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02x07 - Unnatural Alliances

Posted: 12/03/23 13:52
by bunniefuu

Oh, quiet now. There's nothin'
out there, you old fool.

[engines revving]


You should really learn
to trust your dog.

What? What do you want here?

Don't worry, ma'am,
we're not here to hurt you.

- Where is Abel?
- Abel?

I-I-I don't know
who you're talking about.

I live here alone.

You wanna try
givin' us an answer

that'll keep you around
a little longer?

[intense music]

Terra-Man, word is
you've been terrorizing

this whole prairie
in search of someone.

The only thing you're gonna find
here is trouble.

With a capital "L."




[music continues]


Here's the cool thing
about my gravity powers.

I can make things light
as air or not.








[intense music]



I've got you now,
you lowlife snake.

[intense music]

[theme music]

[music continues]

Sorry, boy, life's not fair.

Or in your case,
particularly long.

[intense music]




So we have no idea
why they were after the kid?

Or who hired these bounty
hunters in the first place.

The important thing
is he's safe now.

Hey-hey! I think
he likes you, Kell.


Does someone else
wanna pet him now?

Hey, there,
what's your name, little guy?

You're scaring him, Bouncy.

And his name is Abel.

Has anybody located his parents?

Abel's an orphan.

He was being raised
by a robot caretaker.

But somehow in all
the crossfire she was..

Well, he has no one now.

Wrong. He has the Legion.

And we will find him a home.


[intense music]

Are we any closer to finding out
who was behind the attack?

Duo Damsel and I
are running tests

on the piece of metal
from Terra-Man.

Hopefully, that will
yield some clues.

While we work on that, why don't
you see how our guest is doing?

I'm not so good around kids.

I stepped on one once.

He needs a friend
right now, Kell.

Maybe you can show a little
compassion for a change?

[instrumental music]


That's, uh,
a...nice doll you got there.

It's an action figure.

I made it myself.

You're, like, seven.

I doubt you can even make toast.

I built him
because I was lonely.

He's my only friend.

You ever think that's because
you still play with dolls?

Action figure.

And you're mean.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

But you seem to like me
for some reason.

Because you can protect me
from the bad people.

This metal from Terra-Man

contains regenerative

It's self-repairing.

Then Terra-Man might not
be down for the count?


But what's even more distressing

is I've seen this technology
once before.

- Where?
- Not where.

This is from the 41st century.

You mean someone from Kell-El's
time is after Abel?

[alarm blaring]

[Bouncing Boy on PA]
Guys, we have a situation.


[intense music]

- Destructo Bots!
- How many?

Uh...I'm thinking..

...all of them.

[music continues]

Greetings, Legion.

I believe you have something
I very much want.

And what's that?

Brainy's tuna salad recipe?

The boy!

I want you to hand over Abel.

If you don't

my army will erase
any trace of your existence

from this universe.

[music continues]

Now we know who sent
the 41st century posse.

What do you want with the boy?

That is not your concern.

What should be your concern
is your own well-being.

Hand him over
and you'll continue breathing

for one more day.

Well, guys, what do you think?

[blowing raspberry]

My thoughts exactly.

Don't let him get me.

Kid, my only job in this world

is making sure that jerk
doesn't get what he wants.

Here. This will protect you.

I don't use it anyway.

Don't worry.
It's like a security blanket.

[instrumental music]

Bouncy, punch a hole through
that Destructo Bot line.

Aye, aye.
Fasten your seatbelts.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride!




Looks like we just picked up
some unwanted passengers.








[music continues]



[intense music]

We're clear!

Hull breach. Intruder alert.

Let's move!

[dramatic music]

[Terra-Man laughing]

[intense music]


[all grunting]

[music continues]


Put your hands
where we can see 'em, cowboy.

You're surrounded.

Who has who surrounded?


[both grunting]

[music continues]

The Legion's not gonna let you
hand that boy over to Imperiex.

I'm not working for Imperiex.



- Imperiex just saved us!
- Yeah, I was there.




I'm going after Abel.
You slow down Terra-Man.


A mountain didn't stop that guy.

Then maybe a planet would.

Aren't they formed from nebulas?


All it takes
is a little gravity.

[intense music]


[intense music]


[instrumental music]

I'm not gonna let you
harm that kid, Imperiex.

Harm him? Fool!

