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01x01 - The Legend of Capitán Calavera

Posted: 12/03/23 14:18
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy!

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago!

♪ Sailing the seas
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante!
all: Heave ho!

- ♪ Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho!

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh!

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: Santiago!

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: Santiago!

- ♪ Santiago of the seas,
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: Santiago!

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: Vámonos!

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago!

- La Leyenda de
Capitán Calavera.

[lively music]

- Hi, Santi!
- Hola, Santiago!

- Hi, there!Whoa!

Everyone's getting ready
for the pirate fiesta.

- Santiago!
- Oh, coquí!

- Santiago!

- Ooh, that sounds
like Grandpa.

- Coquí!

- Hola.
Excuse me!

Con permiso.

- Santi!
- Hola, abuelo!

- Santiago.
- Is it ready?

- Just in time for the fiesta.

- Wow, Capitán Calavera.
He's my hero!

He kept our island safe
with his magic compass,

his sword,
and his pirate ship, too.

- A good pirate.
He always did what was right.

And, Santi,
look what I carved here.

Capitán Calavera's
little coquí.

- Ooh!
- Oh, just like you, Kiko!

- Coquí!

- The captain sailed
the high seas,

discovering new lands,
finding amazing treasure,

and always protecting
our island.

But the treasure
hasn't been seen since.

[adventurous music]

- Hmm.
Maybe I can find that treasure.

- [squeals]
- Whoa!

- Legend has it that today,
on his 100th birthday,

a young pirate will find
his long-lost treasure

and become the island's
new protector.

- Abuelo, I'm going to find
the Calavera treasure

and return it to the people
of Isla Encanto.

- Well, what are you
waiting for, mi'jo?


[lively music]

♪ ♪

- I've searched all over,

and if my calculations
are correct,

Capitán Calavera's treasure is
buried around here somewhere.

- Hey, Santiago, wait!

- That's my cousin Tomás.
Pirata Tomás!

- Whoa!

- Today's the day!

You ready to find
that treasure?

- Pues claro.
But first...

nothing in my hands,
nothing up my sleeves.


- Oh, awesome trick, primo!

- [squeals]

- Now I really feel
like a pirate!


- Bilgewater!
both: Argh!

[both laugh]

- Coquí, coquí, coquí!

- You're right, Kiko.
Let's go find that treasure.

We're going to look high
and low till we find it.

- Aye, aye, matey!
We're gonna look high and lo--


- Tomás!

- Santiago, ayúdame!
Don't let me fall!

You know I don't like water!

- Give me your hand!

- I can't reach.
No alcanzo.

- Kiko, ayúdanos!
- Coquí!


- Ew, sticky.

- Hold on tight!

- [struggling]
- I won't let you fall.

A good pirate helps
friends in need.


Got ya!

Okay, primo.

- [grunts]
- Heave ho!

- Whoa!
- [squeals]

- Yeah!
- That was awesome!

You're the bravest, bestest
cousin in the whole wide world!

- I had a little help.
Strong work, Kiko.

- [squeals]

- Amigos,
give Tomás a big hug.

- Coquí!
- Blimey!

- Coquí, coquí, coquí!


- Hold on, socio!

I'm coming!

[magical chime]


[tense music]

Ya voy, Kiko!

- [squeals]

- [groans]

A good pirate never gives up!

Got ya!

- Coquí!

[upbeat music]


- Whew!

I thought I lost you, Kiko.
You okay, buddy?

- Coquí![slurps]

- No, no!
That tickles!

[light music]


Those crabs are making an X.


♪ ♪

And X marks the spot!

Could it be?

- Coquí!

- I bet something's
buried here.


We found Capitán Calavera's

both: Whoo-hoo!

- Coquí, coquí, coquí!
Coquí, coquí, coquí!

- [panting]
¿Qué pasa, primo?

- Pirata Tomás!

- Caracoles!

You found it!

- I found it!
I finally found it!

both: Whoo-hoo!

- High five!

♪ Oh, treasure!
Tesoro ♪

Santiago, ábrelo.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Blimey!
- Caracoles.

- Am I dreaming?
Somebody pinch me.

- [squeals]
- Yowchy!

- [giggles]
- Mira!

Capitán Calavera's
magic compass.

- Oh, they say it points
the way to amazing treasures!

- It also points the way
to helping friends in need.

- Oh, yeah, that, too!Wait.

Does this make you
the new capitán?

- Avast!
- [gasps]

- I smell treasure!

- Oh, no, that sounds like...

- The greediest pirate that
ever sailed the high seas.

Bonnie Bones!

- Yo ho ho!
Yee hee hee!

That there treasure
is all for me!

[cats meow and crow squawks]

- Ah!
Wet, wet, wet!

- Can it be?
The Calavera treasure?

I've been searching
for that pirate booty

a mighty long time.

Oh, kitties!

[upbeat music]

- Hey!
[cats meow and hiss]

That's not fair!

♪ ♪

- Ha ha!

- Bonnie Bones,
I found that treasure!

- Thanks for doing
all the legwork.

You're much too kind.

- Yeah, much too kind.

- [laughs]
Hasta la vista,swabs.

