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02x09 - In the Beginning

Posted: 12/03/23 13:53
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

[Senator Tolay]
It is my great honor
to present this award of merit

to the Legion of Super Heroes
and their generous sponsor

R.J. Brande.

[audience applauding]

Thank you, Senator Tolay.

[all cheering]

Woo-hoo! Go, dad!

Hey, where's Lightning Lad?

Shouldn't he be up there, too?

He said he had something
more important to do.

Come on, Matter-Eater Lad

you're not gonna
get any stronger

unless you eat something.

Just one bite.


[Saturn Girl]
Clearly you missed
your calling as a nurse.

You know, I don't think
I ever thanked you

for taking such
good care of me

while I was
in my healing trance.

It meant a lot.

How's Cosmic Boy?

Um, he's good.
I'm sure he wanted to be here.

It's know


Y'all know I made my fortune
manufacturing stars

but no star of mine
has ever shined

as brightly as Cosmic Boy and..



[dramatic music]

Instead of thank you,
Mr. Brande

perhaps you should be saying
your goodbyes.

[theme music]

[music continues]

The United Planets.

There's an attack.

Sorry, but unless
you have a doctor's note

you're not going anywhere.

Here's my doctor's note.

[dramatic music]







After all these years, Cos

do I still need
to show you how it's done?






Never send a boy
to do a man's job.

[Saturn Girl]
Then how about a girl?


Ugh! Aah!


Ah, the ties that bind.


For a second,
it seemed my release

from the hospital
was going to be a short one.

I thought you were
still in a coma.

Healing trance.

And news flash,
she awoke a week ago.

Maybe you'd know that
if you ever bothered

to visit her
instead of accepting awards.

I was accepting that award
on behalf of the Legion

because I'm the leader.

Got a problem with that?

Oh, yeah, you do.

Well, next time
we elect a leader

try winning it for a change.


We have bigger things
to worry about.


[instrumental music]

Closing on Grimbor ship.


We lost him.

His ship has cloaked.

I have a psychic lock on Brande.

I can track them
as long as we stay close.

It's good to have you back.

Lightening Lad,
transfer navigational controls

to Saturn Girl's station.

Aye aye, captain.

You know,
there's a reason

you're not the one
giving the commands.

Oh, yeah? Why's that?

You've always been too cavalier
and impulsive to be a leader.

You haven't changed
since the day we met.

The sad thing is, you have.

Back then, you actually cared
more about doing good

than just looking good!

Stop it. Both of you.

This rivalry is getting old.

- You never take my side.
- I'm not taking anyone's side.

That's not true,
you two are always

teaming up against me.

- Are they always like this?
- Pretty much.

There's a lot of history
behind their friendship.

And it's interfering
with their work.

if you knew their story

you'd understand
where their strong

albeit unusual bond
comes from.

[Brainiac 5]
They met on a starship
headed for Earth.

[instrumental music]

[Cosmic Boy]
Let me guess.

You had to leave
some family behind

so you could make a name
for yourself in the galaxy.

Uh, not exactly.

I'm actually out here
looking for a little adventure.

And speaking of,
will you keep an eye out for me?

You know, we're not supposed
to leave this compartment.

Word is that the richest guy
in the galaxy is up there.

You wanna come and see
what all the hubbub's about?


Cool power.
You know, I have one, too.

Yeah? Let me guess.

You turn
into a wet blanket, right?


[indistinct chatter]

- Now, let's have some fun.
- No, let's not.

[instrumental music]

Target acquired.

A lovely ship,
isn't she, miss?

Charles Booger Juice.

My brother and I here
are just taking in the sights

on our annual
tour of the galaxy.

Aren't we, Mortimer?

I don't know what to say.

You two don't belong here,
do you?

Were we that obvious?
How did you know?

There's a ticket for steerage
sticking out of your pocket.

And you have traces
of Zancium on your boots

a mineral that's only found

on the impoverished
planet of Braal.

- Huh?
- She's good.

That and I can read your minds.


But if we're
showing off powers..

...check this out.

Well, if you liked that.

How about this?



[indistinct chatter]

[Lightning Lad]
That's him, isn't it?

R.J. Brande.

One of the richest
men in the galaxy.

Quiet, please!

Mr. Brande
has a brief statement.

Thank you, Doyle.

I'm pleased to announce that
my unity tour was a success.

Several key systems have
re-affirmed their commitment

to the United Planets.

[dramatic music]

Brande is in danger.

[dramatic music]

- We have to do something.
- Like what?

Like this!

[both screams]

[indistinct shouting]



[wind whooshing]


[Cosmic Boy]
A little help here!


[g*n clicks]


[beams zapping]





[instrumental music]

Are you okay, sir?

Just fine.
Thanks to you.