I am his defender!

Yeah, and you suddenly
care about the youth

of the galaxy, why?

Because by ensuring his future

I ensure mine.

You see, Abel may not
look like much

but one day,
many years from now

he will create the technology
that combines living tissue

and robotics.

The very technology
that I am made of.

Then that means..

This boy you are
so eager to protect

is the catalyst for
the destruction of your world.

And if something
happened to Abel

you would cease to exist.

So Terra-Man
is on the same mission as I am.

That's right.

You were created
to destroy me.

Well, here's your chance
standing before you.

Go ahead.
Fulfil your purpose.

[intense music]

I could never.

And yet, once upon a time

he would not have hesitated
to crush you

if it meant the end of me.

The Legion has made him soft.




No need to worry about the boy.

He's family...and will be
protected by my tender mercies.


[intense music]

Now that I've met my maker..'s time for you
to meet yours.



[electricity crackling]

Try it now.


[instrumental music]

[Duo Damsel]
You okay?

I was created by K3NT
for only one purpose.

To take down Imperiex.

Yet, when the opportunity
finally came..

...I showed weakness.


Try compassion.

You're more than a mission,

You're a person.

And quite frankly,
it's nice to see you

finally starting
to act like one.

Besides, there will be other
chances to stop him.

Chances that don't
put Abel at risk.


What is that?



He just doesn't quit, does he?

So if Imperiex didn't
hire Terra-Man, who did?

I intend to find out.


I'm not here for a fight.

I'm here for answers.

It seems you and I
have the same mission.

And yet, only one of us
is willing to do

what's necessary
to carry it out.

K3NT would
have been disappointed.

How do you know about K3NT?

You didn't think
you were their only plan

for destroyin' Imperiex,
did you?

They sent you after Abel?
I don't believe it.

They would never ask someone
to harm a child.

They would have preferred
not to.

But they understood
what was at stake.

So they turned to me.

In case you failed.

I haven't failed.


And I'm coming with you.

Sure, but they ain't welcome.

Looks like Kell's
made some new friends.


They're attacking the cruiser!


Engines are offline.

I don't think
he wants us to follow.

Where is he going with them?

To finish his mission.


Terra-Man will be tracking
my ship.

Staying here the night will buy
us time...though not much.

He will not rest until you have
been wiped away from this world.

Now go to sleep.

I said sleep!

Can you tell me
a bedtime story?

A bedtime story?


Once upon a time

many, many years from now..

...there was a sl*ve.

A creature bred only to fight.

He embraced his purpose

and strived to become
the ultimate warrior.

Bit by bit, he was torn apart
by these wars..

...until nothing remained
of his original self.

But in this, he rejoiced.

He knew it was only
his weakness

that had been stripped away
from him.

That pathetic sl*ve not only
became the ultimate warrior

but a destroyer of galaxies.

And he would ensure
that all who cross his path

on the b*ttlefield would not
live happily ever after!

[intense music]

Why are you still not asleep?


The trail go cold?

It splits.


Imperiex thought
he could give me the slip.

He thought wrong.


They're hidin'
in those rock formations.

We'll surround their position.

Then tighten the noose.

[dramatic music]

Okay, let's do it.


What? They fall
asleep on their horses?


That double-crossing rat.

[music continues]


That was a brief partnership.

I needed someone
to track you down.

So a momentary alliance
made sense.

Now I'm about to suggest
another one.

This time,
for the sake of the boy.

But by saving the boy

you save me.

What about your purpose?

My purpose
has always been to protect

the innocent
from your corruption.

So I guess
that's my purpose right there.

[instrumental music]

[intense music]



How wonderfully
perverse this all is.




[intense music]

Happy trail, Superman.

No! Don't hurt him!

You're makin' this too easy,
kid. Oh!





You've let down the future, K3NT

and your mission.

Maybe, but I didn't
let down the kid.



Well done, clone.

But you realize, I can't let you
walk off into the sunset.


[intense music]

How ironic that that which led
to my creation

would lead to your destruction.


And the cavalry arrives.

No matter. The boy is now safe.

The timeline remains unaltered.

[instrumental music]

I'm glad to hear we've been able
to find a new home for Abel.

It's amazing. After all
the little guy's been through.

He's happy just
to be playing with his doll.

It's not a doll.
It's an action figure.

[music continues]

[theme music]