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01x08 - Lightning Storm

Posted: 12/03/23 12:09
by bunniefuu

[Struggling continues]

- Bouncing boy
to colossal boy.

How you doing out there?


- I couldn't
quite make that out.

- I said, not so great.

- Don't worry.
Help's on the way.


- Not exactly.

- Better do something
quick, bounce.

- I'm on it.

Saturn girl.

- I'm a little
busy right now.

- Triplicate girl?

- Ready to kick
some squid butt.

- Wait. Do they have butts?

- Ow!


- This is pathetic.

- It's not like anyone
is watching us.

[Loud noise]

- You can relax now, kids.

The professionals are here.

- Wave, you distract them.

Esper, get ready
with the mind blast.

That's our cue.

- Let me give you a hand.

- Watch it!

I've got enough on my mind

Without having to worry
about you bystanders.

- Bystanders?

- Thanks, guy.

- Ew! Gross.

- Let's go see who they are.

- No. I mean...

Can't you see they're busy?

- We should at least
thank them.

We really appreciate
what you did today.

- Can you do us
a little favor?

- Sure. Anything.

- That space squid
left quite a mess.

Why don't you and your friends
make yourselves useful.

- Oh. Right.

- As soon as I finish
my patrols.

See you back on earth.

- Be careful.
And thanks for helping.

- Helping? With what?

We looked like a bunch
of dumb kids today.

- Never mind us.
Who were they?

- Who cares. We thought
they were stuck up.

- That's how people act

When they really
have it together.

Didn't you see how cool
their cruiser was,

Or the way they took out
that space squid?

- Sounds like someone's ready
to start a fan club.

- Am not.

- We'll see.

And soon, too.

- What are you,
clairvoyant now?

- No. Just have good eyes.

- Hey. They're at the diner.

[Music plays]

- Mm. Jupiter burgers.

What are the rest
of you having?


- Why don't you just
go over there and talk to them.

- I might. And stop
reading my mind.

- I didn't need to.

- Of course, it helps
if the mind you're blasting

Only has an iq of 23.

[All laughing]

- Yeah. You really
fried that thing's brain.

- Ah, I ran into
a space squid like that

Back on rellin 5.

- What did you do?

- So I tied it with
a little onion.

[All laughing]

- Hey.

Right. You.
Did a good job back there.

- I did? I mean, thanks.

- I'm tyr. That's wave,
hunter, roncar and esper.

We're the lightspeed

- This is the part where
you tell us who you are.

- Oh, right.
I'm lightning lad.

- Seems a little old
for a lad.

- Seems a little old
for them, too.

- Here's our card.

- Come by some time.

- Thanks. I'll do that.

[All chatting]

- What is going on here?

- I guess you didn't
read the memo.

With auditions coming up,

Bouncing boy's
putting on seminars

All week to future

- You're not serious?
These guys?

- Some of them. Maybe.

- Any other memos
I should've read?

- Do you know about
the bake sale on tuesday?

- That would be a joke.

- Oh, lightning lad.

I want to be just
like you some day.

I'm peto pracs.

But you can call me
porcupine pete.

Here, watch.

- Aah!

- Sorry. That sometimes
happens when I'm nervous.

- Would you excuse me.

- I told you he'd show up.

Hello, little brother.

- Mekt?

- Calm down, bro.

I know we've had
our differences.

- Differences?

The fatal five
almost took out

The president of the united
planets because of you.

- A mistake. That's all.

And now I've moved on
to better things.

- Wait. Are you saying
you're with these guys now?

- Sure am. And the only
reason you're here

Is because
I vouched for you.

- Since when are you
so generous?

- We need new blood.

And we're not open
to just anyone.

You'd be perfect.

- But I'm already
in the legion.

- The legion's for kids.

- You don't have to
badger him, mekt.

If he wants to go back
to his little friends, he can.

- Right. No pressure.

Why don't you hang
with us for awhile.

See what it's like before
you make any decisions.

- Can I use your com line?

- How can you leave us?

You helped start the legion.

- I'm not leaving.

I'm just looking for
a change of pace.

- But why?
What's wrong with us?

[Springing noise]

- I'll call you
in a couple days.

- I have a bad feeling about
those people he's with.

Back at the refueling station,

I kind of, sort of tried
to read their minds.

- And you're just telling us
about this now.

- I felt guilty.

You know I try
never to probe

Anyone's mind
without permission.

But I couldn't get through.

That telepath
of theirs, esper,

She was shielding them
from me.

- We ought to keep
an eye on these guys.

- So, in other words...

A stakeout.

- Just like old times.
Hey, little brother?

- Yeah. Old times.

- Garth, hayla, get back!

- Come on, esper.
Give the kid some privacy.

- You...were reading my mind?

- It's alright.
Everyone has a past.

- They're just sitting there.

- Waiting for trouble,
I guess.

- Are you sure they won't
be able to spot us?

- No way.

This stealth shuttle's got
level a cloaking.

