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02x03 - Cry Wolf

Posted: 12/03/23 13:48
by bunniefuu
[indistinct chattering]

[male #1]
Let him speak!
He must be heard!

- Throw him out!
- Don't interfere!

Please, please.
Some decorum.

The Interplanetary Federation
of Scientists

has gathered here
on Heisenberg 7

to share our research.

And Dr. Londo...

Mar Londo is a radical.

He has no place
in this federation.

How can you condemn my work

without first seeing it?


These Bio-Golems
developed as an outgrowth

of my admittedly brilliant
genetic research.

All of them grown
from a unique synthetic tissue

I've recently developed.

Each one has been implanted

with a new generation
of nanites

keyed specifically
to my brain waves

controlled by thought alone.

[indistinct chattering]

These Bio-Golems of yours
maybe synthetic beings, doctor

but isn't it true
that you usually work

with living subjects?

Men and women with homes

families, lives

that your research destroyed.

You use them the way
you used everyone..

...including your own son.







[intense music]


Stop him!




You don't wanna do this, Brin.

I'm...I'm your father!

You don't want to..

[Cosmic Boy]
Freeze image.

Now that all the evidence
has been presented, Brin Londo

do you have anything to say

before this tribunal
pronounces its verdict?

Just get it over with.

Then in accordance
with Legion bylaws

against the taking of a life,
it is the judgment

of this court
that you are guilty as charged

and that you be imprisoned
on Takron-Galtos..

...for the rest of your life.

[theme music]

[music continues]

I plead with the members
of this court.

You have all fought
at Timber Wolf's side.

You know he's not capable
of this crime!

There has to be
another explanation.

We've gone over the evidence
a dozen times.

We have DNA samples
from the scene.

More than a hundred
reliable witnesses

holographic evidence
of the crime.

But we haven't had testimony
from the people

who know Timber Wolf best.

Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad,
Bouncing Boy...

Are halfway across the galaxy
battling the Dominators

and even if they were here

it wouldn't make any difference.

The court has rendered
its verdict.

The prisoner
will be transferred

to Takron-Galtos
at precisely..


Sorry, but the prisoner
has other plans.


[instrumental music]


People have always
underestimated me.

And they've always been wrong.


[music continues]


[music continues]

Didn't think you'd vote
with the rest of 'em.

- I'd no choice, the evidence...
- Was rigged!





Do you know what you've done?

Yeah, I've given him a chance

which is more than
you were willing to do.


[thunder rumbling]


Another headache.

They've been coming fast
and furious for a week now.

They've gotten so bad
I've even blacked out.

Ever since dear old dad turned
me into a walking nightmare

I've lived with the fear
of losing control.

Of giving in
to my animal side.

What if...
I really did it?

No! That's not who I am!

At least...that's not
who Brin Londo is.

But what about Timber Wolf?

[Phantom Girl]
So you're just gonna
hunt him down like an animal?

I'm sorry, Phantom Girl

but we have to follow
Legion procedures.

Procedures don't control you,
so don't tell me

that's what's keeping you from
doing what you know is right!

I'm taking Cham
to his quarters.

He needs to rest.

Let them go.


Timber Wolf teleported down

to New Metropolis.

With his abilities,
if he doesn't want to be found...

Sounds like
you don't want him to be found.

Let's start the search.

This dump belongs
to Professor Yin Des Neerg

a slime bucket,
who daddy dearest used

to find subjects
for his experiments.


There's gotta be
something here.

Some clue that points
to who's behind this.


My father's personal files.

Very personal.

The primary concern is that
Brin went off with the Legion

before our work together
was completed.

Had he stayed, I could have
helped him find a balance

between his human
and animal halves.

My son would have emerged

as a new superior species.

But now, without my help,
I know it's only a matter

of time before the beast
within him takes control.

And heaven help us all
when that happens.


[keys jingling]

- Ahh!
- Hello, Professor Neerg.

Brin? Why, Brin,
how delightful to see you!

If I'd known you were coming,
I would have...

Left town?


How did you end up
with my father's personal files?

When I heard he'd passed on

I-I hacked into his database,
downloaded them.

There's quite a bit of, uh..

information in there.

A man has to protect himself.

Or maybe you used
this information to set me up.

Your father
had lots of enemies

but I wasn't one of them.

You have to believe me.

I believe you weren't smart
enough to pull this off.

But for your sake,
I hope you're smart enough

to find me a ship,
one that can't be traced.


If I can get to Heisenberg 7

study the crime scene,
with my enhanced senses

I'll be able to find things
the police missed.


They're here, aren't they?

I don't want to hurt you,
Timber Wolf.

Well...that makes one of us.



[dramatic music]

Game's over, Timber Wolf.

You're not gonna
let these super cops

take down one of your own,
are you?

[all growling]



You're going to prison,
where you belong.





[glass shattering]



[music continues]

[thunder rumbling]


Perhaps some nourishment

will help with that headache.


