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02x08 - Message in a Bottle

Posted: 12/03/23 13:53
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

It's funny, Timber Wolf.

I always pictured Superman's

Artic Fortress
of Solitude differently.

- What? More ice?
- No.

Fewer k*ller robots.


[dramatic music]

So what do you have in there
that Imperiex wants so badly?

Don't know. The Fortress
is a thousand years old to you.

But I remember building it
six months ago.

I barely had time
to stock the fridge.

And the less you know,
the better.

The Fortress houses mementos
for many of your

yet-to-be-had adventures.

To find out about the now
could affect your future.




So either they teleported away

or they're playing
hide and seek.


I'm going with A, teleported.

[man gasps]

- He's back.
- It's him. Wow!

It's sure been a long time since
you've been back to Kandor.

Did you say Kandor?

That was the capital of Krypton.

[instrumental music]

Tell us you've at last returned
to fulfil your ancient promise.

- Promise?
- Yes.

Your promise
to restore this city

from our bottled imprisonment.

[intense music]

[theme music]

[music continues]

[wind whooshing]

They did come in here, right?

That you, Sups?

I am not the master.

Merely the robot the master
built for the Fortress' upkeep.

This place is seriously wacky.

If you're looking for the master

I'm afraid he went to Kandor.

Is he talking about the model?

That's no model.

It's an actual Kryptonian city
that's been shrunk.

Currently home to two million

three hundred
and sixty nine thousand

four hundred and three
miniaturized Kryptonians.

Yup! Seriously wacky.

Got to say, uh, I'm drawing
a blank on this promise.

Refresh my memory?

You act like you've never

been to Kandor before.

Actually, I haven't.

Well, maybe I have, but not me

uh, future me, in the past.

Uh, any of you follow this?

[crowd screaming]

- No!
- Run!

Tell me where I can find
The Messenger.

- I will not ask twice.
- I don't know.

But a map to The Messenger

is said to reside
in the chancellery.


Who's this Messenger
and why do you want him?

It's ironic that after
downloading the Legion database

I know more about
your beloved city than you.

How do you expect to defeat me
at such a disadvantage?

With my fists!


Without a yellow sun
you are as powerless

as the rest of your
brothers in here.

Then all I have
is my flight ring.



So how do we get in?

The master used this to shrink
and teleport himself in.

But he entered in such a rush

he forgot his power suit.

Would you mind?

Well, what are we waiting for?

[instrumental music]

- Will you be joining them?
- You just beam me in.

I'll handle the shrinking part
myself, Jeeves.



Weird. I don't feel small.


Now I feel small.

Oh, the teleporter
must have affected my powers.





Glad you guys caught up.

And now that you have
we got to move.

Imperiex is after
some Messenger.

- The Messenger.
- Then you know who that is?

Look, Brainy,
if we're gonna stop Imperiex

you can't keep
holding back information.

First of all,
The Messenger isn't a who.

It's a what.

[Brainiac 5]
When your father Jor-El

realized Krypton
had become unstable

he created The Messenger.

A device that held
the planet together

by reprogramming matter
into fresh, strong crystal.

It was housed in Kandor,
and it worked

until the one the Kandorians
called The Terror arrived.

The Terror shrunk the city
and removed it from Krypton

along with The Messenger..

...dooming Krypton
to its terrible fate.


So then, why is Imperiex
after The Messenger?

To use it as a w*apon against
those who stand in his way.

With its full powers unleashed

he could turn the planets
of his enemies

into barren,
lifeless balls of crystal.

What do we know
about this Terror

that put Kandor in a bottle
in the first place?

Uh, certain information
about Kandorian history

was lost in the great crisis.

[intense music]

I brought you a change.

A power suit.
You're the best, Brainy.

Where is the map
to The Messenger?

I will never tell you.

Perhaps when they've
seen you fall

someone else
will answer the question.

Is it multiple choice?


[dramatic music]




- I will take that.
- Ooh!

The map.

We have what we came for.


[all screaming]

[dramatic music]

You saved us. Thank you.

- Oh!
- No! It can't be.

[female #1]
It has the mark of The Terror.

[indistinct chattering]

"Mark of The Terror?"

Are they talking
about your face?

He has the same marking
as the villain

who shrunk us
and destroyed Krypton.

That has to be
some kind of coincidence.

Those people seem to think
you have a connection

to The Terror.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

Come on, Superman.

You're not suggesting
Brainy is The Terror, are you?

Vi is right.
That wasn't me.

It was my ancestor.
Brainiac 1.0.

Wait. Your great-great-granddad
destroyed Krypton?

Why didn't you ever
tell me this before?

Because it could
affect your future.

And I was afraid to.

I was afraid
of how you would react.

Then all those secrets
you kept from me.

That wasn't for my benefit.
It was for yours!

That's not true.

I was also trying to protect you

from your own overconfidence.

- The promise.
- Yes.

The one you made
to the Kandorians years ago.

The promise
that you would not rest

until you reversed my ancestor's
shrinking technology.

Well, look around.
You failed.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

- Are you okay?
- Fine.

I'm just checking to see if I
caught a glimpse of the map.

Look, Superman had a chance
to cool down.

He knows you're nothing
like that original Brainiac.


But what if I am?

