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01x14 - Santiago's Greatest Treasure/The Golden Banana Treasure

Posted: 12/03/23 14:30
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

♪ Sailing the seas
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas,
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

- "The Gold Falcon."

"La Maldición
del Falcón de Oro."

[seagull squawking]

[upbeat music]

- Ready, racers?

- En sus marcas...!

- Listos...!
- Fuera!

- [exclaims]

- Tomás, are you okay?

- Aye, aye!

Except for my big toe.


I must've hit a rock.


- That was no rock.

It's a Gold Falcon!

- How fancifully
and ferocious!

- Caracoles!

I found treasure
I didn't even know

I was looking for.

- It's so cool.

I wonder where it came from.

Let'’s ask Abuelo!

- Yeah, let's go.

- Yeah!

[upbeat music]


- Abuelo!
Look what we found!

Isn't it awesome?

- [exclaims]
The Gold Falcon?

Where did you get that thing?

- I treasure-hunted it
all by myself.

- Really, Tomás?

- Well, I tripped over it
all by myself.

- [giggles]
- What's wrong, Abuelo?

- Oh, Santi.

The Gold Falcon is bad luck!

Es mala suerte!

all: Mala suerte?

- Oh, no! "Bad luck"?

But it'’s so shiny!

- Yes. Legend has it

the Gold Falcon brings
bad luck to its keeper.

Ooh! I caught something!



It is bad luck.

- See?

Mala suerte.

- Can't we just get rid of it?

- No! You must take it back
to where it belongs!

- Aye aye, Abuelo!

We must protect the people
of Isla Encanto

from the bad luck.

- Compass, where does
the Gold Falcon belong?

- The Golden Falcon's nest
is on top of Falcon Island.

- Whoa.
- Wow.

- Incredible!

- And we're going to
take it back!

Adventure awaits, amigos!

all: Piratas ahoy!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Bravo, sube!

♪ ♪

all: A la aventura!

The sooner we get the
Gold Falcon back to its nest

the sooner we'll get rid
of the bad luck.

- Whoa!

- Lorelai, look out!

- Whoa!

Barking barnacles!

Watch out!

- Not again!

♪ ♪

- Whoa, mateys!

We got to turn
this bad luck around!


- Whoa!

- [grunts]

- [gasps, grunts]

♪ ♪

- [exhales]
Bravo, adelante!

[upbeat music]

- Let's bring
this bad-luck bird back.

- Oh, no, the wind stopped.

[sad music]

- More bad luck.
- We're stuck.

What're we gonna do?

- Tomás,
how about a power chord?

- One power chord
coming right up.

[dissonant strum]
Mi guitarra!

It's out of tune.

Bad falcon!
Bad falcon!

- Lorelai, wave please?

- Aye, aye, capitán.

Big wave, take us away!

♪ ♪

[adventurous music]

- Whoa!

We're going backwards!

- And right toward
that ship!

[all yelling]

[Lorelai grunts]

- Who bumped me bumpers?

- Yeah.
Who bumped her bumpers?

- Of all the ships
to bump into.

- Santi!
I should have known.

Only a landlubber
would bump someone's ship!


Sorry, Bonnie,
but it wasn't my fault--

- Tell you what.

Hand me that Gold Falcon,

and I'll call it even.

- Oh, no.

You do not want this statue.

all: It's mala suerte!

[Santiago grunts]
[bird caws]

- Seriously, Bonnie,

that statue will
give you bad luck!

- [laughing]

Nice try, swab!

But me and my favorite bird
got to fly.


[cats meow]

[guitar strums]

- Eso!

I'm in tune again!


The Gold Falcon'’s gone
and so is the bad luck.

Let'’s go home!

- We can't leave the falcon
with Bonnie.

We have to protect everyone
from the bad luck.

'Cause good pirates...

Always do what's right!

- Coquí! Coquí!

Bravo, gira!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Bad luck?

Nothing this gold and glittery
could ever be bad luck!

[musical chime]

- Uh, Capitana!
We'’ve sprung a leak!

- It's just a teensy crack.

[cats meow]

- [squawks]

- Maybe Santi was right!

Maybe the statue is bad luck!

- Toothrot!

Not this Gold Falcon!

- Bonnie,
unhand the Gold Falcon

before it brings you
more bad luck!

