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01x05 - Champions

Posted: 12/03/23 10:57
by bunniefuu


- 42.2633 meters!

Zzok has beaten
his own record

In the standing

For gold medal number 3!

- That's right, frank.

In true intergalactic
game spirit,

The largely carbon-based
crowd has taken

This plucky sephian
into their hearts.

- Live from olympus 12,

Our coverage of the lucky

Continues with the classic

- 12 Brutal heats
that pit competitors

From every quadrant.

Only the very best
of the best.

- You got that right.

- Look at that crowd,
lightning lad.

- What can I say,

They love me.

- Must be the altitude.

Commentator: there's
the diplomatic sky box,

Where top dignitaries
from the united planets
are watching,

Along with the crowd
and trillions at home.

- That's right, frank.

I hear their recent
peace talks with the khuns

Didn't go so well.

Let's hope they don't
start a w*r up there.

- We've got a lot
of first-class athletes
here this year.

But I'll tell you
who's got this dodecathlon
sewn up.

- Aha, hear that?

- He's from the planet

And he really impressed us
in the qualifiers.

- You know who they're
talking about.

- Mekt ranzz!

- Huh? Mekt?

- You didn't think
they were talking

About someone else,
did you, sparky?

See you at the finish line.

- You know that guy?

- Yeah. He's my brother.

- What are you doing here,

- Is the big, famous hero

Scared of a little

- You know the dodecathlon
has always been my thing.

Why do you have to try
and upstage me all the time?

- Come on. All this talk

About you being
"the best in the galaxy".

We both know it isn't true.

I'm just here
to set the record straight.

- You are paste, mekt.

When this is over,
they'll have to wipe you up

With a dishcloth.

- Ha ha ha!

[Engine roars]

- Don't let him get to you.

You can win this.

- Yeah...yeah.

Announcer: contestants
report to the starting area.

- You'd better get
to your seats.

- Phantom girl,
you coming?

- Ucch! Fine.

I hope you realize
what I had to go through

To get us in this thing.

- That's what you keep

But we're here now.
Can't we at least
enjoy it?

- Easy for you to say.

We're sitting with my mom.

- We're sitting
with the president?

[Indistinct chatter]

- Mm. Hey, crab legs!

- Hey, monkey face!

- Don't worry. The senator
gets that all the time.

Heads up.

- No, no, no.

The climate
reconstruction bill.

The terraform act can't fund
a climate reclamation bill.

Is that clear enough?
Ta, your highness.

Now, tinya,

Who is this handsome
young man?

- Mother, this is superman.

- Hi, uh, mrs....
Uh, madam... Ma'am.

I, uh, never met
a president before.

- So this is the superman
I've heard so much about.

I need to mingle a bit,
but then I want to hear

All about you two!

- Aww, shucks, ma'am.

I ain't never met nobody.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.

- Alright, I guess
I deserved that.

But she did seem nice.

- Nice?
Whose side are you on?

Announcer: round one.
The filament jump.

- It's starting.

[Engines roaring]

- On your belts...

Get set...


- Heh. Looks like you could use
a little elbow room.

Crowd: lightning lad!
Lightning lad!

Lightning lad!

- Nice foul, mekt.

- Foul? What foul?

The judges
didn't see anything.

- And lightning lad
ekes out an early lead,

But mekt ranzz
isn't far behind.

We'll return to the 343rd

- Audio off.

Well, what do you think?

- Sports sure have changed

Since the days
of the shot put and javelin.

- So. You two
make a cute couple.

- Somebody zap me.

- Oh, no. Uh, we're just
friends, your majesty...

I mean, madam. Ma'am.

- Right. Nice chatting, mom.

We're going out
to get some snacks.

- But the sky box
is catered.

- Yeah. We're going out
for snacks.

- Your mom means well,
you know.

- She doesn't have a clue.

- Don't be so sure.

My ma's pretty busy, too,

But she doesn't miss much.

- What is it?

- Something's not right.

There's something
under the sky box!


- It's a death b*mb.
Get it out of here, fast!

- Unh!




Aaaahh... Ah!

- Uh!
- Unnh!

Okay, what was that thing?

- It creates one tiny
speck of dark matter

That can swallow
half a planet.

- Whoa.
- Superman...

I think someone's trying
to blow up my mom.

Keep your eyes peeled
for anything suspicious.

- There.
The pinwheel vendor.


- Heh heh heh.

- Who is that?

- Um...lightning lad!

Lightning lad!
Lightning lad!

All: lightning lad!
Lightning lad!
Lightning lad!

- You can drop the disguise,

I know it's you.

- Clever boy.

See through this!

- Uhh! Oh!

[Muffled] hey!

He got away.

Emerald empress
must be cloaking him.

- I don't like
what that means, superman.

- Me neither.

The fatal five are here.

- From the surface
of olympus 12,

Our coverage of the 343rd
intergalactic games

The grandstands
are in position

For a new event
of the dodecathlon.

- That's right, frank.
We're all set

For some flare surfing.

Now, the judges award points
for hang time,

Difficulty, and style,

So this may be the most
demanding event yet.

Superman: we've got to call
the science police
and alert security.

- Bad idea.
You know the moment

Those guys sound the alarm,
it's mass hysteria.

- We would never be able
to evacuate

All these people in time.

We'll stop them ourselves.

- You've trained all year
for this. You can't quit.

- He doesn't have to.

Lightning lad can keep
an eye on things
from the field.

I'll watch the skies.

Phantom girl,
stick close to your mom.

Just in case.

Mekt: conspiring against me
with your buddies?