Did all the mines myself.

- So, what do you want to do
while we're waiting?

Play some checkers?

- What's checkers?

- It's a game we play
in kansas.

- What's kansas?

[Engine starts]

- Looks like they found
some trouble.

- Show time.

- Those sand raiders
must really want

Whatever's inside
that transport.

Let's make sure
they don't get it.

- Here, look!

- Time to show
your stuff, kid.

- By myself?

No problem.

- We've got it.

- What do you
think you're doing?

- Helping you.

- No. You're not.

You're making it look like
I can't take care of myself.

- Look. The job got done
and that's all that matters.

- Mekt. What are you
doing here?

- I'm with the lsv now.

- Didn't think helping others
was your style.

- Hey. People change.

- Why are you here anyway?

- Saturn girl had a bad feeling
about these guys,

And we wanted to make sure
you were okay.

- Well, I am okay.
In fact, I'm doing great.

So great, I think
I'm going to stay.

Now why don't you two
go back to your
little clubhouse.

- You know what?

Your brother was right
about one thing.

People do change.

- Problems with
your playmates?

- Can we just go?

- We're not done here yet.

- Your bill.

- My bill?

- It's our standard fee.

- But we're carrying
decontamination units

To the sector 10 colony.

If those people
don't get them soon...

- That's their problem.

Your problem
is paying this bill.

If you don't have
the credits right now,

We'll give you a few days.

- You charge people
for helping them?

- What's wrong with that?

Cruisers aren't cheap,
you know.

- But heroes aren't supposed
to take credits.

- Ha! Heroes.

Whoever said we were heroes?

This is business.

- You coming?

- Yeah. I'm coming.

- There's rioting
on gurac's property.

A dozen convicts
have escaped from the prison
on restful 5.

We should be
doing something.

- What are we
supposed to do?

There's no credits
in any of that.

- Does it always have to be
about credits?

- Listen up.

The captain of that
transport we saved
from the robots

Just sent us a transmission
saying he's not gonna pay.

I say, it's time to collect.

- And the legion audition
is the most important part
of the process.

Is there anyone who'd like
to do a trial run?

- I'm fron squerd.

But when I'm in the legion,

My name's gonna be
breath boy.

- What's your power, fron?

- I can hold my breath.

- And?

- That's all.

But I can hold it longer
than anyone I've ever met.

Hours. Days even.

So when are you going
to sign me up?

- Um, why don't you give us
a little demonstration.

[Loud inhaling]

- Bouncing boy.

- I'll be back in a second.

I just intercepted
a distress call.

We're leaving.

- The transport that sent
the distress call

Is carrying
decontamination equipment.

We haven't been able
to identify the hijackers yet.

- There it is.

- Looks like somebody
beat us to it again.

- I'm afraid
it's not what you think.

- You can't do this.

- You had
your chance to pay.

These decon units will
just about cover the fee.

- But the colony can't last
much longer without them.

- Lightning lad, come here.

Take care of him.

- Oh...

- No. This is just wrong.

- Whoa, garth, you gotta
look at the big picture.

- I'm seeing it perfectly.

And I'm finally seeing you
for what you are.

All of you.

- You little...

- What's he gonna do,
shock us?


- Good idea. Thanks.

- You're gonna wish you
hadn't done that.

- I can't believe
lightning lad

Would get mixed up
with hijackers.

- Guess he's not mixed up
with them any more.

- You alright?

- Yeah, yeah.

Turns out these guys
weren't so cool after all.

- Little brother.

You're being very stupid.

- No. I was stupid.

All those times
I looked up to you

And believed that once,
just once,

You'd do something good.

But I'm done with you now.

- You know I can toast you.

I got more power
from that lightning beast

Than you did.

- We'll see.

- Hey. Watch out.

- Thought you were
going to toast me.

- Wait. I saved your life.

Isn't that worth something?

- I don't owe you anything.
Not anymore.

- Uh-oh.

- Battle stations.

- Ah! That's nothing.


- Whoo-hoo!

- This is great!

- Speak for yourselves.

- Now that's what I call
matter over mind.

- Ah! Glorgs.
They're everywhere.

- Glorgs?

- It was all I could think of.

- You're as strong as I am,

But you don't have
one of these.

- No.

But I have this.

- Where'd they go?

- Well, what are you
waiting for?

- I think I like it better
when you owe me.

But if you
ever get in my way again...

I've got plans,
little brother.

Big plans.

- Come on, lightning lad.

We have a delivery to make.

- You said we.

Does that mean
you'll take me back?

As far as I'm concerned,

You never really left.

- And then he pulled
this amazing maneuver.

I don't know how he did it.

Those guys
never saw it coming.

- Sounds like you two
make a pretty good team.

- Are you thinking
about your brother?

- You tell me.

I'm sorry.

I thought they were so cool.

Made me forget what being
a hero was all about.

- But you didn't.

You're a good person,
lightning lad.

That will never change.

- Thanks.

[Door slams]