all screaming]

Ow, I think I've broken something.

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck] Hmm?

Oh, dearie me, we need somewhere to stay.

Sammy Whiskers got me all befuddled
and all bamboozled and then... [quacks]

[gasps] Oh, he stole my home. [cries]

Stole your home?

He can't do that.

-Poor Mrs. Puddle-Duck.

Oh, no.

Did he take your oat cakes too?


Yes, yes, he did.

Every last one of them.

[quacks and sobs]

[sighs] I never should've told
him your oat cakes are the best.


-[normal voice] The best?
-[Benjamin] Uh-huh.

Do you really think so?

Ah, oh, now I have nowhere
to make them. [sobs]

Don't worry, Mrs. Puddle-Duck.

We won't let Sammy get away with this.

Let's hop to it.




-[knocking on door]

You rabbits are on my private property,
clear off.

It's not your property.

It's Mrs. Puddle-Duck's.

I know that for a fact.

Yeah, give Mrs. Puddle-Duck back her home.

Well, if that's okay with you, I mean.

I've got a huge plate of oat cakes here.

I'm not going anywhere. [cackles]

Who ate all my oat cakes?

Oh, yeah, it was me.

[burps] Excuse me. [snickers]

The only thing that will
get that rat out of there

is if he thinks
we have more cake out here.

Hmm, which we do.

Um, Peter, those are carrots.

We know this is a bag of carrots,
but Sammy doesn't.

So if we pretend
it's a bag of oat cakes...

Sammy will come out and get them.

Then when his back is turned,

one of us can sneak in there
and lock him out.


So who's going in?

[both] Hmm.


-[both] Mmm-hmm.

[sighs and groans with satisfaction]

-[Lily] We should leave.

[Peter] But I don't think we can
take our big bag of cake with us.

It's just too heavy

-with so much cake in it.
-[laughing] Yes.



And Sammy Whiskers
is just too smart for us.

We'll never get him out of there.

Let's just get our huge bag of cake later.

Heh, I am smart.

Much smarter than a bunch of rabbits
who leave their cake behind.




I can't believe he fell for it.

Yeah, Sammy Whiskers
must really like cake. [chuckles]

And now, to takey, takey

those silly rabbits' cakey, cakey.


Whoa, oh, oh.



[snickers] Hmm.


Peter, Lily, I'm in, he's out.

Yay, I did it. I did it.

[knocking on door]

Excuse me, little rabbit,

but you seem to have
left your knitting out here.

Oops, thank you.

Oh, no, thank you.

Oh, wait, this isn't mine.

I... I don't even know how to knit.

Oops again.

[both] Benjamin.


[Sammy groans] Hmm.

What? This isn't cake, it's carrots.

-Ow, hey.

Now what?

Well, we can't give up.

Let's see.

Um... huh.

Ah, I've got it.

We might not be able
to chase Sammy out of there,

but I know who can.

And it's all thanks
to Benjamin getting that knitting.

You're welcome?


Hmm, hmm, hmm.

First, we have to do a little fishing.

-[door opens]
-[McGregor whistling]

[whimpers] Rabbits are brave,
rabbits are brave.

-Fishing? In that case,

it's time for one of my special knots.

[McGregor] Here, kitty cat.

Supper time.

-[line reeling]

[door closes]


-[Benjamin whimpering]
-Get ready to run that fish

all the way back to Mrs. Puddle-Duck's.

Yes. Wait.

If we have the fish,
wouldn't the cat chase us?

[both] Exactly.

Now, back to Mrs. Puddle-Duck's.


♪ Run, rabbit, run ♪

♪ Run like you've never run before ♪

Oh, no.

♪ Run, rabbit, run ♪


♪ If he catches you, you're done
So run some more ♪


♪ Your heart is pounding ♪

♪ Those feet are sounding so close to you
What can you do? ♪

♪ Oh, rabbit, run ♪

♪ You better run ♪

♪ I think I hear him catching up to you ♪

Where'd the cat go?

Oh, no, looks like we lost her.

-[Benjamin gasps] Looks like we found her.

This way.

Oh, hurry, Peter.


-[Peter grunts]



Did you think I'd leave my nice new home
just because of a smelly fish, huh?

Rats eat cake.

You know what eat fish?

A cat.

And you won't find a cat around here.

Oh, if there's one thing
I really, really don't like it's--





I really, really don't like cats.


For a rat stuffed full of oat cakes,

Sammy can really move.

[chuckles] Yeah.

And we got Mrs. Puddle-Duck's home back.

Right, Benjamin?


[Benjamin] Phew.

Lucky our carrots are safe.


[both laughing]

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck singing]
♪ Yum, yum, in their tums ♪

♪ Oat cakes for everyone ♪

-Oh, dear, oh, dear.

I hope there's enough for everyone.

It's okay. Benjamin won't be having any.

He's too full of carrots. [laughs]

I've always got room for oat cakes.

Especially Mrs. Puddle-Duck's oat cakes.

Didn't I say they were the best?

[Mrs. Puddle-Duck laughs]

Hmm, I wonder what happened
to that awful rat.



I wouldn't worry
about him, Mrs. Puddle-Duck.

I think he's found somewhere new
to hang out.

[all laughing]

[theme song playing]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
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