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01x13 - Sundown Part 2

Posted: 12/03/23 12:17
by bunniefuu
previously on
legion of super heroes.

superman: so, these fatal five
guys are pretty bad, huh?

saturn girl: the worst.
It took the entire legion

to put them in jail.

- Yah!
- Ah!

superman: what was that thing?

brainiac 5: the most
devastating w*apon

this galaxy has ever seen.

that was a sun-eater.

the device is capable of
devouring an entire star.

it was created
during the great crisis

by an interdimensional species
known as the controllers.

saturn girl: then why would one
of them want to reactivate it?

brainiac 5: unknown.

the controllers' motivations

have always been
somewhat extreme

- ferro lad, are you ready?
- Do it.

too much energy,
he's losing it!

No, I can...


phantom girl: we missed.
Repeat, the shot missed!

- Ah!
- Uh!


brainiac 5: the sun-eater's
set a new course...


There's got to be a way
to stop this thing.

We don't have enough manpower.
We need help.

Powerful help.

And that's exactly
what we're going to get.

Superman to cruiser, we're in.

I knew we needed help
to stop the sun-eater.

I just never thought
it would be...

The fatal five.

[Theme music]

Nano-wires are crossed.

I've got the monitor system down
from here to the vault.

Good work, shrinking violet.

Get yourself ready for phase 2.

The rest of you, let's go.


Let me get this straight,

The legion is busting us
out of prison?

You must be pretty desperate
to need our help?

Well, empress, is the fatal five
gonna help us out or not?

You do realize we'll need to
collect a few personal items?

- [Gasps]
- [grunt]

Remember, boys,
a deal's a deal.

But after we stop this thing
all bets are off.

And you'll end up
right back here.

Count on it.


Knock it off, you guys.

We don't have a lot of time
so I'll get right to it.

The only thing standing
between the sun-eater

And its next meal is you.

This is how we're gonna stop it.

A solar transducer will turn

The sun-eater's
own power against it.

Deployed correctly, it will
devour itself

It would take months to gather
enough quantum particles

For one of those to work.

Which is exactly why

You'll be helping me
speed up the process.

I have assignments
for all of you.

Work fast.
We don't have much time.

Lightning lad, saturn girl,

Take validus with you
to the third moon of ra

We need dalamite crystal.

Persuader, we need quantum ore

So go to the tyro cluster
and start chopping!

Timber wolf and colossal boy,

A band of scavengers
is reported on vega 3

Go shopping
and get that quantum.

The tiberian nebula will supply
the antimatter we need.

Star boy and mano, go.

Phantom girl, a stabilizer coil
is waiting for us on rimble.

They're also sending
jonah to help.

I guess that leaves me.

You get the hardest
job of all, superman.

Because the sun-eater
is still powered by a red sun

You won't be able
to go anywhere near it.

So your mission will be

To find the controller
who's doing all this

And stop him.

Controllers are
notoriously elusive

And immune to
united planets' laws

You can stop them,
but you can't arrest them.

Never easy, is it?

Not at all.

Superman: so this
is what happens

To our solar system
if we don't stop the sun-eater.

brainiac 5: the cheyenne system
supported no life.

for us, it would be
monumentally worse.

i've outfitted your fighter

with dimensional
displacement sensors.

if they manage to find a rift

it will lead you to
the controller's ship.

And since this is the last place
he probably was

It makes sense to start here.

superman, I've left something

in the console for you.

if we fail, the earth
of this future will be gone.

what you're holding
will activate

a time bubble to take you home.

I won't need it.

Go finish your m*ssile.

good luck, superman.

Now...where are you?

You don't think he's gonna find
that controller, do you?

He'll be safe out there,
that's what's important.

It's like finding
a needle in a haystack.

I'd probably do better
if I just got out and looked.

Let's try some infrared vision.

Well, what do you know.
There's my needle.

[Alarm beeping]

[Sighs] so...

It seems I have been found.

This one's kind
has always been trouble.

He'll soon learn what we do
to those who get in our way.

It'll never work, you know.

Not when your weld is off
by .432 microns.

- Ah!
- I have to give you credit

It takes guts
to face certain destruction.

The only thing certain I see

Is you getting
bounced from this ship

If you don't get
that creepy eye away from me!

