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02x04 - Chained Lightning

Posted: 12/03/23 13:50
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]


Mekt, I'm scared.

Don't worry, Ayla.

As soon as this nice monster

juices up the ship,
we're outta here.

Hey, ugly!


So, you don't like
being called names.

Good to know.

Come on.
Don't cry, sis.

What do we sing
when we get scared?

♪ The monkey rode
on the rocket ship ♪

♪ The rocket ship
the rocket ship ♪

♪ The monkey rode
on the rocket ship ♪

♪ And bumped
his head on the moon ♪♪


Just a little more juice.


That monster's gonna fry us.

And it'll be
all your fault, Mekt.

- Do something!
- I'm trying!

You think you're gonna save
the day by crying in your shirt?


Look, I promised
to get you both home safely.

Just don't get me in trouble
with mom and dad.






[instrumental music]


We're alive.
We're alive!

Ayla, Ayla!

[dramatic music]



[theme music]

[music continues]


That must have been
quite a nightmare.

By the way, you snore.

The nightmares aren't new
but they have been

more intense
than usual lately.

Who's Ayla?

I think we're late
for the briefing.


[Brainiac 5]
Okay, we're just waiting
for Shrinking Violet now.

She'll be filling in
for Superman

who's saving the universe
on the other side of the galaxy.

Let's see, replace the powers
of the greatest hero ever

with the ability to, um..

...become smaller.

Sounds like a fair trade to me.

[Shrinking Violet]
Uh, hello?

I'm right here.

And for the record,
I can do more than shrink.

Sure you can.

Now, let's get started.

Two weeks ago, this space storm
appeared in up-scan space.

Spectrography indicates
a field of pure energy.

The storm's appearance
has coincided

with increased activity

in the region
from the Dominators.

I believe they're looking
to tap the storm's energy

to power a Tachyon Cannon.

Which would be?

A w*apon powerful enough
to destroy cities


You know, things like that.

The Dominators have long had
the tech to create this w*apon.

But the type of energy
required to power it

was purely theoretical

until this storm showed up.

The plan is simple.

We find a way to disperse
that energy field..

...whatever the cost.





We're out of juice.

You said this was gonna
be a joyride, Mekt.

- Not feeling the joy.
- Don't worry.

Big brother's not gonna let
anything bad happen.

Okay, there's a planetoid
named Korbo in range.

- Are there people on it?
- Even better than people.

Non-sentient energy based life.

A Lightning Beast
has enough power

to recharge
this ship's cells.

We can still be home
before mom and dad.

We'll have to do
a drop landing.

Hang on!

[dramatic music]


[all grunting]

Mekt, I'm here.

I need you.




As the Dominion was good enough
to provide us with this toy

we must now
provide the batteries.

Yeah, speaking of,
how much longer

before the cannon is juiced
and we're outta here?

This energy storm's
giving me the creeps.

The Tachyon Cannon

is a chance to bring
the universe to its knees.

We will not rush the operation

or let the Legion Of Superheroes

You know what to do.

On it.

The Legion files I downloaded

indicated your brother
is a member of that team.

Will this be a problem?

You kidding?
We always go at it.

This time though..

...I'm looking for a more
definitive outcome

to your usual
sibling rivalry.


The Dominators are making final
preparations before fueling.

We need to disperse
that energy field now.

Working on it.

Lightning Lad,
has our scan of the storm

indicated any way
to facilitate this?

There seems to be
some interference.


Help me, Garth.

What? What's going on?


You look like
you just saw a ghost.

Well, I keep seeing something.

Either, it's a ghost
or I'm losing it.

Well, I was, uh, just on my way
to get something to drink.

Kind of parched.

This energy cloud
has brought us near the planet

where my brother and I
were infused with our powers

ten years ago.

It's also where we lost
our sister, Ayla.

You're not gonna start crying,
are you?

I thought that's what's been
causing my nightmares.

But it's not just
nightmares anymore.

She's...haunting me.

Telling me I didn't do
enough that day.

And the worst thing
about it is..

...she's right.


[siren blaring]

Whoa! That last hit knocked
our engines and weapons offline.

Dispersing the energy storm
will have to wait.

We're under attack
by the Dominators.

Not just the Dominators

Mekt, Validus
and the Destructo Bots.

Destructo Bots?

You mean, Imperiex
and the Dominion

are working together?

It would seem so.

You brother just can't seem

to stay out of trouble,
can he?

[upbeat music]




[all grunting]




A little help here!

Someone asked
for a little help?

Oh. She gets small
and makes puns.





That was kinda cool.



- What up, little bro?
- Mekt?

[thunder rumbling]

How do you justify working
for a monster like Imperiex?

Easy. He's gonna win.

And if you're smart, you'd
consider doing the the same.

You know
I'd look out for you.

You'd look out for me, Mekt?

Would this be the same way
you looked out for Ayla?

She was my sister too, Garth.

And maybe she'd still be here

if I didn't have to fight
those beasts alone!



[intense music]


- Ayla.
- Wow.

Good news, Mekt.

You're about to become...
an only child.


[dramatic music]




His energy force
is bleeding out!




Pull back!

We've done our damage.

Should we pursue?

No. Let's get him inside.

[thunder rumbling]

Engines will be back
online soon.

