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02x02 - The Man from the Edge of Tomorrow Pt. 2

Posted: 12/03/23 13:47
by bunniefuu
[female narrator]
Previously on
"Legion Of Superheroes.."

I'm Superman.

I was cloned from the DNA
of the original Man of Steel.

Created to defend
the 41st century

against the evil
known as Imperiex.




He's escaped.

To the 31st century.


[Triplicate Girl]
New Metropolis..

...our headquarters..


It's all gone.

I thought we were supposed
to get here before Imperiex.

Unfortunately, the inexact
nature of wormholes

has placed us here several days
after his arrival.

Then it's already too late.

The damage is done.

- The future is lost.
- No.

To shift the timestream
on the scale we saw

requires an event even more
catastrophic than this.

In other words,
if Imperiex is not stopped

the worst is yet to come?


[Phantom Girl groaning]



Phantom Girl.


Did this..

[groans softly]

Don't try to speak.
We know about Imperiex.


- Not Imperiex.
- Then who?

All of them.




[upbeat music]

[theme music]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[laser-g*n firing]




Stop, you fool.

You don't understand
the power of..


I can play that game, too.

[electrical buzz]


And I've had more practice.


[music continues]

- I don't see Imperiex.
- No.

It's the Legion Of Supervillains
and the Fatal Five.

Uh, make that Fatal Four.
No Valance.

Then take them down fast.
We have bigger problems.


Superman's back.

Ooh. Who's the new guy?

The name's Chameleon Boy.

- Fellow shape shifter and...
- Not you, him.

The guy's
a straight up beast.

Hello. Eyes on me, please.

Cause I'm kind
of a beast myself.



Oh, impressive, Saturn Girl.

Given the chance,
you could become

a formidable
telepathic enemy.

Too bad we'll never let
you get that chance.

Tharok, now!


Saturn Girl. No!

[laser-g*n firing]

[music continues]

The odds have shifted.
Pull back.

- What about her?
- Her?

She's powerless now.
Leave her.



No one's going anywhere!

Beg to differ.



I'm just glad
you're safe.

Hey, where's your other.., you?

Sorry, Bouncy.

I-I don't wanna talk about it.

[Brainiac 5]
I wish I had some good news

but Cosmic Boy and Colossal Boy
are both out of action.


At least Emerald Empress
is in custody.

Yes, but the powerful
mystic energies

that Matter-Eater Lad consumed
by eating the Eye of Ekron

seem to have left him


We get the picture.

What about Saturn Girl?

[Brainiac 5]
Esper's brain blast
has left her catatonic.

We haven't been able
to revive her.

- At least, not yet.
- How did this happen?

How did they all escape
Takron-Galtos prison?

We could ask the lady.

- Bet I could get her to talk.
- Charmed.

But no need
for threats, Furball.

My friends abandoned me.

I owe them nothing.

If I had known
it would turn out this way

I would've stayed
on Takron-Galtos.


But then I wasn't about
to turn down an early parole.

The prison planet was emptied
of all its guests.


Legionnaires were sent
to stop us

but it was too late.

The inmates were already
running the asylum.

- Who freed you?
- Don't be stupid.

It's obvious who freed them.
It was Imperiex, wasn't it?

We didn't know.
We didn't care.

We were only concerned
with destroying the Legion.

You managed to save a few.

But time grows short

for your friends
on Takron-Galtos.

We have to rescue them. Now.

No. Imperiex is who we hunt.

Have you not been
paying attention?

Have you?

My entire world
has already been erased.

Yours is gonna be next
if we don't stop Imperiex now.

Releasing your enemies
was nothing but a distraction.

Our first course of action
has to be to regroup.

What able body
Legionnaires are available?

You're looking at 'em, Brainy.

Not necessarily.

There is one Legionnaire
we can still summon.

- Good thinking.
- Who?

Of course.

- He would be perfect.
- Who?

[in unison]

- What?
- Who is this guy again?

Do I need a name tag?

We're talking the original,
classic, golden oldie

one and only Superman!

I'm going to need to borrow
someone's Time Bubble tech.

I won't be long.

Hate to say it.

But it'll be good to see
that skinny Kryptonian again.


Who are you callin' skinny?

- Is that...
- It's me. Honest.


I thought the situation called

for a more experienced Superman.


It's been a few years

but it's really great
to see you guys again.

- Wow.
- Please stop saying that.

Brainy filled me in...
on everything.

I'm thrilled you're going
to be part of the team.

Let's get one thing straight.

I'm not part of the team.

I'm just here to do a job.

By the way,
thanks for the DNA.

He doesn't play well
with others.

I don't play at all.

Much as I love
awkward family reunions

we have friends,
they need us on Takron-Galtos.

They wait until
Imperiex is stopped.

No. We save
our teammates first.

Then go after Imperiex
at full strength.

I'm with Superman.

Uh, that Superman.

Then I'll make preparations
for a full-scale as*ault

on Takron-Galtos.

I promise, the people
who did this to you will pay.

[dramatic music]

I found out what happened
to you, Triplicate Girl.


