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01x06 - Fear Factory

Posted: 12/03/23 12:07
by bunniefuu


Whiskers, you naughty girl.

I've been looking
all over for you.


[Gulps] I told her
not to go back for the cat.

They always get it when they
go back for the...

Ah hah hah hah hah!


Aw, brainy, don't leave.

You'll miss all the gooey parts.

I've seen quite enough goo
for one evening, thank you.

Honestly, bouncing boy,
I just don't see the logic

In watching ancient classics
if they scare you so badly.


What was that?

Computo, view screen on.

Now, that's a monster.

A cosmic storm.

Let's get to the bridge.

[Alarm blaring]

It's massive, a category 13.

Can't we just
warp through it?

Sure, if you wanna end up
a scattering of molecules.

Scratch that warp idea.

Let's just hang a u-ey.

I can't. It's too strong.

Saturn girl: wait.
There's something there...

Inside the eye.

Increasing magnification.

It's a space station,

But I've only seen designs
like this in history files.

[Saturn girl gasps]

You alright?

I-i'm not sure.

I heard voices aboard
that thing, lots of them.

Scanners indicate no
life-forms aboard the station.

I know what I heard, brainy.

So, what, are you saying
it's a ghost ship?

I guess we'll find out
once we're onboard.

[Gulps] uh, hello.

That's exactly what they did
in<i> mutants among us part 8,</i>

And we all know
how that turned out.

Remind us.

Put it this way...
They never made a part 9.



Brainiac 5:
there's no cause for alarm.

It's an automated scanner
common to this era.

There's the entrance
dead ahead.

Bad choice of words.

Welcome to our humble abode.

The master's been expecting you.


Okay, why am I not surprised?

I informed the master
you've arrived.

He'll be delighted to have you

For dinner.

Lightning lad: you hear that?
They're serving food.

And how much you wanna bet
we're the main course?

What? Hasn't anyone ever seen
<i>my dinner with android?</I>

I have to admit this place

Does seem like something
out of an old monster movie.

Any idea why
the cruiser's scanners

Didn't pick up any life-forms?

Electromagnetic transmissions
from the storm, most likely.

Saturn girl, can you do
a telepathic sweep?


Whoever those voices
belonged to, they're gone.

For now.

Walk this way.

Superman: wow.
What's with all the paintings?

You might say the master
is a collector.

Butler: dinner is served.

Get out while you can.

Huh? [Nervous chuckle]

Host: that will be all, boris.

Welcome, guests.

I am your host,
professor planarus.

Thank you for your
hospitality. We're the...

Legion of super heroes,
of course.

Your reputation precedes you,

Even in this
forgotten region of space.

If you don't mind us asking,
what is this place?

An intergalactic rest stop.

For centuries now,
the storms in this sector

Have been wreaking havoc
on passing vessels.

<I>quavermass 12</i> provides
a safe haven

For weary travelers.

<I> quavermass 12?</I>

Named for its creator.

But we can discuss that
some other time.

At the moment,
your meal simply can't wait.



Ma's chicken noodle soup.

How did you manage...

The scanner beams obviously
read our palates
when we arrived.

Well done.

Eeh hoo hoo!

Actually, it's rare.

I'll have the kitchen prepare
something more appetizing.

By the way,

You're doomed.

I didn't hear that.


I regret to inform you
the docking bridge is out.

Repairs can't be rendered
till morning.

You'll have to stay the night.


I have personally
prepared your chambers.

I trust you'll find
the accommodations inviting.

Excuse me. Where do I sleep?

The last room
on the left, sir...

Isolated, alone,
where no one will hear you

No matter how loudly
you cry out.

Pleasant dreams.


[Lock clicks]

No tip for boris.


[Telephone rings]





[Heavy breathing]




Is someone there?



[Sighs] just a kitty.

Says here your name is whiskers.

Whiskers. Heh.

Now there's a cute name for...


[Whiskers yowls]




Where are you?

I know this place.

<I>a nightmare on zombie planet
part 4.</I>

<I>mars needs mummies part 6.</I>


<I>vampire empire part 13!</I>

<I>the fiendish plot
of dr. Derango: the prequel.</I>

<I>in 3d!</I>



Ah. There you are, you naughty...


Oh, no.

I just went back for the cat.


[Gasps] bouncing boy's
in trouble.

Bouncing boy!

Where'd he go?

Through there.

[Alien hissing]

Yaah! Waah!



[Scream echoes]


There's no trace of him.

Or our hosts.

Saturn girl, any luck?


Looks like we're going down.

It could be a trap.

For bouncing boy's sake,
do we have a choice?


I think I just
found bouncing boy.