It's ready.

saturn girl: bouncing boy,
report to the bridge.

The sun-eater just entered
our solar system.

Calling all legionnaires!

Form ranks
and get ready for battle.

Alright, I've found you.

Now how do I get in?

Guess this won't be
a sneak attack.

Not coming out
to greet me in person?

Welcome, superman.

Few have seen the controllers
as we work.

You have been given
a great honor.

You're playing
with innocent lives

And you call this an honor?

Why are you doing this?

Most of my kind believe
perfection lies in order.

I believe it lives in chaos.

Your united planets
does not suit me.

So you're destroying our sun
and everything around it.

And in the aftermath...

You're forgetting one thing.

[Chuckles] and that is?




Uh! Oh...

Your choice of combat
is primitive.

However, as a guest on my ship
I'll gladly indulge you.





It appears your friends
are making a last stand.

I'll be sure to keep you alive
long enough to see them fail.


Everyone's in position.


Remember, there's no telling

What this sun-eater
is going to throw at us

So be ready for anything.

Now, let's knock its lights out,
just like we planned.


Star boy, slow down the core.


Empress, open that cloud!


Persuader, tharok, matter eater,
you're up!

Disable the force shield.


[Superman yells]

Your friends fight bravely

But my sun-eater
cannot be stopped.

Nor can i.

Maybe not you,

But your ship
I'm not so sure about.



The countermeasures are failing.

And so is the empress.

Her powers are weakening.

She won't be able to hold

The cloud back much longer.

- Ah!
- Ah!

We've lost our protection
from the sun-eater's cloud.

Brainy, tell me
you have some good news.

The shield's down.
I'm activating the transducer.

Everyone, fall back positions!

Better get comfy, boys

We're not going anywhere now.

Need a lift?

Brainiac 5:
launching transducer now!



I think it was.

Saturn girl,
keep tabs on everyone.

I don't want people left behind
when this things blows.

[All yelling]

Something's wrong.


You better believe
something's wrong.

Maybe you should've been
keeping tabs on me.

Now that your little w*apon
is on its way

We'll be leaving.

When that sun-eater
goes supernova

So will the rest of you.


You didn't actually think

I'd have you sprung
from the joint

Without expecting
a double-cross?

Perfect timing,
shrinking violet.

Why am I not surprised?

Hold on tight,

When that thing blows
we're out of here

As fast as this ship
can take us.

Impact in five...

Four, three...

Two, one.

I figured there'd be
a bigger boom.

There's been a malfunction.

What do you mean,
there's been a malfunction?

He means it was a dud.

We're not stopping this thing.

I'm running a diagnostic.

There has to be an explanation.

Does it matter? We've failed.

But you have a backup plan,
right, bouncy?

You always have a...

That was it.

Take a lesson.

Chaos is inevitable.



I told you it wouldn't work.

You should have let
someone with real brains...

Blah blah blah.

The primary conductor coil

Was destroyed on impact
with the core.

Replacing it
with a similar mechanism

Should still trigger
a detonation.

Bouncing boy:
how much time do we have?

Phantom girl: only minutes.

Lightning lad: what's he doing?

ferro lad, are you nuts?

You need a conductor, I'm it.

Now get out of here
before this thing goes.

Don't worry,
I won't mess up this time.




Long live the legion.


Ah, well done.

I may have lost a w*apon

But it seems you
have lost a friend.

There can always be
another sun-eater.


[Gasps, yells]

I've had just about
enough of you, controller.

I am above your laws.

But not above this.

You have impressed me, superman.

Ever set foot here again

And I'll finish
what we've started.


Heroes have strength,
heroes have courage,

But most of all heroes
put others before themselves.

Ferro lad was a legionnaire
for only a short time

But he was a great hero

And a great friend.

He gave his life
to save the galaxy

And we won't ever forget
his sacrifice.

Long live ferro lad.

Long live the legion!

[All] long live the legion!

Well, I guess it's time.

C'mere, you big lug.

Oh, what the heck!

[All gasp]

You know I can come back
the exact same moment I left.

Well, don't wait too long.
Timber wolf made cookies.

So I like to bake.

Good luck with your new job.

Metropolis or bust.

[Ma] clark!
It's time for dinner!

- I made your favorite!
- Be right down, ma!

Just in time
for chicken and dumplings.

[Theme music]