- Nay, I won't
give you the Falcon,

but I will give you
a Bonnie-trap!

[cats meow]

- Ah! Cacklefruit!
- Cacklefruit!

Bilgewater! We're sinking!

- Please give back the Falcon!

- Never!

- Bonnie,
we're trying to help!

Please, give back the Falcon.

It's mala suerte!

- As if!

Bad luck is for landlubbers!

[musical chime]


- Shiver me timbers!

- Ah![grunts]

Aw, hornswaggle!

[water gurgling]
- Uh-oh!

- Uh-oh! Those bubbles
look like trouble!

- Well, that's our cue.


[upbeat music]

- Mateys! The Gold Falcon
fell into the sea!

[water gurgling]


The bad luck has spread
over the water!

all: Mala suerte!

- We have to bring the Falcon
back to Falcon Island,

and stop the bad luck!

Bravo, adelante!

Tomás, Power Chord, please!

- Aye aye, capitán!

[guitar strums]


Look, there'’s Falcon Island!

We'’re almost there!

all: Oh!

- Blimey! We've hit a sandbar!


- Don't worry about us,

- Yeah, you have to get
the Falcon back to its nest.

Aye aye, mateys!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

The Falcon's nest is
on top of that hill.

Ready, me hearties?

[Kiko coos]

Let's do this!

[upbeat music]

[musical chiming]

Shiver me timbers!


Whoa! The ground is cracking!

You got to help me jump!

When you see
a crack in the ground,

yell "Brinca!"

[ground rumbling]

[Kiko squawks]


[Kiko squawking]




There's the nest.

Kiko, we have to
get to the top

before the bad luck
tries to stop us again.

[musical chime]

[ground rumbling]
Oh, no!

[triumphant music]

We did it, Kiko!

[Kiko coos]

- Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

[upbeat music]

- Mateys!
both: Santi!

- We did it!

The bad luck is over!
- Coquí!

- And I have a new adventure
to add to my journal!

- Wepa!
- Fintastic!

Now let's go home!

- Both: Aye aye, capitan!

- Bravo, vámonos!

[upbeat music]

- Mmm...

- Abuelo!

We got the Gold Falcon
back to its nest!

Tomás and Lorelai:
- No more bad luck!

- Are you sure?

Because I haven't caught
a fish all day.


Hey, hey, hey!


Qué buena suerte!

My bad luck is gone, chicos!


[both laughing]

- Another awesome
pirate adventure!

We did good, me hearties.

Piratas ahoy!

- The Island of Lost Things.

La Isla de Cosas Perdidas.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Ahoy, mateys!

Check this out!

I'm practicing some new
swashbuckling moves.

Capitán Calavera'’s magic sword

is the most powerful
in the world.

He used it to protect
the island from bad pirates.

We have to take
good care of it, Kiko.

- Coquí, coquí!

- I'll take that!


- Enrique?

- [cackling]

- Capitán Calavera'’s
magic sword is mine!

All mine!

- Unhand my sword!

It belongs to the Pirate
Protector of Isla Encanto.

- Oh, really?

Tell that to the arm-rique!

- Not this time!

- Ah!
- Oh!

- Mi espada!Lorelai!

- I'm on it, capitán!

Bracelet of pearl
to mermaid from girl!

- I don't think so!

That sword will be mine!

[upbeat music]

- Allí!
- Allí!

Qué qué?

- It's lost!

- Imposible!

- I've got to tell Santi.

- Lorelai!
- Coquí!

- Did you find my sword?

- Capitán,I had it
at the tip of my fingers,

but then it got lost.

- Caracoles!

The sword is lost?

Where could it be?

- Hmm...

I think I know the answer!

[upbeat music]

The Island of Lost Things!

- So that's where
my lost socks went!

Hey! Maybe my favorite
kite's there, too!

- Or my sparkly seashell sled!

- Compass, which way
to The Island of Lost Things?

[clicking and rattling]

Qué extraño.

It'’s not pointing
in any direction.

- You mean
it's pointing nowhere?

- How do you get to nowhere?

- Hmm...

Hmm, since it'’s
The Island of Lost Things,

maybe the Compass
is telling us to get lost!

Compass, let'’s get lost!