That was some display.

Sir, I sense
you're still in danger.

If that's true,
I'm sure that the Science Police

can handle it from here,
but here's a little something

for your trouble.

There's more to this.
I know it.

Maybe he's right.
What can we do?

We're just kids.

[Brainiac 5]
But that didn't set well
with Cosmic Boy.

The next day,
they arrived at Earth.

[instrumental music]

And the first thing
they saw when they stepped

out of the spaceport
on New Metropolis

would change
their lives forever.

The Superman museum.

[music continues]

[Cosmic Boy]
The universe sure could use
more people like him.

But he was just a myth,
wasn't he?

What the universe
needs are real heroes.

Maybe we can be those heroes.
As a team.

- Us? Heroes?
- Sure, why not?

We've already proved that
together we can hold our own.

Our first mission
can be to get to the bottom

of the attack on Brande.

We'll call ourselves
Awesome Kids United.

No, wait!

Up With Heroes.

Uh, let's keep Brainstorming.

[Brainiac 5]
The new team put their skills
and powers to the test

to crack the conspiracy
against Cham's father.

First, Saturn Girl used her
telepathy to get needed intel.

[music continues]

Later at Brande Industries

Lightning Lad's electrical
powers came in handy.

[electricity crackling]

[music continues]

And so did Cosmic Boy's
mastery of magnetic fields.

Through their investigations

they found evidence
leading them to one man.

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

So, Doyle,
have the Science Police

found any leads
in the attack?

It's proving a difficult
case to crack, Mr. Brande.

But I'm sure
you'll know soon enough

who was behind it.


What? What's going on?

Sir, it was Doyle
who planned the attack.

We were able to trace
everything back to him.

But you've been
with me for years.


I wanted control
of this company

and its technology.

Brande Industries
has the power to create suns

and destroy them.

But that could wipe out
billions of people.

For starters.

And I know people
who would pay

through the nose
for such power.

[keys beeping]


It's gonna blow!

We have to get
out of here, now!




[instrumental music]

Looks like I owe
you kids another one.

You don't owe us anything, sir.

We're just doing our part
to make

the universe a better place.

Oh, brother.

Maybe it's time
I did my part, too.

[Brainiac 5]
And so Brande pledged
his full financial support

and used his influence
with the United Planets

to have them sworn in
as honorary citizens

and Science Police
on all member worlds.

[crowd cheering]

It was on that day

the Legion of Super Heroes
was born.

So without their friendship

none of this would be possible.

[Saturn Girls]
Come on, you two.

Tell me, Cos,
how does it feel

to get out from behind
your desk for a change?

You know, you're getting
on my last good nerve, Garth.

I think I need to slip back
into that healing trance.

Guys, I think we're in business.

Brande is on that station.

[dramatic music]

[Lightening Lad]
What is it?

The Brande Industries
Stellar Nursery.

Take us in.

[instrumental music]

Dad! Are you alright?

Get out of here!
It's a trap!


[Senator Tolay]
Of course it is.

But they knew that
coming in, didn't they?

The Legion of Super Heroes would
risk everything to rescue you.

Senator Tolay?

That's not Senator Tolay.

Of course I'm the senator

but I'm also..


Appearances can be deceiving.

You betrayed me all along.

You set me up
all those years ago

and again at
the Legion Day Ceremony.

Yes, and now, finally

I get to finish the job.

[dramatic music]

Destroy them!

[beams zapping]






[beams zapping]


Back for more?











Not again!


And to think you would have
gotten away with it, too

if it weren't
for us meddling kids.

Stay back!

If I'm going down,
I'm taking you

and the entire quadrant with me.


I've engaged
the gravity field generators.

They're normally
used to compress

nebula gas into stellar cores.

But if they're all
directed at a single point

it will create...

A black hole.



The reaction is starting.

We have to destroy
the satellites!

Go! We'll finish off
the scavengers.

Then it's going to be
up to the three of us.

[dramatic music]

Just like old times.

[music continues]


There's too many of them.

Not if we make them
work for us.






[Lightening Lad]
It's working!

I'm proud of you, son.

Enough to raise my allowance?

We did good out there today.

I'm sorry
I snapped at you earlier.

And I should have
been at the hospital.

No, you're doing your job.

The Legion is bigger
than one person.

And I know
I give you a hard time

but you really
do make a great leader.

I just happen to think
I'd make a better one.

So wait,
they're friends again?

Just like that?

Until tomorrow.

[instrumental music]

[in unison]
To the Legion of Super Heroes

I make this solemn pledge.

To use my powers for good

to fight for justice

and to protect the innocent.

To aid my fellow legionaries
in times of peril

and to keep their secrets safe.

We are
the Legion of Super Heroes!

[music continues]

[theme music]