By all appearances,
it's just a painting.

I think<i> quavermass 12</i>
<i>is more than just a ship.</I>

Superman: what is this place?

Lightning lad: my bedroom.

There's a holographic
simulator at work here.

Obviously lightning lad
is the next target.

Come on, guys.
I don't need your protection.

I'm home.

What could I possibly
be afraid of?

Superman: I think we can
get to the ship from here.

At least there
we'll have more firepower.

And force
whatever's behind this
into releasing bouncing boy.

I agree.

Saturn girl: the ship's
repairing itself.

<I>quavermass</i> doesn't
want us to leave.

We'll see about that.

Unh! Unh!

Don't remember having
these things in my bedroom.

a*t*matic defenses.

They're not part
of the hologram.




Sizzling supernovas,
am I glad to see you.

Captain howdy.

No. It can't be.

Don't you remember?

We're bestest friends forever.

You're not my friend.

Stay away from me.

It used to hide under my bed.

Only, my parents
wouldn't believe me,

Because it only came out
during storms.

Stay away! [Whimpers]




It's taking him.

I got it.

What's going on here?

Fear. The ship knows
what scares us...

Bouncing boy's movies.
Lighting lad's...


Just like it knew
what we wanted to eat.


Don't worry, guys.
I'll keep you safe.

What just happened?
Where's saturn girl?

Step right up.
Ride the titan terror.

One of the most menacing
attractions in all
the known galaxies.

No. I hate these things.

Please! I have to get off!
Let me off!


Saturn girl,
it's a simulation.

It can't hurt you
if it isn't real.


Whatever you do, don't...

[Saturn girl screaming]


Superman: no.

I had her in my arms, brainy.
Why couldn't I save her?

Because she needed
to face her fears.

So did lighting lad
and bouncing boy.

Then how do we fight it?

By not being afraid,

It's time to take the ghost
out of the machine.

Brainiac 5: <i>quavermass 12
is controlling our path.</I>

Like rats in a maze.

It doesn't go any further.

Superman, in case anything
happens to me.

Nothing's going
to happen to you.

You can't save everyone,

I have to fight my demons
on my own,

Or else I'll end up
like our friends.

Brainiac 5: coluans. My people.

What do they want?

Brainiac 5,
you will return to us.

They want me.

You are not human...

And never will be.

Rid yourself
of this foolish desire.

You aren't real.
You're merely holograms,

<I>quavermass 12's</i>
<i>desperate attempt</i>
<i>to decipher what scares me.</I>

What is this?

I can't move.

Why can't I move?

Clearly you have
much to learn.

You will be one with us again.

You have much to learn
as well.

<I>quavermass 12,</i> I presume.

Unh! Unh!

Be careful what you wish for.

Brainy, what are you doing?

Downloading a virus
into<i> quavermass,</i>

And I'm it.


Superman, I've communicated
with the central processor.

<I>quavermass 12</i> uses fear
as an energy source.

It holds its victims
in a suspended state of terror.

The portraits.


So how do I get you out?

You can't. I'm integrated
with the system.

Your only choice
is to shut it down.

Won't pulling the plug
destroy you?

Leaving it on
imprisons the others.

Destroy the chips. Hurry!

No. Don't shut us down.

Save your friend and join us.

You'll feel right at home.

Heroes make choices.

I have no idea how to do this.

Superman, over here.

Clark kent,
step away from there.


How can you do this?

He's your friend.

Clark kent, you listen to me.

You're not real.

<I>quavermass 12
is an intergalactic rest stop.</I>

Weary travelers,
spend the night.

Sorry, brainy.

[Powering down]


[All yell]

Hey, we're back.

You okay?

I think so.

It's superman.

There's something wrong.

He's in great pain.


I wanted to save him,
but I had to choose.

who has the backup disk?

What are you talking about?

Brainy always keeps a backup
of himself, just in case.

You mean this?

Why is this taking so long?

He's a complicated guy.

Superman: are you okay?


I'd never interface
with a strange computer

Without a proper backup.

So what'd I miss?

It's a long, creepy story.

But it had a happy ending.

Transports are coming
to take everyone home.

Brainiac 5: it appears
the storm has passed.

Saturn girl: for good.

[Door chime]

About what happened
back there...

I knew you'd make
the logical choice.

Forget logic. Why didn't you
tell me that was a backup disk?

If I had told you,
you wouldn't have
faced your fear.

I thought I wasn't
afraid of anything,

But I am.

I'm afraid of losing
the people I care for.

I'm afraid
of what's lurking in the lounge.

Bouncing boy's
been threatening to regale us
with another ancient classic,

Something called
reality television.

You coming?

I wouldn't miss it.