Gatitos, vamos!

- [meows]

- [grunts]
We've got to stop her!

[tense music]

- Uh-oh, here comes Santiago.

- The Calavera treasure belongs
to the people of Isla Encanto!

- Finders keepers,
landlubbers weepers!

[wheel creaks]


- Bilgewater!

I've got to get that
treasure back.

Only a good pirate
deserves that treasure.

[magical chime]

- [squeals]

[brisk dramatic music]

- Blimey!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

¿Qué está pasando?


It's "El Bravo,"
Capitán Calavera's pirate ship.

[lively music]

♪ ♪

Blow me down!

I'm wearing Capitán Calavera's
pirate clothes.

Qué maravilla!

Kiko, I think this means
I'm the new pirate captain!

- [squeals]
- Whoo-hoo!

- Santiago, Santiago!

Capitán Calavera's pirate ship!

- Aye, aye, matey!

Now let's get that
treasure back.

Climb aboard!

- Climb aboard that ship?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You know I don't like water.

- Tomás, I need a first mate.

This is your chance
to be a real pirate.

- I've always wanted
to be a real pirate--

sailing the seven seas,
wind blowing in my hair,

hunting for treasure,
eating chocolate cake!

- Chocolate cake
isn't exactly pirate-y.

- [squeaks]

- But okay,
we'll eat chocolate cake.


- Then I'm in, primo!
Sign me up!

[yells, gasps]

I'm on Capitán Calavera's ship?

This is...
[imitates expl*si*n]

Blowing my mind!

[lively music]

♪ ♪

- Check out your guitar.
- [gasps]

[guitar chord rings]


[guitar chord rings]

- Whoa.
Tomás, did you just do that?

- ¿Por supuesto?
- Awesome!

Now let's get
our treasure back.


- Huh, how do we
get this thing to move?

- Anchor's up, sail's down.
What am I missing?

- Coquí!

- You're right.
In all the stories,

Capitán Calavera commanded
"El Bravo" in Spanish.

Let's try it.

- Tell it to go right.
- A la derecha.

[magical chime]

[adventurous music]

It's working!

- Now try to the left!
- A la izquierda!

[magical chime]

That was great!

Let's go catch Bonnie Bones!

We have to tell El Bravo to go
straight ahead.

Say "adelante."

both: Adelante!

- Here we go!

- [squeals] Coquí!
- Yo ho ho!

[cheerful music]

- ♪ We're off
to save the day ♪

♪ Help is on the way ♪

♪ On a mission here we go ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ Piratas, ahoy! ♪

♪ Help is on way ♪

- Yo ho ho!
Yee hee hee!

I'm Queen of the Pirates!
Look at me!

- Sail ho!

H-here comes Santiago!

- Don't be silly.

He'll never catch us
in his little rowboat.

- [squawks]
It's not a rowboat.

It's "El Bravo"!

- Bilgewater!

You're right,
me fine-feathered friend.

That is indeed "El Bravo."

But how did Santiago
get Calavera's ship?

He couldn't be that good,
could he?

- Sí.
El es muy bueno.

- I'll stop him
once and for all

with my super-duper
gooey slime cannons!


[cats snoring]

I said "gatitos"!

[cats meowing]

Prepare to fire!

A la una, a las dos,
y a las tres!

Blow the boy down!

[cannonball whistling]

- Yikes!
She's gooey-sliming us!

- "Bravo," frena!

[magical chime]

both: Whew.

That was close.

- Fire!

[cats meowing]

[light tense music]

- Oh, no!

We're stuck.

- Aww, looks like you
got yourself

in a bit of mess there.

- Mark my words, Bonnie.

I'm bringing that treasure
back to Isla Encanto

- Not on my watch.
Later, swabs.

Thanks for sticking around!


- Santiago, ¿qué hacemos?

- We got to shake
this icky-sticky goo.

And I know exactly who to call.

- Oh, yeah!

[guitar chord rings]
- [whistles]

- ♪ Ah-ah ♪

[shimmery chimes]

♪ Ah-ah ♪

- Ahoy, Lorelai!

- Whoa, Santiago,
you're a pirate?

- Aye, aye!

I'm also stuck here,
thanks to Bonnie Bones.

- A dastardly deed.

I shall be delighted
to remedy your dilemma.

- Huh?
- Lorelai's gonna help us.

- ♪ Ah ah-ah ♪

- Blow me down!

[cheerful music]

♪ ♪

- It's working!

♪ ♪

- Fin-tastic!

- Muchas gracias!
- Gracias!

- [squeals]

- Lorelai,
want to join our crew

and help get the Calavera
treasure back from Bonnie?

- [gasps]
Oh, yes, yes, yes!

[clears throat]
Yes, I do.

Aye, aye, Captain.
At your service!

[lively music]

Bracelet of pearl.
From mermaid to girl!

♪ ♪

Whoa, spectacular sailing suit!

Ready for adventure!

- "Bravo," adelante!

[adventurous music]

- [squawks]
- Relax, Butterscotch.

- [squawks]
- They'll never catch us now.

- [squawks]

They're back.

- [gasps]

How did they unglue
from the goo?

