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01x16 - The Curse of the Gold Falcon/The Island of Lost Things

Posted: 12/03/23 14:32
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

- ♪ Sailing the seas,
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

"La Sorpresa de
Cumpleaños de Tomás."

I can't wait to see

Tomás's birthday cake.

Hola, Captain Sprinkles!

- Ahoy, mateys.

You're just in time.

- Ooh, cackling clams.

- That's the coolest cake
I've ever seen.

It looks like real gold.

- Aye, it be my special
tres leches cake,

covered in the last
of me rare gold frosting.

- Genial!

Tres Lechesis Tomás's
favorite cake!


- And gold is
his favorite treasure.

- A perfect surprise

for Tomás's surprise
birthday party.

- And we better get going,
or else we're gonna be late

for the party.
- See ya!

- Bye!

- Wish a happy birthday
to me matey, Tomás.

Ooh, and if you're looking
for a shortcut,

head left of them rocks.

Just don't go into the fog.

That be a El Mar Malo!

- [gasps]
The Bad Sea?

- Legend says it's full
of magical dangers,

Even El Pulpo Gigante.

- [gasps]
- You mean...

both: The Giant Octopus?

- [whimpers]

- Aye, the fog be the last
place you want to end up

with one of old
Captain Sprinkle's cakes.

No creature on the high seas

can resist a bite, you see?

- No se preocupe,
Captain Sprinkles!

We'll take good care of it.

- Har!

[adventurous music]

- I can't believe it!

Those scallawags got
their swabby mitts

on a solid gold treasure chest.

- Oh, they always find
the best treasure.

- Never you mind, Beezies!

[meddlesome music]

[cats screeching]

Soon enough,
their treasure will be mine!


♪ ♪

- Hola,Tina.
Do you copy?

- Loud and clear, Santi.

- We're heading back
with the cake now.

- Súper!
I'll keep Tomás busy

with his special birthday
treasure hunt!

- Hola, hermanita!

- Oh!

- I'm ready for my party.

Where is everyone?

- [laughs]
Your party isn't here.

- Where is it?

- You'll follow the map
to find it.

- A treasure hunt to find
my birthday party?

I love it!

The town square?

- So we have to go
to the town square

to find the next piece
of the map.

- Cool!
Let's go, sis.

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- We're almost to the rocks.

We need to go left,

just like
Captain Sprinkles said.

Bravo, a la izquierda!
all: Whoa!

- Finders, keepers.
- ¿Qué fue?

- Coquí, coquí!
- Blimey!

- Landlubbers, weepers.

- Caw!
Landlubbers, weepers.


♪ ♪

- [laughs]

- Who turned out the lights?

[dramatic musical sting]

- Prickly prawns!
Bonnie took the cake.

- And she's heading right
into El Mar Malo!

- Shiver me timbers!

[adventurous music]

We better get in there
before it's too late!

Good pirates always do
what's right.

Are you with me?

both: Piratas ahoy!

- Coquí, coquí!

♪ ♪

- Ha, told you we'd make it,Beezies.

No treasure stands a chance

against the Queen
of the Pirates.

- Queen of the--

Uh, uh, hey, um, hey, boss!

- You were saying?

"Queen of the..."

- Surprise!

- Avast, Bonnie!
Unhand that cake!

- Did he say cake?

- Cake?
You can't trick me.

I know treasure
when I see it.


- Capitán!

Bonnie's heading straight
into a sea of... bubbles?

- The legendary
Burbujas Peligrosas:

Bubbles so bouncy,
they can sink any ship

that dares sail over them.

- Blimey!

We better catch up
before those bubbles

bounce Tomás's cake

Bravo, gira!

- Whoa-oa-oa-oa!

- Come here, treasure.
Come here.

No, no, no, no!
Not that way.


- Caracoles!

We'll never catch Bonnie

through these bouncing bubbles!

- Maybe we can

if we ask "El Bravo"
to jump over the bubbles.

Everybody say,

"Bravo, brinca!"

all:Bravo, brinca!

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- Otra vez!

all:Bravo, brinca!

- We made it.
Come on, mateys.

We have to protect Bonnie
from El Mar Malo.

- It's not here or here.

Or maybe over here?

Where's the next piece
of the map?

- Ahem.

[triumphant music]

- I knew I'd find it.

The pier?

That means we'll find
another piece of the map

at the pier, right?

Come on, hermanita!
Let's go.

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- Bonnie Bones,
hand over the cake.

- Coquí.

- Enough cake talk.

- [grunting]

- I've had it with your tricks.

I stole this here treasure
fair and square!

[sinister music]

- Sparkling seashells...

- ¿Qué qué?

- Es verdad!

It's a special surprise cake
for Tomás's birthday.

- I've got a nose for gold.

I know treasure
when I smell it.

- Yeah, she's got a nose for--

For cake?
- Clam it, Beezies.

- Bonnie, look out!

- Nice try, swab,

but nobody's taking
this treasure away from me.


