01x19 - The Tale of the Grumpy Owl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x19 - The Tale of the Grumpy Owl

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on a run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night
Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on
The wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go!♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on ♪

♪ Come on let's go! Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over] The Tale of The Grumpy Owl.

[Owl] Hoo!


Hoo, hoo!

[wind gusts]



[wind gusts]

[Lily] Ah, Peter, why don't you just
tell us what you're looking for,

and then we can help you find it?

[Pete grunts]

Uh... Uh, Peter?


Look out!


[Peter grunts and groans]

Hey, careful!



-It's my journal!

I can't find it anywhere.

-You know, the journal!

The one my dad left for me.

-[Benjamin] Ow!
-[Lily] OK, you've got to think logically.

[Lily] When did you last see it?

I was reading it in bed last night.

Then I was dreaming.

And then I heard a hoot.

And then... Of course!

Oh! Ow!

Uh, Peter?


[Peter gasps]

Old Brown stole my journal!

-I've got to get it back!
-I'll help you.

Whoa... Ah... Ugh!


Me, too!


[Adventurous music playing]

Owl Island, here I come!

Wait! Peter!

Owl Island is half a mile away,
I know that for a fact.

We can't swim that far.


But I've got to get over there!

What we need is a boat.

Yes! We could build one.

The plans are in my dad's journal.

Oh! This is exactly why
we need to get it back.


Maybe the squirrels can help us.

Squirrels don't have boats, Benjamin.

-[Squirrels laughing]
-No, but they have rafts!

[laughter continues]

I've got this.

Ears, Benjamin.

[very loud whistle]

That's got their attention.

[all] Wahoo!

Thanks for the lift, Nutkin.

-I'm not Nutkin.

Uh, you're not?

I'm not even a squirrel.

And neither are my friends.



Psst! Hey, guys, it's me, Nutkin!


Great disguise, huh?

Brilliant! We would have never
guessed you were squirrels!

We're on a top secret mission...
all very hush-hush.

Us, too!

Watch out for that grumpy owl, then.

He hates visitors.

Especially squirrels!

[all gasp]

Erm... Uh...
how does he feel about rabbits?

Old Brown's not crazy about them, either.


Come on, let's hop to it!

[Adventurous music playing]


Don't worry, Benjamin,

as long as we don't wake
Old Brown up we'll be OK.

Just keep quiet.

Quiet. Sure, I can do that.

-Uh... Uh...


Oh... Ouch!

Uh... Sorry.


[whispers] There it is! Dad's journal!

Whoa! Oof!

I've got a better idea.

It's a hazelnut catapult.

We knock the journal down.

-[sighs] OK, here we go. One, two--
-Don't miss, OK, Peter?

Yes, thanks.

One, two...

And you don't want to wake
Old Brown, do you?

-Yes, I know. Stop interrupting!

One, two...

-Do you want to take a practice shot?
-Whoa! Whoa!


-[all gasp]



It's OK. Let's go find
some more hazelnuts.


[Nutkin whispers] I'm not here.

So... your secret mission was stealing
all of Old Brown's hazelnuts, huh?

[gasps] Who told you?

Was it Felix? I bet it was!

Oh, he is such a blabber-mouth!

What?! [chatters]

We're here to get Peter's journal back.

[Benjamin] Old Brown stole it.

[Nutkin] That grumpy old
owl stole your journal?!

I have had it with him!


Old Brown has been an enemy of the
Squirrel Tribe for generations!

First, he steals my tail!

And now he steals your journal?!
We've got to do something!

Squirrel Tribe... to battle!

[all chatter]

[sighs] OK, I'll do it myself.

Come on!

Nutkin, really, you don't have to
do this... it's my problem.

[whispers] You want your journal back,
you'll have it back!

[Nutkin] The secret is to be fast.


And very, very... quiet!

Whoo-hoo! Ha-ha-ha!

I say! I did it!

Oh, no! Look out, Nutkin!

What? You want more dancing? OK!


[all gasp]

-Old Brown has Nutkin!
-We have to help him!

But how?


Come on!

-[both strain]

Two... three!



He needs a crash mat!

Uh... tell me when it's over!

How many times have I told you,

-Never, ever wake up an owl!

-I'm not Nutkin!

You silly squirrel!

One would have hoped
you'd learned your lesson by now.

-Stay away from my friend!

But I wasn't even uh...

Oh. Oh! You were talking to him,
weren't you?

Oh! [chuckles] Carry on!

Peter Rabbit up a tree?
Whatever next?

You let Nutkin go, and give me back
my dad's journal, too!


So, you want your book, do you?

It was my dad's, give it back!

[chuckles] You know what they say,
keeper's finder's!

Uh, I think you mean finder's keeper's!

Hmm? Tail feathers!

Oh! [whimpers]

I'll make you a deal.

You can have Nutkin back,
or your precious journal.

-But not both.

Your choice, Peter.


I'm sorry to do this, Dad.

[both] Whoa!

Whoo-hoo! Wow!

A crash mat! Great idea!

You rabbits are so smart!

But if... that's the crash mat,
then what did we...?


[groans] You're welcome.

Back to the rafts! Let's hop to it!

But, Peter, what about your journal?

I know. I'm gonna miss it.

But some things are more important.


Oh, that's just so sweet of you! [sobs]

No, really,
no-one's ever done that for me.

Come on, Nutkin, let's go.


[squirrels chatter]

Is that everyone?

OK, let's go home.

Wait! Where's Nutkin?

-[Nutkin pants]
-My journal!

He went back for it!

I wonder how he managed to get it
without Old Brown seeing?


Give me back that book!

I can't believe you went back
and got the journal.

You put your tail on the line
and saved my life!

Just my way of saying thank y-- Ouch!

♪ Run rabbit run ♪

♪ Run like you've never run before! ♪

[Owl] Got you!

♪ Run rabbit run ♪

♪ If he catches you you're done
So run some more ♪

♪ Those feet are sounding ♪

♪ So close to you ♪

♪ What can you do? ♪

♪ Oh rabbit run! ♪

That's it! Give me my dad's journal!

[Peter grunts]


[grunts] Ah!

Ah! Tail feathers!

Pah! You haven't heard
the last of this, Peter Rabbit!

[all cheer]

It's good to have you back.

But I think I'd better
keep you a little closer.

[Owl] Hoo!

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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