We'll get back
to Imperiex hunting in no time.


What's the latest?

He'll survive.

His arm, though,
took the brunt of the blast.

It was damaged pretty bad.

[monitor beeping]

Electron scalpel.

If I don't get the circuitry
connected just right

this cybernetic arm
won't take.

Mm, maybe I can help.

No offense, but just
because you can become

the size of a microcircuit

doesn't mean
you know what to do with one.

Okay, for your information

I've studied
transneural photonics.

Then you know the difficulty

with attaching
a titanium membrane

to a neural sheath is...

Matching mechanical
and bio impedances.

Hop in.

[instrumental music]

Nicely done, Vi.



That was my brother.
My fight!

You had no right
to step in like that!

Consider it a favor.

One less birthday present
to buy.

There are prices
to pay for power, Mekt.

This was a minor one.

Now, are we ready
to begin fueling?

Are we ready
to begin fueling?!






The storm
is generating feedback!

The tanks are holding.
That's all I care about!

[thunder rumbling]

[Garth groans]

How's the new arm?

It is not
just a new arm.

It's the Cybernetic 4000.

With models coming in
both left and right

it fires expl*sive charges,

and of course, lightning

all powered and amplified

by your own
bio-electrical energy.

In other words,
it makes things go boom.



[thunder rumbling]


What's going on?

We're getting some kind
of sonic pulse from the storm.

It's tearing the ship apart.

Not sure of the cause,
but it began when Imperiex

started tapping its energy.

It's almost as if the storm
is crying out for help.

Wait! Are you saying
that cloud's alive?

It's a possibility.

But if it's trying
to communicate

it's not doing it with any
language we've ever encountered.

Maybe the message is buried
in all the distortion.

I'm removing the background
noise and adjusting levels.


Speed it up by 213%.

[muffled chattering]

♪ The monkey rode
on the rocket ship ♪

♪ And bumped his head
on the moon ♪

♪ The monkey rode
on the rocket ship ♪

♪ The rocket ship
the rocket ship ♪

♪ The monkey rode on the rocket
ship and bumped his ♪

- The cloud is singing?
- Creepy.

It's a children's nursery rhyme.

- But who's voice is it?
- It's Ayla.

♪ And bumped his head
on the moon ♪

♪ The monkey rode
on the rocket ship ♪

♪ The rocket ship
the rocket ♪

How is my sister's voice
coming from that cloud?

It's possible
that the Lightning Beast attack

that infused you and your
brother with your powers

phased her
into a state of pure energy.

Creating a sentient storm
that over the last ten years

has continued to grow
and accumulate power.

Then she has been trying
to communicate with me.

I'm not crazy.
We have to stop Imperiex.

[thunder rumbling]

[dramatic music]

We've contained

The cannon will be online soon.


Mekt, come in,
please, come in!

Garth! You're alive!

Yeah, I hope that doesn't
ruin your weekend.

More importantly,
so is Ayla.

She is in that cloud.

She is that cloud.

And if you don't stop
powering that w*apon

we'll lose any chance
to save her.

You heard him.

It's my sister.

Trade the universe
for a little girl?


But no, thanks.

[thunder rumbles]

I'm sorry, Lightning Lad.

We have no choice but to...

What, scatter
whatever remains of Ayla

across the universe?


If we don't find a way
to disperse the storm now

Ayla's energy will be used
to power a w*apon of pure evil.

I don't think
that's what she'd want.

I'm not losing her
all over again!

Wouldn't it be possible
to phase Ayla in

by recreating the circumstances
of the original event

and simply reversing them?

In theory

but that would require
Mekt's involvement.

And we'd have to release
any portion of the storm

that Imperiex
has already contained.

Then I guess
we have some work to do.


[dramatic music]

An attack on the cannon should
be enough to draw Mekt out.

You ready to give
the new arm a test run?




[explosions at distance]

[Brainiac 5]
The ship's controls
would be about eight meters in.

Rewire the hardware...

And Imperiex will be in
for quite a surprise

when he activates
the Cannon.





I'd like to see
Superman do this.


You're coming with me, Mekt,
like it or not.

If it's to help Ayla

I'll do whatever you need.

This is my fault.

I messed up pretty big
all those years ago

and...guess I've been
messin' up ever since.

I'm ready
to make things right.

What about your buddies?


Let's consider
that bridge burned.

Everyone, back to the ship!


...a traitor?

It doesn't matter.

He can perish
with the rest of them.

The cannon's now on full power.






Abandon ship!


The energy cloud
has been released.

We can begin!


[instrumental music]

[both grunting]

[both screaming]



- Ayla!
- Ayla!

[Brainiac 5]
She hasn't aged a day
since the accident.

- Incredible.
- Aw!

And so cute.



Now, that's not a tear I see

from the tough guy, is it?


Let me guess, Garth.

You're gonna ruin the moment
by arresting me?

We made a promise.

I wouldn't get you in trouble

if you got me and Ayla
home safe.

And finally,
we're almost home.

Appreciate the gesture.

But I think I'm done
running from my past.

[instrumental music]

Mom and dad are gonna go nuts
when they see you.

- Is that for me?
- What does the card say?

It's for both of us.

And it's from Mekt.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]