01x02 - The Tale of the Radish Robber

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x02 - The Tale of the Radish Robber

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
and every wall ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the wind's
Begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go!♪

♪ Adventure calls again ♪

♪ It's on come on! Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit!
Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit!
Let's go! ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit!
Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Radish Robber.

[man] Hey, stop! Rabbit!

Stop it!


[man grunts]

Stop that!

[Peter] Quick! Look out!

[Man] Those are my radishes!

[man grunts and groans]

Peter, you said Mr McGregor wouldn't
spot us taking his radishes.

Don't worry, Benjamin.
He won't find us.

Just keep quiet.



[Peter gasps]
I don't like where this is going.

-[cat meows]
-[Peter] Quick, behind here!

[Benjamin gasps] Dead end!

You say dead end, I say there's a
secret escape tunnel dug by my dad.

Huh?! Not here!

[Mr McGregor] I'll put you in a pan!

Wah! He said the P word.

Um... Uh...

I was sure the escape tunnel was here.

Oh, um... uh...


-There it is!

-Good old Dad.

[Mr McGregor] Ah!

[Peter grunts]

[Mr McGregor] Give 'em back!

[both] Whoa... Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!

-[Peter gasps]
-The radishes!

[Benjamin grunts]

[Benjamin groans]

Good thing your dad dug that tunnel.

Yeah, all of his secret escapes
are marked like this.


Look at that, four of the tastiest
radishes I've ever seen.

Oh, yummy.

Radish. Huh?

Cottontail, you don't just
gobble it down whole like this.

First, you trim the leaves.

Then you... sniff.

Atchoo! [giggles]

-And then you...
-[Mother] Peter!

Quick, hide them under the cushions!

If Mum sees them, she'll know
we were in Mr McGregor's garden.

Hmm, now, my dears.

Having a nice morning, are we?

-Uh, yes, Mum.
-Yes, Aunty.

-Lovely weather.

Uh, yes.

Been getting up to mischief
in Mr McGregor's garden?

Yea... Uh, no.

I hope not.

You know how dangerous
that place can be.

[Cottontail] Radishes, ooh...

[laughs] Cottontail.

Don't worry, Mum, we'd much rather be
somewhere nice and safe.

[laughs] Safe enough to eat
our radishes, that is.

Let's hop to it.

This is the perfect spot.

-Ready to eat?
-[stomach grumbles]

[laughs] That's a yes.

-[Lily] Hello, boys!
-[both gasp]

Phew! Lily, it's only you.

Florence and I were just taking
the laundry to Mrs Tiggy-Winkle's.

Weren't we, Florence?

Oh, radishes! I've heard about those.

Don't tell me you've never seen
a radish before.

No. Are they as nice
as everyone says they are?


Huh? Shh!

Ever get that feeling
someone is watching you?

I do.

Maybe someone is after your radishes.

What you need is a
secret place to eat them.

Oh! I know where. Quick!

Hide them in here.

Follow me.

[happy music playing]

-Do you think we lost them?
-I think so.

Whoa! [groans]

I, I meant to do that.

This is the perfect place
to eat the radishes.

-Let's get munching.

-[door opens]

[Peter] The radishes!


[laughs] Well, pluck my spines!

If it isn't Peter Rabbit.

And Benjamin and Lily too,
if you please.

And what brings you three youngsters
to my door?

Morning, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle.

We just thought, uh...

We thought we could help
you with the laundry.

Oh, an offer kindly made
is an offer accepted kindly.

[Mrs Tiggy-Winkle] That's it, Lily.
Put your back into it.

[Mrs Tiggy-Winkle] Come on now, Benjamin.


Tsk, tsk, tsk. [laughs]

Oh, not there.

Not there.

Found them!

[Peter] Oh, no!

[grunts and groans]

Come here...

Doing laundry isn't as
easy as it looks, is it?

[all] Huh?

-Well, thank you, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle.
-Uh, goodbye!

We should be going.

Always in such a rabbity rush.


That radish has got
to be here somewhere.

Look, you can tell by the grass
that it landed right here.

You know what that means.

It was taken by a radish robber.

Taking somebody else's radishes?
Imagine! Huh!

Yeah, imagine.

[sighs] There must be somewhere
we can eat our radishes in peace.

What we need is a tiptop idea... Oh!

And it doesn't get much tiptoppier
than the squirrel cab.

Rabbits are brave,
rabbits are brave...

Why don't we see how many kinds
of trees we can spot?

There's a larch,
I know that for a fact.

-Oh! And a pine and--
-Another really, really high tree.

Please, can we go back down?

Peter, I know it's pretty up here

but don't you think eating radishes
in trees is, well... a little bit crazy?

Someone say 'crazy'?

[laughs] I've said it
and I was upside down.

-Thanks for helping us out, Nutkin.

Anything for my long-eared friends.

♪ Flippity floppity flee!
Three rabbits in a tree ♪


I'm not that hungry anymore.

You know the best way to work up
an appetite, hmm?


-Hey! Careful with those!
-Watch out, Peter!

[Nutkin] Woohoo! Whoa!

Whoa... Whoa... Whoa! Whoa!

[Peter] No!

Sorry about that, my friend.

Once again my squirrely exuberance got the
best of me and caused untold heartache.

Watch this. Whoa!

[laughs] You can open
your eyes now, Benjamin.

We're on the ground.

Uh... Uh... I knew that.

Um, I was just doing
an extra-long blink.

The radishes are gone.

The radish robber must have
followed us here too.

I say we could hold our breath,
dive to the bottom of the river,

and eat our radishes there.

Or I know a perfect spot
at Hilltop Farm.

We should it to a bird
and eat it in the sky.

Ooh, we should bury it
until next summer.

-[both] Huh?

What don't we just, you know,
eat it right now?

[both] Brilliant!

Yay! Radish time!

I tell you what, though,
if I ever get my paws

on whoever took our radishes,
there'll be...

Uh... Uh... Furry?

[gasps] Mr Tod!

[all whimper]

Three little rabbits
out in the woods all alone?

You shouldn't sneak up like that.

I'm a fox.
Sneaking is sort of what I do.

Oh, and what's this?

A radish?

Hmm, I am quite keen
on the peppery flavour

of raphanus sativus as it happens.

Maybe he's the radish robber.

Ah, come, come, Peter Rabbit.

Even your father never
tried to out-fox a fox.

[Peter] Dad's secret escape.

Good old Dad.

Very well, Mr Tod.

[Peter grunts]

You may have captured our last radish
but you won't catch us.

-[all] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Ah, well. The main dish may have
escaped but the salad is intact.


-[stomach grumbles]
-Cheer up.

We'll just get more radishes
from Mr McGregor's tomorrow.

Hey! [sniffs]

Can you smell that?

[all sniff]

[Peter] It can't be!

It is!

[all] Radish soup!

That's right.

Little Cotton-Tail brought them home.

She just found them lying
around in the woods.


Our radishes?

You've been taking all our radishes?

Yes. [giggles]

Well done, Cotton-Tail!
Good scavenging.

Much less dangerous than, say,

taking them from
Mr McGregor's garden.

[all laugh]

So, how do you like your
first taste of radishes?

-[mother] Peter Rabbit!

[Peter] But... it wasn't me! Lily!

[Lily] Excuse me.

[all laugh]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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