Then you should know
not to call me that anymore.

I'm going by Duo Damsel
from now on.

Hey, not so fast.

They say if we stop Imperiex

the Triplicates will be back
in business again.

Have you looked around,

That's a big if.

We've never faced
anything like Imperiex before.

[intense music]

[laser-g*n firing]

[Imperiex grunts]

[automated message]
Hard drive access granted.

As if your primitive

could keep me out.


[dramatic music]

The Legions' famed Computo.

Every piece of information
they hold here

now at my fingertips.


Now tell me your secrets.


I know we're supposed
to be related

but you remind me
more of a friend of mine.

bit of a loner.

And when the time came
for him to be part of a team

he resisted.

And while he never liked it

he'll tell you
he did far more good

as a member of that group
than he ever could alone.

It just took learning
how to compromise.


You guys are worried
about dozens

when trillions will suffer
if Imperiex isn't stopped.

I'm sorry,
but that's not a compromise

I'm willing to make.


- What?
- What?

- Him or me?
- Him or me?

Both. Either.
Doesn't matter.

Imperiex has turned up.

I just received an alert.

He's attacking Computo
beneath Legion HQ.


I'm guessing they don't have
doors in the future.

Alright, we can't let him
fight that monster alone.

Go after him.
I'll get the others.


[both grunting]

Where's what remains
of the Legion?

Off on that
goose chase you created.

Somehow they lost sight
of the true threat.

That leaves just you and me.


[Superman screaming]

Fight alone...perish alone.

[Imperiex grunting]

Appreciate the save.

You must excuse us now.

The final piece to assembling
my 31st century empire awaits.

We need a ship.

We should've waited
for the others.

Every minute we wait,
Imperiex alters the timestream.

Warning. Remote activation.

Auto-destruct engaged.

Legion Cruiser
will terminate in 20 seconds.

What's going on?

The information Imperiex
downloaded from Computo

has given him
access to our cruiser's

self-destruct controls.

- Ten seconds.
- Shut it down.

Can't. He locked me
out of the computer.

Five seconds.




- One.
- This is gonna hurt.



[dramatic music]


Whoa! Where did
the Battle Cruiser come from?

My dad's rich, remember?

And he let me borrow
one of his beaters.

This is perfect.

Since it isn't part
of Computo's database

Imperiex can't blow it up.

Not blowing up is a plus.. are these
neo-leather seats.

Yeah, nice ride.

But if it's headed
for Takron-Galtos

you can let me off here.

Alone, you can only do so much.

At least,
I'll be doing something.

- Should we go after him?
- No.

This time,
he's on his own.



[dramatic music]

Listen, you should stay behind
if you're not ready, Trip..

Uh, Duo Damsel.

No. I'm not gonna let
the team down.

I can do this.

It's just the three of us
were like the legs of a tripod.

When things got rough, we could
always lean on each other.

Now, I'm worried
when it comes time to lean

I'll just tip right over.

[music continues]

My mom used to tell me
I'd end up in Takron-Galtos

if I didn't eat my vegetables.

And now, suddenly I have
a serious craving for squash.

Weird, huh?

Please, I'm trying
to stay focused.

Focused on what, revenge?

This is not a good way
to go into battle.

- I'm worried about you.
- Don't worry about me.

Worry about them.


Ooh! Looks like we get
to add to the collection.

[upbeat music]


I've missed that.



Now for Esper.

Looking for me, hothead?


- Ha!
- Yeah!

[both grunting]

Our moves only work with three.

Two is not cutting it.



Look out!

Keep fighting.
I'm alright.



[both grunting]

We're barely holding
our own in this battle.

I can hold them off while
you two escape and get help.

Not a chance in this world
we're leaving your side.

Stand down, Legion.
Or else..


I suppose someone should say
a few some solemn words

before the Legion is no more.

You lose.

Now we do this slow
and one by one.


Care to get us started?

I'd be delighted.


Aw, it's not all bad,
Lightning Lad.

At least, now you can join
Saturn Girl in la la Land.


[upbeat music]

Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I break your concentration?

[laser-beam zapping]

You came back.

Fighting Imperiex with
numerically superior manpower

made a certain amount of sense.

This doesn't mean
I'm part of the team.


But then I can't teach you
the secret handshake.




This is for Saturn Girl.

Wait. She wouldn't want
you to go down this path.

Now, that path
I think we could all agree on.

Hey, whenever it gets
rough out there

you two know you have
me to lean on, right?

- Thanks, Bouncy.
- Thanks, Bouncy.

Home sweet home.

It's so nice to be back
with my friends.

We couldn't have done
without you, Superman.


Both of you.

But, really, this name thing
is getting annoying.

What were you thinking,

Maybe something like
your Kryptonian name, Kal-El.

What about Kell-El?

Similar but different.
Just like us.

Fine, whatever.

You can call me Karl
if that means

we can go after Imperiex now.

I just hope
it's not too late.

[dramatic music]

people of the Dominion.

You will not regret
the pact we made.

Together, we will
destroy the Legion!

[theme music]