Never you mind.

They won't be
on our tail for long.

We're heading straight

for the treacherous
Sharks Teeth Reef!

- Sh--Sh--Sh--Sharks
T-T-Teeth R-Reef?


- Full speed ahead!

- Avast!

Bonnie's sailing through
Sharks Teeth Reef.

- Oh, we'll never catch her.

- "El Bravo's" gonna
have to go super fast, mateys.

And we're gonna help.

Everybody say
"'Bravo,' rápido!"

"Bravo," rápido!

[bombastic music]

♪ ♪

- [groans]



[cats meow]


[light music]

[cats meow]

Hey, it's harder than it looks!


- We're catching up!
We need to go a little faster.

"Bravo," rápido!

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [gasps]

- [grunts]

[cats meow]

- Coquí!

- That's impressive!

- Well, if it isn't pirate boy
and his froggy friend.

- [squeaks]

- Bonnie Bones, we're here
to take this treasure back.

- I'd like to see you try.
- Uh...

- [gasps]

[magical chime]

Calavera's sword!

[upbeat music]


- The treasure is mine!
- We'll see about that!

- Whoa!

- Oh!
Oh, oh, nice swashbuckling.

- Hey, whose side are you on?

- Yay, Santiago!
- Eso, primo!

- Adiós,Bonnie.

- Oh, pirate boy?

Aren't you forgetting

- Coquí, coquí, coquí!

- Hey, give Kiko back!

- Tell you what.
I'll trade you Kiko

for the treasure
and your pirate ship.

Oh, and your
magic compass, too.

- A despicable deal.
Don't do it!

- This is coconuts.
Just say no!

[soft tense music]

- [squealing]

- A good pirate always
stands by his matey.

I can't leave Kiko behind.
You win, Bonnie.

Friendship and family are more
important than any treasure.

I'll trade you
everything for Kiko.

- Hmm.
- [squeaks]

- I'd say "thank you"
if I had any manners.


- [meows]

[light music]

- Shake a leg, you three.

- I've held my end of the deal.
It's your turn.

- Mm, lo siento,

but I'm keeping
the wee frog, too.

- [squeals]
- You won't get away with this!

- Yet somehow, I always do.
- [squeals]

- Want to know why?
- [squeaks]

- It's because
I'm Queen of the Pirates!


- Caracoles.
- I have an idea.

- [gasps]
- "Bravo," abajo!

[boat thudding]

- ¿Qué es esto?
We're sinking?

[cats meow]

- [squeals]
- [screams]

[both grunt]

- [squawks]
- Gatitos!

[cheerful music]

- Lorelai, sharks, please.
- Aye, aye, capitán!

[lively music]

Bracelet of pearl.
To mermaid from girl!

♪ ♪

- Are my eyes
playing tricks on me,

or did that girl
turn into a mermaid?

- I wouldn't blink
if I were you.

- ♪ Ah ah-ah ♪

Swim and swirl, sharkies!

- She's friends
with sharks, too?

- [squawking]
- Oh, I hate sharks!

- "Bravo,"
la soga, por favor.

- Go, Santi!
- Yeah!


- [grunts]
- [squawks]

- [yells, gasps]


- Coquí!

- Kiko's falling!
Tomás, agárralo!

- [squealing]
- Whoa!

- Tomás, you can do it!
- [groans]

Shiver me timbers!

- [squeaks]
- Tremendo!

- Coquí, coquí!

- I did it?

Ah, ah-ah!

- Catch of the day!
- Gracias!

- Look!

El tesoro!

"Bravo," arriba!

[adventurous music]

We saved el tesoro!
And Kiko, too!

- I can't stand it!

You and your crew
are such good pirates!

- Thanks, Bonnie.

By the way,
"El Bravo" and the compass

only work for me.

- [grunts]
- That's right.

Because Santiago
is brave and kind.

- And his heart is always true.

- Just like my hero,
Capitán Calavera.

"Bravo," adelante!

- Coquí!
- [squawks]

He is so cool!

- This isn't the last
you've seen of me.

Hoist the sails!

[cats meow]

Tooth rot!

- [squawks]
- Come cut me down!

[dramatic music]

[bell tolling]

♪ ♪

- Is that Santiago y Tomás?
On "El Bravo"?

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

- We found
Capitán Calavera's treasure!

Come look!

- I knew Santi would find it.
- Amazing work, Santiago.

- [gasps]
- Ooh, treasure!

- The legend is true!

And now the treasure is back
in Larimar where it belongs.

- Estupendo!
- Mami!

- [giggles]

- We found the Calavera

- I knew
you could do it, mi'jo.

As the Mayor of Larimar,
I have something for you.

- [gasps]
Capitán Calavera's journal?

Muchísimas gracias, mami.

- Now you can write down
all your adventures,

Capitán Santiago.

- Aye, aye, mami!

♪ ♪

- You are now Isla Encanto's
pirate protector!

[cheering and shouting]

- Yoo-hoo!
- Ha ha!

- [whistles]
- Doing what's right!

- Good pirates are we!
- Come join our crew!

- And sail the high seas!


- Coquí!

[cheering and shouting]