Oh, and don't even think
about using one of those

Legion flight rings
to cheat.

- You wanna see my finger?

- You wanna see my fist?

- Sure. Sometime
when it won't get me

- You're smarter
than you look,
little brother.

- If I gotta play,
I'm going to win.

Good luck, you two.

Camden mismullion
is first up,


Quintuple somersault!

- Lightning lad
has his work
cut out for him.

There's 6...7!

The first septuple
somersault in...

- Aah..huah!

- Uh-oh.

- unh!


- And a heart-stopping
finish. Yikes.

That landing's gonna
cost him some points.

- A painter. On game day.



- Hey! Over here!

Uh...lightning lad!

Lightning lad!

Lightning la...
Never mind.

- Uh, hah. Kids.

- Ha!
- Ooh!

- Persuader!



- Hunh!

Huah... Ahh!


Unh... Uhh!

- The twelfth and final
dodecathlon event.

A 500-meter dash
across the lava canyons.

Simple, except
for the obstacles,
of course.

It's lightning lad
in front.

- Oh! Here come
the obstacles!

Camden mismullion's...

Oh! Out of the running!

- Aaahhh!



- Hyaah!

- Hunh! Huah!

- Oda buys the sand trap.

- Unh! Uhh!

- Mekt ranzz really
digging in,

Keeping pace
with lightning lad.

- Huh?

Both: aah! Unh!

- Unh!


- Aah-uh!
- Yaaah!

- Aah!

- Unh!

- Oh! Looks like
karl mcgrekk is in trouble.

- Unh!


- Unh!

- But would you look
at that?

There's a hero for you!

Way to go, lightning lad!

- And mekt crosses first!


- Mekt ranzz of winath
takes the gold!

Crowd: mekt! Mekt! Mekt!

- Nothin' wrong with silver,
little brother.

You should be used
to second place by now.

- Well, there's nothing
but winners here

At the intergalactic games
awards ceremony.

- That's right, frank.

I see zzok's here,

And jo nah of rimbor,

And mekt ranzz,

After the most exciting

In a long time.

- As far as I'm concerned,
you won.

- Well, at least
the president's safe.

And with the force dome
they got on this place,

I doubt the fatal five
will be crashing the party.

- You know, lightning lad,

I'm really surprised
how well you're taking this.

- Obviously, you didn't see
what he did to the locker room.

- Just take your medal
and smile.

- Garth.
- Mekt.

What's that?

- No idea. I'm just
repaying a little favor.

Oh. That's not good.

- Who are these people?

- We know exactly
who they are.

The fatal five!

- I knew that judge
had it in for me.

- We've got a supervillain
brawl a-brewin' here, folks,

And it looks like
it's gonna be a doozy.

Uh, we'll be right back

After a word
from our sponsors.

- This is as far as you go,

- Hm. Superman.
So confident.

We've been having
a little contest
of our own, you know.

You remember the rules.

First one
to grab the president wins!


- Aah!

- Looks like I won, boys.

Of course, it's always good
to have someone on the inside.

Right, mekt?

- Unh!
- Stay away from my mom!

- Tinya! Be...


- Aah!

- Disintegrate him, mano.


- You let these guys in!

- My bad, little bro.

- Is that all you've got
to say?

- Uh, good luck?

Tharok: incidentally,
you've been charging
my system!


- Unh... Ahh!

- Superman...

It's time we saw
eye to eye.

Ha ha! You don't think
I'd let you

Get away with that
twice, do you?

- Super strength!


Ice breath!

- Yyahh!
- No!

- You're good.

- Thanks. Invulnerable!

- Ooh, and cute.

- Looks like we're going
into overtime!

Let's win this!

- A rallying cry
from the boy in blue.

- And lightning lad's down!

- That's another notch
on the persuader's axe.

Waiting for lightning lad
to get up.

Our coverage of this attack

Is brought to you by
little deepzorg snack cakes.

Little deepzorg.
The snack that made deepzorg

- Rrah!

- Oh, and it's
camden mismullion

Back for seconds!

Ooh! And there goes
lightning lad

To finish the job!

- This fella in blue

Has got his work
cut out for him!

- Validus is one
heavy hitter. Ooh!

But here comes jo nah
of rimbor!

- Super speed!

- Unh!
- There's zzok!

And that's all for validus!

Down for the count!

- Unh!

Emerald empress:
validus, get up!

Get off me!

- And there goes
the queen of mean!

Looks like this fight
is over!

- Mekt!

- Garth, come on.
I had no idea who they were.

All I did was make a deal
with a judge

So I'd come in first...

For a change.

- Well, you did.
How's it feel?

- Eh. Here, take it.

If the judges weren't

You might even have won.

- Keep your stolen medal.

And I hope
it always reminds you

What a jerk you are.

- Heh heh. See you around,
little bro.

- Today you've proven to us

How valuable
the legion of superheroes is

To the safety and well-being
of the united planets.

And for this, we thank you.

I'd like to honor
one legionnaire
in particular.

Not just for keeping
the galaxy safe.

I owe my life to this hero.

Thank you, superman.

- Huh?


- But...

- And as for you,
young lady...

I can't hang a medal
on my own daughter, dear.

It's bad politics.

You'll have to make do
with my blessing...

And my thanks.

Your friend looks good
in gold. Is he single?

- Mother, please!

- Well, now that you've
broken up with superman...

- Mom!

- Don't you worry, dear.

There are plenty
of nice boys out there.

Maybe if you changed
that costume of yours.

Something more colorful?

- Ohh...