Got it.
[upbeat music]

♪ Let's go! ♪
♪ Vamos, piratas! ♪

♪ Vamos together ♪

♪ We can all go
On an adventure ♪

♪ Join the crew
We'’ll be friends forever ♪

♪ Full speed ahead ♪
- ♪ Shiver me timbers ♪

♪ We're heroes
of the high seas ♪

♪ Siempre valiente! ♪

♪ Juntos!
We dare to do the right thing ♪

♪ Piratas ahoy! ♪

♪ Let's go, amigos!♪

♪ Dale, dale, dale! ♪

♪ We're Pirate Protectors ♪
- ♪ Dale, dale, dale!

♪ Piratas ahoy! ♪

- Dizzy dolphins!

- Are we lost yet?

- Miren!

We've found The Island
of Lost Things!

[dreamy music]

[both gasping]

- Compass?
Where can I find my sword?

Mi espada!

It'’s at the top
of that tower

in the middle
of the island.

- Wepa!
- Splasherific!

- Bravo, adelante!

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- Ratoncita,faster!

"El Bravo"will lead us
right to the sword!

Wait, where is "El Bravo"?

- [chittering]

- What? What do you mean
we're lost?

[dramatic music]




- Stupefying.
- Coquí!

- Ooh, tesoro!

Give it back!


- The crab says
you can't take it.

According to my journal,

only the real owner
can rescue a lost thing.

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- Claro.
That makes sense.


El cometa!

My favorite kite!


- [chittering]

- He says you have
to prove it's yours.

- That's easy!

I was the only one
who could ever get it to fly.

- You flew that thing?
- ¿De veras?

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- See?

Easy peasy!


- Tomás!
- Whoa, I'’m coming, primo!

[upbeat music]


- Whoo!

[musical chiming]

- Gotcha!

[musical chiming]

♪ ♪

- Marvelous moves, capitán!

- Gracias, primo.

- De nada.Now, come on!
Let'’s go get my sword!

[waves crashing]

- Ooh, shiny!



- [chittering]

- Ugh, fine.

I'’m only after
one thing anyway.


- Espada,here we come!

- Singing starfish! I found it!

My lost seashell sled!

- That's a sled?

- [chittering]

- Behold!

♪ Ah-ah-ah! ♪

♪ ♪

- [chitters]

- Thank you, Miss Crab.


- Blimey!
- Shiver me timbers!

- Coquí!

[rumbling continues]

- Ha!

- Whoa!
- Coquí!

all: Phew!
- Nice moves, Lorelai!

- Caracoles!

- Thanks, mateys.

- Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

[all gasping]

[musical chiming]


- All right!
- Yeah! Almost there!

- Wepa!

[dramatic music]

- Es mío!

- Let's do this.

- Coquí coquí!

- That sword is mine!

- Whoa!

- Whoa!

- Ha-ha!

- Avast ye!

Capitán Calavera'’s sword
is for good pirates!

- Don't mess with the best
or you'll lose like the rest.




I meant to do that.


- What's--uhn--
wrong with this thing?

- Enrique!

You can'’t take the sword

because it doesn'’t
belong to you.

- Oh, yeah?
Then how come I can do this?

Espada, brilla!

- Enrique, wait!

The sword only works
for good pirates!

It won't work right for you.

- Uh, uh...

Espada, fuerza?

- Aah!
- Coquí!


[upbeat music]

[Kiko chirps]
- Thanks, Kiko!

[dramatic music]

- [gasps]

Santi needs our help!

- Caracoles!
What do we do?

both: Ah-ha!

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

I can't get close enough!

- Coquí coquí!

Coquí! Coquí! Coquí!

- Ahora sí!


- Oh for Enrique'’s sake!

Come on, already!


- Aah!

♪ ♪



[Santi grunting]


♪ ♪



We've got to save those crabs.

Good pirates always do
what's right!

Help me power up my sword!

Say, "Espada, fuerza!"

both: Espada, fuerza!

- Again!

Espada, fuerza!

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

One more time!

- all:
Espada, fuerza!

- Strong work, capitán!

- Bien hecho, primo!


- Gracias, cangrejitos.

- I don't need your sword!

I've got a whole pile
of treasure right here.


[claws clicking]




[upbeat music]

- Thanks, mateys.

Without you, my sword
would have been lost forever.

- De nada!
- Anytime!

- Coquí!

- And thank you for another
awesome pirate adventure!

We did good, me hearties!

- Piratas ahoy!
- Coquí coquí!