All my life I've tried
to hide from his legacy

afraid that one day
it could overwhelm me.

I feel trapped
like I can't escape it.

We all have to eventually
face our pasts.

I bet if you do,
you'll only come out stronger.


There! The Kandorian temple.

That's where The Messenger is.

[dramatic music]

- Where is The Messenger?
- Relax, big guy.

We'll help you find it.


Any guess where The Messenger
might be hidden?

The Messenger is supposed
to stabilize the ground.

I calculate a 92% chance
it isn't in the temple.

It's under it.



Wha.. Why is the tunnel
attacking us?

It's The Messenger.

It's programmed to constantly
form new crystal.

We must be near.




The suit's been damaged.

[dramatic music]

[all grunting]

Take care of these four.
I'll attend to the other two.

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

There it is. The Messenger.

Attention, Superman!

Bring The Messenger to me
by day's end.

Or a price will be paid
for your defiance.

Starting with your friends.

[all grunting]

We can't hand over
The Messenger.

But your suit..
You have no superpowers.

If we keep fighting,
Imperiex's forces

will most likely prevail.

Then what's your plan B?

I believe our best option
to prevent Imperiex

from obtaining The Messenger
is to destroy it.

And sacrifice Kandor?

For a much greater good?

And we might still rescue
our friends and evacuate

a percentage
of Kandor's population

before the city crumbles.

Your ancestor destroyed
most of Krypton

and now you're ready
to finish the job.

You're just taking
your frustration out on me

because despite your promise
you never found a way to beat

my ancestor's
tenth level technology.

Well, this time things
are going to be different.

I'm going to save Kandor.

You can do whatever it is
Brainiacs do

when they're
not shrinking cities.

The Messenger.
I'm going to face Imperiex.

If I don't come back

you'll have to decide
what to do with it.

I'm sorry.

It looks like I failed
to save Kandor.

Then and now.

Failed? But you've already
saved us in more ways

than you can imagine.

You see, when you first
came here just a few decades

after the city
had been imprisoned

Kandor was in chaos.

It was your example,
your leadership

that gave them hope.

Since then the city
has flourished

despite our shortcomings.

You stood behind
our ancestors then

we are ready to stand
behind you now.

You can't blame me
for hiding from your legacy.

You're The Terror of Kandor.

Even now I'm paying
for your crimes.

But I won't let you
define who I am

even if you may be
a part of me.

A part of me.

You are a part of me.

Along with all your knowledge.

[dramatic music]

Take me to 1.0.

[automated message]
Warning! The 1.0 subroutine
is in lockdown and off-limits.

Bypassing this firewall
may expose current systems

to malicious code.
Please choose again.

Override command protocol.

Give me access to 1.0 now!

[music continues]

Welcome, Brainiac 5.

I have been expecting you.

I've watched you
since you came online.

Here is the information
you seek.

This is a mistake.

This is an upgrade.

The information you hold
will open for you

new avenues of possibility.

The choice is yours.

[instrumental music]

Their time is up.

Validus, what toy
would you like to break first?

Release them, Imperiex.

[dramatic music]

I see Kandorian rabble

but I don't see The Messenger.

Here's your message.

Leave now and never come back.

A last stand.

How charmingly pointless.

What he said may be true.
You sure about this?

I say it's time we stop
listening to tales of heroes

and started living them!

[Kandorians screaming]


Give me The Messenger
and I shall end this swiftly.

Otherwise you can watch
every last Kandorian

perish beneath my heel.

[Brainiac 5]
Since you want him to watch,
let's turn up the lights.

[instrumental music]

Even with your powers back
you are still outnumbered.

Better check your math.

I asked myself

if a yellow sun
gives Superman his power

imagine what its rays can do

to an entire city
of Kryptonians?

[instrumental music]

[dog growls]


Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?

Ha ha!
I always wanted to say that.


Perhaps it would be wisest
if we teleported

back to our ship now.

I suggest we worry
about unshrinking ourselves

when there isn't an army
of Superman burying down on us.

[all cheering]

So how'd you do it?

I...tapped into a part of myself
I'd been afraid of.

Not the look of a man who
just kicked major bad-guy butt.

I just wish I'd kept my promise.

Well, if you enjoyed
the opening act

you'll love my main event.

Here it is.
The remains of Krypton.

Well, here's hoping this works.

[intense music]

[instrumental music]

Ready when you are, Brainy!

[instrumental music]

Thank you, chancellor.

We'll be by
for a nice, long visit

just as soon as we can.

Couldn't have done it
without you, Brainy.

I am sorry, Superman.

Forget it. I'm the one
who should apologize.

Whatever your ancestor did,
you're nothing like him.

I mean, I'm sorry
I have to do this.


I just blanked.
What was I saying?

Uh, you were telling us
about Kansas farm days.

[Chameleon Boy]
No one tells a cow-milking story
like you do, Superman.

Uh, thanks.

I, uh...think
I'm gonna go lie down.

We really had to erase
his memory?

Superman can't remember
any of this.

The temptation to use
what he learned here

to fix Kandor in his own time
would be too great.

The time stream
must be protected.

I'm happy for you, Brainy.

You faced up to your past.

And I bet anything,
you're stronger for it.

You know something?

I think you're right.

[theme music]