01x08 - The Tale of Benjamin's Strawberry Raid

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x08 - The Tale of Benjamin's Strawberry Raid

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the
Wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on
Come on! Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit!
Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit!
Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit!
Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of Benjamin's Strawberry Raid.

...and so, all we have to do is
crawl in through the fence here,

sneak along the onions and ta-dah!

We're in Mr McGregor's strawberry patch,

with millions and squillions of the
biggest berries you've ever seen!

I have to admit, Benjamin,
that's a pretty good plan.

It should be, I've been working
on it for three whole nights.

All those strawberries,
it's too good to be true.

I say, let's do it!

And I say,
since it's Benjamin's plan,

he should be leader.

Yes, I should be leader!

Wait, what?! No, I can't,
I mean I can but I can't, but...

No buts, Benjamin. You'll be great.

Hmm. Yeah, you're right.
I will be great.

Atchoo! Excuse me.

That was really sweet of you, Peter.

-Do you think he can handle it?
-It's just an easy strawberry raid.

What could possibly go wrong?

[Benjamin grunts]


[suspenseful music playing]

This is it... just like on my map.

So what do we do, boss?

Let's hop to it!

I've always wanted to say that.

I think I'll say it again.

Let's hop to...

OK, OK, leaders first!

[grunts, giggles]

Um, maybe if I go feet first?

[grunts, groans, sighs]

Nope, arms?

Nope. I know, sideways!

No, wait, backwards and sideways
at the same time!

Hey, look.

[Benjamin] What? No...

One of my dad's secret tunnels!
We could get in that way. Let's go!

Wait, give Benjamin a chance, Peter.

You said he's the leader today,

Yeah, but this tunnel's much wider and...

[Benjamin grunts and groans]


[both strain]

He's stuck tight. This way!

-[Benjamin groans]
-[Peter and Lilly straining]


[gasps] Do you think
Mr McGregor heard us?

Let's hope not,
or he'll put us in a pie for sure.

[Benjamin grunts and groans]

[sighs] Can I just say that
I think my strawberry raid plan

is going really, really well.


[laughs] Nice look.

Now, hmm...

According to my plan, we just go
down this way for a while.

I don't like this.
We're right out in the open.

But we want those strawberries,
don't we?

Besides, Benjamin seems
to know where he's going.

-Then we go this way.
-[Peter gasps] Oh, no!

Hmm, I wonder if this is right...

[Mr McGregor] What's going on over here?!

[dramatic music playing]

Oh, my poor wee beans!

I just put these up as well.
Where's my spade?

The hat's a clever disguise, huh?

Wasn't part of my plan
but I just went with it.

Hey, I know what went wrong!

[giggles] I had my map upside down.

Ah, we're supposed to go this way,
around the radishes!

Maybe it would be easier if we just
cut straight through the radishes?

[sighs] Come on, let's give him a chance.
He's got it under control.

You sure about that?

♪ Off you go no time to lose
You'd best be on your way ♪

♪ Off you go 'cause you
Can't afford to fail today ♪

♪ Proceed with care
Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
At what you're trying to do ♪

-♪ So off you go ♪
-[Mr McGregor] Huh?

♪ And you should know ♪

♪ The goal's in reach
It's waiting there for you ♪

Phew! Who'd have thought being
a leader would be such hard work?

Uh, Benjamin, are you sure you know
which way those strawberries are?

-I could show you...
-I know where they are!


Right over there!

[adventurous music playing]




Meow... Hiss.

[all] Run!

[dramatic music playing]

Oh, no! Dead end!

Aah... Aah...

-[both grunt]

I think we're lost!
We'll never find those strawberries.

I'm really not sure where they are.

Never say never, Benjamin. Look!

[Benjamin gasps]

Strawberries! Ahem.
I mean, strawberries.

No big deal. I was just joking
about that 'lost' stuff by the way.

[all laugh]

So what's the plan to get them?

Ah, this is the really,
really clever bit.

We stay here and Peter runs over
there and gets the strawberries!

Simple but effective. I like it.

-Hop to it!
-Yes, sir.

[sniffs] Strawberries... Yum!

I knew your plan would work,

-[gasps] M-M-Mr McGregor!


Oh, no!

Peter! Peter! Are you OK?

I'm stuck.
Come on, Benjamin, let's lift.

[both straining]

It's too heavy!

I know, Just In Case pocket,
just in case!

No... No...

I really need to sort through
my pocket one day.

Oh, no, oh, no!
This is all my fault!

Some leader I turned out to be.

That's not true, Benjamin.

Remember what my dad used to say?
"A good rabbit..."

[gasps] "never gives up."

[Peter strains]

Never give up. Never give up.

[gasps] I've got an idea! Yes,
I really have, an actual, real idea!

You do? I mean, of course you do.

Lily, get a bunch of the canes
that held up that tomato plant.

Together they might be strong
enough to lift the crate.

-How many?
-As many as you can carry.


Uh, I've got to get a pot!

[grunts] Come on...

Hey, where'd everybody go?

[grunts] Is this enough?

Don't ask me,
I've got no idea what the plan is.

[Benjamin] It's perfect!

Uh... Now, tie them together
so they're nice and strong.

Ooh! I'll use one of my special knots.


Mr McGregor! Hurry!

OK, now, on three.

One, two, three!

[all grunt]

-[all grunting]
-[Mr McGregor continues whistling]

Don't forget the strawberries!

-You did it!
-I did? I did, didn't I?

-[Mr McGregor] Strawberry stealers!

Come back here!

Stop! Rabbits!

[dramatic music playing]

Whoa! Other way!

Come back here, rabbits!

[sighs] That was close. Do you
know the way out of here, Benjamin?


-Other way.
-Oh, I knew that. Let's go!

[gasps] That's our way out!

The cat's in the way.



All clear.

On my signal and... Go! Go! Go!

[all grunt]

[all laugh]


-Everybody OK?

[laughs] Now that's what
I call a strawberry raid.


You know, Benjamin,
I wasn't sure you had it in you.

But I've got to admit,
you were a great leader.

Well, you know what they say?
Some rabbits have got it. [sniffs]

And all rabbits need a little
help from their friends.

-[burps] Excuse me.
-[all laugh]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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