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02x01 - The Man from the Edge of Tomorrow

Posted: 12/03/23 13:46
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]







[music continues]



Forget me. Finish the job.

[music continues]


Hang in there.
You're gonna be fine.

You may not be human

but you have the biggest heart
I've ever seen.


You're a true hero.



...learned it all from you.


[instrumental music]

[automated response]
Music terminated.

Simulation complete.

[Lightning Lad]
So you and your buddy
managed to save the day again?

Or did you and Superman
just catch a movie this time?


As I've already explained

I'm simply preparing
for the dominator threat

by using the sim chamber
as a way

to consider
all possible variables..

...including Superman's return.

Seriously, Brainy,
you need to get used

to life without Superman.

He's not gonna be walking

through that door anytime soon.


[instrumental music]

He's back.

I'm Superman.

[dramatic music]

[theme music]

[music continues]

[dramatic music]

Excuse me,
but you're not Superman.

Well, this "S"
doesn't stand for Sal.

But call me what you want,
you're all coming with me.

- Now.
- Maybe it's the fur, stranger.

But just 'cause you yell fetch

don't mean
I'm gonna come runnin'.

I was told
the Legion could help.

- Maybe I was told wrong.
- Help with what?

Words can't convey
the horror I come from.

This is something you will need
to see for yourself.

But know, 44 trillion lives
hang in the balance.

Forty-four trillion?

That's an entire galaxy.

We should at least check to see
if what he's sayin' is true.

Then follow me.

I must advise against this.

Going into a situation blind
with someone

who clearly is not who he says

isn't the wisest
course of action.

How ironic. A Brainiac accusing
someone of being deceitful.

[music continues]

Welcome to my world.

New Metropolis.
The 41st century.

This is the future?

It's sure not the next great
spring break destination.


Who did this?


They did.

[intense music]





[music continues]







I don't think we can
hold them off much longer.

Then good thing
help is on the way.

[music continues]

He is so not a team player.



Nice job.

I had my doubts,
but you survived

your first taste
of the Imperiex army.

The Legion is a team,
and you're a loose cannon.

That's not how heroes
from our time work.

Not trying to be a hero.
Just tryin' to survive.

And in my time, that means

doing what it takes
to get the job done.

Then do me a favor.
Don't call yourself Superman.

That name means something.

The name Brainiac 5
means something too.

Check out a 41st century history
file when you have a chance.

- What is that supposed to...
- Hey, put it on pause, guys.

More trouble, 12 o'clock.

[dramatic music]


Wait, that's not the enemy.

That's K3NT.

It created me.

Uh, created?

As in, like, your parents?

A regular ma and pa Kent.

Yeah, if the Kent's
shared one body

six legs,
and had a lava lamp head.

- So this is them.
- Sure don't look like much.

Well, we already
brought them here.

Might as well see
if the Legends are true.

You probably want to know
why you're here.

So let us tell you a story.

[instrumental music]

<i>Many years ago..</i>

<i>...a time of extended
prosperity emerged.</i>

<i>[K3NT as female]
After the Legion of Superheroes</i>

<i>defeated tyranny
throughout the galaxy.</i>


<i>[K3NT as male]</i>
<i>We were the unprepared when</i>
<i>a new evil finally rose up.</i>

<i>[K3NT as female]
An evil named Imperiex.</i>

<i>The discovery
of Superman DNA gave us hope</i>

<i>of restoring the bygone era
of hero through cloning.</i>

<i>[K3NT as male]</i>
<i>Kryptonite was then laced</i>
<i>into his genome.</i>

<i>[K3NT as female]</i>
<i>Making him invulnerable</i>
<i>to its radiation.</i>

<i>We raised Superman X to fight.</i>

<i>[K3NT as male]
And fight he did.</i>

<i>[K3NT as female]</i>
<i>But alone, he could not</i>
<i>stop Imperiex.</i>

<i>[K3NT as male]
Who continued to grow stronger.</i>

[K3NT as female]
We needed reinforcements.

[K3NT as male]
We needed a Legion.

Fortunately, K3NT discovered

the time travel device
called the Warp Key.

A device that harnessed
a long lost technology.

We would use it to turn to those
we believed to be our last hope.

[K3NT as male]
The heroes who first
ushered in our golden age.

[K3NT as female]
The Legion of Superheroes.

We now have news
Imperiex has discovered

resistance headquarters.

If he destroys this base,
our others will surely fall.

Then this is it.
The moment I was created for.

[spaceships whooshing]

Tonight, one final battle

will determine control
of this galaxy.

Tonight, we erase their past

and build our future.

All hail Imperiex.

[dramatic music]

Resistance headquarters.