- [gasps]

- Uh-oh.
- Oh, ho, ho, ho.

both: El Pulpo Gigante!

- [squeaks]
- [gasps]

- Hornswoggle.

I don't think so!


Alguien, ayúdeme!

- Bonnie, hold on tight.
I'm coming.

- Ugh...

- [squawking]

- Ugh, it is just a cake!

Unhand me.

- Capitana!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Gotcha!

- [gasps]
He's not going to make it.

- Whoa!

- Whoa!

- Fantastic!
- Eso!

- No cake is worth
all this rigmarole.

Gatitos, vámonos!

[adventurous music]

- Ha!
Got it!





♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- Mi'jo!
- Santi!

[dramatic music]

- I can't break free.


Espada fuerza!

Tomás's cake.
That's it!

♪ ♪

Here you go.

- [grunts]

- Huh?
- Qué hace?

[suspenseful music]

- He ate the cake.

- [gasps]
No lo puedo creer!

- [contented gurgling]

- De nada.

[adventurous music]




- What a positively perfect
performance, capitán!

- Bien hecho, mi'jo!

But how did you
know he wanted the cake?

- Not a creature on
the high seas can resist

a bite of Captain Sprinkles's
cakes, remember?

[all laughing]

Tomás's surprise party!
We don't wanna be late.

Vamos,me hearties!
- Whoa-ho!

♪ ♪

- Coquí, coquí.

-Bravo, adelante!

♪ ♪

[tropical music]

- I'm coming for you, map.

Where are you?

You can't hide forever.

♪ ♪


Found you!

The last piece of the map.

It's not just a map,

it's a puzzle.

"El Bravo!"


My party's on "El Bravo?"

- Sí!
You solved the puzzle!

- But where is "El Bravo?"

Did I miss my own party?

[upbeat music]

piratas: ♪ Cumpleaños Feliz ♪

♪ Cumpleaños Feliz ♪

- Turn around, Tomás.

Piratas: ♪ Cumpleaños,
cumpleaños ♪

♪ Cumpleaños Feliz ♪

- Me hearties!

- Happy birthday, hermano.

- Gracias, hermanita.

♪ ♪

- Surprise!
- Happy birthday, Tomás!

- Feliz cumpleaños, Tomásíto!
- [squeaking]

- A golden cake,
just for you, primo.

- Whoa!

A golden cake!

Tres leches?
My favorite!

both: A Captain Sprinkles

- Captain Sprinkles?


No creature on the high seas

can resist
a Captain Sprinkles cake.

- You have no idea.

all: Uepa!
- Coquí!

- Another awesome
pirate adventure.

We did good, me hearties.

all: Piratasahoy!
- Coquí!

- "Family Treasure Hunt."

"Buscando Tesoro
en Familia."

[tropical music]

[chatter and laughter]

- [grunting]

Ahoy, piratas.

You're just in time
for Mami's big surprise.

- I wonder what it is.
- Me too.

- Me three.
- Yo también!

- Hola, mi'jos.

Today in the museum
I found this painting

of the famous chief,
Cacique Lukiyo,

and his legendary treasure.

all: Ooh.
- Whoa.

both: Caracoles.

- He's wearing his famous
Taino sun medallion.

It's made of rare
ruby gold!

- The medallion is faded.

What does it look like?
- No one knows.

He hid it away
in a treasure chest,

but no one has ever been able
to find it.

- According to this,

Cacique Lukiyo
hid his treasure

somewhere in
La Caverna Secreta.

- The Secret Cavern?

- Yes, but you can
only enter it

on one day every hundred years.

Lucky for you guys,
that day is today!

group: [gasps]

- Hoy?
- Coquí?

- Once you find
The Secret Cavern,

you must light up
the sun rune to open it.

- "When the sunlight
hits the rune..."

- "A door will open soon."

- Exactly.

So you have
until the sun goes down

to find the treasure.

- I bet you I can find
that treasure

with my handmade gold detector.

[exciting music]

- Whoa, whoa-oa-oa-oa...


Hey, that tickles!

- Tomás, check your pocket.

- Whoa, my gold doubloon.

Yeah, we'll find
that treasure sin problema.

- Bet you I could find it
with know-how in my noggin.

- Yes!

Together, Abueloand I

have the knowledge
of the land and the sea.

- I bet you Kiko
and my Calavera tools

can help me find that treasure.
- Uh-huh.

[group arguing]
- [whistles]

How about a little
family contest?

Whichever team finds
the treasure first

will be named MVP:

"Most Valuable Pirates."

- Yes!
- Eso!

- Yeah!
all: Uepa!

- Adventure awaits, amigos.

all: Piratasahoy!

- Coquí, coquí!

- Yeah!

- On your marks, get set,


- According to island legend,

La Caverna Secreta
is this way.


- Cacique's treasure,
here we come!

[adventurous music]

- Go get 'em, boy!

- Where there's gold,
there's treasure.

- Okay, a good pirate protector
knows how to read a map.