Or not. What's the matter?

You can stop now.

I-I don't understand what you...

I said, you can stop now..

...Chameleon Boy.

It was Neerg in the apartment,
but you in the alley.

You're really good!

I don't just change my form

I alter my body chemistry.

Was this little trick
Cosmic Boy's idea?

Uh, Mr. Pompous?

Are you kidding?

I wasn't as badly hurt
as the others thought.

A little shape shifting.

It was easy to tail
the others to Neerg's place.

Tail. Hah! Get it?

Why are you doin' this?

'Cause I'm your friend,
you idiot!

- That's why.
- I don't have any friends.

[Phantom Girl]
Melodrama and self-pity.

A toxic combination.

I don't need your help.

I didn't hear you complaining

when we saved your butt
back at HQ.

I could have done it
without you.

Face it.
You're stuck with us.

You come as far
as Heisenberg 7

and then we part company.

You're welcome.


[Timber Wolf thinking]
My head was pounding
like a drum.

And with each beat,
it was as if something

was rising up
from the bottom of my soul.

Something dark and angry

and hungry.

A part of myself

that I was starting to like.



[indistinct chattering]

[bee buzzing]

[dramatic music]


Now I do what I do best.

I sorted through
every scent in the room

every trace of every person
that was there that day.

And I could see it all

just the way it happened.



[music continues]

You don't wanna do this, Brin.

I'm your father.



The scent of the attacker

it's, it's my scent.

My scent!

I was here that day.

I remember now.

It was me. I did it!


I think the change is related
to his emotional state.

If we could
just calm him down.


Well, yeah.

That should be easy.

This isn't who you are, Brin.

I know you. You're a good
and gentle person.

You're no monster.


I hope you know
what you're doing.

You are no monster.



I don't know what I am.

We'll help you find out.

[footsteps approaching]

That's him, the fugitive!


You two are under arrest.

I don't have time for this.

Uh, excuse me

didn't you forget somebody?

[instrumental music]

Where do you think he's going?

[Cosmic Boy]
We'll know soon enough.

We're tracking his ship.

And when it lands,
we'll see to it

he's greeted by more science
police than he can handle.

The science police?
He won't stand a chance!

In the state he's in,
they'll tear him apart!

We don't have a choice.

We're doing this by the book.

No. We'll follow him alone.

At least then we might be able
to bring him in safely.

- What about procedure?
- We break from procedure.

And if you have
a problem with that

then I can find
other things to break.

[Timber Wolf thinking]
I'm everything they said I was

everything I've been afraid of

since my father transformed me.

I can't be with people anymore.

There's only one place
for me now.

I'm going home.. Raw.

[dramatic music]

With every step, I can feel
the beast inside of me

tryin' to claw its way out.

But at least here
I won't hurt anybody.

I won't..

That scent.


Welcome home..


You're alive!

After a fashion.


Quite a lovely piece
of work, isn't it?

A clone,
a combination of my DNA

synthetic tissue and nanites

just like the one I used
to fool those idiots

and the science police. set me up!


My new generation of nanites

miniature robotic implants

the most advanced

in the history of science.

Capable of moving
through space

journeying from Raw to Earth.

Implanting themselves

in the limbic system
of your brain..

...the amygdala,
to be precise

which governs
aggression and fear.

With this control band

I called you to Heisenberg 7.


That explains the headaches
and the blackouts

but not why you would turn
your own son

into a criminal.


Because I wanted you back!

Our work together isn't done.

I can help you master
the power within you.

You can be more
than you've ever dreamed.

I've recently formed
an alliance with men

who share my vision
of what this galaxy can be.

But in order to bring
that vision to reality..

...we need armies..

...and generals.

It is what I've wanted

what I've planned for you

all along.




Don't deny what you are.

Allow the inner beast
to have free reign.

Show me your true face.


It's just the two of us now,
father and son.

but he has a new family now.

My son has outgrown
your childish Legion.

He's above your insipid laws
and worthless morality.

Aren't you, Brin?


[intense music]

So what it's gonna be?

You're gonna let
someone else control you

or are you finally going to
take control of yourself?


You have to choose. You..


[dramatic music]

I choose..

...I choose.. be in control!


No. No!

You're my son
and you will obey me.

My choice, my life

and I'll live it my way.

Brin, no!

My way, not yours.


You're letting me live?


You'd never understand.

I'm not even sure I do.

If only you'd actually done it
of your own free will

you would have made me proud.

Oh, well, I've got new sons now,
don't I?

And new plans.


I'm getting better
at controlling

these transformations.

Should come in useful
the next time

I have to rumble
with or against you.

I regret the evidence
pointed to you as being guilty.

Apology accepted

if that's what that was.

Well, T, you battled
the beast within..

...and won!

This time.

But what happens when I feel
myself losing control again?

I don't know
if I can do this alone.

Then it's a good thing
you won't have to.

[theme music]