The only thing
standing in the way

of Imperiex's final solution.

When I was a kid, I built
better forts out of blankets.

Now you understand
why K3NT wanted you?

Right now,
you need more than us.

- You need a plan.
- A plan?

How is this for a plan?
We fight.

Fight until Imperiex's
rusted husk

has been ripped apart
for scrap metal.

You're quite the strategist.

But I bet we can do better.

First, we think.

You can do that,
can't you, future boy?

Analyzing the combat data
K3NT provided me

I discovered that while Imperiex
is virtually unstoppable

he does have one weakness.

[music continues]

His cannon blast.

Use of this w*apon exposes
his energy core long enough

that a well-placed
magnetic pulse m*ssile

would take him out.

Alright, we'll try it your way.

This better work.

[sirens blaring]


[g*n cocks]

Superman, Imperiex's forces
are approaching from the east.

[intense music]



[g*ns zapping]








[music continues]








[music continues]


[both grunting]


So you brought in outsiders.

This isn't their fight, coward.

Coward. Hero. Does it matter
if I get the job done?

Except you won't.

I will grind
your civilization into dust.

Not while I'm around.

Stopping you is the only reason

I'm alive.

Then allow me to remedy that.



At least have the courage
to look me in the eye

before I finish you.






[instrumental music]

[all cheering]

[indistinct chattering]

- We did it!
- Ooh.

I can't believe it's over.

I mean, finally over.

Guess you'll have to find
a new hobby.

Can I suggest one
that involves less scowling?


Not that I'm ungrateful,
but maybe it's better

if we part ways
sooner than later.







No! The Warp Key.

I thought you destroyed
his energy core.

I did.

H-he must have accessed
an energy reserve.

Um...where is Imperiex?

You know, tall guy, nice smile,
destroyer of galaxies.

He's escaped.

To the 31st century.

Then Imperiex
used this Warp Key

to escape to the last place
the device

was programmed for,
the 31st century.

And there's not another one
of these gadgets lying around

like, maybe in a sock drawer
or something?

This happened
because I listened to his plan.

- Hey!
- Uh, not to worry.

I bet Mr. Twelfth Level
Intelligence here

can build another one of these
bad boys out of a soup can

and some dental floss, right?

Probably not out
of dental floss.

But yes.
Though it will take time.

Days, perhaps even weeks.


Hey, anyone know what that is?

According to my instruments,
that is the universe collapsing.

[instrumental music]


Unfortunately, I was afraid

this could happen.

Imperiex has altered the past
enough to ensure this future

no longer exists.

Now, the universe
must reset itself

using antimatter waves
that right now

are erasing one reality
to be replaced by another.

Anything caught in the path
of these waves

will be removed from existence.

And ultimately within hours

everything will be caught
in their path.

K3NT will know what to do.
It always does.

K3NT, come in,
we've got a situation.

Yes, we know.

Imperiex has altered the time
stream from the 31st century.

[K3NT as male]
If we want to reverse
this catastrophe..

[K3NT as female]
We must stop him in the past..

[K3NT as male]
Before he can make
any significant changes.

But he stole the Warp Key.
We can't follow him to the past.

The power source
on Imperiex's cruiser.

It should be powerful enough
to generate the energy needed..

To bend space and time to form
a crude wormhole to the past.

There's one more thing.

Goodbye, son.

Come in. Come in!

This time, we do it my way.

[dramatic music]

The engine room
is through there.

Secure the perimeter
while I go in.

I should go.

My systems can hack
the power grid

and modulate
a temporal distortion field

ten times faster than you can.

You mean mess things up
ten times faster.

Why don't you both go

and let the rest of us

trash Destructo Bots in peace?

[Triplicate Girl]


[dramatic music]

You're sure
your 31st century tech

can handle this machine?

Don't worry about me.

My circuits
will channel the power

into the temporal wormhole.

I just hope you can keep
that core stabilized.


[dramatic music]



Anyone else feeling a little
claustrophobic all of a sudden?





[both sobbing]



What were you implying
when you said my name

meant something
to the 41st century?

Let's just say once a Brainiac,
always a Brainiac.

I just wish the same
was true for you.

You may have Superman's genes,
but you don't have his heart.

Okay. Almost there.



- What's happening?
- We're overloading the engines.

The failsafes
are trying to shut it down.

- I can override that.
- Then do it!

We are running out of time.



[intense music]

Forget me. Finish the job.

That was almost Superman-like.


[music continues]



Where is he?


And us too
if we don't get moving.

Wait, over there.


[music continues]

You did it, Brainy.
You got us back here.

But before Imperiex?
That's the question.

No. No.

[dramatic music]

[theme music]