A cavern is like a cave,

and caves are usually

in mountains!

Maybe La Caverna Secreta

is inside that mountain!

I'll use my pirate skills
and sail my ship!

It's faster.

Vamos,me hearties!
To "El Bravo!"

Bravo, sube!

♪ ♪

Let's find the secret cavern
and get that treasure.

- Ooh, coquí, coquí.

- Bravo, adelante!

[foreboding music]


- Coquí, coquí, coquí.

- Kiko, cuidado--

- Whoo-hoo!

- Kiko.

- [squeaking]
- Espérate!

- Ah!

- Kiko, wait!

We have to work as a team,

♪ ♪

A boobytrap.

[suspenseful music]

- Aah!

♪ ♪


- Are you sure we're going
the right way?

- All we have to do

is follow the beeps
till we find the cavern.

Come on.


[tropical adventure music]

La Caverna Secretamust be
on the other side

of this river.

We'll have to zipline across.

- With what?
- With this.

- I was afraid you'd say that.

♪ ♪

- May I?

[guitar twangs]

- Whoa, no!

I am not going across the river
on that thing.


- Can you hold this
for a sec, please?

- Sure.
Wait, what?

- Whee!

- According to island legend,

the entrance
to La Caverna Secreta

is up in the mountains.

- According to mermaid myth,
it's under the water.

both: La Caverna Secreta!

- Well, blow me down.
We're both right.

- Whee!
[group screaming]

- The other teams
are passing us.

- Well, we better get moving

if we're gonna beat them
to the treasure.

- Abuelo,wait!

That bridge looks
really rickety.

- [scoffs]

This bridge is strong
as an ox.


- Oh, barking barnacles!

- [screams]

[suspenseful music]

Matey, we need
to work together.

- Coquí, coquí.

[adventurous music]

- Your turn, Kiko!
- Coquí,ah!

♪ ♪

- Nice, Kiko!
- Coquí, coquí!

- Aah!

Hang on tight!

[triumphant music]


That sun rune is just
like Mami showed us!

Kiko, we found
La Caverna Secreta!

The door is closed!

How are we gonna
light up the rune?

- [gibberish]

- With my sword?

Let's try it.

Espada, brilla!

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Coquí!

- Whee!
- Aah!

- It's the sun rune!

- But we need light
to open it.

- Tomás, you can use
your guitar

to bounce the sunlight
on the rune.

♪ ♪

[triumphant music]

both: Caracoles.
- Vámonos!

- Almost there!

Almost there!


Lorelai, help!
I'm at the end of my rope!

- ♪ Aah ♪

Follow me!

[upbeat tropical music]

- Whoa-ho.
Now I've seen it all.

♪ ♪

- Gracias, tortuguitas!
- Look.

both: A sun rune!

- "When the sunlight
hits the rune..."

- "The door will open soon."

- But the sun's setting.

How are we going
to light the rune?

- Con tu caracolito?

- Ah, yes.
My seashell.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Let's get that treasure.

all: Whoa.

- Ooh.

- Cacique'streasure!
both: Ooh, tesoro!

[suspenseful music]

- Team Lorelai and Abuelo
for the win!

[all shout]

[upbeat music]

both: Whoa!

- Do you hear that?

- Hornswoggle!
The doors are closing!

Another booby trap!

Espada, brilla!

- Ripping riptides!

- We're too late!

The cavern is filling
with water.

[both moaning]
What are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?
- [whistles]

We can do this, mateys.

We just have to work together
as a team.

Good pirates never give up.

all: Aye, aye, capitán!

- I wish I had my floaties.

- Tomás, you just gave me
a great idea.

- I did?
I mean, I did.

- Miren!
My stretchy pillow!

- This is no time for a nap,

- Everyone, grab a corner
and pull.

♪ ♪

- Oh, now I've seen everything.

- Whoa, the water's rising
super fast!

- We need to find
another way out.

Another sun rune!

Espada, brilla!

- Shiver me timbers.
It's not opening.

- We need to work together.

Everybody say,
"Espada, brilla más!"

all: Espada, brilla más!

♪ ♪

- Ooh!
- Yeah!

- Uepa!
- Uepa!

- Eso!
- Whoo-hoo!

We did it, me hearties.

[all cheering]

Now let's take this treasure
back to Mami.

[tropical music]

- Once we've seen the necklace,

we'll put it back
where it belongs.

♪ ♪

- I can't believe it.
You found Cacique'streasure.

So which team is our MVP:

"Most Valuable Pirates?"

- Our quest was more perilous
than a piranha.

- But in the end,

he was no match for this
familia de piratas.

- We all found
the treasure together.

- Whoa.

- It's the most beautiful
necklace ever.

- Caracoles.

- Amazing!

I'm so proud of all of you.

Separately, you're fantastic,

but together,
you're unstoppable.

[all cheering]

- That was amazing treasure
hunting adventure.

We did good, me hearties.

all: Piratasahoy!

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